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Cyrus C. Kincaid Empty Cyrus C. Kincaid

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:42 pm

Cyrus C. Kincaid

Cyrus C. Kincaid Ed7b418b4c6db088a5c1f496e5ebb515

Basic Character Information

First Name: Cyrus
Middle Name/Initial: C
Last Name: Kincaid
Epithet: Cloudstrider; Rags
Birthdate: May 6th, 1804
Gender: Male
Species/Race/Tribe: Human
Faction: Revolutionary
Profession: Navigator/Entertainer

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'1
Weight: 170lbs

Hair Style: Unkempt (see picture)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Scars: Nothing noteworthy
Clothing and Accessories: Cyrus is a rags man, meaning he can often be found in a myriad of various cloaks, coats, jackets or robes. Each are usually stained or in some state of disrepair. These clothes are often loose fitting and provide him with a range of movement that makes him comfortable in almost any situation. His usual attire consists of a long, light-weight, off-white robe that stretches to his ankles. Over that he'll wear a blue tunic with the arms cut out and tied closed with a black, or charcoal grey sash. Then, depending on the climate, he'll wear a shorter, rough-spun brown cloak over his shoulders that reaches to around his knees. This particular cloak is usually reserved for the colder climates as its thick wool material keeps him cold in most temperatures near freezing.

In the warmer areas of the world however, Cyrus gets the chance to break out his favorite piece of clothing, that being his deep purple tassel cloak. This cloak is longer, stretching nearly the same length as his robes, but as it nears the bottom, it begins to split apart into layered tassels or strips that rustle as he runs through the air on his clouds. The sleeves cover his arms and there is a hood that he often wears over his head, though it depends on where he is and just how suspicious he wants to look. Finally, to complete his look are two accessories. The first are the corded sandals he wears on his feet, providing flexibility nearly equal to simply being shoeless, and his leather flute strap, which holds his flute near his waist at all times.

Description: In the world of One Piece, Cyrus is considered short for a human. His frock of messy white hair is striking, but also helps complete his look of a roadside beggar. His entire appearance, from his clothes to the way he carries himself exudes a sense of a man down on his luck and just looking for his next meal; which is exactly how Cyrus wants to appear. In passing, people have mentioned that he is a man with hawkish features, straight and bony. His limbs show some slight athletic muscle definition, but nothing about him would strike a person as imposing. Though his sky blue eyes show several years of worn in smile lines, it's the predatory gaze that he defaults to which people remember most. It seems even when he's telling a tale or laughing over a pint, there's always a sense of being watched, studied and examined by the strange bard.

The Past

Main Traits: Studious; Mischievous; Unassuming, Calculating
Likes: Music; Being outdoors; Discovering new stories; Telling stories
Dislikes: Confined spaces; Bullies; Being interrupted; Cats
Unique laugh: Oji-ji-ji-ji

Hometown: Spider Miles
Personality: Cyrus is a strange, eccentric sort who does as he pleases mostly on a whim. He puts on different facades, or faces as he calls them, depending on what his task at hand calls for. Truth be told, there are times that there's no task involved and he simply feels like being a nobleman for the day. Then again, maybe it's raining so today he'll be a beggar. Perhaps it's the third Wednesday of the month, which means he obviously has to be a second hand line cook, recently laid off and homeless because his mother threw him out after finding him in an awkward position with her body pillow the night before. The fact of the matter is, Cyrus Kincaid is a man who wears many hats, but there is one hat that he keeps on at all times and that is the hat of a performer and master storyteller. Cyrus lives to tell stories and gets a true thrill from collecting new ones.

The roll of a performer allows him to play the entire cast of a call that only he has the list for. Many people find him strange, energetic and sometimes simply draining. They never know exactly what they're going to get when they meet up with the man, but often they inexplicably find themselves drawn into conversing with him. No matter if he reeks of gutter runoff, or just insulted their heffer of a mother, people frequently leave an encounter with Cyrus wondering just why they let him talk to them for so long. Even more dangerous than that, sometimes they wonder what it was about the strange traveling man in rags that made them want to sit and chat for hours. Sometimes it makes them feel free, unburdened by whatever grief, regret or issue they laid before the beggar's feet. Other times it sends a chill down their spine, remembering those hungry, predatory eyes that watched their every twitch and movement as they spoke with him.

Though Cyrus does what he can to avoid confrontation, it seems to always find him one way or another. In those moments, when a fight is inevitable and he simply cannot talk his way out of it, he instead usually leans into it. Meaning that as he deals with whatever burly brute has hunted him down, he'll often sling insults and mockery all the while dancing and trying to avoid any real harm. He works light on his toes, acting more as a nuisance, to both wear his opponent down physically and emotionally, than an actual fighter or combatant. Cyrus is not one to stick around when the getting is good and has no problem leaving a situation if the opportunity presents itself and his goal has been accomplished. Regardless of his goal or mission, he always has one objective in life and that is simply to survive.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species/Tribe : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3982

Cyrus C. Kincaid Empty Re: Cyrus C. Kincaid

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:18 pm
Your life or your service - the most difficult easy choice one could make.

