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This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:11 am

Having just recently acquired a ship, Paxton was quite excited to have been able to put it to good use even if the method of which he obtained such a vessel was rather dubious at best to the average observer. Nonetheless he was very pleased with himself although the ship itself could use a crew to maintain it but that wasn't a big worry for him at his current time as he was much more preoccupied with his notes. Looking between paper and paper he tried to create the perfect concoction on this day and he was nearing an island. A problem would often occur with all of his attempts as it seemed that all medicine he touched would just end up having a pink look to it despite his attempts to prevent it, not only that it appeared that despite any ingredients he would use in creating it the medicine itself would end up having a sort of minty cherry type taste to it much to his own displeasure.

"Test Number 17 has resulted in another complete failure. It would appear that any and all attempts to make medicine for individual injuries, illnesses and treatments have a flavor to distinguish them from one another still manage to end up fruitless. As if some God above is looking down towards me preventing me from further advancing my medical prowess despite how much I learn." he wrote down on a blank sheet of paper, placing it with the rest as he began making his way towards the deck of his ship. It seemed he had basically arrived at the island so he began making the preparations to anchor near the coast but soon noticed it seemed to be in use but quickly shoved it aside and didn't think anything of it. The island looked quite calm and serene; he couldn't help but admire the simplicity behind it as the islands on the ocean seemed quite different from the ones up in the sky.

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