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The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:18 am
Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup. Its insides contain multiple soft, translucent-gold seeds that almost resemble tapioca pearls, which may have had a hand in its consumer's choice in consuming the fruit as a parfait. If only the fruit itself tasted so sweet, but no; just one bite took Laurel far away . . . to a place where flavors go to die.

Devil Fruit Description: By consuming this Devil Fruit, the user gains the form and abilities of the sorcerous Bake-Danuki, the “monster raccoon dog” - or sometimes simply called the tanuki. The user is able to disguise themselves into other people, creatures, or objects, and transform rubbish into treasure, gruel into banquets, craft elaborate illusions, and can get away with drumming on their bellies on the night of the full moon while getting plastered with no ill side effects. Just don't expect a tanuki to ever pay off their debts or bills, no matter what their promissory notes might say.

Not all of the Bake-Danuki Model’s powers are flawless - in fact, very few are - but while other Devil Fruits like the Mane Mane no Mi also specialize in transforming its user into a perfect clone of another person down to their physical abilities, the Bake-Danuki Model has an advantage in that its disguises, while all “doomed” to have tanuki ears and tails on them as a defect, are not limited to just people the user has met, and the user has other tools to aid them in deception as well. As an old saying goes: “The kitsune has seven disguises; the tanuki has eight.”

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with hidden explosives and various applications of Life Return, Tekkai, and Rokushiki, Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the momentum of battle in her favor whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. Of particular note is her ability to transform leaves into other objects, usually other tools that can assist her, although the need to embed writing onto them and their inherently short-lived nature makes relying on them alone a difficult task. Rather, by changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she uses her tools and transformations in tandem to shut down an opponent’s means to act against her, while she in turn pries into their psyche to figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Passive Abilities

Shapeshifting: The most famous ability of the tanuki is their powers of transformation, said to rival the kitsune’s own such power. The user can utilize their shapeshifting to transform into other animals, natural parts of the landscape, statues, and even ordinary household items in order to play tricks on people. Some tanuki were known to even transform into giants and horrible monsters, either to terrorize humans for amusement, or else to scare them away from places they shouldn’t be. For this reason, neither a Beast or Hybrid form is listed; instead, passive stat bonuses are given based on the size of the transformation assumed. The user is able to transform into other animals roughly as large as themselves or as small as a Dwarf. They can also assume the physical properties of members of other races, such as Longarm/leg or Horned Tribes, Fishmen, Minks, etc. At Tier 5, it becomes possible for the user to create fully functional extra limbs on their bodies.

That being said, shapeshifting changes very little of what the user was actually capable of to begin with: even if they become a fish, they wouldn’t be able to breathe underwater—not that doing so would enable them to swim to begin with—and (at Tier 3) transforming into a bird to fly would be possible, but it would take much more effort than it would for a natural flier to do so, and the sensation of being in midair would still feel very unnatural. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user assumes also has a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail as a “defect” to the disguise. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

More specific transformations which alter the capabilities of the user are listed in Toggled Abilities.

Foliage Transformation: Another staple ability of any self-respecting bake-danuki is the power to turn leaves (or pulp or paper made of them) into money of any sort, from modern paper currency to obscure or even entirely fictional coin mints; the point being, of course, to hoodwink unsuspecting vendors with perfect counterfeits that keep their form until the user has left the premises. (This fake currency cannot be used to make OOC purchases.)

Leaves can also be used to create simple objects; by inscribing a specific kanji onto the leaf corresponding to the intended object (for example, 皿 for a plate), the user may create create non-mechanical items, though without the use of specific Techiques they impart no special effects.

At Tier 3, the intricacy of possible items is heightened; the leaves can become “food” that look and taste like a banquet, even if the nutritional value is practically nil, or transform into short-lived (single-turn) illusions of fire or lightning or other natural calamities for intimidation, despite the fact that they are completely harmless compared to other tricks. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived, disappearing as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Modified Physiology: Eating this Devil Fruit caused the user to sprout a comically large fluffy tail, and their ears to transform and move to a different position - most unpleasant - but besides that, it has also incurred several other quirks of the tanuki on the mundane side of things. For one, the user’s nails  double as sturdy claws that can easily grab onto smooth surfaces for climbing. Their tolerance for alcohol becomes formidable, metabolizing it beneficially, especially where sake is involved. And the aforementioned tail is actually prehensile—a power which stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who can accomplish the same feats and more using more ballsy methods. The five senses have also improved considerably; for example, the user will have little difficulty straining their eyes against the dark without need of a lantern—despite the detrimental effects not using one is sure to have in the future.

