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Food Chain Style Empty Food Chain Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:28 pm

Food Chain Style

Fighting Style: Food Chain Style
Weapon Utilization:
Description: The core to the Food Chain style is to alter the state of a person’s body, whether to strengthen or weaken through states a person normally experiences when involving consumption or lack thereof. Main examples would be to trick the body to think it had consumed a well balanced meal, which would alter the body, making it stronger and more energetic, while another effect could be to alter the body to weaken it physically by tricking it to believe it is starving, and final touch to completing the process is to channel the user’s chi (life energy) and use it to conduct the effects. It is easiest to alter one’s self by tapping into memories of such states the user has experience, however to affect an opponent, the user must dig deep and use different ways to affect a person other than him or herself, such as physical contact in a special attack form which will transfer the effects by using the user’s chi as a conduit. This fighting style’s core belief is to climb the food chain and obtain balance by gaining control of the buffet that is life and the energy within… one’s stomach.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

Soft Boddy: Jim has learned to fall into a state where his body relaxes, softening his fat and muscle, making him look even pudgier than before. In this state, because of the increased softness, his defense is increased by 20% while lowering his attack by 20%. An opponent would find difficulty fighting a beanbag, but being hit by said beanbag wouldn’t be as intimidating due to such softness.

Quick Boddy: Due to his loose fat, Jim finds difficulty at times when moving about, but when tightening his body and sucking in his belly, he’s found that he could avoid unwanted contact more often. When focusing his chi and sucking in his gut, Jim takes a form that looks slightly slimmer. The chi within slightly raises his adrenaline to quicken his reaction, however due to the replacement of fat, some of his offensive power is reduced. +20% to Reflex, -20% to Attack.


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Food Chain Style Empty Re: Food Chain Style

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:13 pm

Boboddy wrote:

Food Chain Style

Fighting Style: Food Chain Style
Weapon Utilization:
Description: The core to the Food Chain style is to alter the state of a person’s body, whether to strengthen or weaken through states a person normally experiences when involving consumption or lack thereof. Main examples would be to trick the body to think it had consumed a well balanced meal, which would alter the body, making it stronger and more energetic, while another effect could be to alter the body to weaken it physically by tricking it to believe it is starving, and final touch to completing the process is to channel the user’s chi (life energy) and use it to conduct the effects. It is easiest to alter one’s self by tapping into memories of such states the user has experience, however to affect an opponent, the user must dig deep and use different ways to affect a person other than him or herself, such as physical contact in a special attack form which will transfer the effects by using the user’s chi as a conduit. This fighting style’s core belief is to climb the food chain and obtain balance by gaining control of the buffet that is life and the energy within… one’s stomach.

Toggled and Passive Abilities:

Soft Boddy: Jim has learned to fall into a state where his body relaxes, softening his fat and muscle, making him look even pudgier than before. In this state, because of the increased softness, his defense is increased by 20% while lowering his attack by 20%. An opponent would find difficulty fighting a beanbag, but being hit by said beanbag wouldn’t be as intimidating due to such softness.

Quick Boddy: Due to his loose fat, Jim finds difficulty at times when moving about, but when tightening his body and sucking in his belly, he’s found that he could avoid unwanted contact more often. When focusing his chi and sucking in his gut, Jim takes a form that looks slightly slimmer. The chi within slightly raises his adrenaline to quicken his reaction, however due to the replacement of fat, some of his offensive power is reduced. +20% to Reflex, -20% to Attack.


Light Techniques:

Medium Techniques:

Heavy Techniques:

AoE Techniques:

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