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Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:32 pm
The night was silent as Miku made her way back through the alleys and desolate streets that led her back to the docks. It was strange that she hadn’t seen a single marine on any of the streets. She honestly expected them to come after her but instead they hadn’t made a single peep. Hell, one of their own was missing and that didn’t even seem to faze them at all. So much for loyalty among crew mates. It disgusted Miku as she made her way back to Nathaniel as quietly but quickly as possible.

“I’ve got a idea Miku. But I don’t think you’re gonna like it…” Was the first thing Nathaniel decided to say to her as she jogged around the corner. No thanks, no are the kids okay, typical man. Miku shook her head and looked over to the marine that she had knocked out cold to make sure he hadn’t moved at all. He hadn’t. With that out of the way Miku walked over to a beam opposite of Nathaniel.

Miku leaned against the beam across from Nathaniel and gave him a quick up and down to make sure he was okay. He was still breathing heavily and was mostly supported by that beam he was leaning on. Nathaniel didn’t seem to have any blatant injuries on him as opposed to her. She was covered in bruises and her clothes were torn in several spots. Her hair was now dry but stuck up in several places from under her hat since it had not been properly brushed after her dip in the ocean. She was a proper mess. Nothing unusual for the trouble making woman. Miku stared at Nathaniel waiting for him to continue explaining his brilliant plan and even gave a wave of her hand to signal him to continue. She wasn’t in the best of moods right now.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:49 am

Nathaniel slunked down onto the sand, still leaning against the wooden beam, and looked up at the clearly agitated Miku stood across from him.

“Let’s just say that I have a way that’ll make this scumbag sing like a canary. It’s not a method I’m particularly proud of, but it’ll get the job done.” Nathaniel paused to catch his breath: he was still somewhat drained from earlier. “But we have two problems. One is that I don’t have the energy to do it yet, the other is that we can’t do it here. Someone may hear him screaming…”

Nathaniel knew that they were pressed for time, but he still had confidence that this would be the simplest way to make sure the marine spilled the beans on the mysteries occurring on Centaurea. He drew his gaze away from Miku, not being sure if he wanted to see her reaction or not and instead looked down at his now sodden white gloves. He must look a state.

“I imagine you know this island pretty well. Can you think of somewhere we won’t be found for another hour at least?”

Abilities Used:

Card Cannon – 2 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 11 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP - 205
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:07 am
Miku was surprised to see Nathaniel sink back down into the sand, he truly must have been more exhausted than she had presumed. However she waited to hear out his plan before moving to provide any kind of assistance. After hearing him out Miku remained silent as she thought over what Nathaniel had told her. So he needed a place to stay, huh? She knew of one but she didn’t want to risk the kids safety. If it was just Nathaniel she would consider it but that damn marine wasn’t getting near any of her kids ever again if she could help it. Thinking of the kids reminded her of Jacob and how scared and alone he must be right now. With a dark look in her eyes she looked at Nathaniel.

“I know a few places we can take him. Mostly abandoned buildings that we deem too dangerous to consider using as shelter due to their shoddy construction. Plus as long as you ain’t around the nicer areas no one will care to follow the screams. Everyone on this island knows better than to stick your neck out for anyone. Especially strangers.” Miku explained to Nathaniel and gave him a pointed look as she added that last bit. It was very uncommon for locals to help strangers but she owed Nathaniel for saving those two kids.

“Look, I’m all for getting this all solved tonight but you look like a right mess. You help me get what we need from this scumbag but then you’re done. Alright?” Miku’s tone left little room for argument. “I’ll make sure you can get somewhere safe and then head out myself. Let us take of our own. You’ve done more than enough.” With this Miku walked over to Nathaniel and offered him a hand. If he took it she would wrap his arm around her shoulder and support his weight. With her off hand she’d simply drag the Marine behind her and start heading toward a more desolate part of town through the alleys.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:14 am

Nathaniel inhaled deeply. He knocked Miku’s hand away and placed his feet firmly on the sand. He pushed hard against it and eventually managed to rise to his feet, all the meanwhile using the beam for support. Once he was stood up straight he cocked his Top Hat upwards to face Miku for the first time, a large smile spread across his face.

“Sorry Kiddo, but you can’t get rid of me that easy. We’ve come this far; why ruin such an entertaining double act before the big finish?” Now came the tricky part. One leg at a time he attempted to walk forwards and, although he was somewhat wobbly, he was able to stay on his feet. He hobbled past Miku and over to the Marine.

