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Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:33 am
It was a beautiful night out in the town as Ghost was just getting off duty. Granted that he is always on duty but this night he was taking it slow. As he should after all he was fighting today. Still it was those damn bandits whom was on his mind. They keep on attacking this poor town. This is the reason he was sent over here to began with. It was a group of about thirty bandits all together. This should be fun if he could catch them. However no sign of them for the last pass three days. Ghost was still new to this town to began with. But he have enough information on it to know its lay outs. He would had over to the night bar to get a drink or two. Giving the night was still young he had plans of taking it easy before his next patrol.

Maybe someone in here could tell him of the bandits or what not. What is their main objective or why are they here to began with? Granted those two questions are extremely important to the law of his code of marine. But still he needed to know something. This is what he was thinking as he went into the bar. He would slowly walk over to the bar and sit down on the stool. He would look over at the bar tender an raise his hand as to get the attention of the bar tender. Maybe this person would know a thing or two about the bandits here.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:26 am

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

"Where....Where am I". Worry, stress, fear, all these emotions circled around her, strapped to her white pants was a single long cane-like item, a beautiful red oak color. In her hands a single coat, gorgeous and expensive-looking, It seemed to be flawless in appearance, unlike the woman holding it. She was tall, slender, a little bit malnourished especially in her face. Every item of clothing she bore was torn in some way, covered in all different kinds of stains. Her white skin was darkened by soot, dirt and well, to be rather frank some of the mystery stains had a really odd odor. Her feet were the dirtiest, they were almost black, stained with a deep crimson crust. Her face grimaced with every single step, yet she continued forward. She looked bewildered, yet deep inside, she felt; free.

She had managed to stow away on a boat to this new sea, she barely knew about the place she had been in and now this was a completely different place. She had managed to flee from her..."Captors" but she was not foolish, she knew that they would be hunting for her. She had taken something precious from them, the coat within her hands as well as the cane that was now bouncing along as she walked. People eyed her up, they looked at her with disdain and disgust, she would try and try to garner information, people pointed to the signs but she could not read them. She knew at the age she was that being unable to read meant people viewed you as stupid, she had been made to feel this way her entire life and now that she was free, she refused to let people look at her like that, they could look at her with disgust at how she appeared. Dirt and grime washed off, being stupid, that was something that she couldn't change.

The darkened sky began to deliver its tears, gentle at first, umbrellas shot up all around her, but she welcomed the rain, within seconds the resounding roar of thunder shot through the air, the people around her charged off, the sky cried harder than it had in years, puddles formed almost instantly, the black-haired dirty girl fell to her knees, she swung the almost perfect coat over her head, her arms came around her in a way that was comfortable to the now drenched woman, as if the sky itself felt her pain, both the woman and the sky released an all-mighty cry, one of pain, one of heartbreak.


Thanks to the rain and the thunder, one could not tell that she was crying, other than the rise and fall off her chest, though this could simply be from the cold rain that battered her body.


Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:50 am
Getting all the information he could he was told that the bandits came to town about a few months back. They was looking for something or one but that all the bartender knew. Plus they had to play a fee of taxes to the bandits who go by the name of the Iron Bandit Gang. This struck Ghost oddly enough as he drank up his one cup of sake. Paying the man plus tips he would leave the bar. Granted he did not stay a long time just the right amount of time. All was well as he left out the bar looking on the rain would be coming down hard. Ghost was shocked as the weather kept changing on him and how a bother that was. Soon enough he would start to head back to the ship of operation. It was small yet it stood form for whatever.

He was granted uses of this ship while he was stationed here. He was indeed learning how to cope on his own terms. But as he was running in the rain to get out of it. He would notice someone sitting on the ground. Thinking not to much of it as the rain and thunder drowned her out. But soon the rain and thunder would freeze for one moment in time. That is when he heard her crying through the rain. Ghost would slowly walk over to her. She looked like she been through hell. Was she along or was she with a few folk? All. Of these questions was on his mind. But as he looked around he did not see a soul in sight as he made his way to her. If allowed he would put his marine jacket over her. It was custom to a rain coat. So the water would fall down it. With heats packs in it which allowed him to be warm in a way. If he could he would place it around her.

Looking down at the girl he would say to her."You know what it's kinda cold out here. Say how about we get you home. I shall escort you there I am a marine captain. You should not be afraid anymore."

