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Privera Leo Davis Empty Privera Leo Davis

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:31 pm
Privera Leo Davis

Privera Leo Davis DLuWnEfW0AcqQTs?format=jpg&name=medium

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Privera
Middle Name/Initial: Leo
Last Name: Davis
Epithet: “Harsh Cough”
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Serf (former) | Scribe/Secretary (former) | Marine

Physical Appearance

Height: 3’7”
Weight: 63 lb

Hair Style: Short uneven cut
Hair Color: Greying Black
Eye Color: Grey
Scars: Various marks across back, most notable scar is on the face across the right cheek.
Clothing and Accessories: Privera wears a large white and blue cloak in a style reminiscent of what a monk or priest might wear made out of a very lightweight material, it has clearly been patched in multiple areas. His robe is held on him by a large collar-like construction of his own making which partially covers his face. The hole in the collar is specifically big enough for him to pull off the whole outfit with only minor difficulty, so… don’t worry about that.

Underneath his collar-thing Privera wears a white cloth mask with the words “Tired?” displayed on it in blue, though he also has masks which instead say “Be Alive”, “REGULAR”, and of course “MARINES”.

Under the cloak Primavera wears a bog-standard marine soldier outfit with long sleeves and long pants, along with which he wears a pair of black opera gloves.

Description: A very slight-looking boy, Privera clearly suffers from some level of stunted growth. He is rather pale for someone who spends so much time in the sun, mostly because he covers up pretty much his entire body with clothes at all times.

His eyes seem to always be slightly squinted as if he is always trying to focus on something just a bit out of sight and feature prominent sleep bags beneath. His hair has a few grey strands, though it’s not totally clear what exactly caused his hair to prematurely grey. He is saved from being confused with old men by his young skin and voice.

The Past

Main Traits: Standoffish, Sickly, Awkward, Talkative, Loyal, Vindictive.
Likes: Power Trips, Polka and Ska music, Blood, Meaty Food, Fighting, Following the letter of orders while ignoring the spirit in favor of his own, Paperwork, “Acceptable Casualties”.
Dislikes: Sweet Food, Crippling Attacks, Puppetry, Slavery (Though serfdom is somehow just fine), Thunderstorms.
Unique laugh: “heuehue- [loud continuous coughing]”

Hometown: Mogimogimogimogi island, Mogimogi town.

Personality: Privera is a sort of indecisive person, he’s always unsure of how to proceed but at the very least when he does push past his indecision to choose a way forward he will stand by his decision. He’s not indecisive because he has a hard way deciding, he’s indecisive because he wants to make sure the path he chooses is the right one for him and his. It might stem from a sort of perfectionism that clouds the boys thought process demanding that he use all that he can as efficiently as possible, not to the point where he could need special help or get in the way of his job but enough that a good portion of his sentences begin with “Um”, “Uh” and thoughtful hums or grunts.

Privera takes his job extremely seriously but has trouble reading other people's intentions, and as such he often is forced to leap to assumptions of people based on the base moral value of their actions.

He finds a unique humor in threatening people with ridiculously over-the-top punishments like being banished to the moon or frozen in stone.

All of Privera’s qualms tend to jump out the window when he’s excited. He becomes increasingly impulsive and prone to making snap judgments, a dangerous quality to have in any level of law enforcement. Combat tends to easily send Privera into a sort of “positive feedback loop” of excitement, plans and morality are quickly abandoned in favor of using whatever he has at his disposal to launch himself and/or other ballistics such as bullets at whatever “bad guys” he is dealing with.

Privera, despite being “mature” for his age essentially follows a sort of “Childish Justice”, with a deathly twist. He calls it “Chilled-ish Justice”.

  • If I see you doing something bad you get punished.
  • If I’m told by a friend that you’re a bad guy then you’re getting punished.
  • My side is the good guys as long as I think they are.
  • If I decide I don’t like you then you’re a bad guy.
  • If it’ll take out more bad guys than good guys, do it.

Despite making up his own little brand of justice (“The admirals have their own justices, so I should too!” being his reasoning.) The thing Privera loves most about having a job with the marines is having an actual paycheck with money and access to actual banks. He’s got a bit of a gold-sickness thing that takes 2nd priority to all his other convictions… but in the event that nothing else is standing in the way Privera is rather likely to go for the “Money” option.

