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Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:51 am

Another day, another demise. The large iron ship that belonged to none other than the Primetime Pirates made it's way towards the island of Maritime Bay slowly. Without a strong wind to guide the ship itself, the large vessel didn't exactly have any means to reach the port faster, but the pirate's large flag that gently flowed atop the ship's mass was something to behold in and of itself. It was a signal to all on the island that the time had finally arrived for them to pay the piper, and pay they would. For aboard the ship stood a large mob of battle-hardened pirates fro mall over the North Blue, each one singing and dancing as the ship ominously crept closer and closer. Upon the bow of the ship stood a man cloaked in darkness upon even greater darkness. His eyes narrowed and filled with annoyance at all of the spectacle and joy that seemed to fill the ship. Ever the pessimist, Brood was ready to tear into the guts of this island as thought it was a sacrificial lamb. But there was a procedure that had to be adhered too, even on this ship of chaotic cutthroats. The fate of this island could not be decided on a whim. He had adapted some of the games they played on his home island into a means in which to make decisions while he traversed the North Blue. He rarely if ever found himself making important decisions without the procedure and today would be no different.

His head would crane to the side, looking back at the large muscular man who was busy applying oil to his body in preparation of what was to come. The visual image was enough to disturb Brood on a deep emotional level the likes of which he'd never recover, but he powered through his trauma so that he could give the man an order. One single order to be precise. It was clear when Brood meant business and often it was signified when he said one order and only one order. It was a way to add emphasis to his intent so that his rambunctious crew of neanderthals and pillagers were capable of understanding the full scope of his madness. "Spin the wheel." Normally he would have said something along the lines of 'oi you fawkin perv stop greasing urself what in the utter hell is wrong with you, for fawks sakes ur a fawkin narsty biscuit.' but the situation as it stood now required his focus. Dirty Desmond blinked slowly for a moment as he continued to slather himself up in the grease, but a smile grew on his face as he stood up. Walking over towards the giant spinning wheel that was left on the ship, it rotated itself slower and slower until it landed on a single word. 'Exterminate.' The island was too small for anyone to care about, so this option was considered fine in the mind of Brood, as there would be little to no interference from the World Government.

With their plan in place, it would only take a moment before his crew knew what they needed to do. Planks would find themselves being heaved outwards onto the port of the island itself and Brood would give yet another order. There would be no context given, for all those within his employ and care knew exactly how to do their jobs. "Butcher them." The intensity in his face was something that could not be contained by perception alone. He felt an overwhelming urge to kill and pillage. This was a good means in which to accomplish such a task. His crew had adopted their kill on sight policy, this island would be nothing more than a stain by the end of their raiding. But there were of course...rules that they had to comply with. Though he did not discriminate between man, women, elderly nor child, he did have a very specific rule that anyone of any skill be brought to the center of town for execution by himself personally. He didn't always execute those persons, one of his former allies was a survivor of his little lottery. But that was a lifetime ago it felt like. He wanted anyone who looked like they could fight brought before him. But he didn't exactly go with his crew as the left the ship and barreled into the town. Instead he walked past the slaughter that was commencing, ducking into a Tavern and sitting at the bar-stool. His words were ominous.

"Give me your strongest ale or you'll end up like the people outside." The sounds of fighting could be heard growing rapidly, some patrons would slip out the back entrance to the building and some would stay inside. As it was safe for them within these four walls. The men and women of his crew knew the gambit and knew it well. They had free reign to do whatever the wanted to whoever they wanted so long as they did it with gusto. Truly, these pirates were the scum of the ocean. A necessary evil. It didn't even take a moment for him to detect the presence of all those around him, noting that there was a being hiding outside, someone whom was merely observing the carnage that was happening all around him. As one of his goons entered, holding a hostage in their arms and cackling. Brood aimed his finger at the captive and let a marble-like object fly forth and pierce the skull of that individual. Killing them instantly. His crew-mate looked shocked, but he spoke clearly. "Make sure no one from the crew comes in here. on the look-out for anyone who looks like they'd be a good fit for the lottery. We aren't here for fun, we are here to cleanse." The crew member saluted and ran out, dropping the lifeless body at his feet all the while. The Bartender noted how serious the situation happened to be, and quickly poured the ale as fast as he could, sliding it over to Brood. Lifting it up to his mouth, he sipped on it slowly. "A-Are you one of those...D-Devil Fruit users..?" Brood would lift his same finger up towards the barkeep, in a blink of an eye blood would cover the back wall. "Yes." With the tavern owner dead, everyone in the building cowered in silence....well almost everyone.


Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:49 pm
Blasted thing…” Seraphina sighed bitterly as an old pocket watch of hers had stopped working. Its frozen time, almost as if it were a prophecy of what was to come had stopped precisely at noon. Even the paralyzed hands of the clock was pointing  clearly to the North. She sighed again, tampering with its mechanical structure in hopes of being able to fix  it. Still, it was to no avail and so she would soon end the prodding. It had been her Grandfather's and something which she carried as a memoir of him. It was nothing fancy, but it had certainly been its own share of adventures as it passed down from generation to generation. Frustrated, she put the pocket watch down and looked up towards the vast, blue ocean in what she hoped would eventually calm her down. Yet, the sight she saw next would jolt her out of her self-misery and forget about the end of her watch. For, just across the ocean was a large ship approaching with a flag obscured by the distance it held from the shore. Yet, it waved majestically across the calm winds as it made its slow but steady approach. The Blade Master frowned as she kept to the perimeters of the cliffs in order to obtain a closer look. Undoubtedly, it's large frame was encased with sheets of heavy duty metallic and, without a doubt, looked like it could truly take quite the beating. In fact, the vessel was definitely something she had never seen before yet, deep inside, she knew it meant trouble. A Marine ship?

