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Ai D. Kirai Empty Ai D. Kirai

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:50 pm

Ai D. Kirai

Ai D. Kirai Esrah8xdnhu21

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Jack Pot | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Ai
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Kirai
Epithet: The Doctor
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Doctor/Weapon Specialist/Martial Artist

Physical Appearance

Height: 7 Ft.
Weight: 240 lbs.

Hair Style: Medium Short
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Ai can be seen wearing a long white mantle around his neck that goes down to his heels. This mantle can be used as a robe of some sort to covering the clothing he is wearing if he tries to, but will most likely be dangling from his back. On the tip of the mantle are gold soft material dangling from six areas at the bottom of his mantle. Under his mantle, he is wearing a sleeve that goes all the way down to his fingers covering them and covers his neck. It doesn’t, however, go down to his body. Alternatively, when he is somewhere cold, he will have a black shirt on him, but it will have no sleeves on them. Around Ai’s forearms, he wears a gold and blue guard that covers the back of his hand. The guard is flexible enough for him to move freely without hindering his hand movements. Finally, Ai can also be seen wearing a rather large gold chain with sapphire embedded in it dangling around his shoulders instead of his neck. It is fit to never go down from his shoulder. He also wearing gold earrings that dangle from his ears.

Around his waist, Ai has special protection around his waist that is being held on by two gold bars that are wrapped around his abdomen. These bars do not bother AI and are rather flexible when it comes to his movements. The gold stuff on the side of his waist is for protection and resemble the legs of a scarab. There is a long cloth, which is gold and blue, in the middle of his waist protector going down to his shin. Under this waist protector, he is wearing black harem pants with a slight alteration to them. They have an opening around the shin area, so that way Ai can have more freedom moving in them than before. These harem pants also are custom made to be on his feet as well acting as a sort of sock of the sort. Finally, he wears white sandals that have a gold bar that his feet can slip into and has a gold plastic clamp that goes above and around his ankle.

Description: Starting with Ai’s face his eyes are bright yellow that when looked at seem to resemble the sun. Around his eyes seem to be dark eyeliner that goes perfectly well with his thin eyebrows. His hair is usually combed downward so that he has one bang going down the middle and then several from the side. There are times when he decides to let his hair spiked up and when he does you could see that he always has two little bangs that are floating over his forehead. His nose is thin making it proportional to his face while having full lips and perfect tears. His ears are bigger than the average human, which is one of the reasons he combs his hair down to cover it as much as possible.

Ai’s body is well built as it is mainly composed of muscle mass. His abdomen is seen to have eight-pack than the average six-pack. His chest comes out slightly, but other than his arms, legs, and back is toned to show off the training of his body. He keeps his fingernails and his toenails well kept making sure that they are always clean and never get long. His fingernails are painted black but are usually covered, so they are never seen.

The Past

Main Traits: Intelligent, Quick-witted, Charming,  and Laidback
Likes: Females, Learning, Helping people, Brothels, Red light districts,  and Money.
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, Garbage, People with hidden agendas, Marines, and The people who massacre his family.
Unique laugh: Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah

Hometown: Alabasta
In-Combat: Ai has an enjoyment of battle as it was one of the few things he had been training for his entire life. He is level-headed in battle trying to assess the situation and doing his best to make sure that he limits his injuries. His body does its best to move as smoothly as he could during the battle due to his training throughout his years. Ai does his best to make sure that he could come up with different ideas in a battle to come up with a victory. He tries his best not to go head-on when the situation doesn’t call for it. The destructiveness around him isn’t a problem as he figured that it is something that needs to be done to gain obstacles around him. When it comes to harming people in battle he figures he could patch them up after the battle, so it is why he doesn’t mind.

Non-Combat: Ai is a very laidback person who is fine with talking to just about anybody. Of course, when he finds out the kind of person he is talking to. He will help anybody out that needs his help, medically or not unless the reason why they are harmed is that they threatened him or those that are being helped by him. Ai is always around females doing his best to enjoy his time with them in any and every way possible. Still, the young man, at his age is still trying to figure out and learn about the opposite gender on an emotional level. His knowledge for learning is amazing as he could always be found reading something when he isn’t with a female companion. The things he read could be about many things as he could be trying to learn more about being a better doctor, researching something about his past, or learning about an island he is currently on.


Last edited by Ai on Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:48 pm; edited 3 times in total
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Ai D. Kirai Empty Re: Ai D. Kirai

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:25 pm
I am sorry to say that I am about to crush some of your plans.

