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 Blair Cairistine Empty Blair Cairistine

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:07 pm

Blair Cairistine

 Blair Cairistine 5uq22lcpb5m21

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Blair
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Last Name: Cairistine
Epithet: N/A
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Sharpshooter, Navigator

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs

Hair Style: Blair's hair takes on that of a off looking pink color--seeming to almost be desaturated, when compared to even the most plain of hair colors--with a length that travels all the way down to the middle of her thighs when left unbraided. However, this styling is very rare, typically only seen when she is just getting up for the day, or when she is winding down for the night. When braided, her hair only goes down to the center of her back.

Hair Color: Off Pink
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Typically, one would expect a marine to wear the clothes of one. However, as part of the fact that she is part of a crew that is constantly wandering the seas, Blair is not forced to such a standard. However, she is still expected to dress in a manner befitting a soldier.

As such, her 'standard' outfit consists of a long sleeved, red military style shirt with a black collar and cuffs, paired with a black skirt. As for footwear, she wears rather long, white boots, with stockings that have been specially treated to match her skin tone. For accessories, she is typically seen carrying multiple firearms, along with a small emergency first aid kit in a bag that is slung over her shoulder. This is considered her 'crew attire', which will also consist of a heavy, black coat when in inclement weather.

Her personal taste influenced her choice in outfit somewhat, but this outfit does not reflect her personal tastes fully. Truthfully, she seems to have a very prominent fondness for long, masculine coats worn atop more traditionally feminine attire, strangely enough. Her attire when not needing to present as a soldier that is ready for combat is typically filled with more feminine things, but with very scant amounts of accessories. Occasionally, she might be seen with earrings. Normally though, she is seen wearing none. A men's coat can be seen worn over her feminine attire with a good fifty/fifty chance of not being there. It seems to be done seemingly on a whim, really.

Description:  Blair is in possession of a very obviously feminine figure, falling into the 'hourglass' body type. She also has features that would imply that she is a very cold, brutal type of woman at first glance. Of course, this can make someone of her very slightly above average height seem more imposing. Of course, paying more attention to her face would reveal to any that had known her before her incident at Loguetown that her eyes have taken on a bit of a sharper shape, becoming almost..birdlike in how they are set.

Even with that bit of oddness to her features however, Blair is very easily able to lay claim to being traditionally attractive. However, she seems to be either unaware of this fact, or rather dismissive of it, as she never seems to address the people who would gawk at her.

The Past

Main Traits:

  • Calm
  • Soft Spoken
  • Organized
  • Sadistic

Likes: Animals, Sweets, Spring Weather (Except for Rain), Sailing
Dislikes: Rain, Winter Weather, Bitter things, Spiders
Unique laugh: A very quiet "Nyeheheh", which always ends up sounding like a giggle.

Hometown: Ilusia
Personality: At an initial glance, Blair seems to be a very coldhearted person, her face seeming to have this cold air to it when she's not feeling any emotion particularly strongly. Truthfully though, she isn't all that scary in normal situations, always being the calm and levelheaded one. Usually, she can be 'heard' speaking softly so as not to worry any of the constituents of the marines. Of course, she has her bad side. She can be quite the sadist, if someone pushes her buttons enough. Strangely enough, she seems to disassociate herself from the sadistic actions she sometimes commits, acting as if she had never done them.  Of course, she is a very demanding person towards those she is higher ranked than, always wanting to make sure that the people working under her do their level best. But at the end of the day, she does still value everyone as an individual.

However, in Combat she is entirely different, being someone who focuses fully on the combat, while also doing her best to apply the skills she learned in her training. Of course, more often than not, combat is started by her completely disassociating from the situation, due to someone pushing her buttons too heavily. This allows her sadistic tendencies to take center stage; making her fight in a surprisingly subdued way while also seeming rather unhinged, as she typically is seen with a crazed smile and eyes that seem vacant of all emotion. However, should she be forced into combat of her own volition she still retains her normal personality, and will more often than not go for incapacitation, rather than an execution.