Toggled Abilities

Runty Transformation: Transformations classified as Runty are typically under five feet in height, ranging from incorrigible street rats, to stray cats, to the mice they might catch. Low-maintenance, and low to the ground, these forms make for an ideal means of stealth, or making the user a harder target to hit. (ATK +10%, RX +15%, DEF -25%)

Wild Transformation: Transformations classified as Wild go in the opposite direction of Runty Transformations, sizing Laurel up to be up to, but no bigger than, twice her size. The obvious result is an increase in muscle mass at the expense of slowing the the good pirate down, though in terms of functionality, it doesn't alter her other techniques as far as range is concerned; its primary use is intimidation. Or for a king-sized fur tail mattress. (ATK +25%, RX -25%)

Winged Transformation: As the name states, this type of transformation involves the user transforming their arms into wings to take to the skies as if they were a bird Zoan. Or a flying pig. When you're a bake-danuki, strange things are possible! Alas, despite being physically capable of flight in this form, Laurel, in her stubbornness, has yet to adapt to the rush of "falling with style," and likely never will. (RX +25%, DEF -25%)


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

Last edited by Laurel O’Halloran on Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:29 pm; edited 19 times in total (Reason for editing : Title change, July/August 2019 combat update, new toggle)
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:42 am
Although it is always enjoyable to read your content, I did warn you that I'd be nitpicking on your fruit~

1. While it is clever, you blindsided me with the ability to reduce the size of your tail and ears using life return. One of the main reasons why I agreed to Bake-Danuki was because we came to an agreement that the ears and tail would remain a major flaw in her disguise. While it is acceptable to attempt hiding them using clothing and headgear, it is not okay to minimize their sizes in an attempt to close the gap between Mane Mane's disguising ability and yours.

2. That's not a Toy: It states in the description that your weapon lasts for one basic attack, and yet the technique has a duration. I'm confused as to why that is. Does it imply that for that duration, you are free to grab as many leaves as you like and create a new weapon for each attack? (Which is totally okay, but some clarification would help us plebians. XD)

3. A Conveniently-Shaped Statue: Raising your defense is okay (even by 100%, if you'd like, since you're giving yourself a 100% reflex debuff) but let's remove the 50% damage reflection. While it makes sense for someone to be hurt when hitting something really hard, that could be implied to just about anyone who has a really high defense in comparison to their assailant, even if they weren't actually made of stone (or whatever it is the Jizo Statue is made of).

4. Buyin' Out the Bar: <---- Love it.

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:50 am
1. Shucks. Welp, it was worth a shot! Removed that and its references in tech descriptions.

2. Ah, this was bad explaining on my part. The post duration is meant to explain how long the weapon will stay as a weapon before it changes back into a leaf from idleness, although I guess that's a moot point if it stays in her hand the whole time, lol. But the idea of being able to stay on the offensive in this manner for a brief time is appealing, so I'll keep the duration with that as the basis.

3. Tweaked the modifications - the damage reflect was meant to be in the same vein as Lucci's Tekkai "Utsugi", but double defense is nothing to sneeze at in its own right!

4. The only thing I regret is these fights cannot always be accompanied by a piano rag in a bar. T_T
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:54 am
And thus sets sail our first Mythical Zoan user~


Laurel O’Halloran wrote:

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup.

Devil Fruit Description: This Devil Fruit grants its user the ability to assume the form and powers of the Bake-Danuki, or “monster raccoon dog.” Bake-Danuki are sorcerous creatures of folklore which can shapeshift themselves into people or objects, or leaves and other rubbish into great treasures of gold or banquets. The user, likewise can transmogrify themselves into nearly any person, creature, or inanimate object they can imagine that is within the limits of their overall size and weight, and turn foliage into money or simple tools to assist them.

Devil Fruit Passive Abilities:
Shapeshifting: The user is able transform and reshape their body at will, taking on another form that is within the limits of their size. This allows the user to impersonate other people or species, as well as creatures or inanimate objects, either for deception or for combat, going beyond the the three basic forms a Zoan Devil Fruit bestows - for this reason, the user’s Beast and Hybrid Forms are not listed. They can even become smaller and lighter, change their voice, and at Tier 4, grow extra limbs on their body. Unlike the Mane Mane no Mi, which allows its user to become a perfect physical double of another person in terms of body type, strength, flexibility, and non-Devil Fruit abilities, the Bake-Danuki’s transformations are mostly superficial, and do not replace the user’s natural abilities or bestow new ones. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user takes leaves a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail on the new form. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

Foliage Transformation:  The user is able to create simple objects using plant leaves, based on other quintessential tanuki legends. These objects can range from money (both coins and paper), to clothing, and even tools, so long as the user is able to hold what is created. Creating something from a leaf requires that the user inscribe the respective kanji for the object onto the leaf (for example, 皿 for a plate) with a clear image of the item and its intended use in their mind. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. It is possible to create single-use non-mechanical weapons that impart no special effects or bonuses, but they are Technique-specific. Their strength depends on the user’s level (maximum of Tier/2 rounded down) as well as the Technique being utilized. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived; “money” disappears as soon as the user leaves the premises, and “tools” and “weapons” are gone as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Prehensile Tail:  In all forms, the user sports a giant, fluffy tail that can be as long as they are tall. Aside from assisting with balance, it is also strong enough to support the user’s weight with ease. When transformed as an inanimate object, the user can use the tail to move the rest of their body. It can also be used to grab and hang on to ledges or sufficiently strong branches, or otherwise serve as an extra arm. This stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who could accomplish the same feats and more using . . . more ballsy methods.