The Golden Ogre of Tequila Wolf
Name : Francis Charlemagne
Epithet : "The Golden Ogre of Tequila Wolf"
Age : 28
Height : 6'1" (186 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Species : Human
Faction : Marines
World Position : Rear Admiral
Crew : 69th Battalion
Ship : SSS Méricour
Marine Rank : Rear Admiral
Crew Role : Fleet Commander
Income Bonus : +0.10
Balance : [bel] 120,050,000
Posts : 106

Privera Leo Davis Empty Re: Privera Leo Davis

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:06 pm
I approve of this Chilled-ish Justice solely because of the pun.

Privera Davis wrote:
Privera Leo Davis

Privera Leo Davis DLuWnEfW0AcqQTs?format=jpg&name=medium

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Privera
Middle Name/Initial: Leo
Last Name: Davis
Epithet: “Harsh Cough”
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Serf (former) | Scribe/Secretary (former) | Marine

Physical Appearance

Height: 3’7”
Weight: 63 lb

Hair Style: Short uneven cut
Hair Color: Greying Black
Eye Color: Grey
Scars: Various marks across back, most notable scar is on the face across the right cheek.
Clothing and Accessories: Privera wears a large white and blue cloak in a style reminiscent of what a monk or priest might wear made out of a very lightweight material, it has clearly been patched in multiple areas. His robe is held on him by a large collar-like construction of his own making which partially covers his face. The hole in the collar is specifically big enough for him to pull off the whole outfit with only minor difficulty, so… don’t worry about that.

Underneath his collar-thing Privera wears a white cloth mask with the words “Tired?” displayed on it in blue, though he also has masks which instead say “Be Alive”, “REGULAR”, and of course “MARINES”.

Under the cloak Primavera wears a bog-standard marine soldier outfit with long sleeves and long pants, along with which he wears a pair of black opera gloves.

Description: A very slight-looking boy, Privera clearly suffers from some level of stunted growth. He is rather pale for someone who spends so much time in the sun, mostly because he covers up pretty much his entire body with clothes at all times.

His eyes seem to always be slightly squinted as if he is always trying to focus on something just a bit out of sight and feature prominent sleep bags beneath. His hair has a few grey strands, though it’s not totally clear what exactly caused his hair to prematurely grey. He is saved from being confused with old men by his young skin and voice.

The Past

Main Traits: Standoffish, Sickly, Awkward, Talkative, Loyal, Vindictive.
Likes: Power Trips, Polka and Ska music, Blood, Meaty Food, Fighting, Following the letter of orders while ignoring the spirit in favor of his own, Paperwork, “Acceptable Casualties”.
Dislikes: Sweet Food, Crippling Attacks, Puppetry, Slavery (Though serfdom is somehow just fine), Thunderstorms.
Unique laugh: “heuehue- [loud continuous coughing]”

Hometown: Mogimogimogimogi island, Mogimogi town.

Personality: Privera is a sort of indecisive person, he’s always unsure of how to proceed but at the very least when he does push past his indecision to choose a way forward he will stand by his decision. He’s not indecisive because he has a hard way deciding, he’s indecisive because he wants to make sure the path he chooses is the right one for him and his. It might stem from a sort of perfectionism that clouds the boys thought process demanding that he use all that he can as efficiently as possible, not to the point where he could need special help or get in the way of his job but enough that a good portion of his sentences begin with “Um”, “Uh” and thoughtful hums or grunts.

Privera takes his job extremely seriously but has trouble reading other people's intentions, and as such he often is forced to leap to assumptions of people based on the base moral value of their actions.

He finds a unique humor in threatening people with ridiculously over-the-top punishments like being banished to the moon or frozen in stone.

All of Privera’s qualms tend to jump out the window when he’s excited. He becomes increasingly impulsive and prone to making snap judgments, a dangerous quality to have in any level of law enforcement. Combat tends to easily send Privera into a sort of “positive feedback loop” of excitement, plans and morality are quickly abandoned in favor of using whatever he has at his disposal to launch himself and/or other ballistics such as bullets at whatever “bad guys” he is dealing with.

Privera, despite being “mature” for his age essentially follows a sort of “Childish Justice”, with a deathly twist. He calls it “Chilled-ish Justice”.

  • If I see you doing something bad you get punished.
  • If I’m told by a friend that you’re a bad guy then you’re getting punished.
  • My side is the good guys as long as I think they are.
  • If I decide I don’t like you then you’re a bad guy.
  • If it’ll take out more bad guys than good guys, do it.

Despite making up his own little brand of justice (“The admirals have their own justices, so I should too!” being his reasoning.) The thing Privera loves most about having a job with the marines is having an actual paycheck with money and access to actual banks. He’s got a bit of a gold-sickness thing that takes 2nd priority to all his other convictions… but in the event that nothing else is standing in the way Privera is rather likely to go for the “Money” option.

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