“Besides,” he said before looking over his shoulder, “you’d miss me too much."

In truth, Nathaniel was scared. He wasn't sure if he wanted to find out what it was these monsters were doing to the children, nor did he fancy crossing paths with the Marine captain again anytime soon. But more than any of that, he was afraid of what might happen should he allow Miku to face it all by herself. She may be tough - a hell of a lot tougher than Nathaniel first thought for that matter - but no-one would be able to do everything this task required by themselves.

"Now then, if you’d be so kind as to lead the way!”

Abilities Used:

Card Cannon – 1 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 10 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP - 205
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:06 am
Miku’s irritation spiked when Nathaniel had the gall to slap away her hand before standing up on his own. Fine, if he wanted to play tough guy then let him. Miku simply crossed her arms as she stood nearby in case he fell back over. Surprisingly he managed to stay standing and even managed to put that smile back on his face. Then he called her ‘kiddo’ again and she shot a glare at him and continued doing so as he shakily began walking past her and towards the streets. She rolled her eyes when he made the remark about her missing him. Since Nathaniel seemed well enough she moved over the the marine, sat him up, and managed to slide him over her upper back so she could carry him while holding on to his legs and arms as a way to keep him balanced. Her back was straight and she was visibly red in the face at the attempt.

After a few steps in the sand she got used to the extra weight and settled into slow pace. She didn’t want to waste any breath on talking and simply kept walking past Nathaniel. Hopefully he was smart enough to simply follow him. Oh, this marine seriously need a diet thought Miku as she could walked through the alleys slowly. She knew a shoddy warehouse nearby that should serve their purpose well. After twenty agonizingly slow minutes of a small woman carrying a man twice her weight and a tall white haired young man hobbling along beside her, they reached the shoddy warehouse. Miku walked up to one of the side entrances and simply kicked in the door which gave way easily and swung wide open. She hustled inside and was welcomed to a large enclosed place filled with pile of random junk scattered around. It appeared that it was once a storage place for a local business but with the poverty that was rampant across the island most stores went out of business. She walked up to one of the many support pillars that was spread out across the warehouse and tossed the marine against it.

“Oh god, that was horrible.” She said in broke gasps as she was tired from carrying that guy for so long. She hadn’t paid attention to Nathaniel at all as it took all her concentration to make sure her legs didn’t buckle during the last stretch of their walk. She simply walked away from the marine and figured she would let Nathaniel do whatever it was he was gonna do. “Hey, if you want we can take turns questioning this guy. I know I would like a few shots at this bastard.” She said as she pounded her fist into her own palm. “Just an idea.” She said as she leaned against another pillar to rest for a bit.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:49 am

Miku’s silent agitation didn’t go unnoticed, but neither did her lack of an argument against Nathaniel’s wish to continue with their little investigation. And so they cautiously made their way through the streets and back alleys, gaining a fair few odd looks from the occasional passer-by that was lucky enough to see their dysfunctional parade.

By the time they reached the worn down warehouse Nathaniel had pretty much recovered from his encounter with the water and was fully prepared for what came next. The marine had been propped up against a stone pillar ready for Nathaniel to take the stage. Miku offered her assistance, however – as unintentionally cocky as it may sound – Nathaniel didn’t think he’d need it.

He waltzed over to the Marine and bent down next to him, slapping on his signature smile as he did so.

“Excuse me Sir? I’m afraid nap-time is over…” The Marine didn’t stir. Now, the polite thing to do would be to continue trying to gently wake this man from his slumber. But they didn’t have time for that. Nathaniel gave the marine a sharp slap across the face, causing him to let out a small cry of pain before coming to.

“Wh—Where the HELL AM I?!?! How dare you people k-kidnap a member of Captain Leclerc’s Marine Corps!” He yelled desperately as he flickered his gaze around his surroundings, probably in an attempt to grasp the situation he had found himself in. He was about to start up again, but Nathaniel wasn’t in the mood to listen to any of his blithering nonsense, and so decided to cut him off.