Modified Claws/Nails:  Tanuki possess dexterous paws and sharp, curved claws which they use to climb trees regularly, being the only species of canine besides the gray fox known to do so regularly. The user likewise gains sharp and sturdy nails (which become fully fledged claws in Beast and Hybrid Forms) that can be used to grab onto surfaces considered difficult, or even impossible, for an ordinary human to traverse, and do so with the finesse of an expert climber. They also serve as improvised weapons in a pinch. In Beast Form, the dewclaws serve as opposable thumbs, allowing for greater dexterity.

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Specialization: Melee Focus
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with various applications of Life Return and Rokushiki (the latter which she had learned partially from Mazin), Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox, even for a Zoan. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the “flow” of battle whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. By changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she pries for openings in the enemy’s psyche to help her better get into their heads and figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Light Attacks:

Medium Attacks:

Heavy Attacks:

AOE Attacks:

Last edited by Gray on Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:54 pm
Since your fighting style is still running on the old system, you might have a huge handicap! So, I'm unlocking this thread so you can update it using the new template provided here.

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:18 pm
Extreme Makeover: Laurel Edition

Well, maybe not, but it's finally done, and quite a lot's changed, and a fair bit hasn't! Some techs got booted or compressed into others for redundancy or from me not seeing what else I could do with them, others got revamped or given extra ways to branch out, many were renamed, and some new ones altogether stepped right in to fill the void.

Now, I will be forward and say that the Transformation passives were intended to be used alongside the techniques that specifically mention them, but I'll also admit I don't quite know how that would fly. On one hand, I'm not too worried about Monstrous Night Parade because it's under the 100% stat modifier threshold anyway, and even Hawking Tengu, which surpasses the MT modifier threshold, does so in a way that, in the end, there's actually more stats debuffed than there are improved when the Winged Transformation is taken into account. Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga, however, might pose a bit of concern. The idea was to lock out that specific type of transformation out during the cooldown period, but perhaps there are other ideas...?

Of course, seeing how DF passive bonuses are indeed a thing, perhaps I'm worrying myself over nothing. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy giving everything a read all over again. :p
Kurotane (Black Seed)
Name : Acacia
Epithet : "Black Seed" ("Kurotane")
Age : 27
Height : 8'5" / 257 cm
Weight : 351 lbs / 159 kg
Species : Human
Faction : New Revolutionary Army
Devil Fruit : Mochi Mochi no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 250,000,000
Balance : [ber] 582,800,000
Posts : 123

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:31 pm
[Comments in orange.]

Laurel O’Halloran wrote:

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup. Its insides contain multiple soft, translucent-gold seeds that almost resemble tapioca pearls, which may have had a hand in its consumer's choice in consuming the fruit as a parfait. If only the fruit itself tasted so sweet, but no; just one bite took Laurel far away . . . to a place where flavors go to die.

Devil Fruit Description: By consuming this Devil Fruit, the user gains the form and abilities of the sorcerous Bake-Danuki, the “monster raccoon dog” - or sometimes simply called the tanuki. The user is able to disguise themselves into other people, creatures, or objects, and transform rubbish into treasure, gruel into banquets, craft elaborate illusions, and can get away with drumming on their bellies on the night of the full moon while getting plastered with no ill side effects. Just don't expect a tanuki to ever pay off their debts or bills, no matter what their promissory notes might say.

Not all of the Bake-Danuki Model’s powers are flawless - in fact, very few are - but while other Devil Fruits like the Mane Mane no Mi also specialize in transforming its user into a perfect clone of another person down to their physical abilities, the Bake-Danuki Model has an advantage in that its disguises, while all “doomed” to have tanuki ears and tails on them as a defect, are not limited to just people the user has met, and the user has other tools to aid them in deception as well. As an old saying goes: “The kitsune has seven disguises; the tanuki has eight.”