Cyrus' love for stories is much like Gray's. Maybe they'll get to trade stories one day.


Kincaid wrote:

Cyrus C. Kincaid

Cyrus C. Kincaid Ed7b418b4c6db088a5c1f496e5ebb515

Basic Character Information

First Name: Cyrus
Middle Name/Initial: C
Last Name: Kincaid
Epithet: Cloudstrider; Rags
Birthdate: May 6th, 1804
Gender: Male
Species/Race/Tribe: Human
Faction: Revolutionary
Profession: Navigator/Entertainer

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'1
Weight: 170lbs

Hair Style: Unkempt (see picture)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Scars: Nothing noteworthy
Clothing and Accessories: Cyrus is a rags man, meaning he can often be found in a myriad of various cloaks, coats, jackets or robes. Each are usually stained or in some state of disrepair. These clothes are often loose fitting and provide him with a range of movement that makes him comfortable in almost any situation. His usual attire consists of a long, light-weight, off-white robe that stretches to his ankles. Over that he'll wear a blue tunic with the arms cut out and tied closed with a black, or charcoal grey sash. Then, depending on the climate, he'll wear a shorter, rough-spun brown cloak over his shoulders that reaches to around his knees. This particular cloak is usually reserved for the colder climates as its thick wool material keeps him cold in most temperatures near freezing.

In the warmer areas of the world however, Cyrus gets the chance to break out his favorite piece of clothing, that being his deep purple tassel cloak. This cloak is longer, stretching nearly the same length as his robes, but as it nears the bottom, it begins to split apart into layered tassels or strips that rustle as he runs through the air on his clouds. The sleeves cover his arms and there is a hood that he often wears over his head, though it depends on where he is and just how suspicious he wants to look. Finally, to complete his look are two accessories. The first are the corded sandals he wears on his feet, providing flexibility nearly equal to simply being shoeless, and his leather flute strap, which holds his flute near his waist at all times.

Description: In the world of One Piece, Cyrus is considered short for a human. His frock of messy white hair is striking, but also helps complete his look of a roadside beggar. His entire appearance, from his clothes to the way he carries himself exudes a sense of a man down on his luck and just looking for his next meal; which is exactly how Cyrus wants to appear. In passing, people have mentioned that he is a man with hawkish features, straight and bony. His limbs show some slight athletic muscle definition, but nothing about him would strike a person as imposing. Though his sky blue eyes show several years of worn in smile lines, it's the predatory gaze that he defaults to which people remember most. It seems even when he's telling a tale or laughing over a pint, there's always a sense of being watched, studied and examined by the strange bard.

The Past

Main Traits: Studious; Mischievous; Unassuming, Calculating
Likes: Music; Being outdoors; Discovering new stories; Telling stories
Dislikes: Confined spaces; Bullies; Being interrupted; Cats
Unique laugh: Oji-ji-ji-ji

Hometown: Spider Miles
Personality: Cyrus is a strange, eccentric sort who does as he pleases mostly on a whim. He puts on different facades, or faces as he calls them, depending on what his task at hand calls for. Truth be told, there are times that there's no task involved and he simply feels like being a nobleman for the day. Then again, maybe it's raining so today he'll be a beggar. Perhaps it's the third Wednesday of the month, which means he obviously has to be a second hand line cook, recently laid off and homeless because his mother threw him out after finding him in an awkward position with her body pillow the night before. The fact of the matter is, Cyrus Kincaid is a man who wears many hats, but there is one hat that he keeps on at all times and that is the hat of a performer and master storyteller. Cyrus lives to tell stories and gets a true thrill from collecting new ones.

The roll of a performer allows him to play the entire cast of a call that only he has the list for. Many people find him strange, energetic and sometimes simply draining. They never know exactly what they're going to get when they meet up with the man, but often they inexplicably find themselves drawn into conversing with him. No matter if he reeks of gutter runoff, or just insulted their heffer of a mother, people frequently leave an encounter with Cyrus wondering just why they let him talk to them for so long. Even more dangerous than that, sometimes they wonder what it was about the strange traveling man in rags that made them want to sit and chat for hours. Sometimes it makes them feel free, unburdened by whatever grief, regret or issue they laid before the beggar's feet. Other times it sends a chill down their spine, remembering those hungry, predatory eyes that watched their every twitch and movement as they spoke with him.

Though Cyrus does what he can to avoid confrontation, it seems to always find him one way or another. In those moments, when a fight is inevitable and he simply cannot talk his way out of it, he instead usually leans into it. Meaning that as he deals with whatever burly brute has hunted him down, he'll often sling insults and mockery all the while dancing and trying to avoid any real harm. He works light on his toes, acting more as a nuisance, to both wear his opponent down physically and emotionally, than an actual fighter or combatant. Cyrus is not one to stick around when the getting is good and has no problem leaving a situation if the opportunity presents itself and his goal has been accomplished. Regardless of his goal or mission, he always has one objective in life and that is simply to survive.

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