Last edited by Blair Cairistine on Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:20 pm; edited 4 times in total

 Blair Cairistine Empty Re: Blair Cairistine

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:18 pm
You still have it saying that she has the "ability to create mirrors" in the history.

 Blair Cairistine Empty Re: Blair Cairistine

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:27 pm

 Blair Cairistine Empty Re: Blair Cairistine

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:57 am
 Blair Cairistine Brood_12

Blair Cairistine wrote:

Blair Cairistine

 Blair Cairistine CyRbOye

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Blair
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Last Name: Cairistine
Epithet: Sunspot
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Swordswoman, Navigator

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs

Hair Style: Blair has long, straight, raven colored hair, with her bangs hanging on each side of her face. Aside from that, she doesn't style her hair in any real way.

Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Most of the time when Blair is seen, she's seen in her minorly modified Marine uniform, being bedecked entirely in a white top with several modifications. Unlike the typical marine uniform, which consists of a short sleeved or even occasionally a sleeveless shirt, Blair wears a long sleeved, button up white shirt, one that is very form fitting. However, the more heavy modifications come from the fact that it seems to be one piece of clothing, with a medium length skirt seemingly being part of it, as the golden designs that trail up the sides of the skirt are unbroken in their path up the sides of the top. She does keep the scarf that is part of the basic marine uniform. However, it has several different colors of fabric stitched into it that make the exposed parts in the front appear to be eyes. Her uniform also has tasseled shoulder pads, not as a denotation of ranking, but because the pads on the shoulders actually allow for some extra protection. When wearing her uniform, she wears a pair of heeled boots that go up to a few inches above her knees, with a flexible area providing the ability to actually bend the knees.

When not wearing her uniform however, Blair is usually seen in light colored dresses when the weather permits. Otherwise, she can usually be seen in a white dress shirt with a small yellow ribbon hanging from the collar, and a pale blue skirt.

Description: Having a rather slim appearance at an initial glance, Blair can be described as beautiful, even with her expression usually being rather neutral and stony. She is a very tall woman, standing at five feet and six inches tall. Unlike many women she has met, Blair isn't very curvy of a woman, her only real curves not being all that impressive to begin with. Of course, she doesn't mind this. Her raven colored hair trails down her back, ending at the small of her back, with two long strands of hair framing her face, going all the way down to her chest. Her skin tone is actually quite pale. Though for some reason, she never seems to burn or tan. However, the most strange part about her is her voice. Where most would expect to hear a harsh, cold tone from Blair, she does not in fact speak like this. In fact, she speaks rather softly and calmly, throwing many people for a loop.

The Past

Main Traits:

  • Calm
  • Soft Spoken
  • Organized
  • Sadistic

Likes: Animals, Sweets, Spring Weather (Except for Rain), Sailing
Dislikes: Rain, Winter Weather, Bitter things, Spiders
Unique laugh: a very quiet "Nyeheheh", which always ends up sounding like a giggle.

Hometown: Ilusia
Personality: At an initial glance, Blair seems to be a very coldhearted person, her face seeming to have this cold air to it when she's not feeling any emotion particularly strongly. Truthfully though, she isn't all that scary in normal situations, always being the calm, levelheaded one in most all situations,speaking softly so as not to worry any of the constituents of the marines. Of course, she has her bad side. She can be quite the sadist, if someone pushes her buttons enough. Strangely enough, she seems to disassociate herself from the sadistic actions she sometimes commits, acting as if she had never done them.  Of course, she is a very demanding person towards those she is higher ranked than, always wanting to make sure that the people working under her do their level best.

However, in Combat she is entirely different, being someone who focuses fully on the combat, while also doing her best to apply the skills she learned in her training, along with the powers she has acquired to make things much more useful than they would normally be. Of course, more often than not, combat is started by her completely disassociating from the situation, due to someone pushing her buttons too heavily, allowing her sadistic tendencies to take center stage, making her fight in a surprisingly subdued way, while also seeming rather unhinged, as she typically is seen with a crazed smile and eyes that seem vacant of all emotion. However, should she be forced into combat of her own volition, she still retains her normal personality, and will more often than not go for incapacitation, rather than an execution.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3982

