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Primetime Paw Partners Empty Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:54 pm
Ikana Miyamoto was currently within the ever expanding marketplace of Loguetown. It was a popular place for pirates to stop for a restock in supplies as it is where they go before heading off to the grandline. Ikana Miyamoto was here to restock, but not off to the grand line, not for some time. So far, she had found herself stocking for a month’s worth of rations in terms of non perishable foods as well as buying barrels of water. These would be delivered to her schooner which had been parked at the docks under the vigilant watch of the dockmaster. Not many would be stupid enough to pull something around these parts due to the marine presence, and Ikana was trying to lie low. Using a pencil and checking off her various needs for her plan of growing a crew, she had not been aware that imminent gropage was coming until it already happened.  

Desmond Wilkz a member of the Primetime Pirates had accompanied his captain and his cousin this fine day in thoughts of looking for materials to upgrade the ship and also to be his creepy pervert self. Well, he saw Ikana in the distance and her slim figure, short skirt, and her attractive physique and decided, “Why the fuck not?” and began to slink as the theme of Jaws was playing. Then...within a swift moment leaned forward, put his hands across the girl’s chest, and gave a rough squeeze. With an unexpected moan, she let out before quickly turning in a shocked and then angry expression. Opening her left hand and thrusting out, she would attempt to slam it into the man’s stomach. If it were successful, the man would be sent flying backwards before crashing into a fruit stand, causing it to collapse inward.[LT][Nikyu Blast] Afterwards, raising the same palm, there was a sucking noise. “Kaze Nikyu!” So much for lying down low...because she was about to make sure this man was going to die for daring to touch her in such a vulgar manner!

Shooting a paw out of air at a rapid speed, she would attempt to hit the man straight in the face with it, to break those sunglasses and send him embedding even deeper into the stand. [LT][Kaze Nikyu] Finally, she raised both hands as she leaped into the air nearly seven feet before aiming both hands down. “Kaze Nikyu Gatturingu!” Rapidly she began to launch compressed air palms similar to the first to attempt to utterly pepper and pelt Desmond with a flurry of air paws that would annihilate him and send him into a world of agony. [MT][Kaze Nikyu Gattling] However, using an air pocket to push herself after this barrage, she aimed a sideways crescent kick straight down on his head in an attempt to finish that impressive combo with one more blow. Regardless if she hit him or not, the damage she was doing was not abysmal. It was catastrophic in viewpoint as by now a large crater would be where Desmond lay with a whole entire stand almost nothing more than utter nothing but destroyed fruit. If he was conscious, that would utterly surprise her if he took all that damage. Hopefully...the pervert was dealt with. Even...if his hands didn’t feel that bad. She landed gracefully, without any issue with a generally ticked glare with her left eye twitching. "Shi-ne."

Civilians began to run and scream from the location as the fruit stand owner cried out in shock and surprise before he too began to run away in terror from the destructive display. Great. However, This was far from over. Marines would be coming shortly she annoying that was going to be. Shit. Maybe she should have thought things out more clearly before she did anything else.


Last edited by Miyamoto Ikana on Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:52 pm; edited 7 times in total

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Dice Rolls

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:01 pm

Last edited by Miyamoto Ikana on Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:41 pm; edited 7 times in total

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Posts : 1288

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Dice Rolls

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:01 pm
The member 'Miyamoto Ikana' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Reflex Check' : 2, 19, 5, 6

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:14 am
Brood X. Bach's NPC Dirty Desmond uses LT (Casanova's Lariat) on Miyamoto Ikana
Brood X. Bach's NPC Dirty Desmond uses UT on Miyamoto Ikana

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Posts : 1288

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:14 am
The member 'Brood X. Bach' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Reflex Check' : 13, 3

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:32 am

Loguetown was a shithole. Nothing of value ever seemed to rear it's head here and the Primetime Pirates were starting to learn that real fast. The entire idea of learning about the new way that the Reverse Mountain operated was so that they could invade the other blues and gain loot before setting back into the admittedly dangerous lands of Paradise. While they were a breeze to Brood, someone who seemed at home in such a harsh environment. Something about Paradise made that place a living nightmare for most of the members of his crew. For that very reason they decided to set out for this island, the one that seemed furthest away from the mountain itself. It was a place that was populated by idiots of all creeds and backgrounds. Which ironically meant that it was the perfect place for such a strong show of military force. The World Government had their cowards rushing around the island doing their patrols and lounging about. They all probably thought this was some sort of cushy job. One where they never had to deal with any threats of any actual skill and expertise. The thought was commendable, but foolish. These guys had little idea of the horror-show that was approaching them. Brood had arrived to the island wearing his trademark jet black coat, which covered his mouth and face with large plumes of dark raven feathers. His eyes intense with a stare all too well known by his crew-mates who had spread out, buying whatever they damn well pleased and sneakily stealing other things.

