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Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:16 am
Part I:

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Part One

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Screen10

G-43 Base | Medic Ward
March 15th, 1829 - 5:00 am

Positioned side by side, the Captain and Vice Captain of the Nox pirates both fought for their lives. Victor Von Newport, who had already been injured previously, was gunned down in his holding cell a day ago.

The doctors did what they could, removing the bullet shells from the man's shoulders but the poison that plagued both men was truly the problem. It'd be nothing like they'd ever witnessed before in their medicinal career.

Both Castor and Newport suffered from purple discolored lips, random spats of convulsions, high fever, and hallucinations. Chained to the bed with Kairoseki handcuffs, the duo drifted in and out of a state of consciousness.

Guarding the room was Commodore Jimmy, and sitting at the bedside of the pirate's room was none other than Joseph Hornigold himself.

Smoking on his cigar, the man intensely watched the two struggle to hold on for dear life. Unable to wait any longer, Joseph stood in between the two-bed sets and dug a claw-like grip in both Castor and Newport's shoulders bringing them to an alert state.

Both men winced in agony, "Worolololo... You two are some tough fuckers. I'll give you that." Joseph declared puffing on his cigar. Awake but too weak to speak, both Newport and Castor could only glare at the former Vice Admiral's smug expression.

"I don't know who has it out for you lot but they're extremely thorough. That poison... It's not even in our doctor's conventional encyclopedia of toxins or poisons... Meaning... It's incredibly rare and potent. Truthfully, you might die before facing trial." Joseph concluded.

"That's why even though the higher-ups have instructed me to hand you over to the Enies Lobby envoy, I've decided to publicly execute you here at the base." Joseph declared with a menacing aura and grim tone.

"I'll use you two to display that old school Justice I truly think is missing in the modern marines.

I've already called in some old associates to make sure everything goes as planned. Enjoy your little vacation in our ward gents. Sucky way to spend your last days handcuffed to a hospital bed but that's heaven for scum like you twos."
Joseph concluded, walking away puffing on his padded tobacco product.

The cloud of smoke he left in his wake caused the duo to cough violently. Exiting the room, Joseph turned over command to the Commodore, who had just returned from a quick trip to Pucci at the commander's orders.

"Good work marine. How were those old farts I sent you to check on?" Joseph inquired getting straight to the point.

"Healthier than ever. I've briefed them on the situation. They'll be here on the day of the festival. However, Commander, what are we going to do about the Enies Lobby faction. It's against protocol to-" Jimmy stated, interrupted by a friendly pat on his shoulder by the Base Commander.

"I'll handle them, leave the politics to me. You just guard those twos. I'll have them stay for the execution as well. Let them deliver the bodies to HQ themselves. The leader of that lots an old quack but a friend of mine." Joseph stated smugly with a mischievous grin.

Lunar Woods | Town Maria

After about two days of rest, Minerva's natural pigmentation had returned to her lips. The noticeable black veins under their eyes had faded and she'd regained most of her strength. All of the credit for her speedy recovery was credited to the Red Panda Mink who worked diligently around the clock nursing her back to health.

"After all you've done for me... I don't even know your name." Minerva stated.

"Lucky. Lucky Ruiz. And you are Lesser Mink?" Lucky inquired shining his pretty pearls.

"Minerva. Minerva Pollard. Minks are generally viewed as threats to society... Why are you hanging around in a place like this?" Minerva inquired.

"I ended up here by chance-teia. I left my motherland Zou in search of adventure. I needed to test my medical chops elsewhere... Not only on Minks but a plethora of races.

Then the Firebear'd incident occurred and moving around became a challenge."
Lucky explained. Grinding some medicinal herbs at his desk, the Mink removed a kettle and pour hot water into a clay glass, stirring in the ground herbs with a wooden spoon.

"Here. Drink this. I think after today you should be able to go look for that Captain of yours." Lucky declared, walking over to the bedridden pirate, turning over the mug of herbal tea.

Blowing on the hot liquid before taking a sip, the woman's face winced from the bitterness. Laughing loudly and slapping his foot in amusement, "Bitter isn't it-teia!? But it'll fix ya right up." Lucky bellowed out with a following chuckle.

Sewers Below The Captial

After two days of consistent work, Red Devil had produced fifty black briefcases padded with the mechanisms he needed to execute his plans. The vagrants told him tales of the former monarchy, the good and the bad, conversational points to pass time as he worked.

In a very Duke-like manner, he just saw this as an opportunity to manipulate these youth.

Calling up all of the able-bodied kids between the ages of nine and thirteen, he'd promise them a care package of berri if they could accomplish his task.

"Now gather around children. I'm only going to go over this once." Red Devil stated, using the intercom mechanism of his suit. "Each of you is to ride along the Sea Train Route with one of these briefcases. You'll leave them underneath the seats or in the pockets above your seat head understood. If anyone asks you about the contents of the case - your answer is simple.

'Medicine for my grandmama.'

Understood. Golden."
Duke concluded before the children could've even affirmed the question. Hearing footsteps in the distance, the sound of high heels clicking against the pavement became louder and louder, appearing from the shadows, pistol in hand, a frantic Miss Courtier appeared dressed in all black.

"Ah. Miss Jazzy. What ominous attire are you wearing? Though, this isn't the most bizarre look I've ever seen you in." Duke commented on her dreary attire.

"Duke Titania Stockholm Philips. Also known as Red Devil or Duke for short. I've come to execute you." Jazzy declared with cold seemingly porcelain eyes.

Shooting a plume of smoke from Duke's Tin suit marking his intrigue. "I guess my research on you was worth the while. If you know my full government name... You're the mole I've been looking for Miss Ex Cipher Pol.

I make it my business to do background checks on anyone I travel with. Just as a security precaution of course."
Duke declared, transforming his arms into two mini-submachine gun barrels.

"Allons-nous danser mon ami d'étain?" (Shall we dance my tin friend?) Jazzy declared aiming her pistol at Duke.

"Le plaisir serait pour Moi." (The pleasure would be mine.) Newport responded smugly.


Word Count:  10,692


Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:23 am; edited 1 time in total

Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:18 pm
Destroyed Bakery | About an hour from G-43
March 13th, 1829

Guinness and Georgie were the ones who brought the reinforcements for Tito. Believing that the Ensign and Ricky Reeves were still actively fighting they brought way more men than necessary.

After being woken up by one of the soldiers, Roji helped the marines transport Bo to G-43 so he could be interrogated on the rest of his crew’s whereabouts and what their goal was with the attempted robbery of the bank. While the convoy made their way back to the naval base, Roji overheard something that he could not ignore.

Behind him, two Seamen Recruits loudly discussed what else was going on around the island. “Did ya hear? They’re saying that Sanpaku himself was captured a little bit ago.”

The other recruit howled in laughter. “So the Nox Pirates are as good as done. I thought they would have posed a little more of a threat.”

Slapping his comrade on the back of his head the first recruit spoke again. “I disagree. We are practically opening up our doors and rolling out the welcome mat for his comrades to follow.”

Still, in pain from the sudden slap, the second recruit snapped in anger. “Who gives a damn about the others. Once you cut off the head of a snake it’s no longer a threat!”

Sweat began to fall from Roji’s forehead upon hearing the news. His captain getting captured was definitely not part of the plan that they had set, which could only mean that something terrible had to have happened. Luckily, Roji was already headed to the base, but that still left him with the problem of finding his crewmates while keeping his cover.

It seemed as if Roji would have to continue strengthening his resolve moving forward.


G-43 | Mess Hall
March 15th, 1829 - 6:30 AM



“Ricky!” Roji only heard the last half of his alias when he was suddenly nudged. For the past day or so Roji has continued to pal around with Tito and his crew. It was not uncommon for the marines to try and recruit already established bounty hunters and otherwise respected combatants. And thanks to Tito’s testimony that Roji had defeated a member of the Crazed Keg Pirates, his supervisors decided to humor the Ensign and allow Roji time to rest after the high-stakes battle.

Of course, since Roji never actually fought Bo, he was not using the time to rest at all. From the tours that Tito was all too happy to take Roji on and the other information that he spilled, Roji had quite a good idea of where the important things on the base were. The only problem was getting from place to place undetected.

Getting nudged slightly harder in the shoulder, Roji looked over at Guinness. “Hurry up Reeves. We have to head down and be present for the interrogation of Bo.”

Quickly swiping the last few waffles left on the group's table, Roji sat up and followed his marine friends towards the base's jailhouse.


The Bodacious Barrel | Near the Shores of St. Poplar
March 15th, 1829 - 7:00 AM

The interior of the barrel-themed ship was lined with a wide variety of explosives, both real and fake. Many of the crew members partied wildly, throwing their drinks and food at each other day and night. Near the back of the room was a large seat made out of iron. In the low light of the ship, only the silhouette of the man could be seen seated, transponder snail in hand.

“Puru Puru Puru Puru…. Puru Puru Puru Pur~kaccha~”

“Captain! I don’t know what to do! It’s terrible!”

The shaded figure leaned forward and threw his cigar on the ground, motioning for a nearby subordinate to stomp it out for him. “Whaddya mean? You guys hit the bank or what?

The distant messenger stuttered out a response. “I-I-It’s B-B-Bo! He got captured by the marines and they took him away!”

Not wanting to hear anymore, Captain Loaded hung up on the distressed man. Getting up from his seat, The pirates, still content with the rough-housing suddenly went silent and directed their attention to their Captain.

“Our good buddy Bo has gotten himself arrested! You fools better ready yourselves, it’s not often we have to break someone out of the slammer!”

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox

Last edited by Roji on Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:05 pm
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

The smell of gun powder in the air would be enough to give any gun enthusiast garner a stiff one. Duke unloaded rounds of bullets towards the assassin with murderous intents but to no avail, her body seemingly became as limp as a sheet of paper.

Jazzy danced around the battlefield, transforming the sludge beneath her feet into rows of carpet, making it easier to kick off the ground and avoid incoming fire. After the tin man had run out of bullets, Jazzy launched herself off the sewers grounds, hovering slightly, before firing off two precise shots.

The sniper's bullets damaged the gear mechanism on Newport's right-most sub-machine gun and the second bullet almost pierced a hole directly into the cockpit where he sat. "This bitch is good." Duke thought to himself. "Okay Okay! Let's switch gears. Experiment #12 - Acidic Fog!" Duke shouted, releasing a thick smog-like substance from the shoulders of his tin suit.

The purple thick smog seemed to cause the sewer rats to melt upon contact, the sounds of them squeaking in agony made haste to Jazzy's retreat. "Kids. Grab the cases. Lady Serpina. Get them out of here now. Our deal has been signed in blood." Duke declared dramatically.

"Oh please! Don't be so dramatic! You'll help me take back this place from the marines and in exchange, I help that Captain of yours in this crazy ass plan!" Serpina shouted, ushering away the kids and herself for dear life.