“Sorry to interrupt, but, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, you’re not exactly in any position to make idle threats. Now then, down to business.” Nathaniel leant in close, his devilish smile unwavering. “You can either tell us everything you know about the children, the ‘Doctor’ and this ‘Captain Leclerc’ and live out the rest of your miserable life, or there’s always… the alternative…”

The marine gulped under the pressure of Nathaniel’s killer aura, but, staying loyal to his Captain, said nothing. Nathaniel stood up with a sigh and turned to face Miku. “Well, it was worth a try. Oh, and prepare yourself; this may not be pleasant.” Nathaniel closed his eyes and slipped into a state of complete focus. “Mind Melt.”

Almost as soon as he’d said this, the Marine behind him let out an almighty howl, closely followed by a short break, then another scream. This repeated again and again as Nathaniel showed the Marine his own cruel death, again and again. Each death more gruesome and painful than the last. One illusion consisted of him slowly being lowered into a fiery pit, another had the marine trapped in a well with the water rising, one made it feel as though he were being eaten alive by a horde of Lapahn. The noises escaping from this man were truly harrowing; disturbing even. Every second that went by merely reminded Nathaniel why he hated using this torture tactic, but as they say, desperate times and whatnot.

Nathaniel opened his eyes, releasing the illusion, and the Marine collapsed onto the floor, all but frothing at the mouth. He once again bent down next to the Marine, of whom was now barely conscious, still wearing his cruel smile.

“Now then, shall we try this again?”

Abilities Used:
Mind Melt – 6 Post Cooldown:

Card Cannon – Usable

Perfect Disguise – 9 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP - 205
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:01 am
Miku slowly recovered from the long haul and observed Nathaniel as he approached the Marine. A small smirk appeared on her face when she saw him slap the maring awake, bastard deserved more than a slap but it would do for now. As she listened the Nathaniel begin his investigation she wasn’t surprised at the marine’s refusal to comply to their wishes. It was both irritating as it would only slow down her rescue of Jacob but the darker part of her was glad they would have a chance to ‘persuade’ him to talk. Though what happened next was something she would never have predicted.

Nathaniel had slipped into some meditative state and muttered a short phrase before the real interrogation began. The marine’s grew dilated and he seemed to lose his grip on reality as his eyes began to dart through the room as if he was seeing things that weren’t there. The man started howling in pain, fear, and panic before quickly quieting down only for the cycle to continue. These weren’t simple screams of pain, they were true cries of horror. The cries of a man who saw his death quickly approaching. It cycled several times and each cry was worse than the last. The whole time Nathaniel remained unaffected and remained in his meditative state. It was truly a horror to watch and Miku’s face reflected the shock and slight fear she began to feel at Nathaniel’s ever growing repertoire of skills.

Eventually Nathaniel ended his meditative state and the marine finally collapsed. His eyes were bloodshot, skin pale, and his mouth was foaming as he had screamed his own voice hoarse. Nathaniel simply continued his questioning as if nothing had happened at all. It was terrifying to see this man cause the marine to face some unimaginable horrors with that damned smile of his still plastered on his face. Who was this man? At first Miku never gave any thought to who Nathaniel was but seeing several terrifyingly powerful abilities and his extreme exhaustion after his plunge into the sea the pieces began to fall into place. He must have consumed a Devil Fruit. It would explain his strange abilities and his inability to swim. Nothing else would make sense at this point and she remained silent. Her fists were obviously not needed and they were all she really had to offer.

A deep pang of helplessness rung through her as she realized Nathaniel must be on a completely different level of power than she was. And she had been treating him as if he was dead weight the whole time. With this humbling thought she looked away, her pride damaged and a frown on her face.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:19 am

“Okay, Okay! I’ll t-talk, just please, don- don’t do that again…” The Marine sat up against the wall, clearly mentally drained from his unfortunate experience.

“We were stationed here a couple months ago, the big bosses were finally gonna take action against the corruption on this island. We were gonna be the Vanguard, but when we arrived, not even Captain Leclerc could do anything. This cesspool was just too far gone. That was when the Captain came across him.” The Marine sighed before carrying on, almost as if he was ashamed.

“He called himself Dr Mengele. He said he’d been watching us and that our ‘all-out attack’ approach was all wrong. But that he knew how to help. He said the only sure-fire way to fix this island was to get rid of everyone on it and start again, so he came up with a plan and said he needed us and the Captain to help.

The Doctor created a Vaccine you see, he called it Coal Flush. He said the vaccine festers within the victim’s veins and replaces the oxygen in their red blood cells therefore cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain and killing them, turning the blood black in the process. The only symptom is the deathly grey color a victim turns about 24 hours after becoming infected, but by that point it’s already too late for them.

