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Ryoma Nobunaga Empty Ryoma Nobunaga

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:42 pm

Ryoma Nobunaga

Ryoma Nobunaga Tumblr_n30te1OQpy1sap7fqo1_500

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | Link

First Name: Ryoma
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Nobunaga
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Mechanic/Shipwright/Pole Master

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs

Hair Style: Spiked with bells at the end of each tip
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brownish Yellow
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: White Wano style kimono with the sleeves ripped off. Black buttoned up shirt with the last two buttons loose. Black marine pants and black boots to go with it. He also wears an eyepatch even though he can see out of the other eye. He just thinks its cool looking.

Description: Ryoma is a tall, muscular Marine with a wild and aggressive appearance, which doesn't really fit his personality. He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He has yellowish eyes and long, stringy black hair which is tipped with small bells. A noticeable trait in his appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye, inflicted on him by bandits while he was still a child.

The Past

Main Traits: Hard-Headed, Straight Forward, Loyal, Hardy, Understanding
Likes: Fruits/Spices/Sweets/Red Heads
Dislikes: Senseless Murder/Liars/Nobles(secretly)/The Shichibukai
Unique laugh: Rahahahah~

Hometown: Wano Country(Birth Place), Shimotsuki Village(Hometown)
Personality: Being a Marine is like a double bladed sword. The general outlook on you differs from island to island. One island may cheer for you when you arrive and another would throw trash at you. But to Ryoma none of that matters. He is here to provide protection to anyone who needs it. Pirates involved. But of course he isn't going to be that guy that is going to forgive you if you punched him with the intent to harm him. Ryoma doesn't think that there are many people like that in the world. In any case Ryoma likes to think that people can have a second chance. Sometimes Ryoma may not follow the rules when it comes to pirates. If he sees pirates are doing the right thing he would let them go for maybe an hour or two before he restarts the chase. Yeah, he is like Smoker a little bit in that regard but credit needs to be given where its due, people just have to realize that there are indeed "Good" pirates in the world. There aren't many of course, but if Ryoma finds some, he would cut them a bit of slack. Once Ryoma has something set in his sights that he wants to go after, almost no one can sway him from going after it. Which could be an either good thing or a bad thing. While on a mission Ryoma could see this individual and go after them instead of doing the task that was given to him.


Last edited by Nobunaga on Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Ryoma Nobunaga Empty Re: Ryoma Nobunaga

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:15 pm
Three things:

1. You're didn't put anything in for Ryoma's main traits.
2. Ryoma's personality is still Bambina's (if you're gonna keep the old one, at least change the name XD).
3. If Ryoma is "wears his heritage on his shoulder", he should probably introduce himself as "Nobunaga Ryoma" and not "Ryoma Nobunaga".

Nobunaga wrote:

Ryoma Nobunaga

Ryoma Nobunaga Tumblr_n30te1OQpy1sap7fqo1_500

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | Link

First Name: Ryoma
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Nobunaga
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Mechanic/Shipwright/Pole Master

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs

Hair Style: Spiked with bells at the end of each tip
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brownish Yellow
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: White Wano style kimono with the sleeves ripped off. Black buttoned up shirt with the last two buttons loose. Black marine pants and black boots to go with it. He also wears an eyepatch even though he can see out of the other eye. He just thinks its cool looking.

Description: Ryoma is a tall, muscular Marine with a wild and aggressive appearance, which doesn't really fit his personality. He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He has yellowish eyes and long, stringy black hair which is tipped with small bells. A noticeable trait in his appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye, inflicted on him by bandits while he was still a child.

The Past

Main Traits:
Likes: Fruits/Spices/Sweets/Red Heads
Dislikes: Senseless Murder/Liars/Nobles(secretly)/The Shichibukai
Unique laugh: Rahahahah~

Hometown: Wano Country(Birth Place), Shimotsuki Village(Hometown)
Personality: Being a Marine is like a double bladed sword. The general outlook on you differs from island to island. One island may cheer for you when you arrive and another would throw trash at you. But to Bambina none of that matters. He is here to provide protection to anyone who needs it. Pirates involved. But of course he isn't going to be that guy that is going to forgive you if you punched him with the intent to harm him. Bam doesn't think that there are many people like that in the world. In any case Bam likes to think that people can have a second chance. Sometimes Bam may not follow the rules when it comes to pirates. If he sees pirates are doing the right thing he would let them go for maybe an hour or two before he restarts the chase. Yeah, he is like Smoker a little bit in that regard but credit needs to be given where its due, people just have to realize that there are indeed "Good" pirates in the world. There aren't many of course, but if Bam finds some, he would cut them a bit of slack. Once Bambina has something set in his sights that he wants to go after, almost no one can sway him from going after it. Which could be an either good thing or a bad thing. While on a mission Bambina could see this individual and go after them instead of doing the task that was given to him.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Ryoma Nobunaga Empty Re: Ryoma Nobunaga

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:00 pm

Nobunaga wrote:

Ryoma Nobunaga

Ryoma Nobunaga Tumblr_n30te1OQpy1sap7fqo1_500

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | Link

First Name: Ryoma
Middle Name/Initial: D.
Last Name: Nobunaga
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Mechanic/Shipwright/Pole Master

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs

Hair Style: Spiked with bells at the end of each tip
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brownish Yellow
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: White Wano style kimono with the sleeves ripped off. Black buttoned up shirt with the last two buttons loose. Black marine pants and black boots to go with it. He also wears an eyepatch even though he can see out of the other eye. He just thinks its cool looking.

Description: Ryoma is a tall, muscular Marine with a wild and aggressive appearance, which doesn't really fit his personality. He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He has yellowish eyes and long, stringy black hair which is tipped with small bells. A noticeable trait in his appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye, inflicted on him by bandits while he was still a child.

The Past

Main Traits: Hard-Headed, Straight Forward, Loyal, Hardy, Understanding
Likes: Fruits/Spices/Sweets/Red Heads
Dislikes: Senseless Murder/Liars/Nobles(secretly)/The Shichibukai
Unique laugh: Rahahahah~

Hometown: Wano Country(Birth Place), Shimotsuki Village(Hometown)
Personality: Being a Marine is like a double bladed sword. The general outlook on you differs from island to island. One island may cheer for you when you arrive and another would throw trash at you. But to Ryoma none of that matters. He is here to provide protection to anyone who needs it. Pirates involved. But of course he isn't going to be that guy that is going to forgive you if you punched him with the intent to harm him. Ryoma doesn't think that there are many people like that in the world. In any case Ryoma likes to think that people can have a second chance. Sometimes Ryoma may not follow the rules when it comes to pirates. If he sees pirates are doing the right thing he would let them go for maybe an hour or two before he restarts the chase. Yeah, he is like Smoker a little bit in that regard but credit needs to be given where its due, people just have to realize that there are indeed "Good" pirates in the world. There aren't many of course, but if Ryoma finds some, he would cut them a bit of slack. Once Ryoma has something set in his sights that he wants to go after, almost no one can sway him from going after it. Which could be an either good thing or a bad thing. While on a mission Ryoma could see this individual and go after them instead of doing the task that was given to him.

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