"Ah. Sweet blisters from a maiden's lips! Hark! I must bid thee adieu Madamoseille Jazzy. Much to be done as you know." Duke shouted through his suit's intercom. A compartment on the suit's back opened, and from it slowly cranked out a miniature cannonball launcher.

Equipping the weapon to the arm of his suit, and transforming his legs into that of a tank's wheels, Duke aimed at the ceiling of the sewer.

"Bon Voyage!" Duke shouted, firing off a single cannonball towards the sewer ceiling.

"Merde! Soru!" Jazzy exclaimed, shuffling her feet as quick as she could away from the estimated field of the explosion. Upon impact, a hole opened up in the ground of St.Poplar's Capital streets around Poplar Park.

Hundreds of innocents fell into the giant crater that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

The marines rushed to the scene to investigate the incident but by then, both Jazzy and Duke had fled the scene.

Skywalking through the sewer's eastern route, "Ce bâtard s'est enfui!" (That bastard got away.) Jazzy exclaimed in frustration.

Meanwhile, following the western route mapped out by Serpina, which lead towards the docks, Duke and his merry band of infants scuttled towards the Sea Train. "Let's see them blame that one on the NRA Baby!" Duke shouted, feeding into the adrenaline rush.

"This man is ludicrous." Serpina thought to herself trailing alongside the tankman.

The remainder of the fugitive nobles scattered from the settlement located near the point of the explosion. As the marines climbed into the crater to further investigate, all that would be found are remnants of human life settling, such as food wrappers, abandoned clothing, and housing.

Fifty people were injured and twenty died in this incident. March 15th, 1829 at 8:00 am.

Casualty Counter: 20.

G-43 Base | Medic Ward | Around Noon

Handcuffed to the bed, Castor finally was able to maintain consciousness for a prolonged period. Turning to Newport, the pirate would fight to sit up, "Victor. What in the world happened to you?" Castor genuinely inquired, dropping the usual daft act.

"It was that bitch Nox. Jazzy did this to me. Fuck. If I wasn't tied up, I'd kick the shit out of her!" Newport shouted in frustration.

Castor's heart became heavy as if something was grasping it in its hands and squeezing sinisterly.

"There has to be a reason. We made a pact-" Nox declared aloud.

"A pact?! God are you sheltered. Didn't you learn anything from Dax! This is the pirate's world. Betrayal is like drinking water or taking a shit, it's expected." Newport barked.

Sitting in silence, Castor recapped the incidents in Lvneel and Flevance. First Dax, and now Jazzy. It all made sense, why Rear Admiral Clevis was able to plot their arrival and how they knew exactly what points of their ship were weak to naval fire.

If it wasn't for Nox's navigation skills and Newport's sailing skills, the whole crew would be swimming with the Sea Kings. Unable to maintain a sitting position, Castor fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.

"Is this what disappointment feels like?" Nox thought to himself. "No. It's embarrassment. I thought I knew all of their motives. I still don't have the bigger picture." Nox pondered in frustration.


Word Count:  11,485


Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:03 am
G-43 Base | Jailhouse | 7:00 AM

Heading down to the interrogation room required Roji and the others to walk right past the base's prisoners. Among the captured criminals the Envy Sin was only on the lookout for two individuals. “Sanpaku” Castor O. Nox and “Bloody Port” Newport. He saw either them or any of the other crew members of note in the cells, though that did not mean they weren't hidden away somewhere in the base.

Once the interrogation room was in sight, Roji could no longer keep his silence, he figured that if he asked innocently enough that Tito or one of the others would share at least some information with him.

“Hey whatever happened to the Nox Pirates?” Roji looked over his shoulder at both Tito and Guinness.

Tito yawned before answering. “Oh, I am pretty sure someone said that they were injured or something. Why’d you ask?”

Not expecting to be asked a question himself, Roji had no choice but to answer honestly. “I didn’t see any of them in the cells and was just wondering if something happened.”

Tito’s face immediately became more serious, Roji could feel the mood in the hallway become more dark and heavy. The pretend bounty hunter slowly inched his hand towards his firearm. Thankfully, Tito’s change of attitude was gone just as quickly as it came. The Ensign laughed. “Hey man, I got you good! You should have seen the look on your face! We all know you aren’t stupid enough to poke around where you shouldn’t.”

Roji laughed meekly at the vote of confidence. “Yeah, man. Who would be stupid enough to do that.”


G-43 Base | Interrogation Room | 11:30 AM

This was perhaps the least useful interrogation that Roji had ever witnessed. In the four and a half hours that the Envy Sin had sat in on the marines had learned nothing of note. In fact, it could be argued that they knew less since talking to Bo.

The ex-revolutionary soldier met some stubborn individuals in his day when he worked for the NRA. But to be so loyal to a man such as Captain Loaded made zero sense. How could someone work for a man that held such little regard for the lives of the innocent?

And that wasn’t even the worst of it. During the interrogation, a group of soldiers was stationed around the general area to prevent Bo from escaping. But instead of doing their job they just gossiped for hours on end. The only saving grace that saved this side venture from being a waste of time was when Roji was able to confirm Tito’s suspicions.

His captain and Newport had been injured in some way and were currently being held in the Medic Ward. Roji now had a concrete objective, but no way to break off from the marines without risking getting arrested himself.

The Envy Sin tapped his left foot on the ground anxiously, biding his time in wait for an opportunity to strike.


Docks of St. Poplar | Bodacious Barrel | 11:40 AM

Captain “Loaded” Larry stood near the bow of his ship. His subordinates frantically aimed their modified cannons upwards, angling them so they would fall as close to the island as possible without hitting any buildings. Nearby townsfolk and tourists alike began to flee the scene as they noticed what the diabolical band of misfits were up to.

Larry turned around, facing the shore, and lifted his hands into the air before swinging them forwards. “Fire!”

Just like that, a bombardment of giant barrels shot out from the ship haphazardly, exploding at different times and causing the boats in the harbor to be pushed around by the force of the blast. Laughing joyously, Larry hoisted himself up onto a leftover barrel and spoke to his men. “Now that we have announced ourselves let’s get to work boys!”

The Crazed Keg Pirates readied themselves and moved out, heading for Marine Base G-43.

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:47 pm
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Sea Train | St.Poplar | Springfield Station

Over the station speakers, "Good afternoon St. Poplar! This is Mindy speaking. I'll be announcing the outgoing routes for today! Incoming from Enies Lobby - Train Alpha! Leaving the station to Pucci - Train Beta! All other incoming routes will be announced this evening! I repeat-" Mindy reported.

As Train Alpha approached, the bull shark-themed steam machine pulled in along the Sea Train tracks, decreasing in speed for the eventual disembarkment. Security around the Sea Train had increased due to the threat at the neighboring port from the Crazed Barrel Pirates raiding.

However, the malicious activities that were about to take place were disguised behind the faces of over four dozen pre-teens. About two miles off the station, in the presidential suite of a local hotel, Duke ahead a fleet of children who were all busy scarfing down room service.

Accessorizing the Red Devil's usual tin suit were giant sunglasses, a whistle, and a baton stick. To his right was a giant whiteboard with the various routes along which the Sea Train ran. Tapping the baton on the board, "Okay class. Let's go over the plan once more." Duke announced.

"Awwwwwhhh!" The pack of kids grumbled. "We've been through this plan a million trillion times Uncle Red!" One of the kids protested.

"Practice makes perfect. It took me almost five years of experiments before I made my first explosive from scratch. Dedication lads and lasses. D-E-D-I-C-A-T-I-O-N!" Duke declared, tapping his pointy baton against the board.

Raising his hand frantically to answer the call, Duke pointed his teaching aid at the rambunctious child. "I'll go Unc! Each of us has been given a Sea Train Pass and a fresh pair of clothes to sell our new identities. We're all traveling dipolmats kids of a far-off island!" The Kid anxiously regurgitated.

"Which island for an extra slice of cake?" Duke inquired, baiting the pack. A mosh pit broke out among the kids but one of the brats cleared the pack in an instant and emerged victorious. "Lvneel Sir!" A young lady chimed in with the cutest tone ever.

"Bingo! Give that girl her prize!" Duke shouted, instructing the eldest of the group to order a slice of cake from room service. Tapping his baton on the board once more, "And then?" Duke continued the interrogation.

"Once aboard the vessel, each of us has been told the chosen location to place our cases." Another kid hopped in. "Yup yup! Either under the seat or above our heads in at least one cabin of the train." A plump kid stuffing his mouth with chocolate pudding announced.

"And how many trains traverse the Sea Train Service?" Duke inquired.

Waving her hand frantically, the brunette with freckles jumped up and answered, "Four. Alpha. Beta. Delta and... ugh..." The frail girl pondered for a bit but to no avail.

"Ha! Your so slow Lizzy. Omega. The Alpha train is the only train that's allowed to traverse the Enies Lobby and the Government Islands Route. That's the one train were not allowed to board." The smug bully retorted.

Lizzy and the bully got into a tussle shortly after. The other kids acted as commentators to the action.

Breaking away from the lover's squabble, a shorty who'd memorized the whole plan blurted out the last piece nervously. "T-T-Then we press the buttons on our smiley face badges and toss them away on the train before exiting." The kid declared, breathing heavily at least twice after every two words.

Pointing at the badges on their newly stitched outfits, a plume of smoke leaked from Duke's head as a seal of approval. The tin man acted as a jungle gym for the other orphan brats to climb on but deep inside, the interaction with Jazzy bothered him greatly.

"Should I have warned Nox about what my investigators dug up on her? According to my intel, she is so far removed from the agency... I figured she'd left that life behind. And now Nox's been captured and she tried to ice me.

Nonetheless. I had a separate mission from everyone. I'll leave Captain's rescue in their hands. Roji. Minerva. Let's see if those 'Sin' positions were rightfully appointed."
Duke thought.

Down-Town Poplar Park | A few feet away from where Duke's cannon opened the crater to the sewers.

Staring at the bottle of pills in her hand, Minerva strolled beneath her parasol heading towards the G-43 Base.

"I'd ask you to come with me but... That wouldn't exactly make any sense." Minerva declared with a sad expression, feeling gloomy about leaving Lucky behind.

"Don't worry about me-teia. I've been living off the wildlife in these woods for months now. And I'm no slouch when it comes to defending myself." Lucky stated, shooting a playful wink at Minerva.

Picking up her parasol weapon, and resting it on her shoulder, which prompted Lucky who stood behind her to shift out of the umbrella tip's path, the woman walked towards the exit of the treehouse clinic. Shuffling around on the table, Lucky called towards Minerva one more time.

"Catch!" The Red Panda Mink shouted. Looking over her shoulder, with her keen reflexes, Minerva caught the blank labeled prescription bottle.

"I don't know what kind of mess you're tied up in but in case you run into your attacker again... Those pills contain the antidote to the poison you were afflicted with.

Two pills with some water... It'll clear up the effects within a few hours. I had to wait for those nasty punctures on your body to close first-teia."
Lucky surmised.