Desmond was at it again. The fool had seen something he liked and something he had wanted so he did what he always did. Caused trouble for the crew by overstepping his boundaries. The situation would have been fine at first if not for the fact that the female seemed to thrust her hand outwards towards Desmond after what Brood could only guess was a grope towards her. She was petite, much smaller than the hulking pervert, but it was enough of an action to cause Brood to cross his arm as he watched onward with his cousin at his side. His eyes lazily looked as the female sent her palm out towards the large brute without so much as a word. It was a nice effort but ultimately pointless. Desmond was large, sure, but he wasn't someone that lacked in combat experience, or in the experience of dodging the wrath of a woman. As the woman's hand came skirting out like a bat out of hail Desmond merely leaned to the side, smiling all the while as the female's retribution seemed to miss. But her quick follow up proved to be the cocky giant's downfall as he took a hit straight to his face, sending him flying backwards with gusto. The force would have been enough to send weaker people miles away, but Desmond managed to flip himself and land on his knee and the sole of his right leg, skidding on the ground after being blown away. Huffing to himself, his eyes showed strain. It was both anger and surprise that became him. The bitch broke his glasses, and Desmond was not going to let it slide.

Despite all the destruction going on around them. Brood never once moved from where he stood, while Desmond seemed to dodge all of the upcoming attacked from the female without fail. He'd outstretch his arm as he closed the gap with the female and he'd flex his muscles as he went to clothesline the female at full force, using what was his signature move. [LT][Casanova's Lariat] It would connect on the female flush sending the female flying backwards as well. He didn't appreciate what she had done, but after the attack he would throw his fist out and punch the air, sending a small bit of air pressure at her so that he could attempt to hit her in the face with it. He miss, however. If she wanted to play hard to get, she could play hard to get. He was going to make her rue the day she tried to stand up for herself. All the while Brood watched on with an unimpressed expression on his face. The fact that Desmond took this so seriously so fast was a testament to the small female's power in Brood's opinion. He'd keep his eye on her for certain. Brood wondered what she could do. It wasn't going to take long for her to showcase her strengths and weaknesses. He hoped that she did better than this though. Desmond was one hell of a boxer, if she let him get into his groove and she slipped into his pace she was not going to recover from that incident unscathed. All that really mattered now was that she did something flashy to put him on his ass. If she didn't this was going to be quite the dull affair to be sure. He hated dull affairs quite a bit.

NPC: Dirty Desmond:

(OOC: If this is wrong it is only due to a misunderstanding based on information provided that is, in my opinion, contradictory.)

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:57 am
Ikana used HT (Nikyu Taiho) on Desmond Wilkz
Ikana used LT (Nikyu Blasting Slam) on Desmond Wilkz

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
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Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
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Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:57 am
The member 'Miyamoto Ikana' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Reflex Check' : 15, 13

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:15 am
As the giant landed on his knee, she did not look happy as he was able to dodge all of her techniques. The cocky bastard was fast. However, as he ran forward in the goal of striking her, she landed on the ground as soon as he slammed his arm in a clothesline motion to send her flinging backwards into a stand of her own. There was the light rise of smoke as Ikana found herself standing on her two feet, cracking her neck as she decided to speak up. Timber fell from her body as she bit her lip, shaking the kink out of her neck with a loud snap noise. “Nani? Is that what you call a hit? Let me show you what a REAL hit looks like.” The man launched a compressed blast of air seemingly to strike her, but it missed entirely by the look of it as part of another stand was slapped and cracked by the air pressure exerted from the blow. “Nikyu...Taiho.” Cupping her hands together, air would rapidly suck and compress within her hands as a powerful suction was formed...especially considering it even sucked in the air around Brood and his cousin.

