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Robert B. Klein Empty Robert B. Klein

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:02 am

Robert B. Klein

Robert B. Klein Aaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh

   Basic Character Information

   Starting Bonus: Name your starting bonus here. | [Jackpot]

   First Name: Robert
   Middle Name/Initial: B.
   Last Name: Klein
   Epithet: (If possible, would like to add one after he has a fun or memorable moment)
   Age: 23
   Gender: Male
   Race: Human
   Faction: Pirate
   Profession: Janitor

   Physical Appearance

   Height: 5'11
   Weight: 145

   Hair Style: Shoulder-length, curly and unbrushed.
   Hair Color: Brown
   Eye Color: Green
   Scars: N/A
   Clothing and Accessories: Robert doesn't dress very flashy. A green polo shirt and beige slacks make up the most boring and bland part of his attire, on the more bizarre end of things he is never caught dead without a toolbelt filled with cleaning supplies, nor without his fancy wellington boots to keep his feet dry.

   Description: Robert is a rather unimposing man of average height and a slightly tanned complexion. He is not particularly visibly muscular, his build is more suited to 'planning tactical retreats' than manning a fight out.

   The Past

   Main Traits: Creative; quick-witted; meticulous; lonely; eccentric.
   Likes: Soap, Water, Fame & Fortune, that really clean feeling after a nice shower, taking naps as a reward after getting something really important done
   Dislikes: Grime, Laziness, Being laughed at, weird smells, the taste of fish, public restrooms, getting food stuck in his teeth, being underestimated
   Unique laugh: Badeyahahaha!

   Hometown: Notice

   Personality: Robert is a smarmy son-of-a-bitch. Quick-witted in many regards, he's at his absolute best when the chips are down and no one expects the janitor to do anything about it. Robert has very little self-esteem, but has no problem putting on a facade of self-worth if it means taking the piss out of someone he doesn't like. In a combat situation, his mind is sharp and perceptive to not only his opponents, but the surroundings as well. You see that chair? That's a weapon. That table, that mug of beer-- all tools in Robert's mind. Robert leaves not a detail unattended not only in his janitorial work, but in combat as well. Robert never assumes little of someone because of their size, their accomplishments, nor wealth. Likewise, he unreasonably expects the same of everyone else-- although he has done little on the ocean, he absolutely detests being 'undervalued.'

No Good
Name : Butch Castle
Epithet : "No-Good"
Age : 19
Height : 5'8½" / 174 cm
Weight : 143 lbs. / 65 kg
Species : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunter
Crew : N/A
Ship : Little Castle
Crew Role : N/A
Balance : [ber] 256,650,000
Posts : 117

Robert B. Klein Empty Re: Robert B. Klein

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:29 pm
Robert B. Klein 2n6x35u
Robert B. Klein wrote:

Robert B. Klein

Robert B. Klein Aaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh

   Basic Character Information

   Starting Bonus: Name your starting bonus here. | [Jackpot]

   First Name: Robert
   Middle Name/Initial: B.
   Last Name: Klein
   Epithet: (If possible, would like to add one after he has a fun or memorable moment)
   Age: 23
   Gender: Male
   Race: Human
   Faction: Pirate
   Profession: Janitor

   Physical Appearance

   Height: 5'11
   Weight: 145

   Hair Style: Shoulder-length, curly and unbrushed.
   Hair Color: Brown
   Eye Color: Green
   Scars: N/A
   Clothing and Accessories: Robert doesn't dress very flashy. A green polo shirt and beige slacks make up the most boring and bland part of his attire, on the more bizarre end of things he is never caught dead without a toolbelt filled with cleaning supplies, nor without his fancy wellington boots to keep his feet dry.

   Description: Robert is a rather unimposing man of average height and a slightly tanned complexion. He is not particularly visibly muscular, his build is more suited to 'planning tactical retreats' than manning a fight out.

   The Past

   Main Traits: Creative; quick-witted; meticulous; lonely; eccentric.
   Likes: Soap, Water, Fame & Fortune, that really clean feeling after a nice shower, taking naps as a reward after getting something really important done
   Dislikes: Grime, Laziness, Being laughed at, weird smells, the taste of fish, public restrooms, getting food stuck in his teeth, being underestimated
   Unique laugh: Badeyahahaha!

   Hometown: Notice

   Personality: Robert is a smarmy son-of-a-bitch. Quick-witted in many regards, he's at his absolute best when the chips are down and no one expects the janitor to do anything about it. Robert has very little self-esteem, but has no problem putting on a facade of self-worth if it means taking the piss out of someone he doesn't like. In a combat situation, his mind is sharp and perceptive to not only his opponents, but the surroundings as well. You see that chair? That's a weapon. That table, that mug of beer-- all tools in Robert's mind. Robert leaves not a detail unattended not only in his janitorial work, but in combat as well. Robert never assumes little of someone because of their size, their accomplishments, nor wealth. Likewise, he unreasonably expects the same of everyone else-- although he has done little on the ocean, he absolutely detests being 'undervalued.'

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