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 1:06 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

The sound of rain and thunder hid the man's footstep, something was draped over her, something warm. She flinched as it touched her skin, her own jacket being protected by the larger overcoat. She didn't move, nor say anything. This was a kindness she had not been shown in a long time, in fact, she had never been shown any kindness. She was about to utter a word of thanks when the man spoke, loud enough to be heard over the thunder. "You know what it's kinda cold out here. Say how about we get you home. I shall escort you there I am a marine captain. You should not be afraid anymore." His words resonated in her head, "Home, Home, Home, HOME". Over and over again the word home filled her with dread. "No, no, Please, DON'T TAKE ME THERE" Her hands shot to the mans pants, attempting to grasp a bunch of material. "I don't have a home" she sobbed.

She would release her grasp, standing shakily, the puddle of water that surrounded her feet was now a mixture of brown and red, the blood from her feet mixing with the dirt of, well the soil and soot that followed her from where she had previously been. "I...I won't go back" she said backing up. She knew, well she had been informed of what marines are, though she was unsure on their purpose. She knew they were some form of authority, but she had been told that they were also the authorities that sided with the rich, the nobles. This man was one of those marines, the ones who would surely take her back to those who "owned her", to those she had stolen from and assaulted. "B...b....back..away....I don't...I can't go back.......s...stay...away" she uttered as she pulled her cane from her side, holding it in both hands in front of her as she continued to step backward. "I don't...I don't want to hurt you...I don't want to hurt anyone, Please...." she uttered. She was sniffing with almost every word, trying to fight back the tears, coupled with the pain of each step.


Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 2:15 pm
Ghost looked on at the girl as she grabbed his bottom pants leg. He would watch as she would stand up slowly and weak like. Ghost eyes would go wide as she said not to take her home. He would then reply to her. "Where can you go if you cannot go home?"He looked on she clearly was attacked by bandits and he felt so sad for her. Rumors had it that the bandits were hired by a mask man. Could this story add up or was she someone else completely? Ghost was at a lost for words and knew he had to calm the girl down. Slowly but surely he would get in his justice stance. As he stood up right with his right hand over his chest looking at her eye to eye he would give off a happy smile with words of pride behind them.

"You have my word now that I am here you are safe. I do not know of the horrors you have faced. But what I do know is I am a man of justice and so long as I AM HERE, SO IS THE EMBODIMENT OF JUSTICE. So let me say this only once to you my dear girl. I AM HERE." He would smile as he walked passes her he would stop and look up at eh rainy clouds. Looking back at her he would continue." OK I will not take you back home however I can not just leave you here. Come back to my ship with me I have to get you healed up." He would say this as he looked on at her waiting for her answer.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 2:54 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

Her dark blue eyes studied the man, she was struggling to take in his appearance, with the rain and her physical state she was having a hard time keeping the man in focus, yet the cane that she held in front of her remained as a barrier, though she shook rapidly. As the man began to step forward she crisscrossed her feet, circling him like a lioness. She would not allow anyone to get behind her, even in this state. Yet as she took her fourth step, she stumbled, her knee slapped the ground sending a spray of dirty water into the air. She gasped in pain. She heard his words as she remained on the ground, though her body crumpled, her head did not, though her face was screwed up, her eyes did not leave his form. Though she held his coat upon her body. "W...what does that mean?" she uttered as she shook. Using the cane, she would slowly, shakily get to her feet. A single step forward was all she managed before she fell forward once more, this time in the vicinity of the man.

"You..a ship" she managed to utter out, her breathing was heavy, and as she spoke there was a rumble, much like thunder, though this time it came from below. Her gut created a boom much louder than any that came from the sky, she was starving, it had been roughly three days since she had eaten anything. "So...hungry" she exclaimed. She tried to steady herself, her breathing and the shakiness from the cold, alas this proved much harder with the roaring thunder, the cold air and the freezing cold rain that continued to blast the duo, "" she said gently, she would need his aid to walk, all of her strength was being sapped by the cold. "" she said softly, a semi smile upon her now cleaner face. The rain had done one good job, cleaning up her dirty puss.


Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:24 pm
Be would watch as she tumbled down. It was like in slow motion for him. Seeing her beaten down so badly truly was painful to watch. Just what cruel monster would do such a thing to her. This was truly bad for anyone to be in such a shape. He would carefully grab her arm. As to not stir any bad feelings as he held her. Slowly walking omg the way with her. The rain was picking up and only getting bad by the minute. Ghost knew he had to get her unto the ship for proper treatment. Using his wits he would carefully walk with her. Slowly but surely they would make it to the base line of the ocean. There his ship was. Although small it held up to eight people. The ship stood a massive fifteen feet high and ten feet long. Follow by a width of eight feet.

It has the standard marine colors and flag. He would point to his ship as the ocean was trying to rock it back and forth. He would let down the stairs so that they could get on. He looked at her and once she would allow him to take her up onto the ship. He would escort her down into a room he turned into a small ER room. "Here this is where you can rest but first you need to clean yourself up. From the bath room to the kitchen is all in the ship. Once you get done I'll check on you in about two hours. That is when I will treat your wounds. Once after that you can tell me your story. " He would say this as he walked out if the room. If she did not stop him. He would simply go to the kitchen to prep some food waiting on her.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:59 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

Each step was painful, she said no words as they walked, but she kept her eyes on to this stranger who was helping her, he was handsome, or perhaps that was the fact her vision was blurry. She let him take her to his ship, she would suppose it was impressive, but then again she hadn't been on many ships, or seen many ships. Okay she actually had only ever seen one ship in her entire life, and it was the one she stowed away on. She was in so much pain, she could barely think. When she was taken to the small E.R. She sat ever so gently, the relief her feet felt was, well the truth was it was orgasmic. "Uggggghhhhhh" she said as she took a deep breath. She took a second, that turned into five minutes before she looked around. She went to the bathroom and found a wipe, cleaning herself up, In the E.R she located a sheet, removing all of her clothing she hung them around the room before draping herself in the sheet.

She felt awkward, strange being in some new place, so instead of waiting for the man to return, she would locate the kitchen, easy since he had basically told her where it was. She walked in on the man preparing food."Thank you" she said. Colour had returned to her face, and she wasn't shaking as much. She had left her cane and coat in the E.R. "Could...Could I trouble you for some water" she said. She pulled the sheet across her to make sure she was not flashing the man any of her private areas. Tied at the top off her chest. "I...Ugh...Hmm, W..Whats your name?" She asked softly.

If the man were to look at her, the arms of the woman would be marked in white and red scars, welts that were maybe around four days old, looking more closely you could see above her chest and her exposed legs were also covered in marks, old scars from many years ago. Yet they seemed not to bother her, she simply gave the man a weak smile. "This...belongs to you" she said as she presented the man his marine jacket.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:46 pm
Within the kitchen he was busy prepping so good old fashion salads. Not sure if the girl at meat or not he would also have duck dumpling made. True he wasn't the best chef out on the ocean sea. But he wasn't the worse either. Looking on he start to cut the vegetables up and prep it y the time he would turn around to see the girl. He would look on to see she was in a simple sheet. Then it Don on him. He forgot to give her a change of clothes. He had clothes. But they were from his old war buddy. She was transferred up town. They see to be about the right size. Soon as he set the food down he would look little closer as not to be a creep. But he could see the marks of the girl. Then it clock on him as he was thinking to himself.

"She must be from that escape slave revolt. Not to far from the next port from him. I have heard rumors of that slaves might come this way. Not to forget that damn noble hired them bandits to bring him any of his property. This could be bad if they found a slave here. However who slave anything about a slave being on my ship. Maybe I could help her in a way." Soon she would ask him for some water to whick he smiled and said to hold on. Placing the duck dumplings and salad in front of her. Her would grab a fresh cup two for and pour some nice fresh water in the first one. Follow by berry red sake. Giving it to her he told her to enjoy the food.

Soon he would leave the kitchen only to return ten minutes later. He would have with him a marine uniform only fit for her size. "When you get done you might want to put this on. On top of that my name is Marine Captain Ghost AnDha Shell. While I am a Marine Captain it's not part of my birth name." He would laugh at that mistake. Looking on at her he would say to her in the purest of way." So what is your name and what is your story.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:50 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq
She could'nt help it, she had never been given so much food before. Her manners went out the window as she grabbed the steaming dumplings, she didn't even blow them to cool them down, they went straight in to the gullet, she oohd and oofted as the too hot to eat dumplings burned her mouth, but that didn't stop her, she threw some of the salad in to her mouth and drained the cup of water in one go. She continued to eat like a pig without stopping, without saying a word until the plate was licked clean. She would release a bit of a gassy burp, though she seemed to recover her manners and placed her hand across her mouth. "Pardon me" she said softly.

