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Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears Empty [Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:52 pm
Shifting Gears:

N-No..!” The young man screamed as he fled his attacker. He could vividly feel the tendrils of death rapidly closing in on him as his heart raced on overdrive. The thump-thump-thumping of his heart gave him no chance to breathe as he scrambled for a way out.

Please!! It was..! It was a mistake!! PLEASE!

Though the young man was desperate, he knew that nothing was going to stop the madwoman from getting what she wanted. From the moment she had first approached him, his fate was already sealed. Yet, like any pitiful animal backed against the wall, he was determined to do all he could to escape.

I swear!” He continued to cry out as his body begged him to slow down. His legs ached as his muscles began to cramp and tense. Yet, there was no way he would stop. Not when his very life depended on it. “Please! Just let me go!

The sudden rush of adrenaline pushed him further as his lungs screamed for a breath of fresh air. However, he could not and would not slow down lest the huntress reach him at his most vulnerable state. “I’ll give it back!! Just… Just give me some time!

The young man eventually slowed to a stop only to find himself surrounded by palm trees and brush. Unfortunately, in his frantic attempts to flee, he had committed the fatal mistake of leaving civilization behind. He was now a cornered animal and she the victorious beast.

Yet, regardless of the circumstances, the looming shadows of his demise did not deter him from finding a way out. In his complete desperation, he had thrown himself into overgrown brush without a second thought. A mistake he realized he had made only half a second after he had fully committed.

With no other alternative, the trapped creature began to hope. He believed that, perhaps, if he held his breath long enough, the hunteress would run on by without sparing him a glance. Or, at the very least, it would buy him some time to think of a way to barter with the would-be assassin.

Still, these thoughts did nothing to cure his frayed nerves. He was a sheep awaiting the slaughter. Yet, he knew that regardless of what happened next, his next course of actions were going to be his last chance at survival.

-Some TIme Earlier: At Julius’-
Really, Julius?” Ebony scoffed as she clicked her tongue in disappointment. “How could you let the little rat rob you blind?” In fact, had it not been for her uncle’s insistence on reviewing the ledgers, that worm might have continued burrowing even deeper into Jules’ treasure cove.

Eb, darling,” Julius grinned as he shrugged theatrically. He seemed more amused than upset about the whole ordeal. “I trusted the man. How could I not?” He then cheerfully spun into the kitchen but not before proclaiming, “You want anything, dear?

I’m fine, Julius, thank you.” The woman sighed as numerous calculations continued to endlessly fill the pages of her journal. With how much she was jotting down, they were starting to look more like chicken scratches than actual numbers.

You do know that Crow is going to be pissed, right?” She asked the unperturbed man. When he did not answer, Ebony eventually shook her head. At this point, the more she reviewed the endless pits of mistakes, the less enthusiastic she was about having volunteered to sort through the sand grains.

This is several hundred thousand belli that went missing.” It clearly wasn’t something that they easily could let go nor would Crow permit it. Not to mention the amount of time this had gone on for. “How could you not have screened him?

You worry too much, dear.” Julius hollered back as he peeked through the kitchen window. “What’s the old man going to do? Skin me alive?” The man laughed. “Even your granddaddy didn’t bother with what I did.

That doesn’t mean that Crow will let things slide.” Ebony responded coolly. “You know how things are with my father and him. Things have…” She hesitated at the thought.. “Changed.” Not that she minded the changes brought about. It was simply the shift in power that kept her on her toes.

Ebony glanced at the clock. Before she could say anything else, Julius countered nostalgically. “I knew that man since he was in diapers,” She did not need to see him to know Julius was in one of his storytelling moods. “Him and your daddy go way back.

The chef did not wait for Ebony to answer before continuing. “Plus, your father feels indebted to him, no? Not surprising considering how he’s let things go this far.

Silence befell the place as Ebony chose not to reply. The only sounds heard were those of Julius humming and the clinking of utensils. While her confidant was correct in his assumptions, Ebony knew it was only a matter of time before Crow made his move.

However, with this grandiose gift of counting grains that was bestowed upon her by none other than the great and mighty Crow himself, she planned on using the opportunity to its full potential. Especially now that things weren’t entirely adding up.