The true genius of the disease comes from its contagiousness. The Doctor wanted us to kidnap kids for him to infect, then he’d release them all back to their families. Within one week the disease will have spread across the island, within one more every filthy degenerate on this island will be dead.”

Nathaniel stood up slowly, visibly shaking with anger. “And where exactly is this Laboratory…?”

“In the old observatory on the other side of the Island.” The marine started to shake. At first Nathaniel thought he was crying, but as it turned out, any show of remorse was too much to expect from this trash. The marine was not crying, but laughing in fact. For the first time he looked up from the floor, instead looking Nathaniel in the eyes. “But you’re too late, the Doctor’s gonna carry out his plan tonight! THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN D—“ Nathaniel cut him off with a quick punch to the face, knocking him out cold once again.

Nathaniel turned to face Miku, a cold-blooded grin now spread across his face.

“Well, it seems as though we have work to do.”

Abilities Used:

Mind Melt – 5 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 8 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP - 205
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:47 pm
Miku was already irritated but when that marine started to trash talk her home it turned to anger. When he revealed the marines originally came to help them her anger grew. When he mentioned a name she knew who to take all this out on. When he revealed this mad man’s plan, her anger began to visibly affect her as she began to breath noisily out of her nose in an attempt to calm herself. Her once crossed arms were now at her sides with curled fists that were shaking slightly. But what really set her over the edge was how they planned on using the children of the island to spread it. Miku closed her eyes and all the shaking and fury was gone. Her rage surpassed that. It was a cold smoldering anger that she had never felt before. This Dr. Megele was the monster that dared take one of her own. He would pay.

With the location revealed and the marine knocked out at Nathaniel’s hand Miku could finally appreciate the man’s cold-blooded grin. She merely returned it with a smoldering scowl that wasn’t intended for him but was present none the less. “That’s an understatement.” Was all Miku said before she stormed towards the door they came in from. Not caring if Nathaniel followed after her or not. She had a name, she had a location, and she had a little brother that needed his big sister. Her walk was fast and she turned corners quickly, as if every second mattered. It honestly might for Jacob.

Miku wouldn’t stop if Nathaniel called for her. She wouldn’t stop if he begged her to slow down. Though if he were to get in front of her she wouldn’t force her way through. She may need him as an ally and wouldn’t push away his help this time. Though if he did none of these things she would simply continue her march towards where Jacob was. If anyone spotted her during her march they would feel a murderous intent coming off the woman and quickly turn around or hide indoors. The short woman had the look of a woman with a man to kill reflected in her eyes.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:40 pm

Miku led the way out of the warehouse with Nathaniel following closely behind, both of them leaving the Marine behind to – hopefully – rot. As they walked through the streets, back alleys and alcoves Nathaniel thought about what exactly laid ahead for Miku and himself. If what the Marine said was true, then this ‘Coal Flush’ had to be stopped before it began, but there were two problems; Dr Mengele and Captain Leclerc. Nathaniel had already seen first-hand what the Marine Captain’s capabilities were, and this Doctor held the key to mass destruction and chaos. What’s more, nobody else knew about it, in fact, telling anyone would likely cause mass mayhem; not to mention it would force the Doctor to move forward the experiments.

Nathaniel was so lost in thought that he didn’t even realise that he and Miku had arrived outside the Observatory. The building resided on the outskirts of town, where the lights of the city wouldn’t block out the stars. The building itself took the shape of an enormous white dome stood on top of a plain brick-walled cylinder. Bricks were missing and the paint had peeled off in most places, but loud noises blared out from within, and it was clear that most of the lights were on.

Nathaniel looked over to Miku.

“Are you ready?”

Abilities Used:

Mind Melt – 4 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 7 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP - 205
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:33 pm
“Do you seriously need me to answer that?” Was Miku’s reply as she decided to take the lead by trying to open the door. Of course it was locked so she did the only thing she could about locked doors, she struck at the door over and over with her Brawler’s Knuckles until she managed to break the door in as if she was a living battering ram. Her chest was heaving but it wasn’t because of how tired she was, no, it was because with each punch her rage grew as she imagined all the horrible noises coming inside being torn from Jacob’s throat. With the door finally being open, albeit noisily, she stepped into the well lit interior of the observatory.