Opening her palm, a large paw the size of her whole body, maybe twice that size had been in the environment before she thrusted it, propelling it outward at rapid speed. A compressed paw of air. Did Brood and his cousin figure that out already however? [HT][Nikyu Taiho] The blast had slammed into his body and it’s massive power and strength would blast him not through a stand...but this time through a whole entire three market stalls nearly ten meters in one direction due to resistance of the buildings. However, before he would have time to recover, the young woman leaped into the air before propelling herself on an air pocket to appear right above him, slapping both sides of her hands against his head.   “Nikyu Nikyu no! Blasting Slam!” Thus, a blast inward would occur from an air pocket as his face would be pummeled by a sudden strong force as a result. [LT][Nikyu Blasting Slam]

Assuming the man didn’t stand up again, she was done with him. He took a beating within three minutes that would leave most men dead. What had ended up happening though was that the marines would begin to appear at the site to aim her guns upon the fallen Desmond and herself. “There she is! Halt! You’re under arrest by order of the law stand down!” She stood to full height of 5'4", looking at these if they were utterly stupid. “Seriously? This man gropes me and you say I’m breaking the law? As if I’ll...Stand for your crap!” Grasping the fallen Desmond, she would swing his leg, essentially using him as a bat to beat these mother fuckers with another mother fucker. There were yells and screams as several marine men were batted away like toys before she would set Desmond down. “Come on now! Fight me!” Around eight marines lay with white dishplate eyes as several more came nervously with guns raised, some with swords. This was the start. More were going to be hoarding like flies soon enough. These marines really were cowards that were inexperienced. Nothing like the few marines that lived in the south she faced. They had less fear, more experience than these losers. "If you're not coming...I'm going to." She was sure she saw a marine gulp at that moment.


Techniques Used:

Nikyu Blasting Slam:0/2
Kaze Nikyu Gattling:1/5
Kaze Nikyu:1/2
Nikyu Slam:1/2
Nikyu Taiho:0/8

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:01 pm

It seemed as though Desmond wasn't having the easiest time against a woman of this caliber, that much was for certain. He might have managed to hit her rather good, but she allowed herself to hold nothing back when dealing with him at full force. It was impressive to say the least, and her full potential was showcased to Brood rather quickly. He knew she had the ability to quickly surpass most members of his crew, save for maybe the juggernaut that had been away from the crew for a bit. Without digressing, he uncrossed his arms and peered over towards his cousin, who bowed respectfully and started to run off towards Desmond, picking up the larger male after he had been transformed into a baseball bat and relocating the male to a different location. The time to run was now here for his cousin considering the fact that the male didn't exactly have any means to be fighting this many Marines at one time. Brood's eyes never wavered from the female however, he kept his cold malicious intent on her as it magnified. She had shown so much disrespect in such a little amount of time. It was eye-opening, but it was a trait he could respect in most people that he met on the seas. He'd open his palm outwards, a white substance covering his hand fully before he threw it upwards into the air around him. Using a nameless weak technique, it was going to be enough to dispatch the majority of the Marines that had swarmed the plaza. After-all, he had little to no intention on allowing this female to leave. Be it in irons or otherwise.  No, he knew exactly what he was going to do when it came to this female. She had to be taught a lesson. Real Hit? Such an arrogant manner to conduct herself in the face of the Primetime.

He'd closed his fist as the sugary substance hit the peak above the individuals here and needles of white would rain down across the area. Hitting virtually everyone save for the female whom he had never taken his eyes off of. It would be at this time that brood finally decided that she would answer him, and answer him she would. "What is your name? Who do you work for? Do you know who you're dealing with here?" He asked here in his deep disturbingly masculine voice. His mouth still obscured by his trenchcoat's straps. As his eyes seemingly narrowed, the Marines would find themselves spurting blood from their mouths and their multiple orifices as they'd topple over deceased. The body count racking itself high enough to the point of being a cause for concern for those within Loguetown. But he paid them no mind. After-all, by the time they brought in reinforcements, he planned to be long gone. Not that he had to run away, he just had no reason to be here causing a ruckus. It wouldn't exactly help him in the long run, at least not in his opinion. The taller male approached the female, one step at a time. He wasn't like Desmond, this wasn't going to be a situation in which he toyed with this female. On the contrary, he was going to make sure she knew his name by the end of their scuffle. But he first needed her to understand the situation that she found herself in. These upstart pirates were growing bolder and bolder by the moment. It was starting to become a bit of a problem in the eyes of Brood. At least at this time he was going to showcase to her the differences between them. "You're too quick to attack before thinking. That has consequences. Allow me to show you them."