Jules,” Ebony eventually called out over the humming of the aloof gentleman. “How valuable is he?” The young woman asked curiously. Julius may not have been that far off as the pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together beautifully. “The thief?

That said, if the little rat was indeed deemed useful, perhaps his life could be spared. If not, then it was only a matter of time before he’d serve as a very useful reminder to others who dared to try the same thing. Not that many dared to mess with the mafia like he had.

Aside from his face?” Julius called out as the crackling of flames resounded in the near empty restaurant. “Not really worth anything, no.” Haphazardly waving a ladle into the air from side to side, he added. “Now that I think about it, he was a terrible employee, too. Very jittery, if you catch my drift.

The sounds of crackling subsided only to be replaced with the tinkering of plates. “Although…” He said in a sing-song voice, “Your watchdog out there has frequently come to visit him. Not sure why, though. But they’re quite familiar with each other.

Julius began to plate his new creation as a thought crossed his mind. “Still, it would be such a shame for that handsome face to disappear. Don’t you think so?” He continued, “Maybe you could keep him as your little pet? He does gamble quite a bit, though.

He’s your type,” Ebony retorted in jest. “Not mine.” Even if he had been, his sloppy handiwork left much to be desired. That, alone, was a reason enough to reject taking him in. After all, if it hadn’t been for the sole fact that Julius had a soft spot for pretty faces, that worm would have never attempted to do what he did.

Hm,” Julius sighed sadly as he brought out his edible masterpiece. “Perhaps you’re right, my dear.” However, a mischievous glint soon appeared. “But you know… I could always set you up with that Adonis fella.

Ebony glowered at the thought. “I appreciate the offer but that’s one can of worms I refuse to open.” Sure, the two had been inseparable throughout the years, but their differences drove them apart. They had ultimately chosen different paths and, for her, there was no turning back.

Noticing the shift in her mood, Julius attempted to sooth the bitter woman. “I know of other fine gentlemen you can always take for a spin.” He nodded proudly to himself. “Older? Younger? You name it, hun! I don’t discriminate and neither should you.

The woman cracked a grin as the chef placed the delicate craftsmanship before her. It was times like these that made her efforts worth it. Not that it took her much convincing to visit the eccentric chef and his experimental meals.

Taking her first bite, the huntress closed her eyes as she relished in the rollercoaster ride her senses were going through. Almost immediately, the sharp tones of sweetness clashed intricately with the bitterness of the citrus. Paired with the drizzle of a berry concoction, this small delight was enough to send her to outer space and back.

Yet, just as her taste buds were screaming in complete bliss, the blanketing warmth of the meringue soon soothed the overexcited fanatics of the treat. The taste of clouds lulled her senses into a false sense of security only to be thrown again into the cusp of heaven and hell.

Whatever this cursed dessert was made of, she was now a devout believer.

Julius grinned at the sight. “Now, eat up before you go and do whatever it is you do.” With that said, he made his way back into the kitchen to give her some space. “By the time I get back, that plate should have already been wiped clean.

Ebony lifted the fork in mock agreement and, by the time Julius returned, she (and her plate of freedom) were long gone.

Word Count: 1535 | 1535 | 13,500

Last edited by Skarlet on Sat Oct 05, 2024 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears Empty Re: [Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:53 pm
-Present Time-
As the seconds dragged on, the anxiousness of what was to come hammered loudly within the young man’s mind. Panic was beginning to set in as the pounding in his head refused to stop. In fact, the longer time crept on by, the more speed the jackhammer in his brain picked up.

In his heart, he knew that his mind was beginning to shut down and he had no way of stopping it. Yet, he prayed to whatever deity that existed that his life be spared. If he managed to survive this, he swore that he’d go to church more often.

Unfortunately, his prayers went unanswered as it grew harder for him to breathe. The man clutched his head angrily as his nails dug deep in his attempt to calm his mind. Yet, the gongs in his head continued to loudly make their presence known regardless of what the man hopelessly did. If the ringing did not stop, he swore it would kill him before even she could.

For now, all he could do was keep quiet. Yet, the silence was deafening almost as if goading him to speak. It urged him to make a sound so that the heavy weight of its presence could subside. Yet, he fought against the temptation as he held firmly to the last remaining strands of his sanity.