Upon entering the building she could make out the fact that the entire building shared one ceiling that was the dome and that it was simply one giant room instead of being divided into multiple rooms. The giant telescope that once occupied the observatory was replaced with tables with vats of bubbling liquids, tubes that connected these vats to vials and beakers. Along the far wall were several makeshift curtains that seemed to hide something behind them. It was almost as if someone has set up several changing rooms on the far wall. To the left there was a some box shaped containers that were covered up with sheets as well. The boxes seemed to be a source of multiple noises that strangely sounded like a mix of shouts and wails. On the opposite wall there were discarded piles of trash, debris, clothing, and other strange miscellaneous objects. Some of the piles were simply rotting compost that filled the lab with the smell of decay and sulfur. This place was truly a hell if the marine was telling the truth about it’s goal and the horrible experiments that were conducted here.

Though there was all this to take in Miku’s attention was drawn to two men who seemed to be engrossed in a conversation of some sort while looking at the multitude of vats on the several tables spread across the center of the Observatory. The two men immediately looked up as the door had gave way to the short woman. The larger of the two was familiar as it was none other than the captain of the marines himself, Captain Leclerc. The other was a more frail looking man with oily hair that simply lay where it may on his head. He was only looked about 5’9” but his frame was extremely lithe and his skin was pale and had several blotches as if it had been burned by chemical spills. Miku presumed this man who was dressed in a ratty lab coat with just as stained clothes underneath to be the mad Dr. Mengele.

Without stopping for a second she marched straight into the Observatory and stopped as she made it a quarter of the way through the building, halfway to the two men who were situated at the center of the building. “Where is Jacob?!” Demanded Miku with a shout filled with rage and desperation. At the question that rebounded throughout the Observatory a voice could be heard coming from the far end of the room from behind one of the make shift curtains.

"MIKU, HELP ME, THEY HAVE ME TIED TO A TABLE!!!" Though the voice seemed to be quickly muffled as if someone else unseen behind the curtain had gagged the voices owner. At hearing this voice Miku immediately felt her rage soar to new heights as she realized she had finally found Jacob in this mad man's clutches.

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:29 am

Miku had decided to take the ‘storm in guns a’ blazin’ approach, which Nathaniel didn’t object to at this point. She went ahead of him into the building and began demanding to know where her brother was. Nathaniel followed closely behind her and took in his surroundings; luckily for them there were only two enemies in sight – unfortunately one of them happened to be Captain Leclerc. Nathaniel immediately met his eyes as the Captain’s intense aura filled the room. Leclerc spun round slowly to fully face the two intruders, and nonchalantly began making his way towards them.

Nathaniel stepped forward, matching Leclerc’s pace, now standing by Miku’s side, and leant in close before she could jump into the fray.

“Okay, here’s the plan, you get rid of the Doctor and make sure the disease doesn’t leave this building, I’ll get the big guy away from here and deal with him somewhere there’s less likely to be any damage.” Nathaniel said, all the while never losing eye contact with the Marine.

Nathaniel stood up straight and called out to Captain Leclerc. “Look, I don’t want you anywhere near this place and you don’t want me to cause a ruckus here and risk destroying your plans, so how about we take this outside?”

The Marine didn’t respond, he merely continued walking towards the duo. Nathaniel braced himself, but the Marine simply walked by them and headed towards the now broken door.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Abilities Used:

Mind Melt – 3 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 6 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP – 205

Dr Mengele:
Captain Leclerc:

Last edited by Nathaniel Thorne on Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:32 am; edited 2 times in total
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:43 pm
This post and the following NPC rolls are now Void.

Last edited by Miku E. Sato on Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:56 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:43 pm
The member 'Miku E. Sato' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Reflex Check' : 8, 5, 11, 15
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:15 pm
Miku E. Sato uses LT Bum Rush on Dr. Mengele.
Miku E. Sato uses UT on Dr. Mengele

Dr. Mengele uses LT Precise Incision Miku E. Sato
Dr. Mengele uses LT Chemical Burn on Miku E. Sato
Dr. Mengele uses UT on Miku E. Sato

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Name : Variable
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Posts : 1287

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:15 pm
The member 'Miku E. Sato' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 17, 18