She looked the man over. She was trying to decide on what to say. She had never met a marine, she knew of them. She had been terrified of them for so long, her old masters had gone on about the marines and how if she ever ran away they would come for her, that the marines worked for the royals of the world, that they did whatever they were asked to do.

"Scuse me" she said grasping her stomach, she left the clothes that had been offered, for now, there was no chance she would be able to put them on. Her stomach had churned, perhaps she had eaten too much or too fast. Maybe the dumplings had been too rich for her empty stomach. She bolted to the bathroom, and in one swift motion, she skidded to her knees and emptied out most of the contents that she had just consumed. Wiping her face, she moved back to the E.R, picking up her cane she used it to walk back to the kitchen where she placed it against the counter.

"Turn" she said twirling her hand as she held on to the sheet. When the man turned she would place the new clothes on. "Thanks." she said gently as she placed her hand around the cane. "Your a marine, work for the royals" she said softly before holding the cane up, "You'll take me back?" she asked, her eyes never looking away from him.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:11 am
He would watch her as she devoured the food as fast as it came to her. She would eat the food without hesitant in the slightest. Ghost was not surprised at all as in the marine a running gag is to eat like it is your last meal. He would smile as he got done with the food. He would look on as she quickly doted out of the kitchen. He was wondering just what had happened right there. But to his surprise she came back to the kitchen and had her cane this time around. Ghost would take notes as she might have a bad leg. Anyhow she would tell him to turn around to which he did. Soon he would wait as she changed her clothes and waited as she took her time in doing so. Soon she would done as he turned back her way. She was now dressed in his former team mate gear.

He would smile as she reminds him of someone he knew before. Soon she would ask him do he works for the royals. This very question answered his last thought and that was that this girl. Was indeed part of a slave break out. Most most of them were recaptured. Ghost would look to her and with a bright smile he would reply to her best he could. "To say I work for the royal families of the world. Is a very big understanding of the world of power. To be frank I work for the world government. True they work for the royalties of the world and us soldiers are there to. Well protect them. But to your end I only work for justice and the side of true hope. After all my justice is an EXPLOSION. " He would say that with pride.

But soon she would ask him if he was going to take her back. This struck him as odd but truly it was a sad question indeed." Lucky for you I too dislike a bird in a cage. When they should be free. So ji now know that the bandits here are looking for you about fifty in total. So I say to you no I will not be taking you back. But my dear new friend I must ask you. Just how did you end up here of all places? I mean there are no slave owners around here but like twenty miles over the sea."

He would say this with a big curiosity on his face and in his heart.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:19 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

The young woman's face scrunched up a little bit as the man became rather passionate, yet she did something that she had never done before, or so it felt like she had never done before. Upon the man shout so passionately with such gusto that his justice is an Explosion.

"weeHEEEweeHeeeheeeheeWEEEEEHEEEEEwee...huh.huh WEEEEHEEE"

Her laugh was a combination of the word wee, which is funny in itself and crazy snorts and gasps. She couldn't help it. The man was a cringe in himself, the whole justice is an explosion trope was like a silly little catchphrase from those badly acted shows that the rich snobs her masters hung around with would constantly go on about. "Sorry" she said covering her mouth as she wiped away a small trail of snot and drool that escaped from her. She would try to present herself a bit more stable from this point on, she knew she shouldn't laugh at her "savior"

When he spoke of the bandits, she would look up to the ceiling, she doubted that those bandits were after her, she had only escaped like three to four days ago, she had been lucky and had managed to climb on board of a ship and stowed away. She didn't know where she was going, so unless her masters had contacted everyone in each blue who was in the slave-trading business she was at least safe for the time being. "Yeah" she said softly. "That sounds about right, they are probably after me" she lied. This was a good test, if he turned her over to the bandits they wouldn't know who she was, she could easily escape bandits with her unknown skills, but a trained marine captain? She may not be schooled, but she was smart in so many other ways.

