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A Coincidental Meeting Empty A Coincidental Meeting

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:48 pm
The Quest:

Ryuji was on his assigned battleship from the World Government, he and the 45th Shock Battalion were currently travelling for the island known as "Foolshout Island" which apparently started to grow into a bigger community everyday, it just started with the idea that it seperated itself from dangerous factors in the grand line like revolutionaries, pirates, marines etc. However, the higher-ups believed that due to the neutrality of the island, it may be a target for a pirate crew to take over the island as a form of profit, the World Government wanted to see if they can get to the punch first before any big-shot pirates do. Ryuji was currently on the top deck of the battleship, Akihiko was currently somewhere else and wasn't escorting Ryuji on this mission, but he has his essential members on board, such as Captain Kuro and Lieutenant Tom. Though Ryuji could've personally gone to the island himself without a detachment of the 45th with him, he supposed there was safety in numbers.

Ryuji's battleship eventually reached the shore of the island, he went to the top of the deck and the marines gathered together in formation to pay attention to what Ryuji had to say. "This is meant to be a simple mission with no fighting involved, if we come in with squads of marines they'll think badly of us. I only want to bring Lieutenant Tom with me, everyone else stay on the ship. I prefer you guys to be here in-case anything happens." and with that, the marines saluted. Tom walked up next to Ryuji, Ryuji went to the edge of the ship to prepare jumping off the ship, Ryuji said "Ready Tom?" Tom only gave a nod, and both of them jumped off the ship and landed safely on the shore. They started to walk towards the village that was in the distance.

A Coincidental Meeting Empty Re: A Coincidental Meeting

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:59 am

The difference between faith and folly seemed incredible minute at times like this. Pirates blindly put their faith into other cutthroats and thieves, attempting to believe that there had to be some sort of implied honor among them. Relying on the information given at the back of seedy bars and on parchments of paper that are years upon years older than they ought to be. At times, it was hard to know if the info proved reliable or not, but pirates had to rely on their instincts, on their guts, in order to make a wise decision. Today proved to be one of those days for the formidable up-starts known as the Big Time Pirates. They had, relieved, a map of some sort from some fellows whom they had a disagreement with only hours prior to now.  The male knew it was going to be far to humid and far to hot for him to wear his traditional garbs, so he improvised. Choosing to wear a black wife-beater, with his crew's insignia super-imposed onto the front of the article of clothing, and pants that were not only jet black, but adorned with too many straps. His look was that of someone who was far to edgy to be intimidating, but the look in his eyes surely made up for that. There was a hint of determination within his gaze.

He decided that it would be in his best interest to leave some of the crew-mates behind. He wasn't going to need everyone with him today. He decided that he would take the two who needed to redeem themselves after that last debacle, Dirty Desmond and Prince Sorbet. One was too busy trying to lay with some tavern girls and the other was too busy whining. These two would be handed flint-lock pistols all the while. With these three leaving the giant metal-slab they called a boat, stepping out on to the flat-lands, they knew today would be eventful. There was something off about this island. Despite the look of this place, it was hot enough to confuse this place for a desert if one lacked the intelligence to discern the subtle differences. The prince would fan himself erratically, ever the drama queen. They wore attire similar to their captain. He who, without skipping a beat, made his way out forward with his gaze fixated on a image in the distance. It was that of a town, far into the distance. Without a word or command being spoke towards the two in tow with him, they made a swift pace towards the epicenter of the town itself. So long as they found that treasure, today would be a success. Or so he speculated.


A Coincidental Meeting Empty Re: A Coincidental Meeting

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:18 am
”Hmm? what do you want?”

Ryuji was travelling with Tom to the town that was in the distance, they only just realized as they were walking that it'd noticeably got hotter, luckily Ryuji put off his coat back at the ship so he was wearing his blue shirt and beige-colored pants normally, but Tom was in his full armor so it must've been boiling hot for him, Ryuji asked him with this in mind, saying "Tom, you alright in there bud?" and Tom only gave a nod, typical. Tom didn't appear to be struggling and was just walking normally to the village, Ryuji guessed that his shock trooper training either made him mentally resilient to the point of him not caring, or he's got some sort of cooler in that armor. Anyway, enough side-thoughts as Ryuji and Tom finally made it to the village.

Ryuji and Tom were greeted by a local, with a open brown shirt, black shorts and sandals. He seemed to have smiled upon their arrival at first, but when he noticed Tom's armor with the marines logo, his smile was instantly shot down. It appears that the World Government might not be very popular here. The man said "I'm assuming you are Marines? if so, could I ask why you're here?" Ryuji replied to the man, saying "Yes, we are marines. I'm here to negotiate a possible alliance between your community and the World Government." the man then showed a disappointed face, he looked to the village and then straight back to Ryuji, saying "With all due respect, we don't want to align ourselves with the world government. People come to this peaceful community to avoid both marines and pirates alike and we'd like to remain neutral."