=A Few Hours Later=

The duo of Brood and Miyamoto would find themselves at the foot of the mountain and he was going to keep the promise that he made to her hours before. When he taught her the "ancient art of mein schaft". The male would cross his arms, eyes furrowing in disdain at her lack of knowledge over things as simple as haki. He knew that if he put her through a high stress situation, she would be able to find herself gaining the power that she displayed she had. He wanted nothing more than to make sure that she was capable of using this most basic of things however. It would take a significant amount of training to get her up to his standards, but she did well already to surpass one of his closest allies. With a nod of his head he'd peer over towards the female, speaking to her in a manner that was expressly direct. "Understand, power is not something that is so easily attained in this world. Personal strength does not equate one's strength to lead, nor does it denote that a person who has the power to destroy mountains would be effective at the head of a nation. There is a reason that the true monsters in this world strive to surpass one another in all ways, and you will strive to surpass me. Real power is something that will come to you if you remember this. I am not followed because I am strong, I am followed because my will is strong. Willpower to stand against those whom others would flee from. That is what shall divide those who follow and those who lead in this world." And in a way he was correct. Because he had the ability to use the Haki of the Conqueror, which made him stand out even among some monsters in this world. They lacked the gift of the gods, he didn't. "Are you ready to learn?"


Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:57 pm
The man in front of her was powerful, more powerful than she could have ever imagined as he dominated her and destroyed her in both the figurative and literal sense. As he gave his speech that power is not so easily attained, Ikana crossed her arms over the new shirt she legitimately grabbed from the market place whilst they ran from law enforcement. The bastard had her respect and admiration, especially considering he beat her with such minimal effort. Brood was certainly right about some things, she most certainly did want to surpass him and surpass him quickly. She admired that power he held, and so she pressed her palms together as she cracked her neck with a slight pop. A gentle breeze blew through the area as her hair waved behind her. Those yellow eyes were filled with slight disdain, but yet had a fiery admiration of the powerful being in front of her. The promise he made was harsh, but apparently she would be getting benefit out of it and that by itself made it worth the treatment she received earlier today.

“So be it. I’m ready.” Looking out to the forested region around her, she pulled down upon the gloves she recently had stolen on the way out from the market before she looked to the infamous pirate now known as Brood. It wasn’t odd for her not to know him. After all, this was the east blue and he had gone to the lands of paradise already before returning. However, she still felt sore from the violation of her basic human rights. With a huff of indignant breath, the white haired beauty had awaited for instruction from the man who would be teaching her this mysterious skill of Haki. It had yet to be explained and so far, she had no idea of what he would be doing, or what Haki even was. It was something that was vital, no, essential in the grand line and even more so in the new world. If she were to have known about it, she would find it a myth as she had never imagined such a power would be hidden within all living things. Haki, the power to manifest one's will in a few different methods. Well, she would learn about it soon.

The Paw Girl had not explained what her fruit was...but she was sure he could guess generally what it did and what its potential was based off of him observing how fast she had dealt with the man Desmond. “So, what’s the first step of whatever this training is?” Clenching and unclenching her hands, her fingers tapped lightly off of the paws to give off a slight bounce noise. She was an experienced martial artist, and she had worked diligently to become powerful enough to become so strong. She was sure even without using her fruit capabilities, she would be able to defeat Desmond Wilkz. However, why would she bother? The fruit was powerful and made the basis of her fighting style. It seemed foolish not to take full advantage of it. Her intimate desire for power was the reason why she followed the pirate Supernova out here today, and hopefully he made it worth her time. After all, he owed her. His crewmate was the one who caused all of that trouble to begin with. She hadn't received any conditions such as becoming part of his crew, or any such other matters yet. In her mind, he was judging her potential and worth. A wise decision for she would likely do the same for her own potential crew members. Yet, he seemed almost psychopathic in behavior when he wanted to be. She didn't know. Ikana waited, waited for instruction.

Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:00 am

The male would find himself crossing his arms as he looked upon the female. He knew that she had a great deal of potential locked somewhere inside of her body, but he didn't know the proper means in which to drag that potential out of her. Perhaps through a mixture of pleasurable and painful events he would be able to aid her in becoming one of the strongest individuals on the seas. Her fruit was unique and was strong, but her skill with that also needed refinement. Everything about her was promising however, which was why he wanted to make sure she would fly his flag properly. After-all, to be a member of the Primetime Pirates was to be the best at what you did. Regardless of how deadly or crazy the situation happened to be. It was for that reason he was going to make sure she was worthy of him even asking. "Haki comes to us in this world through three varying forms, each one harder to master than the last. The most common and easiest to learn in this world is known as the armament of colors. That is the one I shall teach you first, do not worry about the other two for now." His voice was both stern and comforting, showcasing that he did have some sort of genuine interest in the female. Given what they had done only a short while ago, that much was made clear. He could have just killed her, after-all, but here he was making sure she was strong enough to do whatever she wanted in this world and then some. "In order to use this haki you need focus, a common theme for most haki you will find. You will not be able to see when you activate this haki, at least not at first. Which is why it is named the invisible armor. It protects you from harm and strengthens your attacks. Eventually you will be able to use this haki in it's strongest form." A true statement after-all. She needed to learn this Haki since it was going to be fairly important for her fighting style.

