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Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] Empty Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:58 pm

Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei.

Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] Kzvkvl10

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus:
Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Rena
Middle Name/Initial: Capku Ryuugu
Last Name: Seimei
Epithet: White
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession:Swordswoman/Huntress : Her choices in life took Rena along the path of the Blood and Iron; to be more specific a skilled Hunter of Man and Beast using Swordsmanship as her weapon of choice. The profession requires the use of an Eye for detail, sneaking through different environments, hiding, setting traps, fishing, a strong sense of one's instinct and managing oneself in a fast paced environment such as an ambush. Rena is Battle tested

Physical Appearance

Height: 190 cm
Weight: 93 kg

Hair Style: Semi-long bobbed hair style.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Silver.
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: She wears a light flexible mail armor with shoulder pads and a armored skirt with armored boots on a daily basis and a gray cape.
For sneaking and hunting she has a thin flexible black outfit that covers her from the ankles until her skin with a black cape and black leather hunting boots.
White armor pic:
Black hunting outfit pic:

Rena is carrying hunting tools to set traps, make fishing rods, fire, shelter etc. This kit also includes a small axe and knives. She also carries a medkit  from the doctor of her village. A bow and arrow to hunt animals. Then their is also provisions for 2 weeks of food and some water bottles. She also carries 2 blades. One does she call the gold tracer and the other oen the silver tracer. The silver tracer is for creatures weak to silver and the gold tracer for everything else.
Gold & silver tracer pic

Description: Rena is a quite large woman with a slender body. Despite her length she is quite agile and is really good at hiding her pressence and sneaking. Her skin tone is white.
                       Her hair color is blonde that portray a pretty face with silver  colorred eyes. Her lips are bright red. When she walks she moves with elegance but at the same time with the awereness of a hunter that senses danger from every angle.
                       Her face usually has no expression compared with  a small smile to look not completely emotionless, THis expression can be diffrent when she is with friends family or an enemy. Under her slender clothed body is a strong physically fit body hidden.
                        When in battle her expression is calm and collected.

The Past

Main Traits:  Problem Solver, Keen eye, knows her way aroudn with swords, hunters instinct, geography
, basic cook, charming/seducing skilled and speech skilled.
Likes: Hunting, Swords, fishing, cooking, nature and freedom, people, family and geography.
Dislikes: Corruption, Lazyness, being unable to move freely and monsters.
Unique laugh: Her short laugh is a Bwahahah. When something really really makes her laugh she will go all out like their is no tomorrow what might include rolling around on the floor and stomach problems after she is done laughing.

Hometown:  Ionia
                    Island picture:
Rena's personality is usually calm and collected. This is often the case when she is with people she does not know so well. Despite that, she can put up a personality performance if there is a need for it. If she needs to seduce or charm someone to get what she needs she will use that to her advantage. When she is around people she knows she is much more energetic. Rena feels more comfortable to laugh and enjoy the warmth of these moments. She takes her profession really serious. When she is working, she is focused and will do all she possibly can to finish the job.

Rena is not someone that enjoys being around a huge crowd of people all the time. When traveling she prefers to travel alone or in a small group. She is capable of enjoying moments of silence and being completely alone. She is someone that does not tend to rely or depend on others. She strongly believes in herself and her abilities and has learned through hunting to rely on herself instead of others.

Rena's preferred way of traveling is on foot. Despite being a "pirate". She just uses the word pirate to obtain the freedom to go and stand where she wants to be, while giving strangers a reason to keep their distance when the time requires it. She isn't too familiar with other pirates nor does she associates herself with the others of the pirate breeds.

She does have a unique passion for swords and It does not matter to her what kind of sword. Old, rusted, grand, masterpieces or a simple plain classic etc, to her they are all marvelous creations. Just like people that collect shells or postage stamps Rena collects swords. When she was still young she heard of a legendary sword called the Claymore. A sword that can kill everything even death himself.

Rena’s favorite kind of music is relaxing and calm. SHe also enjoys bard songs and listening to the violin, to Rena the Violin is the sword of Music. Marvelous.

As a hunter of all kinds of creatures Rena learned to man up and face anything scary that is in her way. She will go around that scary corner and peek instead of turning around and running. She trusts in the teachings of her parents who are also hunters just like her.

Traits with everything in mind:
Rena is a young woman that has a passion for swords and hunting. She knows her way around with the sword. She knows how to hunt all kinds of monsters. Is able to keep her head in the game and think calm about the best approach. WIth her keen eye she can shoot hunt with bow and arrow but also find qlues  to solve problems or to follow an animal she is persuing. SHe knows how to set up a camp, make fire and the basics of cooking. Just enough to survive in the wild on her own. Her knowledge througout all her travels of geography help her out aswell to see when natural problems liek a storm or rain are approaching. To do her work and get intel on cases she takes on she also learned hor to be charming and seductive to obtain the information she needs.

Emi Roromiya
Emi Roromiya
Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] CHwDBFC
Name : Emi Roromiya
Epithet : Smiling Slayer
Age : 17
Height : 5'5"
Weight : 130 lbs
Species : Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : N/A
Crew : Meddling Kids
Ship : The Scorned Lady
Crew Role : Navigator/ First Mate
Devil Fruit : N/A
Bounty : [ber=r] 31,600,000
Balance : [ber] 22,050,000
Posts : 117

Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] Empty Re: Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:14 pm
Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] Ol2nc1d

Rena wrote:

Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei.

