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Name : Yumiko
Epithet : Kamaitachi
Age : 28
Height : 5'5'' / 165 cm
Weight : 128 lbs. / 58 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Civilian
Devil Fruit : Ita Ita no Mi, Model: Kamaitachi
Bounty : [bel=r] 10,000,012
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Balance : [bel] 2,916,996,298

Posts : 492

[Bio] Yumiko Empty [Bio] Yumiko

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:20 pm


[Bio] Yumiko E0ZOWtX

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Yumiko
Middle Name/Initial: -
Last Name: -
Epithet: Kamaitachi
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Samurai - Yumiko has trained in the art of swordplay for most of her life, first out of curiosity then out of necessity. She knows how to defend herself and others, wielding her blades as an extension of her body.
Hunter -  Whether it be beasts or people, she knows how to identify and track down many kinds of prey. Her preferred method is tireless pursuit, driving the target into a corner or chasing them until exhaustion.
Survivalist - In addition to hunting and tracking, she knows plenty about surviving out in the wilds. Her expertise focuses mainly on finding food and shelter.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 128 lbs.

Hair Style: Long and straight, extending over her back like a wide cape. Pointy, side-swept bangs hang over her left eye, while a sharp ponytail sticks out from the back of her head.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Forest green, olive green and smoky black.
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: When it comes to clothing, Yumiko dresses only in the traditional garbs of her homeland. Her most treasured apparel is an off-white, ever so slightly greenish kimono with long and large sleeves. A dark blue, almost black hakama is always worn over it. She finds white tabi and dark blue zōri comfortable in any weather. Whenever the Marine code demands it, she drapes the classic white coat decorated with the symbol of justice over her shoulders like a cape. Naturally, a swordswoman without a sword is practically naked, so she always carries one at her hip. She even sleeps and bathes with one.

Description: Yumiko is somewhat on the short side, lean and lithe in her build. Years of training have left her body noticeably toned, with her abs especially marking her dedication. Her skin is rather pale and her features rather sharp, with a narrow nose and thin lips. Oddly enough, her eyes have two distinct shades of green stacked on top of each other within the smoky iris. Touches of red makeup decorate the corners of her eyes, further emphasizing their sharp shape. Her resting face is a stern, almost piercing stare, further painting an image of a cold and composed samurai.

The Past

Main Traits:

Windy weather
Everything cute and cuddly

Hot weather
Any kind of mechanical weapons

Unique laugh: Zawawawawa~!

Hometown: Ebisu Town, Wano Country
Personality: Honor is an ideal that defines Yumiko. To her it means following the written laws, treating others with respect and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Her beliefs are deeply rooted in samurai code and traditional Wano Country teachings. As such, her views could be considered somewhat dated, old-fashioned even. In her mind, ideal people dress modestly, speak politely and only fight for worthy causes. When something doesn’t match that lofty ideal, it tends to be quite a shock to her. She can be quite melodramatic about her beliefs too. Considering herself a samurai first and a marine second, she claims to be a simple tool meant to serve a worthy cause.

Beneath the stern exterior lies a kind and honest heart. A bit too honest perhaps. Her firm belief that every person values honor the same way she does leaves her blind to the ugly truths of the world. She ends up falling for every tall tale, sob story or dirty lie she hears. Every. Single. One. If she realizes -or even feels- that she has wronged someone, apologizing on her hands knees is only the beginning. She considers death a preferable alternative to the dishonor of failure.

When it comes to friends and allies, she is devoted, loyal and protective. Overbearingly so. She fusses over even the tiniest problems like they were a matter of life and death. If saving someone else’s life and honor requires sacrificing or disgracing herself, then she will do so gladly. ...Even when it really isn’t necessary. While she is very doting and caring in her manners, she doesn’t like being called a mother figure however. If someone even hints something like that, she is very quick to insist that she’s rather a big sister figure. A small, but important distinction. Though she keeps it a secret, she firmly believes that those who have stained their hands in blood are not fit to be mothers.

Unfortunately, alcohol plays a big part in her life. She drinks heavily. To relax, to forget, to dull the pain... It rarely works. She carries a flask wherever she goes and secretly drinks whenever she feels like she has made a mistake, no matter how minor. When she’s sloshed, she loses all sense of moderation. Her already melodramatic nature runs free. Any small worry over her comrades grows into tearful, snotty bawling. Cute things get mercilessly cuddled. Shame and self-loathing turn outright destructive. Despite the obvious problems, she refuses to admit there’s anything wrong with how much she drinks.

Even in combat, she retains her honorable approach. Foes are treated in a respectful, albeit dramatic manner. Grand declarations and speeches are practically a part of her fighting style. She also absolutely abhors any kind of foul play. Duels especially are sacred to her and she won’t forgive anyone who interferes. While she finds certain enjoyment in fighting, especially against others who wield blades, she dislikes killing. In her opinion, people should be free to decide how they die. Even condemned criminals should be allowed that much. For that purpose, she always asks her opponents how they wish to die. She deeply respects anyone who chooses the battlefield as their final resting place.

No Good
Name : Butch Castle
Epithet : "No-Good" Butch
Age : 19
Height : 5'8½" / 174 cm
Weight : 143 lbs. / 65 kg
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Bounty Hunter
Crew : N/A
Ship : Little Castle
Crew Role : N/A
Balance : [ber] 256,650,000
Posts : 117

[Bio] Yumiko Empty Re: [Bio] Yumiko

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:09 pm
Yumiko is quite the foil to Maxwell (and vice versa)! She's so very wholesome - I love it. Needless to say, I'm putting my seal of approval on this masterpiece. However, I did have two comments that you may want to mull over (feel free to discuss it with me if you like). Neither of these comments requires any action. They are mostly observations.