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with various applications of Life Return and Rokushiki, Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the momentum of battle in her favor whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. Of particular note is her ability to transform leaves into other objects, usually other tools that can assist her, although the need to embed writing onto them and their inherently short-lived nature makes relying on them alone a difficult task. Rather, by changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she uses her “tools” and transformations in tandem to shut down an opponent’s means to act against her, while she in turn pries into their psyche to figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Toggled and Passive Abilities

Shapeshifting: (Toggle) The most famous ability of the tanuki is their powers of transformation, said to rival the kitsune’s own such power. The user can utilize their shapeshifting to transform into other animals, natural parts of the landscape, statues, and even ordinary household items in order to play tricks on people. Some tanuki were known to even transform into giants and horrible monsters, either to terrorize humans for amusement, or else to scare them away from places they shouldn’t be. For this reason, neither a Beast or Hybrid form is listed; instead, passive stat bonuses are given based on the size of the transformation assumed. The user is able to transform into other animals as large as their own size or as small as a Dwarf. They can also assume the physical properties of members of other races, such as Longarm/leg or Horned Tribes, Fishmen, Minks, etc. At Tier 5, it becomes possible for the user to create fully functional extra limbs on their bodies.

That being said, shapeshifting changes very little of what the user was actually capable of to begin with: even if they become a fish, they wouldn’t be able to breathe underwater—not that doing so would enable them to swim to begin with—and (at Tier 3) transforming into a bird to fly would be possible, but it would take much more effort than it would for a natural flier to do so, and the sensation of being in midair would still feel very unnatural. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user assumes also has a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail as a “defect” to the disguise. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

Transformations are classified as follows:

  • Wild Transformation: By assuming the forms of other intimidating animals their own size, the user gains some of their more fearsome attributes, albeit not without some mental strain. Some application of Life Return may be necessary in the case of even larger specimens. (ATK +20%, WP -20%)
  • Small Transformation: Transformations classified as Small are typically under five feet in height, ranging from incorrigible street rats, to stray cats, to the mice they might catch. Low-maintenance, and low to the ground, these forms make for an ideal means of stealth, or making the user a harder target to hit. (ATK +10%, RX +10%, DEF -20%)
  • Winged Transformation: As the name states, this type of transformation involves the user transforming their arms into wings to take to the skies as if they were a bird Zoan. Or a flying pig. When you're a bake-danuki, strange things are possible! Alas, despite being physically capable of flight in this form, Laurel, in her stubbornness, has yet to adapt to the rush of "falling with style," and likely never will. (RX +20%, DEF -10%, WP -10%.)

Foliage Transformation (Toggle): Another staple ability of any self-respecting bake-danuki is the power to turn leaves (or pulp or paper made of them) into money of any sort, from modern paper currency to obscure or even entirely fictional coin mints; the point being, of course, to hoodwink unsuspecting vendors with perfect counterfeits that keep their form until the user has left the premises. (This fake currency cannot be used to make OOC purchases.)

Leaves can also be used to create simple objects; by inscribing a specific kanji onto the leaf corresponding to the intended object (for example, 皿 for a plate), the user may create create non-mechanical items, though without the use of specific Techiques they impart no special effects.

At Tier 3, the intricacy of possible items is heightened; the leaves can become “food” that look and taste like a banquet, even if the nutritional value is practically nil, or transform into short-lived (single-turn) illusions of fire or lightning or other natural calamities for intimidation, despite the fact that they are completely harmless compared to other tricks. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived, disappearing as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Modified Physiology (Passive): Eating this Devil Fruit caused the user to sprout a comically large fluffy tail, and their ears to transform and move to a different position - most unpleasant - but besides that, it has also incurred several other quirks of the tanuki on the mundane side of things. For one, the user’s nails  double as sturdy claws that can easily grab onto smooth surfaces for climbing. Their tolerance for alcohol becomes formidable, metabolizing it beneficially, especially where sake is involved. And the aforementioned tail is actually prehensile—a power which stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who can accomplish the same feats and more using more ballsy methods. The five senses have also improved considerably; for example, the user will have little difficulty straining their eyes against the dark without need of a lantern—despite the detrimental effects not using one is sure to have in the future.
(N.B.: None of these perks incur any stat buffs or debuffs, except for the sake; see Techniques.)


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

[One thing you ought to realize is that too many of your techniques are simply stat-altering and don’t appear to deal damage concurrently. This also means that you have that many less techniques to actually make use of those stat-alterations with. If you’re attempting to become a support-type character in combat, this would work, but it will put you at a severe disadvantage in 1v1 fights.]


The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:22 pm
Crimson Hell’s Needle Hill: The reason for the cooldown is, since there’s no modifiers for this tech anymore (none I could make wok with the system’s equivalent exchange and still translate into a justifiable reason in-RP, at least), I felt it’d be better to do away with those and make it a standard HT with the recommended minimum cooldown.

Buyin’ Out the Bar: I guess I should clarify that the “Target(s)” here applies to whoever is having the mob sicced on them, and not the mob itself. In that sense, I’ll likely drop the statement of those in the mob being Level 1/having 50 across all stats if that makes things easier; it’s sort of an artifact kept over from its old system’s self, after all.

Besides those two things, I think everything else is accounted for.