"What are you gonna do against the bandits?" she asked. "Shouldnt you, as a law holder, use your explosion of justice to take them out?" she said, her knuckles whitened as she tightened her hold on to the cane. "Wouldn't it be easy for you to take em out? as a marine captain right? With your.....wait... she mused to herself for a second. "Your a captain? wouldn't uhm....where is your crew?" she asked in confusion, she hadn't seen anyone and hadn't seen any sign of others using this boat.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:01 pm
A smile would come to his face as he saw her smiling. It was good to see such a thing you know. But he look on as he heard how she laughed and was glad to know his laughter was not as crazy but sweet in a way. He would look on as she confirmed that she was indeed apart of such a slave escaped. Now he knows his crew lives were not lost in vain. This was his chance to better under the girl in front of him. As it is known when freedom is won a person truly smiles. As he looked on he would smile as she asked him if the bandits were to come would he be able to defeat them. This was odd as not many people asked him that. But in fact this village were raided by them on a regular until he got stationed here.

Looking on at here he would explain to himself of what his job was. "Listen up most marine fight off pirates but there are some of those who fight off land pirates you know bandits. I was sent here along with my crew to stop such attacks and well to capture escaped slaves if need be. But do not worry your heart on that one I am the reason most slaves get to freedom if they make it this way. But to put it bluntly you are Lucky you ran into me. I asked about bandits chasing you because they are capturing slaves and reselling them. They are also the ying their organs. Me and my crew was sent here to stop that. Unfortunately the last great battle here left the bandits all but defeated and well my crew. Let's just say they our serving a higher justice now." He would say that with such a sad smile yet a happy one.

Looking on as she asked about his crew to which he gave off a soft smile. My crew well what is left of them is right here. Us marine give our lives to this thing called justice you know and besides me only one more person remains of my unit and she was sent away to recover. Now with all of that I was wondering where do you plan on going to from here? Do you know where you are any how." He would ask this in a respectful manner.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:07 pm

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice 4e74863894dc3edb630b4ad3ee05967d6d7eea0c_hq

"I'm sorry for your loss" Poppaleaf uttered softly. She didn't realize that his crew had been killed. A pit churned in her stomach. She felt bad now for asking, but also for lying about being one of these escapees. Though alas she had said what she had said. Telling anyone about her "Masters" might mean the beli they would probably receive for her return would sway them. This was the safest way, for her. She sighed gently. "No, I don't know where I am. Or really where I'm going" she said, she would look around, though there wasn't much to look at. "When, Ugh, When my clothes dry....Sorry, could I have some more water, maybe a jug?" she asked her hand against her stomach, her other resting on the cane.

If he obliged she was given the man a good stare down, could she trust him, more so, why did she have this yearning want to help him avenge his crew. She wondered one thing though, He had said that he and his crew had all but defeated the bandits, but now there was fifty more on their way? is that what he meant? She felt bad about asking him, it would mean if there was fifty more filling the space of the dead ones it would mean well his crew died in vain right? She would take a deep sigh, clenching her cane. "I have to ask, you said you and your crew took them out, but what about the fifty you mentioned before? Are they still around? how many are actually looking for me now?" she asked. "I...I wanna help... perhaps, You and I can fight them.....I'm not too well, I have some skill" she said shyly, shuffling her feet as she mentioned this.

Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice Empty Re: Episode 0 Flashback: For the sake of justice

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:33 pm
Ghost looked at her as he smiled to see she still needed water and more of it. Looking on he could still she wasn't too much nourished coming up. But well now he could change that in a way. Soon he would go to his frig and pull out his jug of water and gave it to her. Happy to help one more person at a time. Soon she would start to ask him about the bandits who was to come for her. He could tell she was a bit uneasy at such a thing. So he had decided he was going to clear it up for her a bit. *What I meant by that is. Doing our my last battle with them their leader was killed and two of the three Co leaders were captured as the last one escaped to parts unknown. You see I am waiting on the last of the lot to come out and play.*

Ghost would smile as he flexed his right him up as if he was creating a palm of clay. *These 50 bandits are what is left of the West Side Bandits. Once I defeat them I shall have competed my mission.* I have gave out important information to a snitch. That snitch has told them I have their last leader and we'll take him to jail soon. So in two days time they will come to try and rescue him. Unfortunate turn of events for them will play out. All I can tell you my justice is an EXPLOSION.* Soon he would realize she said she wanted to help. But soon he would look at her seeing she was in no condition to fight. * I thank you but I can not have you on the battle field. I mean what exactly can you do?"
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