Regardless of his circumstances, he tried to keep himself in check as best he could. He only needed to hold out for a little while longer and he would be free. However, he was now beginning to doubt his hiding place. Sure, she had given him a head start but he knew it was only a matter of time before she made her way to him.

-Some Time Earlier: The Golden Palace-
Despite the peaceful environment that Julius’ had provided, it was now time to get to work. Unfortunately, this meant including the waste-of-space Crow had, oh so generously, gifted her into her plans for the night.

Fortunately for her, the mafiosa had stationed the slimy bastard outside of Julius’ for the duration of her stay. It allowed her to get her work done while keeping him far away from her line of sight. Not that he objected considering the fact that they both could not stand each other.

It’s time to track that little bastard down.” Ebony stated as she donned her half mask. She refused to provide more information considering the fact that she enjoyed Giancarlo’s little tantrums every now and then. “Based on what Jules said, the little rat practically lives at Crow’s little clubhouse.

She did not need to look at him to know how dramatically her companion’s mood had improved. “If we have time, I’ll even let you lick his Royal Highness’ shoes.” She shrugged in mock indifference. “Not like you would have left there without doing so.

Fucking, bitch.” Giancarlo muttered under his breath. If looks could kill, his would have obliterated her from the moment they met. “Just you wait.” He continued to mutter incoherently. If he could not claim her life, he, sure as hell, would continue cursing her even after she had departed from this world.

Never before had Giancarlo felt so disrespected than the moment Crow had assigned him to the little she-devil. He understood his role and assignment - truly, he did; but he could not stand the indignant look on her face. The day she fell from grace, he knew the heavens would rejoice.

It did not take long for the symphony of music and laughter to fill their ears. The bright lights blinking and blinding in the distance as it beckoned the sinful closer. Giancarlo grinned widely as the woman grimaced in disgust. “Let’s make this quick.” Ebony said firmly. “I don’t want to be here longer than I need to.

Giancarlo’s face twisted in anger before reverting back to a more calm demeanor. How was he to know what the plan was if she didn’t explain anything? “So we find this guy and what? Shoot him?” Giancarlo scoffed in mockery. “You even know who we’re looking for?

Ebony slowed her walk to a stop as she turned to face the man. The look on the bastard’s face almost earning him a punch to the face. “You mean you didn’t figure it out?” She asked in fake surprise. She was mocking him and he knew it. “And here I thought that I was slow… Huh.

She grinned widely underneath her mask as she watched his face contort in anger. “You remember Bengie? Your bestest pal, Bengie?” She nodded amusedly. “Yeah, you’re going to put a bullet through his head.

As realization dawned on Giancarlo, Ebony continued her walk. This time, however, her steps were quicker and much too eager to reach her destination. “Just not in the casino. Too much paperwork and it’s such a mess to clean up.

Giancarlo sped up to catch up with the mafiosa. “You can’t be serious,” He exclaimed incredulously. “He’s been working for the family for years!” Bengie, albeit young, had quickly become an important asset to Crow.

Oh?” The mafiosa asked gleefully as she stopped to look at the man. She was quite amused by this sudden confession. “First I’m hearing about this. Who is he reporting to?” She watched as realization blanketed his face. “Not to you, right?

Realizing that his own outburst had been his undoing, Giancarlo was left with his mouth agape. He tried to speak but his words came out mangled and twisted. “I-oh, no, I- uh.. of.. Of course, NOT!” He bit his tongue as he, too, had been surprised by the sudden outburst. “I only meant he had been working with Julius for several years now. That’s all.

Ebony laughed. “If that’s the case, then there’s no need to worry.” She continued her fast paced walk towards the establishment. This time, there was almost a skip to her step. “Julius already submitted the hit. He has no use for the little guy anymore. Too many issues.

B-but..!” Giancarlo exclaimed. “What if we take him in? Train him? Use him?” He was desperate for his pupil to live. If it meant throwing him to the Wolves, so be it. Anything after would be possible as long as Bengie lived another day. After all, the young man had been quite the informant while working under the Golden Wolves’ umbrella. That, and his own sister would kill him if something happened to the kid. “Anything at all!