Yet, once the ship had gained quite a good distance towards the island, Seraphina’s eyes would immediately begin to narrow. Upon closer inspection, the gigantic frame, undoubtedly, made it clear of the ship's strength as it sailed unparalleled  across  the waters. Furthermore, the proud flag now bore the symbol of what resembled to be a pirate ship. Yet, as to which faction, she had no clue not of what they were capable of. Still, a mixture of both curiosity and responsibility washed over her. After all, she had never seen pirates before due to her Grandfather and Father’s sheltering of her from the world. Seraphina pondered over the predicament. Ever since she could walk, she had undergone training as a Pirate Hunter. Yet, she had never done so much as to meet one face to face. The Blade Master paced back and forth now absorbed in her thoughts. So, with this logic, would it not do her some good to see Pirates up close and at first hand? It would surely allow her to train  all the much more to see what they  were capable of. With a firm nod and satisfied at her justification, she immediately began to race home. But, unlike a standard home, Seraphina had found residence within one of the hidden caves that decorated the shores. It wasn’t a bad place, having made it work, but she could still find herself missing the home she had used to live in. With a sigh, she retrieved her swords and hiked up to the village after having hidden the cave. After all, she wished her belongings to be left alone.

Even before reaching the village, Seraphina was put on high alert. It wasn't the pirates she was wary about, but the occasional villager who believed it fun to relish in her own troubles. Still, ever since she had donned her swords, not many dared near her although there was always the occasional fool. Still, good fortune smiled upon her as she was able to slip through the village unfazed as none cared to pay attention to the Blade Master as she passed on by. What caught her attention, though, was that the villagers continued their everyday lives without a regard was what was to come. They were caught in their own little worlds without a hint of knowledge that it could potentially be their last. Serenity simply shrugged it off and made her way into the tavern. If there was anything she knew about them, the tavern was their fishing spot. And so, she made her way inside and having greeted the owner, slipped by to her isolated spot within. Over the years, she had become an acquaintance of Phil’s, the tavern owner, due to some business she had with him. Occasionally, she would help out as well to earn the extra cash she needed as well if their previous transactions had not worked out. This time, though, she would arrive as a patron. Having it been made a point to never drink alcohol, she ordered her regular from Phil's and leaned back to read her book. It would soon arrive and Serenity made herself cozy, masked by the dividing wall within the tavern. She preferred it that way and, today, it would prove beneficial.

Eventually, screams of terror would be heard from outside causing the regulars within to become jittery with uncertainty. Still, some left the establishment, only to have their voices mix in unison with the songs of death. Serenity frowned slightly as she took a sip of her drink, flipping the page soon after. So far, she wasn't concerned about those outside, but, rather, was more absorbed with the heroine of the novel than to care for those who had made it a point to torment her for many years. Yet, it would be one voice that would rip her from her reality. It would be the voice of the Pirate. Unfortunately, she had not noticed when he popped in, a massive failure upon her part. And yet, he stood out against all the others that still remained within the tavern. Fear and tension weighed heavily within the air almost as if an unknown weight had been placed upon the place. Or, as some would say, it was thick enough to cut like.. “...butter.” Serenity sighed once more as she refocused on her novel. Only this time, her gaze would rise to him every once in awhile. "Give me your strongest ale or you'll end up like the people outside." Serenity lowered her book slightly as she rose an eyebrow at Phil. She knew he had in possession the Dragon Fang, a prized and highly well-valued bottle, but would he give it to the man? To her surprise, he didn't and, instead, opted to give him something else instead thus earning a smile from the young Blade Master. Her gaze would return to her book once more, only to be immediately interrupted by another pirate soon entering the establishment.

This time, the pirate held the village’s self-proclaimed 'tough’ guy in his arms causing Seraphina to stifle a scoff. She had had quite a few run-ins with him and so seeing his vulnerability was something she particularly enjoyed. Taking another sip from her mug, she watched as to see the proceedings. Yet, the boss did not appear to care in the slightest and, by some unknown power, shot the man with a raise of a finger. "Make sure no one from the crew comes in here,” They were his orders and one clearly not to be disobeyed. With a sigh, Serenity stretched. After all, she wasn't going anywhere. At least, not yet. “ on the look-out for anyone who looks like they'd be a good fit for the lottery.” A… Lottery? Now, this clearly piqued the Blade Master’s interest although she knew she was definitely not going to like it. “We aren't here for fun, we are here to cleanse." A soft smile crept across her lips. Now there was something she particularly found to her interests. Cleanse... She knew the pirates held no right to do so, but, just this once, she had to agree. Unfortunately for her, it included her, too. Her eyes followed the man as he saluted and ran out, only to be placed back on the boss. Who was he? It was clear he wasn't from anywhere near these parts, but it did not stop her curious mind from overflowing. What would happen next, though, was something that would change everything.

Phil, who had been paralyzed in fear, soon snapped out of it, somewhat, and proceeded to pour the drink. As to how he did not spill a single drop of ale, she did not now for his nerves were off the rail. As the pirate sipped his drink slowly, Phil secretly made eye contact with her and nodded ever so slightly causing Serenity to freeze in place. Almost as if nothing had happened, Phil proceeded to ask a question. "A-Are you one of those...D-Devil Fruit users..?" It took Serenity all she could to not choke on her drink. Oh, Phil… Now you've done it…”  she thought and, frankly, done it he had. For soon, blood would cover the wall in which he had stood yet, thanks to him, she finally got her answer. The Pirate was definitely a user. While the those that remained alive in the tavern cowered in fear, Serenity would not as she planned a means of escape. Certainly all would be killed for she could assume the boss was simply playing with them all. They would all die by his hands. That she could only assume. She bit her lip before drowning the last bit of her drink and ever-so-slightly, picked up her swords. She prayed that they would not make a sound as she strapped them across her back. Closing her book, she rose from her seat and headed towards the back. Her steps were light and her movements fluid. There, she knew there was a hidden doorway she could use to escape. All she needed now was a plan.

Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:05 am

With his mind not drawing any specific attention towards any specific person, one might have thought it safe to simply sneak away and get to a safe location. After-all, the mind of this madman seemed to be wholly preoccupied with imbibing the disgusting swill that passed as the 'strongest' alcohol that this shit-hole had to offer. At least to Brood's knowledge. But sneaking away from someone who was far more trained and learned than you was harder than it seemed. Though a lot of adventurers boasted about their harrowing feats and their many accomplishments, Brood never did. He didn't have too, all of the atrocities and horrific events that he had carried out in his short pirate career had been recorded by those in the World Government. Labeled smack dab on his wanted poster. So if someone were to have seen said wanted poster, they might have known better. In the case of this buxom beauty, that would not be the case. Brood would aim his finger towards the female's location as she attempted to slip out unnoticed and he spoke to her. Clearly she didn't know anything about things such as haki, or else she'd have known to stay put until she was given permission to leave. But her arrogantly blatant behavior was something to be admired. He'd speak to her clearly, looking over towards her and noting that she had sword. Sword that were not the kind of things that he thought he'd see out here. Especially since this was a shitty little island in the middle of nowhere. This woman proved to be intriguing.

He'd stand up from his seat and would tuck his hand back into his pocket, no longer aiming his 'weapon' towards her in a hostile manner. After-all he was someone who was keeping a painstakingly keen eye out for anyone of potential to join his crew. He knew about the dangers of the Grandline and wanted to make sure he was prepared for whatever he would encounter out in those waters. "Most of the backwater insects I saw on this island were holding crude weaponry. Nothing of value or importance. But those blades there do not seem to look as though they were randomly strung together by a bunch of bog-hopping inbreeds." His words where sharp and tactless, it was clear he thought extremely little for anyone who lived on a island not important enough to show up on a conventional map. But he continued speaking towards the female, allowing her to know right away that she was not like the rabble that he had seen on this island. "You show no fear on your face despite knowing how mercilessly I just killed that man behind the bar. You're clearly a person of great beauty, but I can tell from your hands that you do not live the life of one pampered. I can see the roughness there, the skill there, the experience. You do not live among this trash, therefore you're not apart of the trash. My name is Brood Xaldin Bach, the Tooth-Decay as some have taken to calling me. Who are you, what is your name?" He wondered how she would respond to him after his insult to her people.

His eyes narrowed for a moment as he looked upon her closer. She actually was far more attractive than he initially gave her credit for. It was awkward to look upon her so he looked away. It was something that one could only notice if they were making eye contact with him. He had been looking at her face, but he looked instead at her hair now. So that he was not distracted by something that he wasn't even sure made sense to him. His words would continue regardless of if she had chosen to tell him her name or not. For he had already came to the decision that he'd enter her into the lottery. "If we would have met on better circumstances, you'd not be subjected to what you must think is a senseless slaughter. But I assure you what we are doing here is not random. We are pirates. But we are also privateers. Currency is the lifeblood of any self respecting crew and we are willing to do whatever it takes in order to keep ourselves afloat. Though we are by no means desperate to be paid, if something sounds like it would be entertaining or fun, we are more than happy to sell our services in order to partake in it. That is all this is. A transaction from a disgruntled former resident who asked us to make this island know what it meant to feel suffering, no matter what. What our client does not know is that unfortunately, this island will be reduced to nothingness. As is it's fate." It was actually kind of odd that he was telling her all of this information that she didn't ask him about.

At least, it would have been if he hadn't gone out of his way to explain to her why he was telling her all of that seemingly useless information. Information that would cause some people to incur a panic attack. "I tell you this information for one reason and one reason only. You've impressed me. Not sure what you've done to earn it, perhaps it was how brash and brazen your actions are that have skewed my perception, but it doesn't matter. You've been selected to join the lottery. Meaning you have the chance to earn one of three fabulous prizes. Whoever gets their lottery numbers pulled first will be crucified and hung up all around the island as a warning to any World Government scouts who near this place. Those who pull it after that will all die. The third to last person who gets their ticket picked will be flayed. The second to last will be cast out to see on two planks tied together by rope. The first place winner gets to join my crew."  He was extremely blunt when speaking to her, because he wanted to see how she reacted to the very concept of this insane lottery. Depending on how she would react to his statements, he would determine her fate here and now.  Cowardice was not something he had any interest in. There was a difference between someone knowing their limitations and someone being afraid of an outcome outside of their control. Brood had fears like any other person, but he didn't allow them to cripple him in such a way that he'd become an ineffective pirate.


Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:35 pm
If not having noticed him entering the establishment was a mistake, then the moment she believed she could slip away unseen was clearly one of the worsts she could have made. He had risen from his seat, that much she knew, but she had never imagined that he would have figured out her plan for escape. After all, the dividing wall had obscured her from his line of vision or so she had thought. "Most of the backwater insects I saw on this island were holding crude weaponry,” It was when he spoke that she realized her fatal mistake. Serenity's hand froze midway from the metallic silver door knob as her clear resolve vanished just as it had come. Her mind came to a forceful stop as her body stood paralyzed for a brief moment, thus destroying the timeframe in which she could have grabbed hold of her blade. “Sh-” was her initially thought, muttering in self-depreciation of herself. She was a failure. That much she now knew. ”Nothing of value or importance.” It was clear that he was talking to her and, from his words, she could only apply the same to herself. She had completely underestimated him and, with it, disgraced the training her Grandfather had provided her. Something she swore would never happen again if she was lucky enough to survive the ordeal.

