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Doragonfurūtsu, Suika Empty Doragonfurūtsu, Suika

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:30 am

Suika Doragonfurūtsu

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika B2iNFjY

Basic Character Information

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika NtYrUxY

Starting Bonus: Be a Dinosaur! | [Starting Bonus Roll] However, I'm choosing to use Super Rookie [25%]: You may start off with an additional 25 stat points!

  • First Name: Suika
  • Epithet: "Melon"
  • Age: 22
  • Race: Human
  • Profession: Navigator/Chef

  • Middle Name: Elizabet
  • Last Name: Doragonfurūtsu
  • Gender: Female
  • Faction: Marines
  • Blood Type: S (RH-)

Physical Appearance

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika CvAm0em
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 123 LBS
  • Hair Style: Curly

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Scars: N/A
  • Hair Color: Blonde

Clothing and Accessories: Suika wears what she believes is comfortable, clothing ranges from bathing suit tops, to skirts and shirts, or dresses. She finds whatever she finds slimming and fitting as long as it's not to tight and makes it impossible for easy and swift movement appropriate to wear.

Description: Standing at 5'5 and weighting in at around 123 pounds, Suika has an hourglass figure, with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Her tan to pale like skin has no blemishes or marking of defacing on the surface. Her face; still very innocent in looks, gives Suika a very childish appearance, if it were for her breasts of course.

The Past

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika JoMdBHaDoragonfurūtsu, Suika 1VRDAmE
positive traits
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Responsibility
  • Humility
  • Compassionate
  • Courageousness

negative traits
  • Flirtatious
  • Impatient
  • Impulsive
  • Quick-Tempered
  • Stubborn
  • Vain
  • Vulgar

  • Swimming
  • Sailing
  • Spices
  • Sweets
  • Food (In general)
  • Music
  • Drawing
  • Drinking

  • The Cold
  • Winter
  • Rough Textures
  • Ignorance
  • Complacency
  • Cluelessness
  • Carelessness
  • Troublemakers

Unique laugh: When Suika side laughs; not to say she found something funny as most of the time she does not, her laugh reflects a "Melo melo melo" sound. However, for the few that can truly get Suika to laugh, it sounds more like "Melolololololol".

Hometown: Centaurea - Born and raised for the majority of her life. Currently in Ilusia.
Personality: Suika was once a very timid and shy girl, someone who would listen to orders and never question the stance of anything. She allowed herself to become submissive in the abuse of those to her; the words dog, pig, and mutt; were often uttered towards her when she worked with her mother, trying to simply survive. It wasn't until that faithful day that everything changed for Suika; finally growing the proverbial "set of balls" she finally needed. Although she still has a submissive side, she is loud, and courageous; she allows her opinions to flow, and she won't be shut up by anyone -- well, anyone that doesn't out rank her. Something she has instilled in her, not only from her hometown, but also from her training to prepare to become a Marine, is the respect of those above you. -Of course to a certain extend. She won't be used the way she was before.- Although she is impatient and impulsive, she knows her responsibilities and where her loyalties stand. Her honesty knows no bounds, even if it tips on being vulgar. She finds that honesty is anyone's best weapon, especially when you have to bend the truth to it's breaking point.

However, Suika is very flirtatious, and it can at times, get her into quite a bit of trouble, she thinks of herself as just being friendly, however it is almost always mistaken for flirting. Suika doesn't have an understanding of her own beauty, nor of the beauty surrounding her; she is oblivious when it comes to matters of the heart; as she only finds herself worrying for the matter of duty.

At a young age, Suika was taught how to navigate by a gentle old man, who sought pitty in the child before him; he belonged to an older generation pirate crew; at the time Suika didn't know this; but she learned everything he was willing to teach. She fell in love with the sea, wishing for her day to come where she might travel out into the big wide blue. However, things didn't turn out the way she wanted, and she was stuck on her island for quite some time. She learned many different skills from the passing pirates and revolutionaries that came through; all seeking a night to hide on an island that was lawless. Her love for cooking came one summer, a pirate crew came through, that had been across the grandline; this pirate crew had a chef, and he taught her, her love for foods and spices, she learned a lot that summer; the music that would fill the ship; she loved to listen to, at night she would sneak out of her home just to sit by the ship to listen to the pirates talk their stories, and play their tunes. Her young mind molded to these stories of adventure and daring quests.

But everything changed one night; that cause Suika to loose that hope, and become very cold in the heart. Although her love for the finer things that she can't reach still runs through her veins, and the majority of her personality still intact. She holds herself to not show as much emotion as possible to strangers, as she doesn't want people to see her a vulnerable.