"However." Lucky's tone became a bit more serious. "I was able to counter the side effects of that antidote with various herbs I have here. And I'm out of them. So if you do take them... Don't do any strenuous activities directly after. It won't end well." Lucky warned.

After saying her goodbyes, Minerva opened her parasol, floating from the peak of the tree, branch to branch until she'd arrive at the tree's trunk.

Minerva had heard the whispers around the town about Nox's capture, and she immediately headed towards the Marine Base to confirm it. The world didn't know she'd taken up a Sin position with the Block Buster, she has still Ranked Three Stars in the eyes of the Bounty Hunter Association as well.

It also wasn't uncommon for Bounty Hunters to investigate big-name bounties in the same vicinity, captured or not. In her eyes, as long as they hadn't made it to Enies Lobby, it was a free game. At least that was her cover story.

G-43 Base | Medic Ward | 2:59 pm | A minute before Witching Hour

Outside the door, Commodore Jimmy guarded the two high-profile bounties, officially the second highest ranked in the base after Joseph, who had left to deal with the Crazed Keg Pirate fiasco.

On his person was the keys to Castor and Newport's handcuffs, a testament to the Commodore's worth in Joseph's eyes. In an instant, three gunshots fired off in the hallway of the medic ward. The shots were aimed at the lights in the base, rendering the windowless hallway pitch black.

The Cowboy reached for two guns of his own, only to feel two palms rest against his chest. "Six Pouvoirs Suprêmes - Reine Pistolet!" (Six Powers Supreme - Queen Pistol!) Jazzy shouted, appearing before Jimmy. The internal shockwave sent Jimmy flying through the door, crashlanding on the wall that lay between Newport and Castor's beds.

Reaching for her pistol once again, this time accompanied by an identical twin gun, Jazzy aimed the barrel of her firearms towards both Castor's and Newport's position on the beds.

Castor's and Jazzy's eyes locked unevenly with each other. The pirate captain's eyes were intense but calm and the fashionista's own cold and distant.


Word Count:  12,772


Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:10 pm
G-43 Base | Interrogation Room | 2:30 PM

A general feeling of apathy had caused Roji to nod off long ago, only being periodically woken up to confirm statements made by others. With that in mind, it is easily understandable why The Envy Sin was so surprised to wake up midair. Roji landed on his back and slid across the floor of the large room, only stopping when he hit the room's corner. The wall directly behind Bo was gone, with a group of about 7 men in total taking its place. In the center of the rescue team stood Captain Larry “Loaded” himself. “Get up, Bo. We don’t have the time or resources to fight fair with these guys.”

Guinness was the first marine to recover from the blast. Taking out a gun and dagger, The lieutenant charged at Larry. Before the soldier got close enough to lay a finger on the Captain, Bo jumped in between them and swatted Guinness away with minimal effort. “I tried to tell you. These Sea Stone cuffs mean nothing when I haven’t eaten a Devil Fruit.”

The Crazed Keg Pirate lifted his shirt, revealing a vest of granite underneath. Guinness, not having the strength to stand back up, remained in his current position. “How did you even make that?”

Eager to answer, Bo jumped at the opportunity to explain how he invented his armor, only to be cut off by Larry. “Here’s the key to your cuffs. Now hurry up before we have to deal with the heavy hitters.”

The cuffs fell to the ground and the Crazed Keg Pirates left the area. Within the first couple of minutes after the jailbreak, Tito and the others went after Larry and his cohorts, Assuming that Roji had already begun chasing after them himself.

Roji, of course, was never knocked out by the explosion and had no interest in making enemies of the Crazed Kegs. The former spy left his hiding spot and sprinted down to the Medic Ward.

G-43 Base | Medic Ward | 3:00 PM

The panic that Larry’s crew had caused was the perfect diversion for Roji. While he had been at the base for a couple of days he still was not allowed to venture alone in certain areas, such as the Medic Ward. As he got further from the Interrogation Room that Captain Larry broke in too, the Envy Sin saw fewer and fewer marines. Eventually, Roji came to a point where no one else was present in the halls beside him.

Turning a corner he came upon a hallway shrouded in darkness. The hair on the back of Roji’s neck stood up. Something was wrong. Slowing his pace, Roji crept through the void until he reached an open door. Taking even extra care to remain undetected, Roji peeked inside.

Castor and Victor were cuffed to hospital beds, with a marine officer collapsed on the ground in between them. Much closer to Roji was Jazzy, who was currently aiming both of her pistols at his comrades. While Roji was a greenhorn in the world of pirates, he knew better than to trust Jazzy at this point. Given the state of his captain and Newport, Roji saw no reason to not immediately free them and get them proper medical attention.

Removing his tonfa from the holster on his back, Roji stood up fully, centering himself in the doorway to the room. “Jazzy. You gonna stand around and not help our Captain out? Put those pistols away and step aside”

Moving his head to get a better look at Castor and Newport he made eye contact with both of them. “What’d you guys think of that? I was thinking on what I was gonna say when I got to you guys but that marine was already knocked out or dead is he even still brea-”

Roji shook his head. “You know what? Nevermind. Either help me or get outta the way Miss Couturier”

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:09 am
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Twisting her pistol almost instinctively to fire off a round at Roji, Jazzy didn't even bother to respond to the rookie's plea. However, Castor's next words temporarily quelled the woman's hostilities.

"Is that all there was to your dream, Jazzy?" Nox inquired his words crafted in the same manner as close friends telling an inside joke.

Wavering slightly, "You'll never understand Nox. Someone like you who's never had anything to protect... And only knows how to destroy and hurt others could never understand my motives." Jazzy responded, trying her best to not become emotional about the situation.

Castor raised his hands in the shackles, breaking eye contact momentarily to non-verbally signal to Roji to stand down.

"You're right. I never had anyone to protect. The last person in this world who genuinely loved me... I killed with my own hands. However, when we met on Flevance... Those same painful eyes we shared... We were both beginning the walk on a new path." Castor responded.

"It's not that easy Nox. These people aren't like you and me. Their intelligence stretches far and wide. The resources they have... Marines... The core of the World Government... All and in between fall within their grasp." Jazzy declared, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Do you remember our promise? I took the same oath with you that I did with - Newport. Roji. Alexi. Duke. Minerva.

Your enemies are my enemies. Whether it's the World Government or God himself.

I'll be the Devil who rebels on your behalf.

Your right. I'm not like you. Whatever or whoever it is that's making you do this must be special... But killing us will only make you a puppet on their strings.

The woman who promised me a fashion revolution wanted much more than to be a lowly assassin for a faceless puppeteer!"
Castor shouted.

The words from Castor's speech resonated even in the cold icebox that was Newport's soul.

Dropping to her knees and breaking down in tears - Jazzy began to recap on the first time she met with Castor.

North Blue | Flevance | Miss Courtier Boutique

Stumbling through her store doors, a spiky-haired male with a headband fashioned around his forehead entered the boutique in hopes of getting his cherry blossom kimono stitched.

The woman took one look at Castor and burst out in laughter.

The Three Eye pirate was dazed by the woman's laugh, absolutely confused as to what caused her to bellow out with such glee.

"If that's going to be your disguise while you're on this island Mon Amour... You should quit while your ahead, Castor O. Nox." Jazzy stated, instantly identifying the man.

"Eh. W-W-Whatever do you mean? I am but a simple salesman. In search of some new garb." Castor responded, immensely rattled and disheartened by the woman seeing through his getup.

"No need to look a sick pup. I'm just good at profiling people. Your headband isn't on properly so your third eye's peaking out and you're wearing the same clothes from your Wanted Poster minus the cheap sunglasses and headband." Jazzy explained.

Instantly defeated with no rebuttal in mind, Castor began to pout. "I thought it'd work too..." The captain declared grimacing.

Clearing the tears from her eyes, Jazzy offered a solution to the pirate captain's problems. Searching around in her drawer, she'd reveal a tube of hair dye, some brushes, and a comb. Walking over to the store's sign, she'd switch it from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSED' and then, would get to work.

"il est temps pour une cure de jouvence sérieuse." (It's time for a serious makeover.) Jazzy exclaimed.

Nox looked at the woman completely bewildered as to what she'd just said. After a few hours of manhandling, the pirate's currently signature black and white hair would be established.

As she'd finished snipping the edges, Nox would make a statement that would change both of their lives forever.

"Gashi Gashi... When I first saw your eyes... I didn't know people like you could laugh like that." Castor stated, opting for a bit of small talk to break the ice.

"Hmm. Explain. What's that supposed to mean?" Jazzy inquired, as she'd run the scissors through the man's wildly unkempt hair.

"You had the very same expression on your face I had as a child... Someone whose seen so much evil... Nothing can ever truly bring them joy ever again. I guess my disguise was that pitful if it could've made you laugh... Gashi Gashi." Nox explained, breaking out into laughter at the end.

It was at this moment that Castor moved something in Jazzy she once thought was dead. In her prior profession, dreams and emotions were liabilities.

No matter how many years removed from the life of an assassin, she still seemed to carry a bit of that burden on her shoulders but no one had ever verbally mentioned it to her before Nox.

Trying to avoid the emotions Nox had stirred, the woman changed the focus to the task at hand.

"That's rude. You should never assume anything about a lady you meet for the first time!" Jazzy scolded, violently running the comb through his knotty hair.

Nox winced in pain and it was at this moment, that Castor knew Jazzy was a demon. After the makeover, Castor worked at Jazzy's boutique undercover as a salesman to sharpen his acting skills amongst the young Mademoiselles.

After a few days, dipping in and out to sightsee, Castor finally asked the woman a question that was burning inside him to ask.

"Jazzy. Is this all to your dream? As much as you try to suppress it... I know there's more to you than meets the eye." Nox declared.

"Non-Non... This little shop is just the beginning. Once I get enough money from this bougie town... I'll export to Paradise and sell my brands to the nobles and the wealthy. I just need capital." Jazzy explained, grinning slightly as she'd shuffle the broom against the store's glossy wooden floor.

"Gashi Gashi... Is that all? I'll be your backer then. Come with me to Paradise. Whatever treasure I plunder, any amount is yours for the taking." Nox stated with certainty.

Stunned, the woman's face soured, ceasing her sweeping.

"Hey. I'm not that kind of woman. I won't do any weird favors for money if that's what you're getting at Mr.Nox." Jazzy inquired, genuinely annoyed.

"Gashi Gashi... Weird favors? Such as? You'd be joining as an executive on my crew anyway so we have soldiers for the small stuff like cooking and cleaning." Castor responded, completely misunderstanding the innuendo Jazzy was putting forth.

Breaking into laughter once again, "For a mass murderer. You sure are one weird guy Nox. If you take me aboard your ship, you have to protect me at all times - No matter who comes after me. Why would you take on such a responsibility with nothing in return?" Jazzy continued to inquire, at this stage playing hard to get.

"Gashi Gashi... I already got a bunch of leeches. One more can't hurt. Besides. I can see through all that ladylike facade. You're strong. You just try to hide it." Castor responded with a broad grin.