As for the last note, it's fine. Half of Laurel's shtick is about messing with people rather than fighting them head on - not that she was much of a fighter to start with - and I think it'll keep the skillset fun.
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:40 pm
Laurel O’Halloran wrote:Crimson Hell’s Needle Hill: The reason for the cooldown is, since there’s no modifiers for this tech anymore (none I could make wok with the system’s equivalent exchange and still translate into a justifiable reason in-RP, at least), I felt it’d be better to do away with those and make it a standard HT with the recommended minimum cooldown. [I gathered that. But, the minimum cooldown for HTs is 8 posts, not 6.]

Buyin’ Out the Bar: I guess I should clarify that the “Target(s)” here applies to whoever is having the mob sicced on them, and not the mob itself. In that sense, I’ll likely drop the statement of those in the mob being Level 1/having 50 across all stats if that makes things easier; it’s sort of an artifact kept over from its old system’s self, after all. [Fair enough. But I appreciate the update nonetheless, because Level 1 NPCs with 50 stats does not equal grunts. Grunts are assumed to be level 0, with 5-10 stats each.]

Besides those two things, I think everything else is accounted for.

As for the last note, it's fine. Half of Laurel's shtick is about messing with people rather than fighting them head on - not that she was much of a fighter to start with - and I think it'll keep the skillset fun.

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:02 pm
Oh, color me dumb! Somehow I got Cooldown and Duration post lengths mixed up, which is where that six came from. That's been fixed.
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:22 pm
Pffft. I forgot my dumbish coloured crayon.
Laurel O’Halloran wrote:

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup. Its insides contain multiple soft, translucent-gold seeds that almost resemble tapioca pearls, which may have had a hand in its consumer's choice in consuming the fruit as a parfait. If only the fruit itself tasted so sweet, but no; just one bite took Laurel far away . . . to a place where flavors go to die.

Devil Fruit Description: By consuming this Devil Fruit, the user gains the form and abilities of the sorcerous Bake-Danuki, the “monster raccoon dog” - or sometimes simply called the tanuki. The user is able to disguise themselves into other people, creatures, or objects, and transform rubbish into treasure, gruel into banquets, craft elaborate illusions, and can get away with drumming on their bellies on the night of the full moon while getting plastered with no ill side effects. Just don't expect a tanuki to ever pay off their debts or bills, no matter what their promissory notes might say.

Not all of the Bake-Danuki Model’s powers are flawless - in fact, very few are - but while other Devil Fruits like the Mane Mane no Mi also specialize in transforming its user into a perfect clone of another person down to their physical abilities, the Bake-Danuki Model has an advantage in that its disguises, while all “doomed” to have tanuki ears and tails on them as a defect, are not limited to just people the user has met, and the user has other tools to aid them in deception as well. As an old saying goes: “The kitsune has seven disguises; the tanuki has eight.”

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with various applications of Life Return and Rokushiki, Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the momentum of battle in her favor whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. Of particular note is her ability to transform leaves into other objects, usually other tools that can assist her, although the need to embed writing onto them and their inherently short-lived nature makes relying on them alone a difficult task. Rather, by changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she uses her “tools” and transformations in tandem to shut down an opponent’s means to act against her, while she in turn pries into their psyche to figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Toggled and Passive Abilities

Shapeshifting: (Toggle) The most famous ability of the tanuki is their powers of transformation, said to rival the kitsune’s own such power. The user can utilize their shapeshifting to transform into other animals, natural parts of the landscape, statues, and even ordinary household items in order to play tricks on people. Some tanuki were known to even transform into giants and horrible monsters, either to terrorize humans for amusement, or else to scare them away from places they shouldn’t be. For this reason, neither a Beast or Hybrid form is listed; instead, passive stat bonuses are given based on the size of the transformation assumed. The user is able to transform into other animals as large as their own size or as small as a Dwarf. They can also assume the physical properties of members of other races, such as Longarm/leg or Horned Tribes, Fishmen, Minks, etc. At Tier 5, it becomes possible for the user to create fully functional extra limbs on their bodies.

That being said, shapeshifting changes very little of what the user was actually capable of to begin with: even if they become a fish, they wouldn’t be able to breathe underwater—not that doing so would enable them to swim to begin with—and (at Tier 3) transforming into a bird to fly would be possible, but it would take much more effort than it would for a natural flier to do so, and the sensation of being in midair would still feel very unnatural. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user assumes also has a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail as a “defect” to the disguise. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

Transformations are classified as follows:

  • Wild Transformation: By assuming the forms of other intimidating animals their own size, the user gains some of their more fearsome attributes, albeit not without some mental strain. Some application of Life Return may be necessary in the case of even larger specimens. (ATK +20%, WP -20%)
  • Small Transformation: Transformations classified as Small are typically under five feet in height, ranging from incorrigible street rats, to stray cats, to the mice they might catch. Low-maintenance, and low to the ground, these forms make for an ideal means of stealth, or making the user a harder target to hit. (ATK +10%, RX +10%, DEF -20%)
  • Winged Transformation: As the name states, this type of transformation involves the user transforming their arms into wings to take to the skies as if they were a bird Zoan. Or a flying pig. When you're a bake-danuki, strange things are possible! Alas, despite being physically capable of flight in this form, Laurel, in her stubbornness, has yet to adapt to the rush of "falling with style," and likely never will. (RX +20%, DEF -10%, WP -10%.)