The man would continue, her back still turned to him, although she had moved her profile to look at him from the corner of her eyes. “But those blades there do not seem to look as though they were randomly strung together by a bunch of bog-hopping inbreeds." Surprisingly, a soft smile would spread across the Blade Master's lips. Her swords were her life, her blood and a relic left behind by her Grandfather. To have them complimented, despite it being, in many ways, unconventional, was something that pleased her. Regardless of whom it came from. She would then proceed to form composure before turning to face the man, the Pirate. “You show no fear on your face despite knowing how mercilessly I just killed that man behind the bar.” She would say nothing and simply shrug. After all, she had experienced worse throughout her lifetime. “You're clearly a person of great beauty, but I can tell from your hands that you do not live the life of one pampered. I can see the roughness there, the skill there, the experience.” Regardless of whether or not the Pirate knew it, he had scratched a sore spot for her. At the mention of her hands, her once neutral demeanor would be briefly overcome with distaste. Not at the concept of work, but for all the experience she had undergone through to reach the point she was in now. If anything, it reminded her of her Mother. Someone she would much rather forget.

She would resume her poker face and listen to the man as he continued to speak. She had come to notice that, despite the neutrality in his voice and his monotonous way of speaking, not only did he like to talk, but he seemed to enjoy the process of analysis. Otherwise, he would not have bothered to mention any little thing he found about her. This, though, she had to hand it to him as he was someone of experience although his words left much to be desired. “You do not live among this trash, therefore you're not apart of the trash.” At the mention of this, Serenity bit back a string of sarcastic retorts that were just begging to let loose. But, underneath it all, she knew he did not fully mean ill-intent. Still, she was, in no way, letting her guard down. “My name is Brood Xaldin Bach, the Tooth-Decay as some have taken to calling me. Who are you, what is your name?" He would give her his name and a moment of uncertainty would wash over her. His name was in no way familiar to her. But, based on everything that had undergone, she knew and understood he was no pushover. Yet, through slow and calculated speech, she would look him in the eye and give it to him. “Serenity, although I doubt you’d care much for the rest.” A bold move on her part, but it held true nonetheless. Currently, she was prey and no predator would even bother to know the details of his next meal. Regardless of who they were.

Still, the mention of his name had allowed her to scratch him off the list as the one she had been looking for. True he was a Pirate, but not someone she had been searching for. At least, not at the present moment. She would note the narrowing of his eyes and she would stand on guard. Given the distance, she would be able to at least take ahold of Valkyrie, her prized sword, if all went wrong. But, given the powerful aura he gave off, she knew she had no chance. Yet, his next move would leave her in a state of confusion. His eyes would wander, resting still on her, but away from her face. Still, she paid it no mind as he would continue as if nothing was the matter. "If we would have met on better circumstances, you'd not be subjected to what you must think is a senseless slaughter.” Senseless? She only believed it to be a fate deemed worthy of the place she had inhabited for many years. True, it could have been her resentment speaking but, for the time being, it was a relief to see it gone. Even if not by her own two hands. “But I assure you what we are doing here is not random.” Oh? “We are pirates. But we are also privateers.” That much, she had gathered, but why was he here and why was he mentioning all of this? Was it, perhaps, a justification? Or something more? Still, she said nothing as she continued to listen uninterruptedly. She would know in due time, or so she would hope.  

Unfazed, the man proceeded, clearly not caring about those within that heard him. It had been made clear that many were listening, frozen in fear, as the Pirate continued. Yet, none dared to make themselves visible to him. “Currency is the lifeblood of any self respecting crew and we are willing to do whatever it takes in order to keep ourselves afloat.” Her eyes furrowed in confusion. Why was he telling her this? It wasn’t as if she had asked for information nor had she given illusion that she had done so. “Though we are by no means desperate to be paid, if something sounds like it would be entertaining or fun, we are more than happy to sell our services in order to partake in it.” Serenity could understand that. For, in her mind, the pirates under his command were like the villagers of Maritime. And, she, in a turn of events would be the slaughtered villagers. It was a matter of the strongest. An instinct of survival. Yet, it did not mean she had to agree with it. “That is all this is. A transaction from a disgruntled former resident who asked us to make this island know what it meant to feel suffering, no matter what.” Serenity would then freeze in place, her blood draining from her face. Her eyes would then narrow and her hands were itching for something to grab ahold of. A former resident? All those she had grown up with still remained. After all, it was a very small place and no one had the means to leave. No one, save one.

His following words and the murmurs of the patrons would bring her back to the present. “What our client does not know is that unfortunately, this island will be reduced to nothingness. As is it's fate." A small frown would soon be etched across her lips as her eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought. Perhaps, or perhaps not. If it was the person Serenity believed it to be, she would not have cared even if it was to be blown up into smithereens. After all, her Mother was quite proud and one who would have wished her previous life erased. Even if it meant Serenity to die with it.  “I tell you this information for one reason and one reason only.” Serenity rose an eyebrow. “You've impressed me.” What..? It was clear as day that his words had surprised everyone, even Serenity, although some would make it more clear than others. Their continued murmurs would fill the place making Serenity wish that she, too, would be part of the gossip. After all, he was definitely not the person she would have wished to impress. At least, outside the realm of her potential career. “Not sure what you've done to earn it,” Now she was clearly amused. “Perhaps it was how brash and brazen your actions are that have skewed my perception, but it doesn't matter.” Yes, she could agree with that. After all, she sometimes surprised herself, too.

Yet, the next seven words would break her off of her amusement. You've been selected to join the lottery.” Another muttering and other self-deprecating remark, Serenity had but one thing to say: “Dammit…” Blasted lottery. She and her curious mind. She had wanted answers? Well, now she was going to experience it first hand. Regardless of whether or not he had heard her, he would explain, “Meaning you have the chance to earn one of three fabulous prizes.” Serenity would shift her weight and roll her eyes. “”Yay me…” She muttered sarcastically under her breath. It had slipped by her lips yet she held no regret for it. Still, her eyes wandered the establishment aimlessly before placing it back to the man before her, Brood. “Whoever gets their lottery numbers pulled first will be crucified and hung up all around the island as a warning to any World Government scouts who near this place.” Well, that was unfortunate. “Those who pull it after that will all die.” Serenity rose an eyebrow. Crucifixion and Death? Weren't they the same? Although she would opt for the second one, depending on the how. “The third to last person who gets their ticket picked will be flayed.” She cringed, now unamused by the development. No, definitely was the second one was the better of the three. After all, what would be pleasant about having one’s skin pulled off?