Doubling down on her emotional wall, "Did you just refer to me as a leech?!" Jazzy exclaimed, pretending to be angry to see if Castor would fold.

"Then let me ask you directly. Jazzy. Be my Nakama. No matter the hardship, with this brain and sword of mine - I swear your goal is mine." Nox declared sincerely.

On the other side of thoughts, Jazzy recollected her days in the Cipher Pol. Joining at sixteen, she was among other orphans whose parents had suffered a similar fate to her father's own.

"I grew colder from the day I joined against my free will. I absorbed everything. The sickest part was the smell of gunpowder and metal was the only thing I grew aroused by." Jazzy thought to herself.

After completing a few high-profile missions for the Cipher Pol, Jazzy was promoted up the ranks until she officially became a member of the CP9. Miss Couturier was an alias from an old mission where she went undercover as an old duchess long lost grandchild, only to assassinate the family in cold blood.

Jazzy had many missions like that over the years but after a regime reform, the program which produced many super soldiers like herself was officially disbanded on the books. Continuing missions with the peace of mind another 'her' would never be birth, Jazzy truly dirtied her hand with messier missions.

Her skill with a sniper rifle made her the go-to call for missions on and off the record. At the age of twenty-two, Jazzy had killed over a hundred targets through the scope of the lens attached to any rifle she pleased.

"Evil has no face. My dad's words rang in my head up until that day. Then I realized, I was the very monster I despised as a child. I had forgotten why I acquired these skills and this uncanny ability to kill. Now. I was just a well-sharpened tool. Or at least. I was." Jazzy pondered.

The undisclosed Kingdom in the West Blue

"It was a straightforward mission. Assassinate the whole bloodline and make it look like the rival kingdom hired an assassin. I complied. I killed every person in the castle... except, her." Jazzy continued to reflect.

Opening the kitchen pantry door, a small child around the same age as Jazzy when she was recruited, sat curled up in a ball hugging her teddy bear, covered in blood and urine.

"When she glared up at me with those crystal clear eyes. I broke down. I had never cried so many tears until that moment. I killed all my supporting agents on the case and fled with that child as hard as I can. Liquidated all my assets and with the help of a few friends in the Underworld, I invented Miss Jazzy Couturier, the Fashionista."

After a while, the orphaned child in the kitchen started to refer to Jazzy as 'Momma'. "Yoko. I called her that because of her snow-white hair. I even dyed my natural brunette hair so we'd look alike." Jazzy thought with warm remembrance.

Snapping back to the present, the images of Yoko flooded her mind.

"If I have to choose my child over my dream... I will." Jazzy declared coldly, gripping the pistol base tighter once again.

"Then shoot me. If that's how you feel... I don't want to live in a world where this version of you exists." Castor stated recklessly.

"Nox!" Newport shouted. "You'd throw away our promise for this wench?!" Newport shouted in inquiry.

"If one of my sins can't trust me to fulfill their dream. Then none of them can. Shoot me Jazzy!" Castor barked.

Trembling violently, the woman's aim started to waver.

"I said shoot me, Jazzy Couturier. Shoot me if you want to spend the rest of your life being a slave to your own emotions!" Castor shouted angrily.

Using Soru, Jazzy kicked off the ground and pressed the barrel of the gun directly against Nox's forehead. With all three eyes passionately glaring into hers, "Fucking shoot me already if you're going to Jazzy!" Castor shouted in resolve.

"Roji! The keys are on that knocked-out marines person! Let me outta these cuffs. Nox's lost his goddamn mind!" Newport barked.

"Roji! I swear to God if you move a step. I'll kill you myself." Castor shouted in response to Newport's plea. "This is between me and Jazzy. You two stay out of it!" Nox exclaimed passionately.

Breathing heavily, a mixture of snot and tears running from every possible credible crevice, Jazzy dropped her pistols and wrapped her arms around Nox. Clutching him tightly and whimpering into his damaged kimono, Jazzy's heart was spilled right in the open.

"They're gonna hurt my baby Nox. Help me. Please. I can't lose anyone else. I was fine with never taking another life as long as she was able to live well.

I did everything in my power to hide her away somewhere safe and off the grid."
Jazzy frantically explained.

Resting his head on her shoulder to calm her down. The woman continued to explain the reason behind her untimely betrayal.

"They reached out to me shortly after I became your Nakama. Told me I had to kill for you... Do whatever you ask to gain your trust. Then feed them intelligence on your movements.

But you never ordered me to kill. After I learned about your story and what happened on Lvneel I was torn.

On one hand, I knew your hands were covered in blood but so were mine. I mentally prepped myself for the day they asked for more than intel."
Jazzy rambled on.

"I kept poisoning your meals... Because I knew there was no way I could take the entire crew on by myself. However, every day like clockwork... You woke up fine.

After the raid with Clevis failed I received more intelligence on why they kept eyes on you specifically. A celestial dragon ordered several officials across the board to mess with you as punishment for taking away Lvneel as his plaything."
Jazzy clarified.

"Stein and Sinclair," Castor murmured bitterly.

"Then Minerva discovered who I was by accident... And my cover had been compromised. This was my last gambit - Kill You All or Loose Yoko." Jazzy concluded.

Taking a deep breath, "Your child, Yoko is it? Where is she now?" Nox inquired.

"I left her with a scientist friend of mine. They move around a lot but even she can't fight the Cipher Pol alone." Jazzy responded.

"Last Location?" Nox continued to question.

"An island that is known as Karakuri. Due to the island's defenses... I have approximately four months maybe three before they break through." Jazzy declared.

"Okay. We'll take Karakuri after our trip to Water 7. Save Yoko. For now. Keep feeding them intelligence. Tell them the poison won't kill me. I'll beat this." Nox declared, coughing up blood almost moments later.

"You make things sound so simple!" Jazzy argued, biting Nox on his shoulder.

"Shit. That hurts Jazzy!" Castor exclaimed in annoyance. With the situation defused, all that was left were the Sea Stone cuffs that weakened Castor once again to a slouched position on the bed.


Word Count:  15,170


Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:45 pm
Roji’s heart dropped when Jazzy’s pistol found itself pointed directly at him. The Envy Sin remained completely still, hoping that Jazzy would not fire at him. Thankfully, Castor spoke up and the spotlight was taken away from Roji for the time being. Clutching his tonfa, Roji only put them away when his Captain signaled him to stand down. The Envy Sin obliged. Reaching behind his back he put away his weapons and took a step back from the potential altercation.

Upon hearing the mention of the promise that all of the crew’s Sins made to Castor, Roji began to tear up himself. He perfectly remembered the conversation that he had over a month ago in that Lvneel library. True freedom on these seas is only feasible as a team. No one man can conquer it all. After Mort Regalis was stopped, Roji had a decision to make. He could go crawling back to the New Revolutionary Army or take up Nox’s offer to join his crew. The decision to leave behind his life and friends yet again was not an easy one. But in the short time that Roji has sailed as a pirate, he had acquired a new goal that he wanted to strive towards.

In his journey toward living freely, Roji has come to the realization that only the strong can exist without worry. And of the strong, there are four pirates of note, the rulers of the New World, The Yonko. In return for the opportunity that was given to him the young man had a desire that served more than just himself.

He wanted to help secure one of those four spots for the Nox Pirates.

Newport's demands brought Roji back to reality. Compelled to help out his friends, Roji almost took a step forward before he heard Nox’s voice. Roji only half believed his captain’s warning. But he still heeded it regardless. Speaking earnestly, Roji looked at Newport. “Sorry, Victor. Captain’s orders.”

As the assassination attempt was defused Roji remained a non-factor, not wanting to interrupt the event now that he knew what was going on. The mention of Karakuri Island was odd to the Envy Sin. He had heard from his old comrades in the New Revolutionary Army that supposedly a mad scientist hid out there, selling weapons to revolutionaries and pirates alike. Nonetheless, Roji stayed quiet and did not deem it safe to move until Jazzy bit Nox on the shoulder. Laughing, the pirate walked over to Commodore Jimmy, seeking the keys to the handcuffs.

It only took a little bit of searching through the Commodores pockets to find the keys. Once he had acquired them Roji unlocked the Sea-Stone handcuffs of Newport and Castor respectively. While unlocking Newport's handcuffs Roji looked at him suspiciously. "Are these making you tired? Kairoseki only affects power-holders."

After his own interrogation of Newport was over Roji quickly turned and freed Castor. Stepping back and waiting a couple of seconds, Roji spoke to the group. “I think we should attempt to leave the base and regroup before we get even with these marines. But this poison looks pretty nasty. Jazzy, Do you know of any antidotes?”


Captain Larry dashed through the streets followed by both his many subordinates as well as a large percentage of G-43’s forces. To the man’s right, one of his grunts looked over and complained. “Do we really have to go through with all of this for just one of our crew?”

A look of disgust found itself on the Crazed Keg Captain’s face. Reaching into his coat pocket, he took out a bundle of dynamite before securing it on the grunt and lighting it. The fodder tried to run away, but could not escape Larry’s extra long, double-jointed arms.

“I do not need whelps like you on my ship. At least this way you can go out with a bang!”

Tossing the much smaller pirate over his shoulder the bomb-wearing man landed right in the middle of the pursuing marines. There was no time to react before the TNT exploded destroying a couple of buildings and sending plenty of people, civilian and marine alike, flying away.

In the aftermath of the explosion, Larry and his remaining crewmembers had gained a ton of distance, almost assuredly escaping to fight another day. An officer leading the charge took out a transponder snail and called the higher-ups back at the base. “Loaded escaped, should we continue our pursuit?”

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:34 pm
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Relinquishing her grip on Nox's shoulder, Jazzy responded to Roji, "It's a poisonous plant called Witch's Shade. Honestly, it's a miracle Nox is still alive." Jazzy commented shrugging.

As the cuffs were removed from his wrists, "Well sorry for not wanting to die!" Nox exclaimed angrily, coughing up another clump of mucus mixed with blood.

"Unfortunately. I don't have an antidote. Tee-Hee." Jazzy declared sticking out her tongue playfully in the cutest manner she could manage.

As the cuffs were relieved from Newport's wrists, a bit of his strength returned. "Oi. Nox. Lemme murder this bitch." Newport declared annoyed at Jazzy's laid-back response.

"Look. It's an assassination attempt. I was putting in my all for Miss Yoko!" Jazzy responded by getting into a heated staring contest with Newport.

Ignoring Jazzy and Newport's exchange, "I agree Roji. However, I still need the blueprints for the layout of this building. Unfortunately due to being poisoned... I didn't have much time to explore the base." Castor declared, his panting significantly less erratic than it was before.

"There was some commotion around the base on my way in. Another pirate group seems to be planning to invade G-43 Base in an attempt to free one of their Nakama.

The Base Commander, Joseph was it? Went to the dock to investigate, I snuck once I was sure he was gone."
Jazzy explained.

Breathing heavily, still fatigued from his multiple injuries, "Oh yeah. Nox. You need to be careful around that man. Joseph Hornigold... He's a relic now but that man was once a Vice Admiral. I ran into him a few times on the seas back in my youth." Newport warned the budding pirate captain.

