- Emmaline Kingsley
- [tracker=/t1305-emmaline-kingsley#7051]
Name : Emmaline Kingsley
Epithet : Ice Princess
Age : 20
Height : 5'10"
Weight : 158 lbs
Species/Tribe : Human
Faction : Marines
Crew : 69th Battalion
Ship : The Silver Ending
Marine Rank : Lieutenant
Crew Role : Chief Navigator
Devil Fruit : Hie Hie no Mi
Balance : [ber] 94,050,000
Posts : 16
[Tracker] Emmaline Kingsley
Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:33 pm
Emmaline Kingsley
Character Bio: Emmaline Kingsley
Crew: 69th Battalion
Discord Thread: [discordthread=https://discord.com/channels/260564262446039064/1191111548207366175]Emmaline Kingsley[/discordthread]
- Gear:
Excalibur looks nothing like a typical rapier would. It doesn't have the traditional hilt that most have. The rapier itself is 47 inches long and the blade is 39 inches in length. The guard is what makes this rapier unique as it looks similar to a revolver instead of the typical guard that protects the user's hand. The revolver piece is more for decoration and doesn't actually work as a revolver instead this piece is decorated with different colored jewels. The handle on Excalibur is a simple one that can be seen on most rapiers.
Berserker much like Excalibur is not your average-looking spear but definitely functions the same. The shaft of Berserker is average in appearance, however, it consists of metal instead of wood. There is a grip that allows for a better grip. The spear is 26.5" long as a whole, which makes it easy to as a parrying weapon. There are two spearheads on Berserker with one being far smaller than the other. The main spearhead is hollow with small metal supports in the middle and the bottom of the blade ends past where it connects to the shaft of Berserker. It may look delicate in appearance but it is very sturdy.
- Fighting Style:
Devil Fruit: Hie Hie no Mi (Chilly-Chilly Fruit)
Devil Fruit Type: Logia
Devil Fruit Appearance: This devil fruit looks similar to a pomegranate, however, instead of being the typical color of one, it is a whitish-blue in color. It is covered in the swirls that most, if not all, are covered in and these swirls protrude from the fruit looking almost frozen in appearance.
Devil Fruit Description: The user of the Hie Hie no Mi can create, control and turn into ice at will. This control over ice is only limited to the ice that the user produces.
Name: Princess' Oath
Weapon Utilization: Fencing
While most people can say they have been practicing their style of fighting for most of their lives, Emmaline can not. The way that her father ran the country the royal family depended on their own army of knights to do their bidding and she was forbidden from picking up a weapon. Fencing is only something that she picked up more recently within the last 3 years and has been improving on a daily basis ever since she picked up her rapier. She has adapted to it a different style based mainly on her parry weapon of choice being a rather short spear. Despite it being unconventional, it still works rather effectively in a fight much like a dagger would as well. The abilities of the Hie Hie no Mi are mixed in with her fencing and especially comes in handy when she might not have access to her weapons. She is very keen on a fair fight and chivalry as it is a knight's code, which she has been taught by a very knight of her own kingdom. So there is no playing dirty in Emmaline's vocabulary and the way she fights is almost reminiscent of an elegant dance.
- History:
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