He'd showcase to her how to use the easiest of the haki's rather easily, as he rolled up his sleeve and showcased his arm changing color before her very eyes. From brown to jet black, with a red shimmer around it as well, this was the fullest form of the armament of colors. "This jet black version of the haki itself is the strongest form of armament that we currently know of in this world. It is superior to the invisible armor and is devastating in terms of its defensive and offensive capabilities. What you need to do to get to the first stage of this haki is simple. Feel your spiritual energy within yourself, if you do not know what that sensation feels like. Remember the sensation that you had before, when I taught you your place." He referred to the moment in which she was at the eruption of exhilaration and ecstasy. "Concentrate on that feeling and endue that sensation throughout your body. Once you feel that sensation, hold it in your mind and allow it to fill your right arm. You will feel that the Haki is there, even if you will not be able to see that it is there. You had best do this fast as well." He told her in a stoic voice, the reason as to why was simple. He'd walk up behind the female and would take out what appeared to be a knife from his back pocket. Placing one hand around her waist and pulling her close towards him. This was done for two reasons, firstly to allow her to feel that sensation once more and secondly to allow her to realize that he was going to injure her a great deal if she didn't create that haki. He did always believe in drastic levels of education for his crew. Angling the knife downwards, he would swing it towards her rather fast. (After giving her about three minutes to get used to the position and to understand the sensation.) Swinging his knife towards her fast, though she could reach up and break the blade should she use her haki properly.


Primetime Paw Partners Empty Re: Primetime Paw Partners

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:29 am
She was defeated humiliatingly so, and with that, she had lost much more than her pride. She though admired that strength, and it was only for that reason that she did not dare kill herself. Ikana followed behind him and witnessed his so called ‘Haki.’ It was mysterious, and she watched him explain this power. So everyone had this ability apparently? That was certainly fascinating, but what did it mean overall? How would she unlock it through some form of “spiritual” energy? It was then that he said that she ought to learn fast. He pulled her close inward and with a knife raised aimed to pierce through her if she wasn’t fast nor strong enough. Instinct was what drove her, but not to awaken her Haki. Never before had she seen a force like it, but when he brought down the knife, she instinctively raised an arm, one of her paws in fact in the path of the knife. Assuming the knife was not coated in the armament, it would of course be deflected, almost as if she was using Haki. However, if it was, she’d experience the pain of having the thick pads of her paws be cut through.

“Grrgh!” She grunted in pain as she would clench her fist around said knife, and she’d feel the rare experience of pain. Her hand twitched, and immediately did she utilize her other fist, clenching it, and aiming to slam the bastard straight in the skull with it. She may not have utilized it to defend herself, but in that moment of pain, she aimed to punch him in the face with greater hardness and force than she would have normally. It was the briefest and the weakest forms of the weakest of the Haki. She’d have used it without even realizing. “K-Kuso! That hurts!” She was weaker, far weaker than he. She’d rear her fist back a second time, daring to strike Brood upon his face despite his great strength, and this time, she’d maintain that layer of Haki for just one more moment, before it would fade with the second strike.

He was strong, and he was impressive, but she won’t take something like that from him! The sharp pain was what caused her to initially call upon this force. She was strong enough to call upon it, but she could not identify that feeling, for she felt greater pain than she did the mysterious force he referred to. How could one in agony feel something like the armament? Well, that was her problem. It hurt so fucking bad, she wanted to kill him. Yet, she acknowledged that she was so weak, that she was like a fly. It made her feel ticklish and yet enraged at the same time. She wished to grow strong enough to be seen as a challenge, to show her hatred to the man, and yet she acknowledged the futileness of it. “ bastard!” She was a woman that viewed herself as strong, someone to be feared and respected, and now she was being put in her place by such a monster of a man. Was she inferior to him in every regard? Did he find pleasure in making her a plaything for him to stab and play with?! She wanted to kill him...badly. Oh how badly she wanted to make him regret. Yet...she felt nervous and shaky to the knee even if her face did not show it. The stinging sensation in her hand was nothing compared to the wound of her pride, and yet she slowly lowered herself and leaned forward into his chest. The blood freely dripped, and with that, she let the blood freely drip. "Why?...Why didn't my Nikyu Nikyu no Mi stop that knife? Was it a fluke?!"
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