You may not start out as a member of the royal family of any canon island. Especially not Alabasta, as the Nefertari family is an important part of the RevDawn lore. You may also not make any references to your character having the Will of D. (...he had carried a power that people in this world had feared for centuries...). If you earn the perk, you're welcome to do flashbacks in your threads to reference this.

You are welcome to make up a non-canon island (we call them "Uncharted Islands" here) for which you can be a royal member. But, again, you cannot reference or even hint at possessing the Will of D in your bio.

Ai wrote:

Ai D. Kirai

Ai D. Kirai Esrah8xdnhu21

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Jack Pot | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Ai
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Kirai
Epithet: The Doctor
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Doctor/Weapon Specialist/Martial Artist

Physical Appearance

Height: 7 Ft.
Weight: 240 lbs.

Hair Style: Medium Short
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Ai can be seen wearing a long white mantle around his neck that goes down to his heels. This mantle can be used as a robe of some sort to covering the clothing he is wearing if he tries to, but will most likely be dangling from his back. On the tip of the mantle are gold soft material dangling from six areas at the bottom of his mantle. Under his mantle, he is wearing a sleeve that goes all the way down to his fingers covering them and covers his neck. It doesn’t, however, go down to his body. Alternatively, when he is somewhere cold, he will have a black shirt on him, but it will have no sleeves on them. Around Ai’s forearms, he wears a gold and blue guard that covers the back of his hand. The guard is flexible enough for him to move freely without hindering his hand movements. Finally, Ai can also be seen wearing a rather large gold chain with sapphire embedded in it dangling around his shoulders instead of his neck. It is fit to never go down from his shoulder. He also wearing gold earrings that dangle from his ears.

Around his waist, Ai has special protection around his waist that is being held on by two gold bars that are wrapped around his abdomen. These bars do not bother AI and are rather flexible when it comes to his movements. The gold stuff on the side of his waist is for protection and resemble the legs of a scarab. There is a long cloth, which is gold and blue, in the middle of his waist protector going down to his shin. Under this waist protector, he is wearing black harem pants with a slight alteration to them. They have an opening around the shin area, so that way Ai can have more freedom moving in them than before. These harem pants also are custom made to be on his feet as well acting as a sort of sock of the sort. Finally, he wears white sandals that have a gold bar that his feet can slip into and has a gold plastic clamp that goes above and around his ankle.

Description: Starting with Ai’s face his eyes are bright yellow that when looked at seem to resemble the sun. Around his eyes seem to be dark eyeliner that goes perfectly well with his thin eyebrows. His hair is usually combed downward so that he has one bang going down the middle and then several from the side. There are times when he decides to let his hair spiked up and when he does you could see that he always has two little bangs that are floating over his forehead. His nose is thin making it proportional to his face while having full lips and perfect tears. His ears are bigger than the average human, which is one of the reasons he combs his hair down to cover it as much as possible.

Ai’s body is well built as it is mainly composed of muscle mass. His abdomen is seen to have eight-pack than the average six-pack. His chest comes out slightly, but other than his arms, legs, and back is toned to show off the training of his body. He keeps his fingernails and his toenails well kept making sure that they are always clean and never get long. His fingernails are painted black but are usually covered, so they are never seen.

The Past

Main Traits: Intelligent, Quick-witted, Charming,  and Laidback
Likes: Females, Learning, Helping people, Brothels, Red light districts,  and Money.
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, Garbage, People with hidden agendas, Marines, and The people who massacre his family.
Unique laugh: Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah

Hometown: Alabasta
In-Combat: Ai has an enjoyment of battle as it was one of the few things he had been training for his entire life. He is level-headed in battle trying to assess the situation and doing his best to make sure that he limits his injuries. His body does its best to move as smoothly as he could during the battle due to his training throughout his years. Ai does his best to make sure that he could come up with different ideas in a battle to come up with a victory. He tries his best not to go head-on when the situation doesn’t call for it. The destructiveness around him isn’t a problem as he figured that it is something that needs to be done to gain obstacles around him. When it comes to harming people in battle he figures he could patch them up after the battle, so it is why he doesn’t mind.