"Oh. This ever so elusive youth that you have yet to tell me about? Today seems to be a day of revelations... How about we talk about who you are-" Nox's attempted investigation was interrupted by Minerva's crazed dashed through the door, resting her blade against the fashionista's neck.

Placing Jazzy into an armbar, resting the Nodachi against her neck, "She's a traitor, Nox!" Minerva announced.

The whole room declared at the same time, "We know."

After filling in Minerva on the situation, Jazzy's backstory, and the current position, a light bulb seemingly popped up above the former bounty hunter's cranium. Digging into her small handbag, she'd toss the bottle of pills given to her by Lucky.

"I got poisoned by Jazzy as well. A doctor on St.Poplar cured me and gave me those pills in the event I was ever poisoned again." Minerva explained. Turning to Jazzy with a menacing stare, "Also. What kind of nutjob paints her fingernails in poisonous nail polish? Is that what they teach you lot in the Cipher Pol?" Minerva inquired sarcastically.

"Oui oui en fait. Among other things." (Yes Yes, actually) Jazzy exclaimed nodding her head in agreement.

Swallowing a hand full of pills each, Newport and Castor's degrading condition began to regress in seconds.

"Oi! You were only supposed to take two each you knuckleheads!" Minerva scolded.

Springing up from their positions on the bed, Castor and Newports' palms interlocked.

"Gashi Gashi..." Castor laughed.

"Bwahahaha..." Newport laughed.

The two men began dancing around in a circle, only to begin puking their stomachs entire contents out moments later.

Sighing, "Idiots." Minerva exclaimed, shaking her head in disapproval.

Wiping the vomit from his mouth, "Looks like the gangs all here minus Duke, Alexi, and Zanato. I've had enough time to think this over... We'll continue with the plan." Nox exclaimed. "Jazzy. Can you use your Garb Garb powers to restore my marine recruit outfit?" Nox inquired with a devilish grin.

"Minerva. See if this Doctor friend of yours can patch up Newport. He needs some serious medical attention. Jazzy. Tell your superiors that the Nox Pirates are all dead. I'll explain later." Nox began barking orders as he felt his time closing before Joseph's return.

"Roji. See if you can get the layout of this base for me. I'll resume my alias as Stain B. Pollux. See if we can finesse a bad situation into something plausible." Castor announced with a devilish smirk.

"Newport. Roji. Minerva. Jazzy. I have one last strange request. I need all of you... To beat the living crap out of me." Nox concluded with a smirk.

Sea Train | St.Poplar | Springfield Station

Red Devil's dashingly dressed munchkins lined up at the station, divided into several groups, waiting to board the various trains. The Marine Escort group, led by a balding old officer shuffled off the Alpha train with a party of twenty, exiting to be picked up outside by a group of Joseph's most trusted marines.

"Ha. That old war hound didn't even come to greet me himself. Atrocious." The senior officer commented. Little did the officer know the chaos that was about to occur across the Sea Train Route.

Boarding the various trains in sequences, the traveling orphans boarded each vessel and executed the plan flawlessly. Resting their briefcases underneath their seats, above their heads and some even managed to stash their cases outside the Captain's cabin.

As the training coordinator came around to take the kid's tickets, each of them gave him the cutest most innocent smiles ever, rendering the man unable to even imagine conditions where these adorable kids could be working for a notorious Underground Broker.

With their missions completed, the children each exited the trains at Pucci, San Faldo, and Water 7. Each pressing the buttons on their 'smiley' face pin badges and discarding them on the Cabin's floor.

As the trains pulled out of the dock, the other kids would take corresponding trains and meet back up with one another in Water 7. It'd take a few hours and rides but once everyone was safe in aquatic paradise, a contact of Duke would emerge, leading the kids to his HQ on the island.

Receiving the confirmation call, Duke's eyes would shine with excitement.

March 15th, 1829, 7:00 pm - aboard various Sea Trains all heading along the sea tracks which lead to St.Poplar, gigantic holes caused by heat damage was seen eating through the flooring of the train's cabins.

This meant that all trains docked in St.Poplar were now trapped there, and no other trains could take routes that reached the now estrange island.

The sea train tracks were damaged by what seemed to be a mass of intense heat which ate through the track's bearings.

Sitting in his hotel room, he'd watch his plan unfold swimmingly. Duke sipped on his aged spice wine, "Now there's no way in or out. Balls in your court Sanpaku." Duke declared in glee.

The entire Sea Train Company was sent into an uproar. Members of the famed Galley-La company were seemingly sent out to repair the various tracks. However, with Red Devil's success, a major key in Castor's plan was established.

"Room Service." A voice called out, ringing via Newport's intercom. "Strange. I didn't order anything." Duke stated, puzzled at the hotel's blunder. Brazenly walking towards the door, checking the snail ponder cams, it was a lady pushing a trolley of assorted goodies.

Entering the combination to the lock to open the door, the lady would quickly push the trolley in and then escape suspiciously without even making eye contact with the tin man.

Before Duke could even inquire as to why the trolley of sweets was delivered to him, from beneath the table cloth, a contorted Juice emerged.

Cranking his neck, pushing his disjointed bones back into position, Juice adjusted his sunglasses sizing up the tin man from head to toe.

"I take it your Red Devil? The son of a bitch who burned down Lady Marvel's and mine's storage house. We've never met before but in the Underworld, I go by the name of Juice." Juice inquired quite bluntly.

"Ohoho. Indeed I am. My mother was a bit of a hissy but to call her a bitch. I wouldn't jump to such accusations. All women can be catty at times, you know? It can sometimes be a part of their allure." Duke responded with a bit of satire.


Word Count:  16,496


Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:41 pm
Roji was stumped by the mention of Witch’s Shade as the source of the poison. He vaguely remembered reading about it in one of his father’s medicinal books but had no idea where to even begin with treating it. The Envy Sin backed up once he heard Newport’s threat to Jazzy. He also had a sneaking suspicion that he would have difficulty treating any wounds from a battle between his two senior crewmates.

Roji listened to Nox’s statement that he wanted the blueprints of the base. From his talks with Tito and the other marines he had been palling around with he suspected that he could find copies of the compound in either the office of Base Commander Hornigold or Commodore Jimmy. Though one option was much safer than the other. Commodore Jimmy was still out for the count on the floor while Mr. Hornigold could be anywhere on St. Poplar

The young pirate was going to volunteer himself to find the schematics, but Newport’s warning of Joseph Hornigold grabbed his attention before he had the opportunity to say more. Usually, a comment such as this would not stick with Roji whatsoever. But with Newport on his radar after the Kairoseki incident, Roji had a feeling that there was something important that the rest of the crew did not know about the man.

Clearly, his captain thought so as well. The demands of Newport to explain himself were heard, but not answered. Thanks to Minerva’s timely entrance to the room, Newport had escaped having to provide an explanation of his past for now.

Roji let the others do the talking and explaining of what had happened prior to Minerva showing up. The young man only attempted to speak up when the bottle of pills was passed out to the afflicted. Before Roji could even have a shot at stealing some of the pills, Castor and Newport each took a large handful, leaving none behind for Roji. Of course, seconds later the two suffered the consequence of their overdose, but not even that caused Roji’s jealousy to go away completely.

Roji only returned to normal once Castor talked directly to him. Listening to his request stoutly, The Envy Sin accepted. “I have a good idea of where we can get a copy of the prints. It’ll be no problem.”

Just before Roji was about to leave he heard something he had never thought he would hear. Noticeably more energetic, Roji took a couple of steps to gain momentum before unleashing a barrage of attacks. Finishing off the assault by throwing a beautiful uppercut with near-perfect form. If (and when) Castor went into the air Roji shouted out to Jazzy. “All yours, Miss Couturier!”

Somewhere Near the Docks of St. Poplar

Captain Larry laid low in the cramped alleyway. The only remaining members of his crew were his officers and a couple dozen of his grunts. Base Commander Joseph Hornigold had demolished the Bodacious Barrel and had active search parties looking for whoever was not already taken into custody. He did not know if this was all a part of his client's plan or not. If only he had declined the offer of robbing the bank on their behalf.

Not to mention what Bo’s arrest had done to sully the crew’s name even more. Looking over at Bo he saw the former marine hunkered down with a bag over his head. Larry did not know if the man believed the bag would hide who he was from his former or current comrades, maybe he wanted to hide from himself. The captain of the Crazed Keg Pirates already knew that despite Bo's demeanor, he grasped the gravity of their situation very well.

Larry took a deep breath and regained his composure. He had salvaged situations much worse than this one, all he needed to do was keep a level head and they could still escape. Standing up, Larry informed his few followers of the new plan. “We’re gonna get outta here boys. After we lay low for a little bit everyone will go off to celebrate the festival. Then we can steal a boat and sail away from this place.”

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:00 pm
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

The following events occur before 7:00 pm.

Covered in bruises, the injured Marine Recruit stumbles through the G-43 Base, clothes tattered from his attackers. Arriving before a superior, Stain stumbles over on senior marine petty officer, "Help." He weakly murmured, before pretending to pass out.

The marine activity is on high alert after the actions of the Crazed Keg Pirates and The Nox Pirates. The escort leading the Enies Lobby platoon to the base was intercepted on their way back by a returning Joseph Hornigold.

"Seems like you've got your hands filled, Joseph." The Senior Marine Officer stated.

"Psh. Just a bunch of whipper snappers thinking their hotshots. I already captured Nox without breaking a sweat. Though, I won't take credit for whoever poisoned him." Joseph chimed in.

"That response was so you. Always thinking five steps ahead of everyone. I'm patiently waiting for the day you are outmaneuvered." The Senior Officer responded.

"Worolololo... That'd be asking for these scum to be triumphant. Justice isn't that kind, Lester." Joseph declared, addressing the former G-5 Captain by name.

"That's Mr.Samson to you, Hornigold. This isn't our old days shooting the shit at that shitter of a base." Lester responded fluster about being addressed by his surname in front of his subordinates.

Returning to the G-43 Base, Joseph would notice the base was in an uproar. Hanging from the G-43 base with a rope around his waist, Commodore Jimmy was left suspended in a mid-air with a message around his neck.

Message From Nox Pirates wrote:'I released one of the hostages. Ask him for the location. March 16th - 8:00 am. Don't be late. We'll release the hostages if Commander Hornigold shows up alone.- Nox.'

Hornigold's blood began to instantly boil, "Why are you chicken shits standing around?! Get him down from there now!" Hornigold shouted.

"Fufufu... This is indeed interesting." Lester declared chuckling to himself.

One of the marine officers ran up to Hornigold and updated him on the situation. Castor O. Nox and Victor Von. Newport had escaped. Chore Boy Stain B. Pollux was a hostage that was returned to them.

The location they'd be meeting up would be about a day's travel from Capital, a barren area by the name of Saint Gantz Crater. This information infuriated Joseph even more.