Foliage Transformation (Toggle): Another staple ability of any self-respecting bake-danuki is the power to turn leaves (or pulp or paper made of them) into money of any sort, from modern paper currency to obscure or even entirely fictional coin mints; the point being, of course, to hoodwink unsuspecting vendors with perfect counterfeits that keep their form until the user has left the premises. (This fake currency cannot be used to make OOC purchases.)

Leaves can also be used to create simple objects; by inscribing a specific kanji onto the leaf corresponding to the intended object (for example, 皿 for a plate), the user may create create non-mechanical items, though without the use of specific Techiques they impart no special effects.

At Tier 3, the intricacy of possible items is heightened; the leaves can become “food” that look and taste like a banquet, even if the nutritional value is practically nil, or transform into short-lived (single-turn) illusions of fire or lightning or other natural calamities for intimidation, despite the fact that they are completely harmless compared to other tricks. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived, disappearing as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Modified Physiology (Passive): Eating this Devil Fruit caused the user to sprout a comically large fluffy tail, and their ears to transform and move to a different position - most unpleasant - but besides that, it has also incurred several other quirks of the tanuki on the mundane side of things. For one, the user’s nails  double as sturdy claws that can easily grab onto smooth surfaces for climbing. Their tolerance for alcohol becomes formidable, metabolizing it beneficially, especially where sake is involved. And the aforementioned tail is actually prehensile—a power which stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who can accomplish the same feats and more using more ballsy methods. The five senses have also improved considerably; for example, the user will have little difficulty straining their eyes against the dark without need of a lantern—despite the detrimental effects not using one is sure to have in the future.
(N.B.: None of these perks incur any stat buffs or debuffs, except for the sake; see Techniques.)


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:05 pm
Excellent use of the new combat updates~


Laurel O’Halloran wrote:

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup. Its insides contain multiple soft, translucent-gold seeds that almost resemble tapioca pearls, which may have had a hand in its consumer's choice in consuming the fruit as a parfait. If only the fruit itself tasted so sweet, but no; just one bite took Laurel far away . . . to a place where flavors go to die.

Devil Fruit Description: By consuming this Devil Fruit, the user gains the form and abilities of the sorcerous Bake-Danuki, the “monster raccoon dog” - or sometimes simply called the tanuki. The user is able to disguise themselves into other people, creatures, or objects, and transform rubbish into treasure, gruel into banquets, craft elaborate illusions, and can get away with drumming on their bellies on the night of the full moon while getting plastered with no ill side effects. Just don't expect a tanuki to ever pay off their debts or bills, no matter what their promissory notes might say.

Not all of the Bake-Danuki Model’s powers are flawless - in fact, very few are - but while other Devil Fruits like the Mane Mane no Mi also specialize in transforming its user into a perfect clone of another person down to their physical abilities, the Bake-Danuki Model has an advantage in that its disguises, while all “doomed” to have tanuki ears and tails on them as a defect, are not limited to just people the user has met, and the user has other tools to aid them in deception as well. As an old saying goes: “The kitsune has seven disguises; the tanuki has eight.”

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with hidden explosives and various applications of Life Return, Tekkai, and Rokushiki, Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the momentum of battle in her favor whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. Of particular note is her ability to transform leaves into other objects, usually other tools that can assist her, although the need to embed writing onto them and their inherently short-lived nature makes relying on them alone a difficult task. Rather, by changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she uses her tools and transformations in tandem to shut down an opponent’s means to act against her, while she in turn pries into their psyche to figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Passive Abilities

Shapeshifting: The most famous ability of the tanuki is their powers of transformation, said to rival the kitsune’s own such power. The user can utilize their shapeshifting to transform into other animals, natural parts of the landscape, statues, and even ordinary household items in order to play tricks on people. Some tanuki were known to even transform into giants and horrible monsters, either to terrorize humans for amusement, or else to scare them away from places they shouldn’t be. For this reason, neither a Beast or Hybrid form is listed; instead, passive stat bonuses are given based on the size of the transformation assumed. The user is able to transform into other animals as large as their own size or as small as a Dwarf. They can also assume the physical properties of members of other races, such as Longarm/leg or Horned Tribes, Fishmen, Minks, etc. At Tier 5, it becomes possible for the user to create fully functional extra limbs on their bodies.

That being said, shapeshifting changes very little of what the user was actually capable of to begin with: even if they become a fish, they wouldn’t be able to breathe underwater—not that doing so would enable them to swim to begin with—and (at Tier 3) transforming into a bird to fly would be possible, but it would take much more effort than it would for a natural flier to do so, and the sensation of being in midair would still feel very unnatural. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user assumes also has a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail as a “defect” to the disguise. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

More specific transformations which alter the capabilities of the user are listed in Toggled Abilities.

