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Arcanum Arcanorum Empty Arcanum Arcanorum

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:35 am

Arcanum Arcanorum


Ship Name: Arcanum Arcanorum
Ship Class: Galleon
Ship Crew: New Tarot Knight Circle

Ship Description: A basic marine galleon designed to be used for low-ranked battalions. The ship has been stylized on the outside by Adrian with various symbols referencing chess. The overall color scheme is that of cyan, white and the classic marine blue. The top deck has the typical appearance of a marine ship. However, the detail of the ship rests in the inner decks. There is a basic manual elevator that leads between each deck.

Upper Deck | Primary Operations- The Upper Deck is reserved for the work areas of every crew member. These are rooms stylized to the liking of each of the primary crew members and are also designed to have room for the underlings of said crew members. The captains room was once kept ice cold and possessed a closet full of tools of torture. However, under Blair's lead, the tools have been massively decreased to only the number necessary for effective means of interrogation, should it become necessary. Along with this, the captain's room has been fixed up a bit, allowing for a more comfortable temperature, rather than constantly being freezing.  There is a series of strings running throughout each work area that has a bell on each end for communication. If a crew member needs Blair or vice versa, the bell is rung on either side. The Cook operates in the Middle Deck.

Middle Deck | Living Quarters- The Middle Deck consists of a room for each of the primary crew members and two dorms for the male and female minor arcana of the crew. Each of these lead into a hall that leads into a massive room for everyone to eat. Eating is not allowed in the dorms, but it is allowed in the individual rooms. There is also a washroom which is available from the dining room, which is locked and closed late into the night.

Lower Deck | Prison - A miniature prison meant to hold a handful of criminals takes up the lower deck. There are only six cells, but there is an extra room that is under tight lock and key as well as extra padlocks. This extra room was once used as Adrian's torture room, and there is an elevator leading from Blair's office to this room that is protected by a similarly well-locked door. However, the lock and key is truthfully unnecessary now. For Blair and the New Tarot Knight Circle, this room acts as a small treasury, rather than a secret room for torture. As such, the room is no longer secret, but the locks and key remain for the sake of keeping their collected spoils and recovered items well guarded.

Combat Capabilities

Tier: 1
Hull: 75
Sails: 125
Cannons: 100
Mods: N/A


Arcanum Arcanorum Empty Re: Arcanum Arcanorum

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:16 pm
Arcanum Arcanorum Brood_12

Blair Cairistine wrote:

Arcanum Arcanorum


Ship Name: Arcanum Arcanorum
Ship Class: Galleon
Ship Crew: New Tarot Knight Circle

Ship Description: A basic marine galleon designed to be used for low-ranked battalions. The ship has been stylized on the outside by Adrian with various symbols referencing chess. The overall color scheme is that of cyan, white and the classic marine blue. The top deck has the typical appearance of a marine ship. However, the detail of the ship rests in the inner decks. There is a basic manual elevator that leads between each deck.

Upper Deck | Primary Operations- The Upper Deck is reserved for the work areas of every crew member. These are rooms stylized to the liking of each of the primary crew members and are also designed to have room for the underlings of said crew members. The captains room was once kept ice cold and possessed a closet full of tools of torture. However, under Blair's lead, the tools have been massively decreased to only the number necessary for effective means of interrogation, should it become necessary. Along with this, the captain's room has been fixed up a bit, allowing for a more comfortable temperature, rather than constantly being freezing.  There is a series of strings running throughout each work area that has a bell on each end for communication. If a crew member needs Blair or vice versa, the bell is rung on either side. The Cook operates in the Middle Deck.

Middle Deck | Living Quarters- The Middle Deck consists of a room for each of the primary crew members and two dorms for the male and female minor arcana of the crew. Each of these lead into a hall that leads into a massive room for everyone to eat. Eating is not allowed in the dorms, but it is allowed in the individual rooms. There is also a washroom which is available from the dining room, which is locked and closed late into the night.

Lower Deck | Prison - A miniature prison meant to hold a handful of criminals takes up the lower deck. There are only six cells, but there is an extra room that is under tight lock and key as well as extra padlocks. This extra room was once used as Adrian's torture room, and there is an elevator leading from Blair's office to this room that is protected by a similarly well-locked door. However, the lock and key is truthfully unnecessary now. For Blair and the New Tarot Knight Circle, this room acts as a small treasury, rather than a secret room for torture. As such, the room is no longer secret, but the locks and key remain for the sake of keeping their collected spoils and recovered items well guarded.

Combat Capabilities

Tier: 1
Hull: 75
Sails: 125
Cannons: 100
Mods: N/A

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