History(Trigger warnings!):
The Golden Ogre of Tequila Wolf
Name : Francis Charlemagne
Epithet : "The Golden Ogre of Tequila Wolf"
Age : 28
Height : 6'1" (186 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Species : Human
Faction : Marines
World Position : Rear Admiral
Crew : 69th Battalion
Ship : SSS Méricour
Marine Rank : Rear Admiral
Crew Role : Fleet Commander
Income Bonus : +0.10
Balance : [bel] 120,050,000
Posts : 106

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika Empty Re: Doragonfurūtsu, Suika

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:52 pm
Approved, but, just a warning - Suika landed herself in one of the most corrupt Marine Branches! Not to say there isn't room for her to grow into an honourable Marine in Ilusia, but, many of her superiors would be more crooked than a witch's nose.

Melon wrote:

Suika Doragonfurūtsu

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika B2iNFjY

Basic Character Information

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika NtYrUxY

Starting Bonus: Be a Dinosaur! | [Starting Bonus Roll] However, I'm choosing to use Super Rookie [25%]: You may start off with an additional 25 stat points!

  • First Name: Suika
  • Epithet: "Melon"
  • Age: 22
  • Race: Human
  • Profession: Navigator/Chef

  • Middle Name: Elizabet
  • Last Name: Doragonfurūtsu
  • Gender: Female
  • Faction: Marines
  • Blood Type: S (RH-)

Physical Appearance

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika CvAm0em

  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 123 LBS
  • Hair Style: Curly

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Scars: N/A
  • Hair Color: Blonde

Clothing and Accessories: Suika wears what she believes is comfortable, clothing ranges from bathing suit tops, to skirts and shirts, or dresses. She finds whatever she finds slimming and fitting as long as it's not to tight and makes it impossible for easy and swift movement appropriate to wear.

Description: Standing at 5'5 and weighting in at around 123 pounds, Suika has an hourglass figure, with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Her tan to pale like skin has no blemishes or marking of defacing on the surface. Her face; still very innocent in looks, gives Suika a very childish appearance, if it were for her breasts of course.

The Past

Doragonfurūtsu, Suika JoMdBHaDoragonfurūtsu, Suika 1VRDAmE
positive traits

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Responsibility
  • Humility
  • Compassionate
  • Courageousness

negative traits

  • Flirtatious
  • Impatient
  • Impulsive
  • Quick-Tempered
  • Stubborn
  • Vain
  • Vulgar


  • Swimming
  • Sailing
  • Spices
  • Sweets
  • Food (In general)
  • Music
  • Drawing
  • Drinking


  • The Cold
  • Winter
  • Rough Textures
  • Ignorance
  • Complacency
  • Cluelessness
  • Carelessness
  • Troublemakers

Unique laugh: When Suika side laughs; not to say she found something funny as most of the time she does not, her laugh reflects a "Melo melo melo" sound. However, for the few that can truly get Suika to laugh, it sounds more like "Melolololololol".

Hometown: Centaurea - Born and raised for the majority of her life. Currently in Ilusia.
Personality: Suika was once a very timid and shy girl, someone who would listen to orders and never question the stance of anything. She allowed herself to become submissive in the abuse of those to her; the words dog, pig, and mutt; were often uttered towards her when she worked with her mother, trying to simply survive. It wasn't until that faithful day that everything changed for Suika; finally growing the proverbial "set of balls" she finally needed. Although she still has a submissive side, she is loud, and courageous; she allows her opinions to flow, and she won't be shut up by anyone -- well, anyone that doesn't out rank her. Something she has instilled in her, not only from her hometown, but also from her training to prepare to become a Marine, is the respect of those above you. -Of course to a certain extend. She won't be used the way she was before.- Although she is impatient and impulsive, she knows her responsibilities and where her loyalties stand. Her honesty knows no bounds, even if it tips on being vulgar. She finds that honesty is anyone's best weapon, especially when you have to bend the truth to it's breaking point.

However, Suika is very flirtatious, and it can at times, get her into quite a bit of trouble, she thinks of herself as just being friendly, however it is almost always mistaken for flirting. Suika doesn't have an understanding of her own beauty, nor of the beauty surrounding her; she is oblivious when it comes to matters of the heart; as she only finds herself worrying for the matter of duty.

At a young age, Suika was taught how to navigate by a gentle old man, who sought pitty in the child before him; he belonged to an older generation pirate crew; at the time Suika didn't know this; but she learned everything he was willing to teach. She fell in love with the sea, wishing for her day to come where she might travel out into the big wide blue. However, things didn't turn out the way she wanted, and she was stuck on her island for quite some time. She learned many different skills from the passing pirates and revolutionaries that came through; all seeking a night to hide on an island that was lawless. Her love for cooking came one summer, a pirate crew came through, that had been across the grandline; this pirate crew had a chef, and he taught her, her love for foods and spices, she learned a lot that summer; the music that would fill the ship; she loved to listen to, at night she would sneak out of her home just to sit by the ship to listen to the pirates talk their stories, and play their tunes. Her young mind molded to these stories of adventure and daring quests.

But everything changed one night; that cause Suika to loose that hope, and become very cold in the heart. Although her love for the finer things that she can't reach still runs through her veins, and the majority of her personality still intact. She holds herself to not show as much emotion as possible to strangers, as she doesn't want people to see her a vulnerable.

History(Trigger warnings!):
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