Foliage Transformation: Another staple ability of any self-respecting bake-danuki is the power to turn leaves (or pulp or paper made of them) into money of any sort, from modern paper currency to obscure or even entirely fictional coin mints; the point being, of course, to hoodwink unsuspecting vendors with perfect counterfeits that keep their form until the user has left the premises. (This fake currency cannot be used to make OOC purchases.)

Leaves can also be used to create simple objects; by inscribing a specific kanji onto the leaf corresponding to the intended object (for example, 皿 for a plate), the user may create create non-mechanical items, though without the use of specific Techiques they impart no special effects.

At Tier 3, the intricacy of possible items is heightened; the leaves can become “food” that look and taste like a banquet, even if the nutritional value is practically nil, or transform into short-lived (single-turn) illusions of fire or lightning or other natural calamities for intimidation, despite the fact that they are completely harmless compared to other tricks. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived, disappearing as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Modified Physiology: Eating this Devil Fruit caused the user to sprout a comically large fluffy tail, and their ears to transform and move to a different position - most unpleasant - but besides that, it has also incurred several other quirks of the tanuki on the mundane side of things. For one, the user’s nails  double as sturdy claws that can easily grab onto smooth surfaces for climbing. Their tolerance for alcohol becomes formidable, metabolizing it beneficially, especially where sake is involved. And the aforementioned tail is actually prehensile—a power which stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who can accomplish the same feats and more using more ballsy methods. The five senses have also improved considerably; for example, the user will have little difficulty straining their eyes against the dark without need of a lantern—despite the detrimental effects not using one is sure to have in the future.

Toggled Abilities

Small Transformation: Transformations classified as Small are typically under five feet in height, ranging from incorrigible street rats, to stray cats, to the mice they might catch. Low-maintenance, and low to the ground, these forms make for an ideal means of stealth, or making the user a harder target to hit. (ATK +10%, RX +10%, DEF -20%)

Winged Transformation: As the name states, this type of transformation involves the user transforming their arms into wings to take to the skies as if they were a bird Zoan. Or a flying pig. When you're a bake-danuki, strange things are possible! Alas, despite being physically capable of flight in this form, Laurel, in her stubbornness, has yet to adapt to the rush of "falling with style," and likely never will. (RX +20%, DEF -10%, WP -10%.)


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:57 pm
Unlocked for toggled ability updates.

You can have up to three toggles with a max of +25%/-25% stat morph.
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3945

The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki) Empty Re: The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki)

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:28 pm
Definitely love the name switch from "Small transformation" to "Runty transformation".


Laurel O’Halloran wrote:

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-Danuki
Devil Fruit Type: Mythical Zoan

Devil Fruit Appearance: The fruit superficially resembles a pomegranate. Apart from the swirls on the body and stem typical of Devil Fruits, the skin is a deep, dark, luminescent shade of brown, like syrup. Its insides contain multiple soft, translucent-gold seeds that almost resemble tapioca pearls, which may have had a hand in its consumer's choice in consuming the fruit as a parfait. If only the fruit itself tasted so sweet, but no; just one bite took Laurel far away . . . to a place where flavors go to die.

Devil Fruit Description: By consuming this Devil Fruit, the user gains the form and abilities of the sorcerous Bake-Danuki, the “monster raccoon dog” - or sometimes simply called the tanuki. The user is able to disguise themselves into other people, creatures, or objects, and transform rubbish into treasure, gruel into banquets, craft elaborate illusions, and can get away with drumming on their bellies on the night of the full moon while getting plastered with no ill side effects. Just don't expect a tanuki to ever pay off their debts or bills, no matter what their promissory notes might say.

Not all of the Bake-Danuki Model’s powers are flawless - in fact, very few are - but while other Devil Fruits like the Mane Mane no Mi also specialize in transforming its user into a perfect clone of another person down to their physical abilities, the Bake-Danuki Model has an advantage in that its disguises, while all “doomed” to have tanuki ears and tails on them as a defect, are not limited to just people the user has met, and the user has other tools to aid them in deception as well. As an old saying goes: “The kitsune has seven disguises; the tanuki has eight.”

Fighting Style: Elusive! The Uncaught Tanuki’s Masquerade
Weapon Utilization: Variety
Description: Combining her Devil Fruit’s ability with hidden explosives and various applications of Life Return, Tekkai, and Rokushiki, Laurel’s fighting style is highly unorthodox. She highly values having a psychological advantage over the opponent by changing the momentum of battle in her favor whilst striking at them as they adjust, and creating chaos which she can take advantage of. Of particular note is her ability to transform leaves into other objects, usually other tools that can assist her, although the need to embed writing onto them and their inherently short-lived nature makes relying on them alone a difficult task. Rather, by changing into different appearances, pulling weapons out of seemingly nowhere, and taking actions more “honorable” enemies might find insulting, Laurel strives for unpredictability as she uses her tools and transformations in tandem to shut down an opponent’s means to act against her, while she in turn pries into their psyche to figure out the best way to tear them apart.