Ebony shrugged without much thought behind it. However, Giancarlo continued his desperate plea. “Sure, he made a few mistakes, but who hasn’t?” Her unresponsive nature fueled his futile attempts. “I’ll even take him off your hands! I’ll..! I’ll become responsible for him!

Now, Giancarlo,” Ebony laughed. “You don’t want me to accuse you of being a traitor now, would you?” It had become clear that this journey had proved fruitful. “Greedy little bastard stole from the family and you want to let him go? No, Giancarlo. Men like that start off small which is why we need to snip it now before he grows bolder.

With nothing to excuse Bengie’s behavior, Giancarlo remained silent. However, the hatred and ire in his eyes did not go unnoticed by the mafiosa. Yet, instead of reprimanding him, Ebony remained amused by the situation. His pain and suffering was all worth the risk she was taking in dragging him along.

For now, all Giancarlo could do was think of a way of getting the young lad out of this mess. After all, whilst working for the blabbermouth Julius, Bengie had acquired interesting information surrounding the inner workings of the Golden Wolves. Information that had allowed Crow to nestle deep into the heart of the syndicate as Herbert’s right-hand man.

Not to mention that Giancarlo had been a sort of mentor to the young lad. He had hoped that, at some point, Bengie would have joined the main family as an irreplaceable asset. Now, all that was being torn to shreds by the she-devil, herself.

Word Count: 1347| 2448 | 13,500

Name : Ebony M. d'Etth
Epithet : Silver Wolf
Age : 25
Height : 5Ft. 7In.
Weight : 145lbs.
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Mafia
Crew : The Steel Cats Family
Ship : El Don Gato Express
Crew Role : Boss
Devil Fruit : N/A
Quality Score : A
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 52,000,000
Balance : [bel] 46,176,251
Posts : 108

[Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears Empty Re: [Arc] [Part 1] Shifting Gears

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:07 pm
-Present Time: The Siren-

A melodic voice echoed deep within the young man’s heart as fear took its strong grip. He could practically feel the tight hold the lullaby had on his fragile heart. “Benjamiiiiin, I’ve brought you a little present.” There was hysterical laughter soon after. “A parting gift just for you.

There was a brief silence where even the animals refused to stir. However, it did not last long as the woman continued her song. “Now, now,” A voice cooed from the distance. “Where are you, little worm?” His heart squeezed so tightly that he was practically gasping for air.

There was a pause before the woman continued gleefully. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” The voice grew increasingly near. “If you come out now, it won’t hurt… much.” There was more laughter as the sounds of her steps purposely crunched on the twigs littered about.

As the siren continued her song, Bengie remained incredibly still and silent. Her voice beckoned him to leave his hiding spot but he refused to comply. Making any sort of movement meant death and he, much like anyone else, desperately wanted to live.

Instead, the young man covered his mouth with both hands firmly to avoid uttering a sound. However, the adrenaline rushing through his veins was enough to cause himself to be pushed slightly backwards. Though, through sheer willpower, he managed to stay put despite finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.

As he struggled, Bengie decided to refocus his energy into thinking of something else. Unfortunately, try as he might, he could not think of anything else aside from what had led up to this moment. Perhaps, if he had been more careful, things would have turned out differently.

Oh, how he wished that time could reverse so that he could warn himself of the danger he was now in. Had he not been so greedy, perhaps, things might have turned out differently. Yet, all he could do now was wait for the day to pass.

At the very least, he was thankful that his uncle had warned him. Not to mention the little game he managed to bargain with his would-be assassin. It was his ticket out. Yet, now that she was there with him, he knew it was only a matter of time before the consequences caught up to him.

Bengie eventually managed to close his eyes and he began to pray fervently. At first, his frenzied mind refused to cooperate. However, his persistence began to bear fruit. Almost as if it were an answer to his prayer, the ringing and pounding in his skull were beginning to subside.

Yet, just as relief was washing over him, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot rang through the empty grove. Or, at least, it had been empty until she appeared. Now, it was only a matter of time before he was found.