"How dare a pirate scum think he can summon me to a location and set the rules!?" Hornigold shouted, almost popping a blood vessel. Huffing and puffing, the Base Commander took a few breathes, seconds away from going on one of his famed rampages.

"Lock the base now. Nobody leaves. Get the rookie some medical treatment. I'll leave for Saint Gantz in an hour. Tell the men to follow me at least an hour behind just in case they have scouts or look-outs." Hornigold ordered.

"Lester. I'm leaving my base under your command temporarily. I'm going to put this execution back on the cards." Hornigold declared with a devilish grin.

"Every time I've seen you make that expression... A pirate ended up dying. Just remember... We need Nox alive to send a message to the other Block Busters and Supernova. It's the only reason I delayed this transport by so many days.

If he dies, it's going to be in front of the entire world."
Lester stated.

As Hornigold and his men prepare for their excursion, Jazzy, Newport, and Minerva's head back towards the woods of Saint Maria to hopefully encounter Lucky once more.

Lunar Woods | Saint Maria | 5:00 pm

Using the abilities of Jazzy's Garb Garb fruit, Minerva, Jazzy and Newport were all dressed as marine officers. Which made it significantly easier to move around the island which was now on high alert.

"I think it was somewhere around here-" Minerva exclaimed, shouldering half of the weight to the staggering Vice Captain. Before should finish her statement, a disgruntle Lucky emerged from the shadows.

"What are you doing back here-teia? I thought you went looking for your Captain." Lucky exclaimed, snarling at the two strangers' presence. "I can smell it on her. The position that affected you from earlier-teia. Was this all a rouse to capture me?! Minerva!" Lucky shouted angrily.

"Lucky I-" Minerva began to speak only to be interrupted by Newport breaking away from her and Jazzy's embrace to rampage around the area. Smashing his fist into trees and throwing up in between growls, Newport was delirious.

"Has he finally lost his mind?" Jazzy inquired, dusting off her marine-branded blouse.

Turning his aggression towards Lucky, "Just shut up and treat me fur ball." Newport barked, in his berserker-like state. Dodging the man's initial swings, Lucky grasped the gist of the situation somewhat.

"These symptoms... The dilation in his pupils. He took some of those pills I gave you didn't he?!" Lucky inquired.

Sighing, "They started to scarf them down before I could even explain the dosage!" Minerva responded embarrassed.

"This is bad-teia. The steroids in those pills... They'll cure the poison alright but if you take too much... Aside from nausea, projectile vomiting, and high fevers... You'll enter into a trance state if abused." Lucky explained, dodging another punch from Newport.

"C'est mauvais." (This is bad.) Jazzy declared. "If Newport is having such an adverse reaction... Imagine Nox." Jazzy theorized.

Suddenly, Newport's body began to morph and contort, a scaly reptilian skin replaced the man's coarse pale skin.

"A Zoan User." Lucky concluded.


Word Count:  17,388


Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:59 am
Roji returned to the dark hallway. The young man was even more mindful of his surroundings while he was on his way to Jimmy’s office. Just before Roji was in the clear and out of the Medic Ward, he turned the corner and was almost face-to-face with the Lieutenant. Startled from the sudden encounter, Roji froze for a moment.

Guinness looked at the self-proclaimed bounty hunter suspiciously. “I thought I might find you down here Reeves” Sweat began to form on Roji’s forehead. He had no clue that they had seen through his cover that easily. He had done everything perfectly to gain their trust, how could Guinness have figured out who Roji was.

The lieutenant elaborated. “When Tito noticed you weren’t with us when we chased after the Crazed Keg Pirates I said you must’ve been here getting treated. After we came back I decided to stop by and grab some pain meds, still got a terrible headache after I got hit into that wall”

Roji, trying his hardest to stay in character. laughed. “Yeah, I got hit pretty bad too. I’m feelin’ better now though, I’m going to go pick up my stuff and head on out. It was fun staying here but I gotta get paid somehow.”

Guinness and Roji shook hands. “That’s a shame. I thought we were going to get you to enlist for sure.”

Roji gave his best attempt at a laugh. Unfortunately, it could not have sounded more fake. Parting ways shortly after, Roji took three steps in total before he turned around and smacked Guinness in the back of the head, knocking him out. The Envy Sin took the officer's coat and hat, wearing them both while he continued towards the Commodore’s room. The actions that Roji had taken put a time limit on his cover before he could not walk around the base freely. Guinness, while unconscious and trapped in a broom closet, would wake up eventually. And even Roji’s new updated disguise is not foolproof, if any of the marines who recognized him saw what he was wearing now they would see right through him.

Keeping his head low, Roji was able to make it into the Commodore’s office unseen. It was harder to search for the blueprints than Roji thought it would be. Judging from the almost unnaturally clean and tidy cabin-inspired room, Jimmy was the kind of guy to be very particular about where he kept his things. So for everything that Roji moved in his search, he also made sure to put it back in the same spot. The Envy Sin eventually found the blueprints at the bottom of a small filing cabinet located under the Commodore’s desk. Rolling up the blueprints, Roji stored them on his person and snuck over to the door.

Standing in front of the door, Roji reached his hand out and began to twist the doorknob. Moments before opening the door Roji heard muffled talking and footsteps. Releasing his grip, Roji jumped upwards and held on to one of the beams that ran below the ceiling. A group of about 5 marines entered and looked around the room themselves. Roji could only assume that the marines had read the note that was left with Jimmy and they were now scouring the entire base for answers.

Luckily, none of the marines had thought to look up in their extensive exploration of the office. Within five minutes, only one soldier was left in the room. Not wanting to wait any longer, Roji prepared to drop down and take out the soldier.

Without any warning, Roji went through what perhaps has been the most unlucky event of his life.

“Puru Puru Puru Puru Puru ~ Puru Puru Puru Puru Puru”

The soldier looked up and caught Roji red-handed. Now having no choice but to drop down, Roji fell to the ground and easily took out the lone soldier. Leaving the marine unattended for now, Roji sat in the Commodore’s chair and answered the call.


Roji angrily whispered his frustrations. “Do you have any idea what you just did! I could have been killed!”

A new voice spoke to Roji curtly. “Yeah that sounds fascinating and all but I do not care. You haven’t updated us on the Nox Pirates in a while, what’s going on?”

Feeling disrespected by his unasked-for new contact, Roji almost wanted to tell the NRA that he was no longer affiliated with them directly. Instead, the Envy Sin decided it would be best to continue feeding them accurate, but out-of-date information. “Nox and some of his other executives have been arrested in St. Poplar.”

The other voice waited a moment and began to ask more questions. “By whom? And what will you abou-”


The conversation would have to continue at a later time. Roji put away his Transponder Snail and left the office. The young pirate’s walk accelerated into a light jog, it was no longer safe for Roji to remain at G-43, especially alone.

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:37 am
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Hotel Near Springfield Station | Presidential Suit

"I looked into your past, Mr.Red Devil. Tell me. Why would a noble forsake his birthright to be a pirate?" Juice inquired, pacing around the table of appetizers. Digging his hand in each of the plates, the underground broker had his fill of an assortment of treats.

"Nobility was boring. I had a knack for experimentation. My family just didn't see the worth in my science. So I left. Built a name for myself. Much more reputable than your street cred, I'd say. At least my buyers have the comfort of surviving the sale." Red Devil explained.

"Cute. You kill a few shady brokers and all of a sudden your reputation goes in the shitter. I'm sure that incident was blamed on Sanpaku and the Bounty Hunter Minerva." Juice explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you want Juice? Is this really about the merchandise I burnt? If you are here to strong-arm me, I'd advise against that. It'd be the second time today I'd have to put someone in their place." Red Devil explained.

"The cargo you burned belonged to the Yonkou - Thunder Ogre. I was supposed to transport it from St.Poplar to the New World. You know how hard it is to smuggle cargo through the Sea Train Route?" Juice inquired, the tension in the man's voice building as he spoke.

"Ah. That might be indeed problematic. Just out of curiosity, from one broker to the next. What could a Yonkou possibly want from out of Paradise?" Red Devil inquired, tossing a smoke bomb from his back onto the suite's floor.

From the angle, it was tossed, Juice wouldn't see the impending smoke just as yet.

Coating his hands in Busoshoku Haki, "Not a chance in hell I'm telling you that. Just know. What you destroyed is worth almost 2 Billion in Berri. I will be taking compensation. Your Captain's head like a quarter of that right?" Juice declared grinning.

"Oho. This makes this easier. You know about my connection to the Nox Pirates. As the Vainglory Sin, an executive like myself can't take that threat likely.

Science is such an interesting thing. If enough smoke is trapped in the room. With the right amount of heat or fire, explosions are very possible. Volatile substances are so extraordinary. I find gas is my favorite state to manipulate. Multipurpose and effective."
Red Devil explained before turning his finger into a lighter.

A panicked expression overcame Juice's face as he realized the smell of the smoke in the room.

"This is a gas-based version of Ammonium Nitrate. It's usually the kind of substance you find in various fertilizers. It's highly combustible and very prone to explode as I said. Right conditions." Red Devil concluded.

The entire floor of the hotel suite caught afire. The explosion in the room wiped out everyone within walking distance to the suite's location and the floor below. Fortunately, Duke's suit of armor is both heat resistant and constructed to absorb kinetic energy.

Meanwhile, Hornigold would receive two pieces of information that would spoil his mood on road toward Saint Gantz Crater. Firstly, as night fell, a report would come in via the Main Den Den Mushi Transponder that all of the routes leading to St.Poplar had been victims of some form of a terrorist attack.

Meaning, that the only way to enter and exit St.Poplar temporarily would be via the Sea Port. The second piece of information would be that there was an explosion at a local Four Star Hotel's exclusive suit and many were injured in the incident.

Including the explosion beneath the sewers, this would be the second terrorist attack in less than two days. Hornigold was a fool, he understood that this situation could be connected to the Nox Pirates, and as such, with two of his executives down, he'd have to call in his insurance.

Picking up his personal Den Den Mushi, Hornigold began to make a series of phone calls.

Pucci | Gourmet Hills

Gourmet Hills. A mountain range with a variety of livestock, vegetables, and herbs that are super rich in quality due to the soil. Many farmers live in this range isolated from the hustle and bustle of Pucci tourist towns. One woman in particular lives in the highest part of the mountains to escape the constructs of modern life.

"Puru Puru Puru Puru - Clank"

The sixty-eight-year-old answered Hornigold's call.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you'd call me again, honey." The woman spoke with a southern twang.

"Tch. I hate to ask you for this favor old hag but I need you. I think this Block Buster Brat Nox is trying to fuck with my authority. Though I'm not sure what he wants yet." Hornigold declared, very irritated about the fact he even had to make this call.

"Aha. The Three-Eye-Tribesman who Silver gave a spanking. At least the Warlord System was good for something. It seems Lvneel wasn't enough for him." The old woman who had the body and looks of a thirty-year-old commented.