 Blair Cairistine Empty Re: Blair Cairistine

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:27 am
Damn. What's with your characters and daddy issues? XD


Blair Cairistine wrote:

Blair Cairistine

 Blair Cairistine 5uq22lcpb5m21

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Blair
Middle Name/Initial: N/A
Last Name: Cairistine
Epithet: N/A
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Sharpshooter, Navigator

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs

Hair Style: Blair's hair takes on that of a off looking pink color--seeming to almost be desaturated, when compared to even the most plain of hair colors--with a length that travels all the way down to the middle of her thighs when left unbraided. However, this styling is very rare, typically only seen when she is just getting up for the day, or when she is winding down for the night. When braided, her hair only goes down to the center of her back.

Hair Color: Off Pink
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Typically, one would expect a marine to wear the clothes of one. However, as part of the fact that she is part of a crew that is constantly wandering the seas, Blair is not forced to such a standard. However, she is still expected to dress in a manner befitting a soldier.

As such, her 'standard' outfit consists of a long sleeved, red military style shirt with a black collar and cuffs, paired with a black skirt. As for footwear, she wears rather long, white boots, with stockings that have been specially treated to match her skin tone. For accessories, she is typically seen carrying multiple firearms, along with a small emergency first aid kit in a bag that is slung over her shoulder. This is considered her 'crew attire', which will also consist of a heavy, black coat when in inclement weather.

Her personal taste influenced her choice in outfit somewhat, but this outfit does not reflect her personal tastes fully. Truthfully, she seems to have a very prominent fondness for long, masculine coats worn atop more traditionally feminine attire, strangely enough. Her attire when not needing to present as a soldier that is ready for combat is typically filled with more feminine things, but with very scant amounts of accessories. Occasionally, she might be seen with earrings. Normally though, she is seen wearing none. A men's coat can be seen worn over her feminine attire with a good fifty/fifty chance of not being there. It seems to be done seemingly on a whim, really.

Description:  Blair is in possession of a very obviously feminine figure, falling into the 'hourglass' body type. She also has features that would imply that she is a very cold, brutal type of woman at first glance. Of course, this can make someone of her very slightly above average height seem more imposing. Of course, paying more attention to her face would reveal to any that had known her before her incident at Loguetown that her eyes have taken on a bit of a sharper shape, becoming almost..birdlike in how they are set.

Even with that bit of oddness to her features however, Blair is very easily able to lay claim to being traditionally attractive. However, she seems to be either unaware of this fact, or rather dismissive of it, as she never seems to address the people who would gawk at her.

The Past

Main Traits:

  • Calm
  • Soft Spoken
  • Organized
  • Sadistic

Likes: Animals, Sweets, Spring Weather (Except for Rain), Sailing
Dislikes: Rain, Winter Weather, Bitter things, Spiders
Unique laugh: A very quiet "Nyeheheh", which always ends up sounding like a giggle.

Hometown: Ilusia
Personality: At an initial glance, Blair seems to be a very coldhearted person, her face seeming to have this cold air to it when she's not feeling any emotion particularly strongly. Truthfully though, she isn't all that scary in normal situations, always being the calm and levelheaded one. Usually, she can be 'heard' speaking softly so as not to worry any of the constituents of the marines. Of course, she has her bad side. She can be quite the sadist, if someone pushes her buttons enough. Strangely enough, she seems to disassociate herself from the sadistic actions she sometimes commits, acting as if she had never done them.  Of course, she is a very demanding person towards those she is higher ranked than, always wanting to make sure that the people working under her do their level best. But at the end of the day, she does still value everyone as an individual.

However, in Combat she is entirely different, being someone who focuses fully on the combat, while also doing her best to apply the skills she learned in her training. Of course, more often than not, combat is started by her completely disassociating from the situation, due to someone pushing her buttons too heavily. This allows her sadistic tendencies to take center stage; making her fight in a surprisingly subdued way while also seeming rather unhinged, as she typically is seen with a crazed smile and eyes that seem vacant of all emotion. However, should she be forced into combat of her own volition she still retains her normal personality, and will more often than not go for incapacitation, rather than an execution.

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