#2 'Reflex Check' : 20, 12, 3
Miku E. Sato
Miku E. Sato
Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Rowdy_10
Name : Miku Etsuko Sato
Epithet : Rowdy Rascal
Age : 19
Height : 5'2"
Weight : 122 lb
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Captain
Bounty : [ber=r] 105,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Shop Discount : 10%
Balance : [bel] 221,877,500

Posts : 234

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:03 am
The voice of Nathaniel was barely registered in Miku’s ears as she was seething with unbridled anger to rush through the two men separating her from Jacob. Miku’s eyes were dead set on the doctor and she merely nodded at Nathaniel’s plans. When the giant marine captain walked past them Miku waited for Nathaniel to follow after him before doing anything herself. Once it was only Miku and Dr. Mengele in the lab she immediately rushed at the man letting out a roar of as she used her Bum Rush ability to rush the mad man.  Her right fist was being pulled back in expectation of meeting that disgusting man's ugly mug. [LT][Bum Rush]

Dr. Mengele had other other plans in mind however, he cackled madly and quickly reached for a vial on his desk and a scalpel he could use as a weapon and then prepared strike back at Miku as he planned on dodging her attack. However in the brief seconds he looked down to grab his two tools he didn’t realize how quickly the woman would run at her and was surprised at how close she was upon raising his eyes.

Miku saw the weapons but didn't let that stop her Bum Rush. She leapt over the table that separated her and the mad doctor and used that momentum to smash her fist into his face. The hit connected and sent Dr. Mengele flying back over the desk behind him causing several glass beakers and other tools to shatter on the floor. He continued over the table and slid along the ground until he came to a stop by getting caught in the makeshift curtains that created those private rooms in the back of the lab.

Dr. Mengele quickly got up and rubbed his aching jaw and grew both annoyed and fearful of the short woman he originally underestimated. This isn’t how things were supposed to go. He quickly got himself out of the curtains and noticed that he had exposed one of the rooms that held his subjects. This particular room had an empty blood stained table with worn leather belts on it. Seeing it brought an idea to his head as the makeshift room beside it held the woman’s precious Jacob. If things didn’t turn out his way he could use the boy as leverage to escape.

With a backup plan in mind Dr. Mengele stood up and reached for his scalpel and a glass flask of chemical that had landed near him. He began to cackle madly as he looked at the short woman who was once again approaching him. Oh, he wouldn’t let her have her way so easily. He would have lots of fun experimenting on her if he could just knock her out. With this in mind he slowly made his way towards her with the intent of splashing some of the chemical in his flask at her should she try rushing again.

Technique's Used:

Technique's Cooldown:

Miku's Level 1 Stats
Miku E. Sato:
Dr Mengele:

Miku E. Sato's Bio | Miku's Stuff |
Miku's Stats | Miku's Fighting Style | Meddling Kids Crew | The Scorned Lady

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:20 am
Nathaniel Thorne uses LT 'Copycat' on Captain Leclerc
Nathaniel Thorne uses HT 'Magician's Barrage' on Captain Leclerc

Captain Leclerc uses LT 'BB Bouncer' on Nathaniel Thorne


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
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Posts : 1287

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:20 am
The member 'Nathaniel Thorne' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 4, 10


#2 'Reflex Check' : 1

Behind Closed Doors - Episode - Page 2 Empty Re: Behind Closed Doors - Episode

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:23 am

Nathaniel followed Leclerc deeper and deeper into the forest that lied on the back side of the island, far away from the observatory and even further still from the city. At no point did they speak, but then again neither of them had anything to say. Nathaniel pondered why Leclerc hadn’t made a move yet; he also wondered what was stopping him from making a move himself. The only conclusion he could come to was that each crook – in some way – respected the other. He guessed there really was honour amongst thieves, albeit Nathaniel would never think of stealing children.

Before too long they came to a large flowery plain that formed a rough circle shape in the centre of the forest. Nathaniel looked down and immediately recognised the white lilies that were scattered all around him – it was the same flower as the one he still had attached to his coat – the one that Amy had given him upon his arrival on Centaurea. Thinking of her now only fuelled his rage.

Nathaniel stopped and stood still for a few moments, allowing some distance to grow between himself and the Captain. When the Marine was about 5 metres away he too stopped and looked up to the now sunset-stricken red and orange sky.

“This will do nicely; don’t you think pirate?” He spun around to face the Supernova, a devilishly excited look on his face. “What prettier place could there be to die?” he said with a small chuckle.