A look of confusion would soon cross her face as he went on, “The second to last will be cast out to see on two planks tied together by rope.” Had he not said three prizes? As far as she knew, this was now the fourth. “The first place winner gets to join my crew." This, though, was the tip of the iceberg. For, if Serenity had been back at her usual place drinking her regular, she would have choked. Perhaps to some, it would have been an adventure. But, for the Pirate Hunter in training, this was far away from what she wanted. Still, she had many questions, but none in which she would ask. Her amusement was now over and she had to face reality. It did not scare her in the slightest. She understood here he had come from and, yet, he seemed to underestimate her. As far as she gathered, although the Pirate acknowledged her as different, he still seemed to not understand her. She was no damsel in distress, and was definitely not going to be one now. He seemed to wait for an answer, one Serenity did not know how to give, but she would proceed to readjust the strap of her blades’ scabbard before letting sighing. She would not fight. At least, not yet as she knew a losing battle when she saw one. The Blade Master would then proceed to look him in the eye, her determination strong. If she were to die, then so be it. But, the heavens only knew that she wasn’t going to go that easily. She would definitely fight back regardless of what happened, even if it cost her her life.

Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:06 am

There was something about this woman that seemed to instantly make Brood smile. That's In all the years he had been a malevolent marauding malignant mass murdering manipulator he had rarely seen a person such as she. She had the courage to stand toe to toe with a threat that she could clearly tell was beyond her. She didn't cower into nothingness at the sheer sight of his darkness. Hell, she even had the gall to essentially stop talking to him flat out. he didn't have much to work with when it came to dealing with the female. So he opened his mind to the possibility of what he could do in this situation. The path to his own enlightenment was clear.  "I'm not sure why you didn't think it wise to respond, but for whatever reason that perhaps has saved your life. You know when to listen and you know your place. Two very good things to understand about ones self. But you're also defiant, possibly the kind of individual who schemes and plots. I can admire this. But you're like a dull blade. You lack sharpness. So you get to choose now. Lucky you. I will take you and mold you. I will fashion you into a weapon that is useful to me. The alternative isn't so pretty. It's worse than death, to be fair." He was extremely blunt in how he spoke to her. It was clear that he cared little about anything that really pertained to her safety. She was but a stranger after-all, one that had a value to him either way. He had told her of the lottery, but it didn't matter now. She was obviously not getting a ticket.

He'd think about granting her the opportunity to not become a statistic at her heels, but he wanted to test how stubborn she actually was. Metal that didn't bend would only break. That was the way that black-smithing worked after-all. To think that you could just take any piece of metal and work it into something that was completely deadly and intensely dubious was silly. Not all blades were forged equal. He'd look her over some more before he'd turn on his heel. Motioning towards her for her own good. "Follow me, don't try to run off, I can sense you wherever you go." It was a fact after-all. There was nothing she could possibly due to get out of this situation right now. When faced with a monster of his caliber, most would be too paralyzed with fear to do anything of note. But even Brood himself had no interest in backing down from those who were clearly strong enough to outclass him in every conceivable way. There wasn't a single solitary soul on this island that could stand up to him if it came down to a fight. They all moved so sluggish to him, like rigid individuals who lacked the natural abilities that would have allowed them to excel in the world. This was a den of sloth and gluttony. It was starting to make him excessively angry, to the point in which as he exited the bar and looked at his immediate surroundings he could do nothing but spit. He saw them all, running around screaming all the while. Bullets whizzed through the air and the sound of metal on flesh, skirting through it so effortlessly. All of it was the way it was meant to be.

There was a fire in his eyes as he looked upon the female. "Though, maybe I have jumped the gun in your initiation. Have you even taken a life before? Do you have the stomach for such a thing?" Killing a human was far more intense than killing an animal after-all. He didn't see anything in her eyes that showcased that she had that killing intent. But she'd get a chance to prove herself today. To run with the wolves one had to become a wolf. That stereotype about there being lone wolves was nothing more than conjecture and stupidity. So was the concept of their being an Alpha Wolf. It was the main reason he never considered himself a canine. He was always more inclined to view himself as a primate, and as the alpha gorilla in this pack of beasts he needed only an alpha female to join his crew. The strongest would live and the rest would die. Simple as that. He wondered what she would be. As he looked around the city itself he noted that his men were rounding up men and women in the town-square. Each one being brought down to their knees with their hands tied behind their back with rope. Numerous bodies littered the town-square as well. It was clear that some people had already died prior to being captured. Those people were the lucky ones in all honesty. They escaped what was going to be a very horrible occasion. He looked at everyone, each person there with their fingers missing. Those were their lottery tickets after-all. Brood would look around, saying nothing while his cohort Larry spoke on and on about the lottery and what it was. Brood drowned the man's voice out and looked at the female. "So how about it? You think you could handle this level of freedom? This level of true uncivilized truth?" He wanted to know. "Would you kill for it? Or would you die to keep your morals in tact?" He wondered.


Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:11 pm
The look on the Pirate’s face caused Serenity’s eyes to narrow suspiciously as he seemed to be clearly amused by her composure. She wasn’t at all sure how it would fare for her, but she knew she wasn’t going to be liking it one bit. Still, the Blade Master did nothing as she watched him carefully. Hopefully, she would be able to find a way out of the situation unscathed. "I'm not sure why you didn't think it wise to respond, but for whatever reason that perhaps has saved your life.” The woman raised a brow. So, her being quiet and inwardly sarcastic saved her life? She could live with that. “You know when to listen and you know your place. Two very good things to understand about oneself.” Her shoulders lifted slightly in an indifferent shrug. She had taken up after her Grandfather, but she was not going to tell him that at all. If she would have, he would know more than what she wanted him to know. After all, her Grandfather’s clan had racked up quite the reputation throughout the centuries. “But you're also defiant, possibly the kind of individual who schemes and plots. I can admire this.” So, he admired her. Sure, great, but she could already feel the ‘but’ of the conversation heading her way. ”But you're like a dull blade. You lack sharpness.” Serenity sighed and nodded. What was there to deny? He was right.