Non-Combat: Ai is a very laidback person who is fine with talking to just about anybody. Of course, when he finds out the kind of person he is talking to. He will help anybody out that needs his help, medically or not unless the reason why they are harmed is that they threatened him or those that are being helped by him. Ai is always around females doing his best to enjoy his time with them in any and every way possible. Still, the young man, at his age is still trying to figure out and learn about the opposite gender on an emotional level. His knowledge for learning is amazing as he could always be found reading something when he isn’t with a female companion. The things he read could be about many things as he could be trying to learn more about being a better doctor, researching something about his past, or learning about an island he is currently on.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Ai D. Kirai Empty Re: Ai D. Kirai

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:50 pm

Ai wrote:

Ai D. Kirai

Ai D. Kirai Esrah8xdnhu21

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Jack Pot | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Ai
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Kirai
Epithet: The Doctor
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession: Doctor/Weapon Specialist/Martial Artist

Physical Appearance

Height: 7 Ft.
Weight: 240 lbs.

Hair Style: Medium Short
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Ai can be seen wearing a long white mantle around his neck that goes down to his heels. This mantle can be used as a robe of some sort to covering the clothing he is wearing if he tries to, but will most likely be dangling from his back. On the tip of the mantle are gold soft material dangling from six areas at the bottom of his mantle. Under his mantle, he is wearing a sleeve that goes all the way down to his fingers covering them and covers his neck. It doesn’t, however, go down to his body. Alternatively, when he is somewhere cold, he will have a black shirt on him, but it will have no sleeves on them. Around Ai’s forearms, he wears a gold and blue guard that covers the back of his hand. The guard is flexible enough for him to move freely without hindering his hand movements. Finally, Ai can also be seen wearing a rather large gold chain with sapphire embedded in it dangling around his shoulders instead of his neck. It is fit to never go down from his shoulder. He also wearing gold earrings that dangle from his ears.

Around his waist, Ai has special protection around his waist that is being held on by two gold bars that are wrapped around his abdomen. These bars do not bother AI and are rather flexible when it comes to his movements. The gold stuff on the side of his waist is for protection and resemble the legs of a scarab. There is a long cloth, which is gold and blue, in the middle of his waist protector going down to his shin. Under this waist protector, he is wearing black harem pants with a slight alteration to them. They have an opening around the shin area, so that way Ai can have more freedom moving in them than before. These harem pants also are custom made to be on his feet as well acting as a sort of sock of the sort. Finally, he wears white sandals that have a gold bar that his feet can slip into and has a gold plastic clamp that goes above and around his ankle.

Description: Starting with Ai’s face his eyes are bright yellow that when looked at seem to resemble the sun. Around his eyes seem to be dark eyeliner that goes perfectly well with his thin eyebrows. His hair is usually combed downward so that he has one bang going down the middle and then several from the side. There are times when he decides to let his hair spiked up and when he does you could see that he always has two little bangs that are floating over his forehead. His nose is thin making it proportional to his face while having full lips and perfect tears. His ears are bigger than the average human, which is one of the reasons he combs his hair down to cover it as much as possible.

Ai’s body is well built as it is mainly composed of muscle mass. His abdomen is seen to have eight-pack than the average six-pack. His chest comes out slightly, but other than his arms, legs, and back is toned to show off the training of his body. He keeps his fingernails and his toenails well kept making sure that they are always clean and never get long. His fingernails are painted black but are usually covered, so they are never seen.

The Past

Main Traits: Intelligent, Quick-witted, Charming,  and Laidback
Likes: Females, Learning, Helping people, Brothels, Red light districts,  and Money.
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, Garbage, People with hidden agendas, Marines, and The people who massacre his family.
Unique laugh: Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah

Hometown: Alabasta
In-Combat: Ai has an enjoyment of battle as it was one of the few things he had been training for his entire life. He is level-headed in battle trying to assess the situation and doing his best to make sure that he limits his injuries. His body does its best to move as smoothly as he could during the battle due to his training throughout his years. Ai does his best to make sure that he could come up with different ideas in a battle to come up with a victory. He tries his best not to go head-on when the situation doesn’t call for it. The destructiveness around him isn’t a problem as he figured that it is something that needs to be done to gain obstacles around him. When it comes to harming people in battle he figures he could patch them up after the battle, so it is why he doesn’t mind.

Non-Combat: Ai is a very laidback person who is fine with talking to just about anybody. Of course, when he finds out the kind of person he is talking to. He will help anybody out that needs his help, medically or not unless the reason why they are harmed is that they threatened him or those that are being helped by him. Ai is always around females doing his best to enjoy his time with them in any and every way possible. Still, the young man, at his age is still trying to figure out and learn about the opposite gender on an emotional level. His knowledge for learning is amazing as he could always be found reading something when he isn’t with a female companion. The things he read could be about many things as he could be trying to learn more about being a better doctor, researching something about his past, or learning about an island he is currently on.

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