1. Yumiko seems very set in the old ways, but, I didn't see any mention of one important contradiction: Yumiko is a female samurai. Granted, we've seen exceptions to the true Japanese history of samurai in canon (e.g. Kikunojo, who is a self-identified female samurai). But, even then, we have yet to see any other female samurai characters. Needless to say, I have absolutely no qualms with Yumiko being a samurai. I was simply curious to see this contradiction noted.
2. Do note that there is one important distinction between Wano Country in canon and Wano Country on Revival Dawn: our Wano Country is not closed off from the rest of the world. As such, the existence of devil fruits and such is more widely known. That being said, there's no reason why there can't be regions in such a large country where such facts are believed to be little more than fantasies.

Yumiko wrote:


Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Yumiko
Middle Name/Initial: -
Last Name: -
Epithet: Kamaitachi
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Samurai - Yumiko has trained in the art of swordplay for most of her life, first out of curiosity then out of necessity. She knows how to defend herself and others, wielding her blades as an extension of her body.
Hunter -  Whether it be beasts or people, she knows how to identify and track down many kinds of prey. Her preferred method is tireless pursuit, driving the target into a corner or chasing them until exhaustion.
Survivalist - In addition to hunting and tracking, she knows plenty about surviving out in the wilds. Her expertise focuses mainly on finding food and shelter.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 128 lbs.

Hair Style: Long and straight, extending over her back like a wide cape. Pointy, side-swept bangs hang over her left eye, while a sharp ponytail sticks out from the back of her head.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Forest green, olive green and smoky black.
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: When it comes to clothing, Yumiko dresses only in the traditional garbs of her homeland. Her most treasured apparel is an off-white, ever so slightly greenish kimono with long and large sleeves. A dark blue, almost black hakama is always worn over it. She finds white tabi and dark blue zōri comfortable in any weather. Whenever the Marine code demands it, she drapes the classic white coat decorated with the symbol of justice over her shoulders like a cape. Naturally, a swordswoman without a sword is practically naked, so she always carries one at her hip. She even sleeps and bathes with one.

Description: Yumiko is somewhat on the short side, lean and lithe in her build. Years of training have left her body noticeably toned, with her abs especially marking her dedication. Her skin is rather pale and her features rather sharp, with a narrow nose and thin lips. Oddly enough, her eyes have two distinct shades of green stacked on top of each other within the smoky iris. Touches of red makeup decorate the corners of her eyes, further emphasizing their sharp shape. Her resting face is a stern, almost piercing stare, further painting an image of a cold and composed samurai.

The Past

Main Traits:

Windy weather
Everything cute and cuddly

Hot weather
Any kind of mechanical weapons

Unique laugh: Zawawawawa~!

Hometown: Ebisu Town, Wano Country
Personality: Honor is an ideal that defines Yumiko. To her it means following the written laws, treating others with respect and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Her beliefs are deeply rooted in samurai code and traditional Wano Country teachings. As such, her views could be considered somewhat dated, old-fashioned even. In her mind, ideal people dress modestly, speak politely and only fight for worthy causes. When something doesn’t match that lofty ideal, it tends to be quite a shock to her. She can be quite melodramatic about her beliefs too. Considering herself a samurai first and a marine second, she claims to be a simple tool meant to serve a worthy cause.

Beneath the stern exterior lies a kind and honest heart. A bit too honest perhaps. Her firm belief that every person values honor the same way she does leaves her blind to the ugly truths of the world. She ends up falling for every tall tale, sob story or dirty lie she hears. Every. Single. One. If she realizes -or even feels- that she has wronged someone, apologizing on her hands knees is only the beginning. She considers death a preferable alternative to the dishonor of failure.

When it comes to friends and allies, she is devoted, loyal and protective. Overbearingly so. She fusses over even the tiniest problems like they were a matter of life and death. If saving someone else’s life and honor requires sacrificing or disgracing herself, then she will do so gladly. ...Even when it really isn’t necessary. While she is very doting and caring in her manners, she doesn’t like being called a mother figure however. If someone even hints something like that, she is very quick to insist that she’s rather a big sister figure. A small, but important distinction. Though she keeps it a secret, she firmly believes that those who have stained their hands in blood are not fit to be mothers.

Unfortunately, alcohol plays a big part in her life. She drinks heavily. To relax, to forget, to dull the pain... It rarely works. She carries a flask wherever she goes and secretly drinks whenever she feels like she has made a mistake, no matter how minor. When she’s sloshed, she loses all sense of moderation. Her already melodramatic nature runs free. Any small worry over her comrades grows into tearful, snotty bawling. Cute things get mercilessly cuddled. Shame and self-loathing turn outright destructive. Despite the obvious problems, she refuses to admit there’s anything wrong with how much she drinks.

Even in combat, she retains her honorable approach. Foes are treated in a respectful, albeit dramatic manner. Grand declarations and speeches are practically a part of her fighting style. She also absolutely abhors any kind of foul play. Duels especially are sacred to her and she won’t forgive anyone who interferes. While she finds certain enjoyment in fighting, especially against others who wield blades, she dislikes killing. In her opinion, people should be free to decide how they die. Even condemned criminals should be allowed that much. For that purpose, she always asks her opponents how they wish to die. She deeply respects anyone who chooses the battlefield as their final resting place.

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