-Some Time Earlier: The Crow’s nest-

Having arrived at the doors of Crow’s golden palace, Ebony’s face shifted to a much calmer demeanor. “Find the boy and keep him occupied while I talk to your precious Crow. Once I’m done, I’ll meet you at the usual place.” She did not wait for him to reply before making her way through the doors. “Don’t you dare fail me this time.

Seeing her approach, the bouncer opened the embellished doors with a bow. Almost immediately, the building manager was at her side. “Lady Skarlet,” The man said respectfully. He was calm and collected, but his uneasiness was still there. “It’s a… pleasure to see you again.

He bowed to her before turning to the approaching Giancarlo “Welcome back, Sir.” This earned an uncomfortable shift in Giancarlo’s step. It was obvious that he did not wish to be there, but the manager paid it no mind. Right now, there was a bigger fish he needed to cater to.

Sullivan,” Ebony said in her sweetest voice.“How’s the family? I heard your brother was in quite the accident last month. Is he doing alright now?” She showed sympathy. However, her delight was something she did not mask. This caused the man’s emotions to fail him.

Sullivan grinded his teeth before showing a forced, toothy grin. However, his clenched fist betrayed his attempt in acting civilly. While he believed the woman before him played a role in his brother’s comatose state, he had no way of proving his theories correct.

Phil is…” The man paused as he collected his cool. “He’s doing the best he can. I’m just thankful that he’s even alive.” He waved his hand in a dismissing gesture. “But that’s all in the past now.” His professionalism soon took over. “Shall I let Master Crow know that you are here?

I’d appreciate that, thank you.” Ebony replied uninterestedly. She was a bit disappointed in his lackluster reactions but c’est la vie. He was no longer worth her time. “Tell him that I’m here to give him his reply.

Albeit confused, the man asked nothing else. He simply responded, “Right away, ma’am,” before clapping to no one in particular. Almost immediately, a poised young woman appeared from out of the blue.

See to it that the Lady and gentleman enjoy this establishment to the fullest.” Sullivan said in his most charismatic manner. “They are our most treasured guests.” WIth that, the man slipped away as the young woman guided them to more private accommodations.

Giancarlo,” Ebony said as she turned to glare at the pest. “Did I not tell you to locate this little friend of yours?” She watched wordlessly as the man rushed away. It was blatantly clear that he was more than eager to allow the mafiosa to enjoy a few minutes of peace.

Turning to the woman, Ebony grinned. However, while the woman could not see the smile, she could definitely hear the honey in her voice. “Seems that he’s much too eager, no? It would be best for you to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.” Taking the hint, the woman bowed slightly before tracing Giancarlo’s steps.

No sooner had the two left, Ebony wordlessly beelined towards Crow’s office. Sure, she could have waited for Sullivan, but she was feeling quite impatient. Not to mention that she was more than certain that Giancarlo had made his way there.

Her theory soon proved correct as the slimy bastard looked both ways before rushing inside the big man’s office just as Sullivan was walking out. Debating her entrance, Ebony decided that giving them a few moments to talk was not a luxury she wished to give them.

Instead, the mafiosa nodded to the security who moved out of her way, and, as soon as she reached the entrance, she knocked on the obnoxiously ornate office door. Almost immediately, the two voices stopped conversing and shuffling was heard in its place.

The door opened and the big man himself emerged from within. “Ebony, sweetheart, come in.” An older man’s honeyed voice welcomed her as he opened his arms wide in a welcoming embrace. “Make yourself at home.

Ebony, however, did not reciprocate the embrace. Unfortunately, this did not deter the older man as he hugged her tightly regardless. “How’s the old man? He doing good? Good. Good.” Curtis nodded happily to himself. “It’s just what I like to hear.

The woman remained silent. There was no need to answer considering the fact that he and her father had met mere hours earlier. This was simply small talk. A pretense, per say, that neither of them cared for. Curtis, on the other hand, simply loved to hear himself talk.

Taking a deep breath, Ebony nodded respectfully towards the grinning old geezer. “Uncle,” Ebony said in a mildly cheerful tone. Her mind, however, was reeling over the fake sweetness of this conversation. “I see that you’re busy. Shall I come back later?