"Worolololo... I see you still keep up with the affairs. Even though you've been retired as long as me Commodore Lucy Springfield." Hornigold stated playfully.

"Ha. You sure know how to sweet talk a gal. I was unlawfully discharged remember? That rank and even my surname are useless to me now. I'm just a farmer - Joseph. Get your point." Lucy declared with a sternness in her tone.

"I have a bad feeling. I need you. Could you come to St.Poplar? I'd just need you until the Spring Festival is over. The Sea Train is down as well. So you'd need to sail if you answer my call. I can send a ship." Joseph inquired.

"Hmm. The Mighty Joseph Hornigold calling me for help. Why not call yer nephew? I'm sure he'd come running." Lucy jested.

"That kid... He's still wet behind his ears and we don't exactly have the best relationship. As much as they discharged you... I was punished by being left to train the next generation of these bird shit marines." Hornigold commented. "I digress. What's in it for you? Your sweetheart Lester is already there." Hornigold teased.

"I'll be there by the morning!" Lucy declared cheerfully, hanging up the phone.

"I'm sorry Lester." Hornigold hung up the phone raising clasped hands to heaven's forgiveness.

They were two more individuals Hornigold reached out to, and both of them lived in the Carnival City of San Faldo. Joseph had a similar conversation with the two elder retired marines and much like Lucy, Hornigold had to bribe them with very specific things for them to agree.

Finishing up his calls, Hornigold now marched to the location for the exchange with the Nox Pirates with the confidence of his old G-5 Platoon assembling on St.Poplar in his place. The table for the incident that would be known as The Saint Poplar's Fire Incident had been set in place to occur on March 20th, the day of the Spring Queen's selection ceremony.

San Faldo | Starr Family Circus

Bursting past security, an elder gentleman in a biker jacket, chewing on a stick of beef jerky combed his mohawk as he walked confidently to meet up with an old friend.

Dressed in a clown suit, the cheerful entertainer's face soured as his eyes locked with the biker punk. "I guess Hornigold called you too." The Clown declared honking his nose.

"Wow. This must be fucking torture for Keid. Who would've thought that you were once the Marines' Pride and Joy behind Hornigold but I guess neither of you could've hacked it. Much like Warp, he despised working for the Celestial Dragons and the more conservative playstyle the modern Marine Core has become." The Mohawk stranger reminisced.

"Keid. I haven't been called that name for almost twenty years. I'm just Kozo the Cheerful Clown now, Rocket." Keid commented.

"Clean yourself up. I'll give ya a ride over on my Sea Bike." Rocket declared grinning with a proud smile.

"Rocket. Are we going to help serve those idiots after what they did to us? I have no sense of duty towards the marines or the current Fleet Admiral. I'm doing this as a favor to Hornigold." Keid declared, wiping the face paint away.

"Ha. I'm just going for the Young Secretary Babes. I got to see if my old stallion can still ride. After all, helping Joseph protect his precious G-43 Base is the least we can do. It's the base we all designed to run one day. Remember. A vanguard in Paradise that rivaled Marine HQ." Rocket commented.

"Dreams are for the young and fool-hearty. I long forgot about our times in the G-5. You remember what they used to call us?" Keid declared with a smirk, combusting his clown attire in flames almost out of thin air.

"Gokan. The Five Heavenly Senses. Such a stupid title." Rocket declared bursting into laughter almost immediately after.

"It made sense for the time. Afterall. Since we left, G-5 has never been the same." Keid commented, revealing his long natural azure hair. Walking next to Rocket, the two six-foot males would exit the circus, Keid burning the circus tent up in flames mercilessly.

"You gonna tell me why you set that Circus Group on fire?" Rocket declared smirking.

"I was undercover. Doing some illegal beat work. They were human traffickers. This island isn't World Government affiliated. The marines aren't common and I don't trust those fucking NRA lunatics. This world's gone to shit." Keid declared.

"I always hated you Logia users. So Holier than thou. Big Spectacles to stroke your ego." Rocket commented.

"Hate us? As if I'd be bothered with the concerns of a Mohawk-wearing Dinosaur." Keid jested, internally taking pleasure in watching Rocket's face sour.

"Fuck you Keid! You know I was meant to eat that fruit and you switched them when I wasn't looking!" Rocket declared, his face morphing into that of a Raptor's own.

"Yeah Yeah. Save me the sob story. I'll buy ya a drink okay? No need to go all prehistoric on me." Keid declared with a chuckle.

"I hate you." Rocket concluded.

As the two walked away the circus family fought their best to out the flames. Keid and Rocket would dash through the facility freeing the caged slaves and circus animals, burning and chomping the traders mercilessly. The Devil Fruit duo's eyes were now firmly set on one location, St.Poplar.

Keid - The Heavenly Sense of Touch:

Rocket - The Heavenly Sense of Taste:

Lester - The Heavenly Sense of Sight :

Lucy - The Heavenly Sense of Hearing:


Word Count:  19,120


Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:09 pm
Somewhere in G-43 Guinness awoke. The pounding headache that he had previously was now accompanied by the nauseous feeling of the sea. The marine lieutenant made an attempt to move both of his arms to his forehead to no avail. Looking over to his left and right he could see that someone had put kairoseki handcuffs on him. Guinness cursed under his breath. He had no clue how or when this had happened to him. The last thing the soldier remembered was leaving to visit the Medic Ward and treat his wounds.

Looking at his dimly lit surroundings he could tell that he was in some sort of broom closet, though the space and amount of brooms were a little excessive. He heard a set of slow-moving footsteps down the hallway outside. As the sound got closer, Guinness called out for help. After a couple more seconds the footsteps continued to get louder before stopping completely. The door opened. Standing in its place was his savior.

“Tito? Is that you?”

Tito knelt and inspected Guinness and the kairoseki cuffs. “Guinness, what happened man? ”

Fighting through the dizzying effects of the sea-stone, Guinness answered. “I don’t know, one moment I was walking down to get some help with my injuries, and then I was out.”

Tito looked above his friend, grabbing the key to the handcuffs that were hung just out of Guinness’ reach. “Well whoever it was sure had it out for you, they even stole some of your clothes. Let’s get you out of here so we can get to the bottom of this.”

After a short break for Guinness to collect himself, the duo scoured the surrounding area, searching for any clues as to what happened. Try as they might, no definitive evidence was left behind. A moment of realization hit Tito, causing him to turn to Guinness and share his knowledge. “Reeves got hit pretty bad by the explosion too, right? Do ya think he could have been down here when you got attacked? Maybe he saw the person who did this.”

Guinness shrugged his shoulders. “Even if we can find him through all of this chaos, We can’t guarantee he saw anything. For all we know he could be hidden away right now like I was.”

Tito smirked before retorting. “You think Ricky is the kind of guy who would be hidden away somewhere?”

Roji was unable to keep his pace. The number of men now patrolling and moving throughout G-43 was too large to easily navigate through. The only solace that Roji could find in the situation was the fact that petty, small-time criminals like him could slide right under the radar. The clothing items that he had stolen from Guinness were much more useful than Roji could have considered. With the right uniform and a little bit of arrogance confidence, the sky was truly the limit.

The Envy Sin’s confidence was at an all-time high. That was until he saw the two faces of men that he could absolutely not interact with right now. Luckily, they hadn’t noticed him yet but Roji had to act fast. There was nowhere around him to hide but the hallway did have a lot of people.

With not a lot of time to think, Roji enacted the only plan he could think of. Turning himself to face the wall, Roji took out his Transponder Snail. He called the only number he could think of, his lifeline to the New Revolutionary Army.

The call was accepted almost immediately. On the other end, the same rude woman from before berated Roji. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been sitting here waiting!? Do you think you can just hang up on me like that!? You better hope I don’t get my hands on you-”

The duo spared a passing glance at Roji but did not intervene as they made their way forwards. Leaning towards Guinness, Tito cracked a smile. “Poor guy, I would never date a crazy like that.”

Guinness slapped him on the back of the head. “With your low standards, I somehow doubt that.”

After his two acquaintances were far enough away Roji hung up unceremoniously, Only saying one word. “Thanks”

With the only two men capable of seeing through Roji gone, It was looking like smooth sailing from here. Roji now set his eyes on the Lunar Woods, where he was to regroup with the others before they prepared their attack on the base.

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 9:51 am
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring B4bcd52f67720f0edc7c598a08b1e863

Sanpaku (산빠쿠)

Using his conqueror's haki to incapacitate the marines who tended to his wounds, Stain hopped out of the medical ward's bed, energized from the roid rage.

Trying to tame the hyped-up state, Stain rushed to complete his final objective as the marine rookie.

Following the directional arrows within the base, Castor broke into the Base Commander's office. Wasting little time, Nox began to scan official documents on Hornigold's table, taking his time to read through the daily schedules, mantras, and responsibilities he'd signed on for with G-43 Base.

For Nox, it was more about understanding the psychology of the base commander and what makes him tick. On his table, was a picture of himself, a child, and another man smiling brightly.

The father, nephew, and uncle Hornigold in the picture were intimately placed seaside, all dressed in what seemed to be marine attire.

Sitting in the Commander's chair, Stain kicked up his legs and casually began to read through Hornigold's book collection.

Channeling the energy of his pumped-up state into reading several works from the man's library.

Ah. Bliss.

Lunar Woods | Saint Maria | 8:00 pm

In a puff of smoke, Jazzy adjusted her dreary all-black fit to a dazzling long white summer dress with a split in its seam to reveal her toned long legs. Black high heels to compliment her trademark white barret, the woman felt a bit of ease now that she'd abandoned the assassin fit.

"Ah oui. Cela se sent confortable après tout." (Ah Yes. This feels comfortable after all) Jazzy declared, with a sigh of relief.

Turning to Minerva for an outfit inspection, the woman could feel Jazzy's intense gaze.

"You damaged my last outfit by stabbing me! I borrowed this T-Shirt from Lucky-sempai." Minerva exclaimed with a pout.

Examining the graphic 'Slaughter Headz' T-Shirt which featured a skeletal rockstar, Jazzy nodded her head in disapproval and stepped in the name of fashion!

"S-Sempai-teia? I'm not familiar with your Lesser Mink's language." Lucky declared, nervously scratching his head. "That's a limited edition 'Slaughter Headz' Tee from their last tour before-" Lucky's speech froze in immense horror as Jazzy's touch transformed the shirt into a Victorian Styled Dress with a puffy white bonnet.

Restoring Minerva's original fit into existence. "Parfaite. At least you look a little closer to your older style." Jazzy declared nodding. "Jazz. I was wondering if I could ask a favor." Minerva inquired with an embarrassed expression.

Rolling around on the ground with tears in his eyes, "It took me... Three years since leaving Zou to track down that-teia. How... Could she commit such witchcraft on a vintage... Witch." Lucky murmured to himself, curling up in a ball-like fashion, as his puffy tail wagged from side to side in dismay.

After a few whispers from Minerva, Jazzy's eyes flared with a fiery passion. Twinkling in excitement, Jazzy removed a small sketch pad from her bag and began sketching rough estimations on a new Arabian-themed look for Minerva.