Ryuji was about to leave, until a man from the distance shouted at them to stop and when they turned around, noticed a fat man with very similar clothing to the other man. "Now, now. Is that anyway to treat a guest Jack? even if they are marines, they're still our guests. Come come, I'll show you good lads around town." Ryuji started to follow the fat man, he noticed that he wore a special decorated wooden crown, suggesting that he's either a high-rank or well respected person of the village, or the actual leader, just somebody Ryuji needed to talk to.


A Coincidental Meeting Empty Re: A Coincidental Meeting

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:27 pm

Brood was starting to notice rather quickly that something was off here. This didn't exactly seem like the type of place in which any pirate or thief would stash their treasure. From the eyes that were on him and his cohorts, this seemed like a place filled with people too nosy to have kept any secrets buried for long. His eyes would dart over towards Desmond as the massive man began to speak. "Absolutely disgusting, none of the women here are attractive at all brother. This is a waste of time." The might man would laugh a bit, but Sorbet would be the first to respond to the statement. "Does it truly matter if there are fine maidens here for your perusal, you ingrate. This is our punishment, unfortunately. I can't believe that I, the illustrious Prince Sorbet, have to be given this unfair treatment with you as my equal in guilt. Absolutely appalling." His statement caused the larger man's eyes to narrow for a moment as he began to speak up in annoyance, but was immediately cut off when Brood interjected."Do you both feel that? Something is wrong here, someone with a strong aura is on this island. Which is not good. We are here for a simple smash and grab, I want you both on alert." Brood's tone was serious, which meant both men immediately nodded as they felt the overbearing weight of his murderous intent. He was not fucking around at this point. He'd turn back to look at his vessel off the coast, making hand gestures that were barely seen.

The male wasn't about to allow anyone of substantial strength to get the drop on him, never again. So he decided to move at a brisk pace until he was well away enough from where he was exposed. Snapping his finger, Desmond's grin seemed to grow at an exponentially dreadful rate, causing the behemoth of a male to break off from the little trio, kicking down a door and startling the people that were inside of the establishment in which he invaded. Sorbet had a similar reaction, though with far less glee than his mastodon of a counterpart. The rather feminine male had broke off towards a residential home, kicking down the door and pulling his pistol out immediately, he'd indiscriminately fire off three rounds. Casualties found themselves being showcased in a few moments. Brood kept himself standing in one spot, his eyes narrowing for a moment whilst he looked onward. Unflinching, unfeeling, he wanted to draw this threat out into the open. As more gunshots started to chime within their respected buildings, it was no surprise that curious neighbors and some of the people on the street found themselves growing curious over the strange noises. But using a technique with no name, he was able to fire off what appeared to be a series of high-speed projectiles that started to rip their way through citizens at random. He wasn't here for genocide, but he needed to get a nice little body count on the off-chance that he'd need to flee. His ship aimed it's canons towards the town. In case he'd need to make an escape.


A Coincidental Meeting Empty Re: A Coincidental Meeting

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:49 am
”Hmm? what do you want?”

OOC: Apologies for the wait, here's my post

Ryuji had started to walk with the fat man, Ryuji saw that the man was constantly looking at Tom, he then said "Pardon me for staring, but your friend is quite a figure. I've never seen armor like that before." Ryuji nodded, saying "Aye. He's a unique soldier, one of my best men. He may not be very talkative but he's a true marine." they continued to walk, the man asked another question saying "Can I... see his face? I'm just curious." Ryuji shaked his head, chuckling at the man's question "No can do sir, I'm his boss but even I rarely see what's inside that helmet of his." Tom grunted at Ryuji, getting the message and saying "Right... thanks for showing us around by the way, did you want to talk to us about something?" the man had suddenly stopped, facing towards Ryuji and now holds a more serious tone.

"Yes... you probably guessed it by now, but I'm one of the leaders of this village, me and a few other far-sighted leaders have started to accept the fact that as we grow more as a community, we'll become targets, I'd rather sign an alliance with the World Government then let pirates subjugate us." Ryuji nodded, saying "I understand, just know that if you do sign with us... it will most likely become a one-sided agreement where the island will go under heavy marine control, but you'll still be able to keep your independence as a leader, as well as your fellow leaders." he nodded, looking a bit sad but relieved at the same time. "I see, thank you-" before he could finish, a gunshot could be heard, instantly bringing the attention of both Ryuji and Tom in a heartbeat. Ryuji looks to the man and says "Get back to your house, if anyone is outside their house, tell them to go back." Ryuji then turns to Tom. "Make sure the citizens are safe, that no one is going after them. I'll see what this threat is."

Tom nodded, rushing to each house to assure the citizen's safety, Ryuji climbed to the rooftop and started jumping from roof to roof, heading to the direction of where he heard the gunshots, as he started to get closer, he could suddenly start to sense a monstrous aura, it shook him to his core. "What... is this power?" this is somebody... no, somebody potentially even stronger then me..." he wasted no time as he started to get closer, he finally looked down to the street to see the bodies of several citizens, he saw that some of them were already dead. "What? is this... person responsible for this? what's going on?" he was still in awe by the sinister aura he felt, he started to look around for where this person was, where he felt this substantial power from.

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