Rena Capku Ryuugu Seimei [Done] Kzvkvl10

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus:
Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Rena
Middle Name/Initial: Capku Ryuugu
Last Name: Seimei
Epithet: White
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Pirate
Profession:Swordswoman/Huntress : Her choices in life took Rena along the path of the Blood and Iron; to be more specific a skilled Hunter of Man and Beast using Swordsmanship as her weapon of choice. The profession requires the use of an Eye for detail, sneaking through different environments, hiding, setting traps, fishing, a strong sense of one's instinct and managing oneself in a fast paced environment such as an ambush. Rena is Battle tested

Physical Appearance

Height: 190 cm
Weight: 93 kg

Hair Style: Semi-long bobbed hair style.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Silver.
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: She wears a light flexible mail armor with shoulder pads and a armored skirt with armored boots on a daily basis and a gray cape.
For sneaking and hunting she has a thin flexible black outfit that covers her from the ankles until her skin with a black cape and black leather hunting boots.
White armor pic:
Black hunting outfit pic:

Rena is carrying hunting tools to set traps, make fishing rods, fire, shelter etc. This kit also includes a small axe and knives. She also carries a medkit  from the doctor of her village. A bow and arrow to hunt animals. Then their is also provisions for 2 weeks of food and some water bottles. She also carries 2 blades. One does she call the gold tracer and the other oen the silver tracer. The silver tracer is for creatures weak to silver and the gold tracer for everything else.
Gold & silver tracer pic

Description: Rena is a quite large woman with a slender body. Despite her length she is quite agile and is really good at hiding her pressence and sneaking. Her skin tone is white.
                       Her hair color is blonde that portray a pretty face with silver  colorred eyes. Her lips are bright red. When she walks she moves with elegance but at the same time with the awereness of a hunter that senses danger from every angle.
                       Her face usually has no expression compared with  a small smile to look not completely emotionless, THis expression can be diffrent when she is with friends family or an enemy. Under her slender clothed body is a strong physically fit body hidden.
                        When in battle her expression is calm and collected.

The Past

Main Traits:  Problem Solver, Keen eye, knows her way aroudn with swords, hunters instinct, geography
, basic cook, charming/seducing skilled and speech skilled.
Likes: Hunting, Swords, fishing, cooking, nature and freedom, people, family and geography.
Dislikes: Corruption, Lazyness, being unable to move freely and monsters.
Unique laugh: Her short laugh is a Bwahahah. When something really really makes her laugh she will go all out like their is no tomorrow what might include rolling around on the floor and stomach problems after she is done laughing.

Hometown:  Ionia
                    Island picture:
Rena's personality is usually calm and collected. This is often the case when she is with people she does not know so well. Despite that, she can put up a personality performance if there is a need for it. If she needs to seduce or charm someone to get what she needs she will use that to her advantage. When she is around people she knows she is much more energetic. Rena feels more comfortable to laugh and enjoy the warmth of these moments. She takes her profession really serious. When she is working, she is focused and will do all she possibly can to finish the job.

Rena is not someone that enjoys being around a huge crowd of people all the time. When traveling she prefers to travel alone or in a small group. She is capable of enjoying moments of silence and being completely alone. She is someone that does not tend to rely or depend on others. She strongly believes in herself and her abilities and has learned through hunting to rely on herself instead of others.

Rena's preferred way of traveling is on foot. Despite being a "pirate". She just uses the word pirate to obtain the freedom to go and stand where she wants to be, while giving strangers a reason to keep their distance when the time requires it. She isn't too familiar with other pirates nor does she associates herself with the others of the pirate breeds.

She does have a unique passion for swords and It does not matter to her what kind of sword. Old, rusted, grand, masterpieces or a simple plain classic etc, to her they are all marvelous creations. Just like people that collect shells or postage stamps Rena collects swords. When she was still young she heard of a legendary sword called the Claymore. A sword that can kill everything even death himself.

Rena’s favorite kind of music is relaxing and calm. SHe also enjoys bard songs and listening to the violin, to Rena the Violin is the sword of Music. Marvelous.

As a hunter of all kinds of creatures Rena learned to man up and face anything scary that is in her way. She will go around that scary corner and peek instead of turning around and running. She trusts in the teachings of her parents who are also hunters just like her.

Traits with everything in mind:
Rena is a young woman that has a passion for swords and hunting. She knows her way around with the sword. She knows how to hunt all kinds of monsters. Is able to keep her head in the game and think calm about the best approach. WIth her keen eye she can shoot hunt with bow and arrow but also find qlues  to solve problems or to follow an animal she is persuing. SHe knows how to set up a camp, make fire and the basics of cooking. Just enough to survive in the wild on her own. Her knowledge througout all her travels of geography help her out aswell to see when natural problems liek a storm or rain are approaching. To do her work and get intel on cases she takes on she also learned hor to be charming and seductive to obtain the information she needs.


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