“It seems, my dear Captain, you are seriously underestimating me.” Nathaniel said with a cheeky grin. “Now then, lets gets this show on the road!” Before Leclerc could say anything in response, Nathaniel began to walk in a large circle, with Leclerc at its centre, the Captain’s eyes following him all the way.

Copycat. Almost as soon as he had said this Nathaniel appeared to split in two, then into four, and so on until there were 8 clones of the Magic Man all circling Leclerc at a consistent pace. Then, like a chorus, they all began to speak at once.

“Makes things a bit more difficult now, eh?” The older man spun round on the spot in an effort to weed out the real enemy. All of a sudden, he stopped and redirected his eyes to the trees that surrounded them. “Huh, it’s a nice trick kid, but not good enough to get the best of me!” The marine captain whipped up his crutch from underneath himself and turned it round in his arms until he was holding it with the end facing outwards towards the treeline, revealing a small hole in the end of the wood. Leclerc pulled out the handle, causing a small trigger to pop out. He fired a single bullet straight towards the nearby forest, completely bypassing all the Nathaniel’s.

The Magician’s all began to laugh. “Nice aim Cap!” The Captain seemed unfazed, he merely leant back onto his crutch and stood still. “You don’t know the half of it Kid,” he said with a grin, BB Bouncer! [LT][BB Bouncer] All of a sudden one of the clones came to a standstill, a large hole having appeared in his forehead. The clone then faded away into thin air. “One down, seven to go”. Another clone was shot down, then another, then another. “What the hell did you fire?!” the remaining Nathaniel’s called out before yet another clone was dealt with.

The Marine let out a cynical laugh. “I’m one of the best Marksman in the Marine Corps you fool, and with my multitude of various ammunition, I can deal with anything that comes my way.” Another clone was shot down. “Take my BB Bouncer for instance, if the name wasn’t enough of a clue, it’s a small elasticated pellet capable of ricocheting countless times over, and can therefore take out multiple targets at once.” Another clone was destroyed, leaving only a single Magician stood staring at the Marine, wide eyed. “Gotcha.” The rubber bullet came from behind the marine and flew by his head, hitting the last Nathaniel square between the eyes.

But rather than fall and die, the last Nathaniel too, faded into nothing. The Marine Captain’s smile disappeared. “They were all clones?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, YOU BASTA—“ Nathaniel had jumped out from behind the nearest tree and cut him off with a swift uppercut, causing the Marine to be flung into the air. [LT][Copycat]

“Looks like you weren’t watching close enough Leclerc!” The Marine landed onto the floor with a large thud, causing the pollen from the Lilies to puff up in a small yellow cloud. “How?!” he called out, spitting blood as he did so.

“Well, usually a Magician never reveals his secrets, but what the hell.” Nathaniel said with his familiar smile. “It was simple actually, you see when I was making my clones I simply stepped behind the last one and followed it round until your back was turned, then I hightailed it for the nearest tree and waited for the opportune moment, hell, your bullet even zipped over my head a few times!”

The marine grabbed hold of his crutch and began to stand up. Nathaniel wasn’t going to allow him the time to recover, and so he charged head first towards the Marine and jumped into the air when he was within a metre of him. “Magician’s Barrage!” Nathaniel landed heavily on the Marine, knocking him back to the ground, all the meanwhile creating a countless number of illusionary arms, all of which were coming down on the Captain’s face at full speed – of course only Nathaniel’s real arms would actually touch him, but without being able to detect which ones they were made this attack almost impossible to escape from, or at least that's what Nathaniel had hoped... [HT][Magician's Barrage]

Abilities Used:

Copycat – 2 Post Cooldown:

Magician’s Barrage – 9 Post Cooldown:

Mind Melt – 2 Post Cooldown

Perfect Disguise – 5 Post Cooldown

Current Stats:
AT - 195
DF - 210
RF - 190
WP – 205

HP – 202/202

RX% (Against Captain Leclerc) – 173%
DMG% (Against Captain Leclerc) – 105%

Captain Leclerc's Stats:
Tier: 2

Level: 30

Stats: ATT – 290, DEF – 185, REF – 110, WIL – 195


RX% (Against Nathaniel Thorne): 58%

DMG% (Against Nathaniel Thorne): 139%

OOC: Hey Miku, sorry it took so long to reply, a camping holiday mixed with car troubles caused me a fair deal of trouble! haha!
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