Something closer to her roots from Alabasta but still combat-friendly and a bit peng. As the duo plotted on a fashion statement and Lucky went through a traumatic breakdown, Newport transformed into his Full Zoan form as a Stegosaurus and began to wreck the forest.

Using the spikes on his back, the man tossed around his prehistoric body against the mighty oaks in the forest, breaking them in two like twigs. With every tree broken, a loud thud and shaking off the ground would be exhibited. The people in the nearby town of Maria watched on in horror.

From their perspective, random trees were being flattened by some kind of gigantic reptilian monster, as they could've only seen a shadow of the beast.

His mind was cloudy and distorted from the medication, Newport began to shout out at the top of his lungs in a fever dream-like state.

"Loha! Come out here and fight me one on one. Don't send your bitch ass underlings to insult me!" Newport, the Stegosaurus shouted. The man repeated the sentences from memory almost verbatim, turning his attention to Jazzy, Minerva, and Lucky.

"Ah. I see you sent more of your foot soldiers. Those genetically rejects can't stop me!" Newport shouted enraged.

After completing the sketch, with the magic of her Garb Garb fruit, Jazzy transformed Minerva's outfit into a two-piece dress, exposing the woman's flat stomach and accentuating her petite but muscular figure. With a thin gold tiara around her forehead and short sleeves with frilly stitching, Minerva looked akin to a princess of the desert countries lineage.

Raising on his hind legs, Newport began to sky-walk into the air, gaining height in a cyclone-like fashion. After reaching a good distance, at the peak of his incline, the half-man-half-dinosaur began to spin like a saucer. "Dino UFO!" Newport shouted, the spikes on his back protruding similarly to a bladed yo-yo.

The man's revolutions sucked up all the air in the area, making it hard to breathe. Escaping on their own merits, the trio avoided the declining dinosaur saucer which crashed and landed on the ground leaving a crater in its wake. The share force of the strike flattened several trees and left a significant dent in the colossal oak that upheld Lucky's clinic in the sky.

"Jessie-teia!" Lucky cried out, hurrying over to inspect the dent in the tree. The oak tree was named after an old childhood friend of Lucky's. Turning towards the dinosaur with flaming red eyes, the Mink opted to verbally penalize Newport.

"Oi. Lesser Mink. This tree has been here for over a century-teia. Show some respect for your elders!" Lucky growled, flailing around his arms in a fit of rage.

Cocking her pistols and removing her blade from the parasol, Jazzy and Minerva respectively turned their attention to the rampaging Vice Captain.

"Lucky. Care to give us a hand." Minerva shouted grinning.

"He hurt Jessi. Of course-teia." Lucky chimed in huffing and puffing.

"Newport. This is so not elegant of you. I'll snap you back to your senses immédiatement!" Jazzy exclaimed, bending her knees, ready to spring into action.

Exit Near Springfield Station | Road to Saint Maria | 7:30 pm

His suit was damaged beyond repair, and Red Devil abandoned his tin vessel and began running frantically in the woods. Laying several explosive minds on the ground as he advanced, the man B-Lined into the forest, using its shrubbery and trees to avoid chasing Juice.

Cracking his neck, covered in a few burns and bruises, "I can't believe a little nerd like you thought your technology was advanced enough to combat my raw power. I've met scientists with way gnarlier gadgets than yours Mr.Red Devil.

The scope of your imagination can only get you so far in Paradise. After all, this is the easiest part of the Grandline!"
Juice shouted, searching the shrubs and behind the greenery for the paled-eyed inventor.

"Both you and your Captain are delusional about where you stand on these seas-" Juice shouted his rant interrupted by the sound of his foot stepping on one of Newport's planted minds. Covering his entire body in Busoshoku Haki, the man resisted the force of the blast, similarly that he absorbed the hotel explosion.

Pinpointing his location in the forest, Duke used the plume of smoke as a barrier to escape.

"H-He's a freak of nature. All my backup suits are on the ship! All that wasted Cola, such a shame!" Duke shouted in frustration, ripping the detonator from a grenade before throwing it over his head ahis and dashing off into the distance.


Word Count:  20,376


Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:50 pm
Lunar Woods | Town Maria

Freedom at last. With a combination of quick thinking and his makeshift disguise, Roji managed to leave G-43 and St. Poplar proper without encountering any hassle. The young man now found himself in the Lunar Woods. Roji had heard that a strange flower was native to the forest. But without the moonlight to aid him, he had no way of confirming if the island’s natives were telling the truth.

Not that it bothered Roji too much. The Envy Sin was far more interested in the many large oak trees. There was no doubt that each and every one of them had been around for decades, no, hundreds of years. The amount of history that the trees have lived through was humbling to the inexperienced pirate.

While admiring the local wildlife, Roji heard something distressing far off in the distance. Despite the distance from the sound Roji still knew exactly what caused it. Back in Ilisia, timber companies often would ask to chop down trees near his family's sprawling manor. When his parents would deny them permission to proceed, some of the companies were worse sports than expected.

With his disdain for whoever would disrespect nature, a fire lit itself under him. Roji made a mad dash through the Woods. After a few quick twists and turns through the trees, Roji arrived at the site of the damage. Uprooted trees littered the landscape along with a few of the forest’s residents who had not been lucky enough to escape in time. Kneeling down, Roji picked up a small chick that had been knocked out of its nest. Looking at the little trees that still stood in the immediate area, Roji saw what he guessed to be the bird’s family.

Holding the baby bird with his off-hand Roji scaled the oak tree and made it to a branch a little below the one the bird’s sat on. The young man had to go on his tip-toes to reunite the avian family together. But the result was without a doubt worth the hassle. Roji would take any chance to reunite someone with their family.

Even after all of his hard work, Roji was unable to admire the fruits of his labor for but a moment. A shot rang past him, hitting the side of an adjacent tree. The pirate turned himself around, only to see a lone soldier standing on the ground below.

The soldier’s scowl was as clear as day even all the way up in a tree. Roji laughed at the marine and spoke light-heartedly. “You mad at me? Or that you missed that shot?”

The marine’s face grew redder by the second. “I’m mad you don’t even recognize me Ricky Reeves, whatever your name really is!”

Roji, realizing that he still had the coat and hat he stole from Guinness still on, dropped them to the ground. “Of course, I know who you are Jerry- Gerald-”

Georgie lifted his pistol up and fired a shot into the air. “It’s Georgie!”

The Seaman Recruit threw his pistol on the ground and started crying. “I don’t get it. I am nothing but kind to you and everyone else and I still get treated like dirt. Just because I’m not an officer like my friends, everyone looks down on me. I’m strong too, ya know.”

Georgie looked up and made eye contact with Roji. “I was the one to figure you out after all. You may have had Tito and the others fooled but not me. It was all a little too convenient. You’re telling me that you took down Bo after he defeated Tito, yeah right. I know the truth, you’ve been a pirate since the beginning.”

Roji interrupted the soldier. “I’ve already told you, I’m a bounty hunter. You saw my records, they're legit.”

Georgie shook his head. “You may have papers, but that don’t mean none if your story doesn’t add up. You had Bo take out Tito so you could ‘defeat’ him and gain our trust. Then, after you brought him here with us you scoped out the defenses of G-43 from the inside. Tell me why you went to the interrogation room and we couldn’t find you after Larry broke Bo out and attacked the base. You probably went with them right?”

Roji was almost a little impressed by the marine soldier’s investigative skills. Of course, pretty much none of what he said was true but hey, at least got the important stuff right. Following Georgie's monologue, Roji reached behind his poncho and took out his tonfa, extending them to their full length. “I’ll tell you one thing. I’m no damn Crazed Keg Pirate. If you want anything else you’re gonna have to beat the answers outta me!”

Word Count:

@Castor O. Nox
Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:48 pm
Roji uses Pine Pressure (HT) on himself
Roji uses Leaf Punch (LT) on Georgie - Hit
Roji uses UT on Georgie - Hit

Georgie uses LT on Roji - Miss
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Miss
Georgie uses UT on Roji - Hit


Last edited by Roji on Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:48 pm
The member 'Roji' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 9, 6


#2 'Reflex Check' : 7, 13, 2, 10
Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:56 pm
Roji uses Spruce Sweep (HT) on Georgie - Hit
Roji uses Leaf Kick (LT) on Georgie - Hit
Roji uses UT on Georgie - Miss

Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses UT on Roji - Miss


Last edited by Roji on Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:56 pm
The member 'Roji' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 12, 9, 2


#2 'Reflex Check' : 9, 16, 18, 4
Rowan Roji
Rowan Roji
Name : Rowan Roji
Epithet : Roji of the Morning Dew | Saint Rowan
Age : 17
Height : 6'2" | 188 cm
Weight : 235 lbs. | 106 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Supernova
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Vice Captain | Envy Sin
Bounty : [ber=r] 237,000,000
Quality Score : B
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf)
Shop Discount : -10%
Balance : [ber] 698,067,971
Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 79

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:09 pm
Roji uses Branch Poke (MT) on Georgie - Grazed
Roji uses Leaf Punch (LT) on Georgie - Hit
Roji uses Timber Drop (LT) on Georgie - Hit
Roji uses UT on Georgie - Hit

Georgie uses MT on Roji -  Hit
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses LT on Roji - Hit
Georgie uses UT on Roji - Hit

Georgie is knocked out


Last edited by Roji on Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:09 pm
The member 'Roji' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 8, 17, 8, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 10, 2, 11, 19
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:00 pm
Round 1:

Castor O. Nox uses [HT] Awakening Status on self
Castor O. Nox uses [LT] Drill on Juice
Castor O. Nox uses UT on Juice

Newport uses MT on Juice
Jazzy uses MT on Juice
Newport uses UT on Juice
Jazzy uses UT on Juice

Juice uses MT on Castor
Juice uses LT on Castor
Juice uses LT on Castor
Juice uses UT on Castor
Juice uses UT on Newport
Juice uses UT on Jazzy


Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

Age : 0
Posts : 689

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:00 pm
The member 'Castor O. Nox' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 9, 11


#2 'Reflex Check' : 16, 14, 16, 2


#3 'Reflex Check' : 20, 6, 20, 3, 5, 11
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species/Tribe : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring Empty Re: [Arc] [St. Poplar Conquest] [Part 2] Queen Of The Spring

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:53 pm
Round 2:

Castor O. Nox uses [MT] Curse of Orochi on Juice
Castor O. Nox uses [LT] Inazuma on Juice
Castor O. Nox uses [LT] Flicker on self
Castor O. Nox uses UT on Juice

Newport uses MT on Juice
Jazzy uses MT on Juice
Newport uses UT on Juice
Jazzy uses UT on Juice

Juice uses MT on Castor
Juice uses LT on Castor
Juice uses LT on Castor
Juice uses UT on Castor
Juice uses UT on Newport
Juice uses UT on Jazzy


Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Fri Jul 29, 2022 9:07 pm; edited 3 times in total

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