Still, she could only wait until he went into the bulk of what he was intending to tell her. For, just based on the conversation alone, she knew he wasn’t truly a direct person. There was always the ‘beating around the bush’ aspect for him. Not that she minded, but it provided her the opportunity to think. ”So you get to choose now.” Her eyes widened. What? ”Lucky you,” Oh, that sarcasm had come back to bite her in the worst way possible. ”I will take you and mold you. I will fashion you into a weapon that is useful to me. The alternative isn't so pretty. It's worse than death, to be fair." Serenity blinked and blinked… and blinked as she stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Out of all the things imaginable, she had never thought that this would occur. Let alone, to her. He observed her as she stood agape, unable to breathe. He would then turn and motion for her to follow. Although he could not see her hesitation, she knew he could feel it. "Follow me, don't try to run off, I can sense you wherever you go." Serenity bit her lip. She knew she couldn’t as she had already tried. But, like anyone, she needed time to digest. A luxury that he would obviously not give her. Her shoulders would then slump and a wave of uncertainty would wash over her as she looked away briefly. Her icy blue eyes would close and, when they would open, she would know her answer.

Only a second had passed when her eyes shot open. Unlike before, she now had sheer determination shining brightly within her icy orbs. Sure, it was not an ideal place nor an easy choice for her to make, but, if it allowed her to better herself as a swordswoman and obtain answers, then she could not complain. At least, not yet. Thus, she would take her first step and follow behind him out of the tavern. Perhaps she would regret it, but there was no stopping her now. Not when she had a chance to leave her confinement. All those alive would murmur and even shoot glares, hating her all the more. Yet, she would not care. She had not pledged her life to Brood and, in her line of work, that meant and said quite a lot. Still, there was inner conflict within the Blade Master. After all, what she was doing went against everything she had grown to believe as well as step all over her life as a Pryde. Serenity bit her lip uncomfortably. She was now showing cracks of weakness. Something she had grown to hate about herself so many years ago. For, no matter how hard she tried, she could not break the chains she had left behinds. Yet, once she left the establishment, she would soon come to note the man’s fury, his anger, his hatred towards her village. Confused, she moved closer behind to watch the chaos that had erupted just minutes prior. Her eyes would narrow and her face would harden at the sight. Perhaps, in a moment of uncertainty she had shown weakness, but she definitely wouldn’t allow her tormentors the same luxury.

A mask of devoid emotion would soon cover her face. The people around her would scream and cry out in terror and death, yet she heard nothing. The villagers would be cut down, yet she would see nothing. Her hands were tense with anticipation and her will strong. For, if there was one thing her Grandfather taught her, it was the thrill and play of the hunt. She would feel the man, Brood, start coming to a stop and she would soon slow her pace as well. He would turn yo look at her, his eyes flaming with something foreign to her, and she would stiffen. "Though, maybe I have jumped the gun in your initiation.” The Blade Master would give a firm nod as she prepared for his orders. Sure she had her own opinions about all of this, but she would have to wait. First, she needed to make it out alive. ”Have you even taken a life before? Do you have the stomach for such a thing?" His voice, strong and authoritative, would rise above all other. He would ask her these questions and a soft look would cross her eyes. It was the same questions she had been asked so long ago. The initiation. Yet, this time, it would be different. Her eyes would firm and she would stand at attention. She would not respond, for the question did not need an answer. This, she had figured out many years ago. Instead, she would stand tall and look him straight in the eyes. He would know. He held the experience.

The Pirate would continue to speak and she would listen. After all, what else was different? "So how about it? You think you could handle this level of freedom?” Freedom? Her eyes would scavenge the place -the line of those who had been placed at the center. If freedom for them, the people, was to stay at the top and make do with what they had. Then yes. If it was to conquer and take, much like the Pirates, then, in her own way, she would do that, too. It was, after all, simply up to the belief and value of a person. Something Serenity had grown to alter and change as time went by.”This level of true uncivilized truth?" She would place her eyes back at the man, her strength unwavering. There was definitely some things she could not agree with, that was a fact. There were also things she would never be able to condone, and that was a truth. Yet, deep inside, there was thrill. An adventure for something different and, to an extent, something that would surpass all expectations she had for herself. Perhaps, in a joke made by the Fates, this was her calling and that, in itself, could be true, too. "Would you kill for it? Or would you die to keep your morals intact?" Morality? There was more ways than one to be morally right. For her, it was not always the same as those who lived a care-free life. Something she had to thank her Grandfather and Mother for.

He would stop his speech, waiting for her answer. Yet, Serenity would look back at each and every one of those placed along the line. She needed time to digest and, for now, she would take the moment to be able to reach a resolve within her wavering heart. Sure, she had made a decision prior, but being able to live with it was a different matter. She cared not about the village or what would happen to it, but she still had her own ideals to confront. Sure she had fantasized about doing away with it all and, yet, now that the time had come, was she going to back out? She would think not. Still, Serenity showed no emotion as her eyes wandered. She would not allow anyone the luxury of seeing her distressed. Yet, the more she looked on, the more she could note why they had been chosen. For, bloodied and battered, they still remained strong. Strong with hatred towards her, no doubt, as they saw her in the company of their enemy. Not that she blamed them. The mask of hidden emotions would still remain as she engraved the sight into her mind. Their pointed glares and silent curses wasn’t something she would be concerned about. After all, she had lived with much worse. She would say nothing until her eyes would return back to the man before her. He was curious and, through him, she had reached her answer. There would be no turning back. “I await your orders… Captain

Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:59 am

It only took one moment for the female to gain Brood's respect. She didn't make a fuss and she didn't do anything that would piss him off. Instead she analyzed the situation that was laid out before her, thought about all the options that were presented to her and gracefully accepted the fate that put itself in front of her. He had done something similar back when he first thought he was going to die. When that "man with two rapiers" came and humbled Brood before he rose to was an experience that the male knew he'd never forget. But he rarely ever thought about it. He had seen plenty of monsters in his time on the seas up till this point and though none were as overwhelmingly strong as that man, he could not allow himself to be caught up in his past failures. Instead he looked towards the future with reckless abandon. There were no situations in which he found himself fearing anyone or anything now. Death was something he faced head on, this female was going to learn that feeling soon enough. Something about her screamed of innocence. As though blood had never stained her tiny frail hands before. But those hands were a facade, for they were sharpened by the very monsters that existed on this island. That much was certain. With his eyes fixating on the female, he unbuckled the large straps from his coat that covered half of his face this entire time. Revealing his face to her fully, so that the two scars on his face could be shown perfectly in the daylight. He looked at the female and spoke once more. "What is your name, nakama?" Nakama. It meant friend, family, crew-mate, ally. That was what she was now. Until the day she died or abandoned this family. She was a member of his group, he wanted to make sure that she was strong enough to be with them.

He knew that something about her was going to prove to be interesting. After-all, she seemed to have a ferocity buried deep inside of her that he wanted to exploit at all costs. Whatever the case, he would need to spend the tie to mold this woman into a weapon that would benefit his crew. He didn't need anymore grunts, he needed people with a purpose. She seemed to have purpose, he just had to figure out what that purpose happened to be. "In order to make sure that you're ready to join up with us, I need to see you spill some blood. Though not every member of my crew fights, you carry with you impressive weapons that seem absolutely dehydrated. I understand and respect the value of a weapon. For it is a tool meant to defend one's life as much as it is meant to take one. I need to feel your resolve." He was very clear in his words to her, his eyes holding a glint of playfulness as he spoke casually about murder. His men were ransacking the homes on the island, while others patrolled making sure none of the survivors ran away. Their death grip on the survivors was something to behold, and to be hold it would showcase the truth about power in this world. Morality was something that Brood cared little for, in his mind those who lived in this world had no rights. Anything you wanted you needed to take, anything you wanted to keep you had to defend. It was that simple. Strength and power were his tools, they made his decisions for him. "Pick out three people and kill them in cold blood. Showcase that you lack any sort of weakness that could cost you your life in this world. Compassion and empathy are not indications of weakness, mind you, but you can show your enemies none of these traits." Enemies could become allies, but he didn't like to leave things to chance.


Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:23 pm
Serenity awaited patiently for his response as her head slightly lowered down in a form of respect. Her face remained expressionless except for the sliver of slight concern that was made evident upon her bluish tinted eyes. It was true that she had been morphed into a weapon to do away with his kind, but today was not the day to fulfill her lifelong mission. Nor was it any opportunity to defy the man’s commands. For, if there was anything that she had been taught well, she knew when it was time to pick a fight and when it was time to back down. Sure it would brand her a traitor in the eyes of her grandfather, but she had made her decision. For now, though, she was to do her best at his hands to become the person he wished for her to be -a weapon for his own amusement. It wasn’t that she had resigned herself to him for she would never, but to study his crew would prove beneficial in the long run. At least, it was her justification for the reason that she had accepted to work under him. Otherwise, she would have fought her way through and died as a fool. He would waste no time in speaking, "What is your name, nakama?" This would catch the blade master off guard as a flicker of curious surprise and caution flickered across her icy blue hues. Nakama? She had never heard of the word before, but by the characteristic and with the manner in which he had spoken it to her, she could only safely assume it was meant to be a good thing. At least, for the moment.

In reply to his brief words yet kind-laced words, she would bow her head briefly once more as she remained unsure of what her next words would be. She would do her absolute best to not appear distressed nor fidget as to not raise suspicion. He had asked for her name, but would she agree to give it? On one hand, a name, to many, was simply but sign of formalities and of friendship. Yet, to her, a name meant much more. It meant trust and an identity of one’s past, present, and future. It was of grave importance, hence why many hid their identities and worked upon the darkness of the night. Especially as hers was something that held a deep weight upon her shoulders regardless of with whom she met and/or where she resided in. Thus, never taking her eyes off of him she would oblige to his request. Even if it would perhaps not be entirely for what he had hoped for.. “Seraphina,” she replied. “Although, as per my last name, it was discarded long ago.” Regardless of whether or not he would accept it as it was, it was now true nonetheless. For, despite having come from the prestigious line of the Pryde clans, she was now to be considered an outsider -a traitor to the cause. After all, she had pledged herself to the use of the enemy faction. Nevertheless, her last name would remain private. After all, in truth, she never knew if it would affect the outcome of what had come to occur. It could be that it would become her worst mistake.

Perhaps, in time, she would confide in this man. Yet she would still have her doubts due to the fact of who he was and the circumstances in which they had met. It was not a great first impression, but it had proved interesting. Surely it had been a life changer in the very least, but she couldn’t afford to trust him one-hundred percent. At least, not yet. Still, she would be wary of how she would act from then on out. She knew the importance of gaining his trust, though, and so she would do her best to please him. The blade master was one not to seek attention, but she did not have much of a choice as he had taken interest in her from the start. Regardless of his reply, he would then proceed to speak of the guidelines in which she had to follow. It made sense as her joining was unprecedented for. He would speak and she would listen, "In order to make sure that you're ready to join up with us, I need to see you spill some blood.” Serenity merely shrugged as her expression turned noncommittal. Yeah, she didn’t mind it. After all, the blade master had been prepared to do so since the moment she could walk. “Though not every member of my crew fights, you carry with you impressive weapons that seem absolutely dehydrated.” She cocked her head to the side in confusion. Dehydrated? “I understand and respect the value of a weapon. For it is a tool meant to defend one's life as much as it is meant to take one.” She had to agree. “I need to feel your resolve." She gave a firm nod. That, he would.