What? This?” The man gestured towards Giancarlo. “Of course not. How could I not make time for my favorite niece?” Crow stood up and gestured Giancarlo away. “In fact, we were just about wrapping up the conversation.

Before Giancarclo could protest, Crow gave him a look. This caused the man to shut himself up and stand to leave. However, Ebony raised a hand in her attempt to pause the interaction. “He can stay. I don’t mind.

After a few back and forth looks, Giancarlo sat himself down. He was clearly unhappy but it was a win for the mafiosa. Now, Giancarlo would be forced to go along with her plan of attack. If all went well, of course.

What can I do for you, Skarlet?” Crow asked with a grin. His eyes, on the other hand, did not match the friendly tone he was portraying. In fact, annoyance was all she could see staring back at her. “Or are you just paying a visit to this old man?

Uncle, you wound me.” Ebony replied in mock dismay. Her gestures were dramatic as she pretended to clutch her heart. “Of course I’m here to visit. You always insist that I do so I figured, why not?” She looked at Giancarlo with a sympathetic look, “Had I known you were here, I’d have chosen a different day.

Giancarlo glared at the young woman which earned him a reprimand from Crow. “Giancarlo, if you wish to survive in this world, then you better behave.” The older man turned to Skarlet in an unapologetic manner. “I do apologize on his behalf. If he disrespects you again, you are more than welcome to do as you wish.

Her lackey coughed uncontrollably as his saliva stuck to his throat. All he managed to hear were a few words of thanks to his boss. “Y-you can’t be-.” Much to his dismay, he was completely ignored by the other two.

Now that I think about it, you might be able to help me with something, Uncle.” Ebony said in concern as she cut into Giancarlo’s coughing fit. “Julius hired someone and, well, instead of being grateful, the bastard funneled funds into his own personal pockets.

Crow slowly nodded as his smile faded into oblivion. “Julius wants justice but, well, I doubt my father would have time to look into this.” Ebony let out a sad sigh before looking earnestly at her uncle. “Do you think maybe you could approve it? I’ve already looked into his finances like you asked.

The old man said nothing as he stared straight at Ebony. His eyes were searching while Ebony fought back with her look of concern and worry. Not that this fooled the older man but it also did not tell him what he needed to know.

I trust that you’ll look into this, E- Skarlet.” The underboss eventually said. His voice betrayed no emotion while Giancaro’s face soured. This did not go unnoticed by the underboss. “However, I am sure you’ll find some use for a bastard who’s willing to mess with the family.

Ebony nodded enthusiastically. This could not have gone any better. On the other hand, Giancarclo was fuming in his seat. “Thank you, uncle. I will not disappoint you.” She stood to leave but stopped when Crow spoke.

Ah, about your reply to-.

Another day, uncle. I have a little mouse to catch.

WIth that, the mafiosa left the office as Giancarlo stayed behind. “You can’t be fucking serious, Curtis! The kid’s going to be as good as dead by the end of day and you know it.” The lackey slammed his fists on the table. However, the underboss did not flinch in the slightest.

Giancarlo continued his tantrums until Crow snapped back. His anger was evident and, yet, his voice was cool and collected. “I told you to keep a close eye on him. Be grateful that I haven’t thrown you to the Wolves yet despite how incompetent you are.

He gestured towards the place Skarlet had stood moments ago. “You can’t even control that little girl. How do you expect me to help you when you shoot yourself on the foot?” This earned him an angry retort from the man.

I’m not the one who sent that bitch to review the ledgers! How was I supposed to know the kid messed up the books?” No sooner had he spoken those words, Crow stared him down. His authority weighed heavily on the lackey which caused him to quiver back into his chair.

Either convince her that your man is useful or you don’t.” Crow said as he moved forward menacingly on his chair. “But you will not come into my office and act out just because things don’t go your way. We may be friends but don’t you think for a moment that I won’t end your pathetic life.

Giancarlo nodded meekly. “Now,” Crow said as he sat back against the chair. “Get out.” Without another word, Giancarlo grabbed his things and ran out of the office. Right now, he needed to prioritize his nephew and warn him of the upcoming dangers the little brat had put himself in.

Whatever happened next, well, it would depend on how good of a negotiator he was.

Word Count: 2189| 4637 | 13,500

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