Passive Abilities

Shapeshifting: The most famous ability of the tanuki is their powers of transformation, said to rival the kitsune’s own such power. The user can utilize their shapeshifting to transform into other animals, natural parts of the landscape, statues, and even ordinary household items in order to play tricks on people. Some tanuki were known to even transform into giants and horrible monsters, either to terrorize humans for amusement, or else to scare them away from places they shouldn’t be. For this reason, neither a Beast or Hybrid form is listed; instead, passive stat bonuses are given based on the size of the transformation assumed. The user is able to transform into other animals roughly as large as themselves or as small as a Dwarf. They can also assume the physical properties of members of other races, such as Longarm/leg or Horned Tribes, Fishmen, Minks, etc. At Tier 5, it becomes possible for the user to create fully functional extra limbs on their bodies.

That being said, shapeshifting changes very little of what the user was actually capable of to begin with: even if they become a fish, they wouldn’t be able to breathe underwater—not that doing so would enable them to swim to begin with—and (at Tier 3) transforming into a bird to fly would be possible, but it would take much more effort than it would for a natural flier to do so, and the sensation of being in midair would still feel very unnatural. Similarly, while other Zoan forms could be imitated, traits unique to that animal or Devil Fruit could not, such as a King Cobra’s venom or Mushi Mushi no Mi, Model: Suzumebachi’s ability to control hornets. In addition, any form the user assumes also has a pair of tanuki’s ears and tail as a “defect” to the disguise. Transformations cannot be maintained if the user is submerged in water.

More specific transformations which alter the capabilities of the user are listed in Toggled Abilities.

Foliage Transformation: Another staple ability of any self-respecting bake-danuki is the power to turn leaves (or pulp or paper made of them) into money of any sort, from modern paper currency to obscure or even entirely fictional coin mints; the point being, of course, to hoodwink unsuspecting vendors with perfect counterfeits that keep their form until the user has left the premises. (This fake currency cannot be used to make OOC purchases.)

Leaves can also be used to create simple objects; by inscribing a specific kanji onto the leaf corresponding to the intended object (for example, 皿 for a plate), the user may create create non-mechanical items, though without the use of specific Techiques they impart no special effects.

At Tier 3, the intricacy of possible items is heightened; the leaves can become “food” that look and taste like a banquet, even if the nutritional value is practically nil, or transform into short-lived (single-turn) illusions of fire or lightning or other natural calamities for intimidation, despite the fact that they are completely harmless compared to other tricks. At Tier 4, inscriptions are no longer necessary so long as the user can touch the leaf. The leaves’ transformations are short-lived, disappearing as soon as their one purpose is fulfilled or denied.

Modified Physiology: Eating this Devil Fruit caused the user to sprout a comically large fluffy tail, and their ears to transform and move to a different position - most unpleasant - but besides that, it has also incurred several other quirks of the tanuki on the mundane side of things. For one, the user’s nails  double as sturdy claws that can easily grab onto smooth surfaces for climbing. Their tolerance for alcohol becomes formidable, metabolizing it beneficially, especially where sake is involved. And the aforementioned tail is actually prehensile—a power which stems from the abilities of mythical and ostensibly male tanuki, who can accomplish the same feats and more using more ballsy methods. The five senses have also improved considerably; for example, the user will have little difficulty straining their eyes against the dark without need of a lantern—despite the detrimental effects not using one is sure to have in the future.

Toggled Abilities

Runty Transformation: Transformations classified as Runty are typically under five feet in height, ranging from incorrigible street rats, to stray cats, to the mice they might catch. Low-maintenance, and low to the ground, these forms make for an ideal means of stealth, or making the user a harder target to hit. (ATK +10%, RX +15%, DEF -25%)

Wild Transformation: Transformations classified as Wild go in the opposite direction of Runty Transformations, sizing Laurel up to be up to, but no bigger than, twice her size. The obvious result is an increase in muscle mass at the expense of slowing the the good pirate down, though in terms of functionality, it doesn't alter her other techniques as far as range is concerned; its primary use is intimidation. Or for a king-sized fur tail mattress. (ATK +25%, RX -25%)

Winged Transformation: As the name states, this type of transformation involves the user transforming their arms into wings to take to the skies as if they were a bird Zoan. Or a flying pig. When you're a bake-danuki, strange things are possible! Alas, despite being physically capable of flight in this form, Laurel, in her stubbornness, has yet to adapt to the rush of "falling with style," and likely never will. (RX +25%, DEF -25%)


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

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