Seraphina would close her eyes for a moment, feeling the breeze of the winds against the long strands of her hair. Her ears would be open to the sounds of her surroundings and her hands would stand at the ready. If he wished for her to rid the town of the souls that had tormented her for many years, she would happily oblige. It was time they faced her wrath and they would pay dearly for the years they had taken away from her. Her muscles tensed and her breathing slowed into almost nothingness. Darkness and an eerie sense of unattachment to her sliver of humanity would start to vanish and delve her into the emptiness she had deep within her mind and heart. Yet, within the darkness in which she found herself in, his vice would ring loud and clear. "Pick out three people and kill them in cold blood.” Her eyes would snap open, cold and unattached to the shine they had shown seconds prior. If it was a killer he wanted, she would show him her skills as one. “Showcase that you lack any sort of weakness that could cost you your life in this world.” Her cold, unfeeling eyes would pass over the group of villagers across the lines. There was no doubt that they had heard of their fate and trembled down upon her expressionless hues. No one in the line deserved to be spared and they knew it. The time for judgment had come and they feared it. “Compassion and empathy are not indications of weakness, mind you, but you can show your enemies none of these traits." She would listen.

Her skillful hand would immediately reach back in a swift, fluid motion to retrieve her weapon. The blade would shine brightly against the midday sun as the glint of forged intricate designs glistened in the sun. Without a doubt, it would be Luna, her prime, that would aid her in her task today. Her hand expertly wielded the sword as the weapon flashed a beautiful metallic silver upon her hands. Her unwavering eyes would scan the line of the unfortunates, calculating her ins and outs. It would prove satisfactory to rid herself of them now, but she would not move from her position as she would then turn to look back at her Master -the Pirate. After all, she was without a will, at least for the moment, and would have to submit herself to orders until he deemed her work up to par. Even if he had truly meant for her to choose, she would step back and allow him to do the part. For, if she were to truly gain his trust, she would need to resign herself to his will. Otherwise, she would be no better than a rogue and his trust would never truly be won. At least, if he were a regular man or anything like her grandfather and herself. Serenity would let out a small sigh as she would stand at attention as an idea sparked, “Master,” she was not sure how to address him. If anything, she would simply do so as she had been trained prior. “Has the lottery been cast?” Her eyes returned to the line then back at him, “Although I am grateful for the opportunity to choose, I would be most honored if you did so for me.” Her eyes would lower respectfully, "After all, my blade is yours to command."

Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private] Empty Re: Maritime Scary Time [Past][Private]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:57 pm

Brood took note of how the female seemed to answer him, how she chose to go about responding to the information he had given her. It seemed as though she didn't seemingly comprehend all of the things he said, but understood enough of what he was saying to comprehend the situation she found herself in. The mannerisms that she had displayed for the male was something that he considered to be awe inspiring, to say the least. She had a name that he found attractive, Seraphina, it was a name that seemed to have origins outside of his realm of knowledge, but it was kind of uppity in and of itself. It made him wonder about the origins of this female, what peasant would give their child such a noteworthy name. It mattered little, she didn't seem to place any stock or value in her own origins, indicated by how she so easily dismissed her lack of a last name. It was fine if she felt that way, but he'd tell her rather point blank how he felt about her ability to just throw that name away. "You should take pride in your last name. But we all walk our own paths, so I will respect your lack of a family name." Considering that the conversation had moved on since she had said such a thing, he just wanted to make a comment on it before he went out of his way to address the other comments that she happened to make towards him. Most notably the nickname that she seemed to force upon him, the one of 'master'. He couldn't tell if she was attempting to mock him or not, given that he said she was nakama, but he decided to quickly address that as well. "Unless you have plans to obey me wholeheartedly, to serve my every need, want and desire at a drop of a hat. Mind, body and soul. I'd not call me master. Captain will do just fine." He made his point pretty clear at least, after-all she was a babe and he'd not mind taking from her what was rightfully hers, but she wasn't destined for that kind of encounter. Not with Brood at least.

Walking over towards the female, he'd look at her with a curious expression, tilting his head towards herHe started to nod towards himself for a moment as he aimed his hand above his head, his eyes becoming bloodshot instantly as a massive glob of sugar-like water shot itself up into the air and hovered in the air as though it was some sort of sugar cloud. "However, since I do not feel like wasting my time picking for you. I'll let fate decide. Let's see who survives the tasty typhoon." He stated, which was the name of the technique that he utilized. Immediately sugar-like raindrops would rain down all over the area, causing micro explosions wherever they landed. The rain seemed to fall at random all over the area, but that was merely a coincidence. He'd point upwards at the droplets that went towards his new ally, shooting various bullets up into the air that seemed to just absorb the exploding sugar and fly off into the distance, making the area in which the pairing stood safe. The rest of the people in the area were not so lucky, good that most of his crew paid attention to the large cloud hovering above them and took cover ahead of time. As the area found itself lighting up like a fireworks display, Brood looked towards the female with a look of disinterest on his face. Speaking to her in a manner that was so crystal clear that there would literally be no way she'd be able to hesitate now. "Looks like those three didn't get hit. The fat guy with the red beard, the pie-faced bitch with the massive chest and that bastard with the ugly ass mustache and the lanky frame. Kill them." What he did was something known as "excessive force", since he wanted to showcase to her in a manner that she'd never forget that he was perhaps one of the most dangerous individuals on the island. One who was not to be trifled with or betrayed. On the off chance that she was being coy and wasn't being...completely loyal to her new captain.

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