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Jackson Tack Empty Jackson Tack

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:51 pm

Jackson Tack

Jackson Tack B0dfd7cd1c0736ef15657dfe7baf5d55

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Untouchable
First Name: Jackson
Middle Name/Initial:
Last Name: Tack
Epithet: Bright Light Jackson
Birthdate: May 20, 1811
Gender: Male
Species/Race/Tribe: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: N/A

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs

Hair Style: Spiky
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Jackson wears a rugged black jacket draped over his shoulders along with rugged black trousers to match. On his feet, he wears tawny colored sandals. He wears no shirt, showing off his muscular physique.

Description: Jackson has spiky black-colored hair, dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular.

The Past

Main Traits: Laid-back, stubborn, and reckless.
Likes: Meat, autumn, orange, and training.
Dislikes: Condiments and sauces, being woke up from a nap (especially in a wild manner), and people who hurt or disrespect the people he likes.
Unique laugh: Wahahahaha

Hometown: Shells Town
Personality: Jackson is no coward and will never run from a fight. This often times puts him in the position of finishing anything he starts or is brought into. His mother criticized him for this personality trait, but he doesn't really care. Along with his braveness, comes fearlessness. Jackson fears no one. Status is irrelevant to him and he thinks it's a waste of time to fear death. At times, Jackson can be quite charismatic and influential. Growing up, he was a big troublemaker and would make problems with bullies, adults, even the marines somewhat. His fearlessness and bravery inspired other kids to do reckless things without fearing the consequences. He could also easily get other kids to join him in doing mischievous things.

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