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In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 06, 2019 6:36 pm

"I'm probably going to make myself a really good meal after this is all over."

It was his first mission as a marine, it gave him a bit of an idea of the expectations that were set for him, as well as the fact that he was given a partner for his first mission that seemed viable. Burton's first partner was a devil fruit user, but there wasn't much else that he knew about the man. Maybe it didn't matter, what brought them together was the fact that they were doing this mission together, it didn't necessarily mean that it was his first assignment too.

"If that's the case, I'd want to make a good impression. It should be a simple assignment anyway, getting some goods for the next patrol."

He already received his orders in regard to what they had to do, receive and proceed. The most action that Burton was expecting to get was packing up all of the supplies and fitting them on the marine vessel that was used to transport to the island in the first place, a feat that would be easy for him to accomplish because of his devil fruit.

"Oh, I get it. So that's why they called me over here."

It made sense, Burton's ability to compress the supplies in little cubes allowed for the potential to carry more and keep as much space on the vessel as possible. It was efficient, the method didn't involve any carrying either, he could just levitate it all the way to the boat.

"Is there anything left in that old abandoned base anyway?"

Scouting and scavenging for supplies, Burton didn't think that the marine platoon he was apart of was facing desperate times or anything. There could be a hidden reason besides all of this that he didn't know about, something that the other marine scout could know about. It was early, and Burton was basically keeping himself busy with a smoke break to pass the time. But he was a few metes away from the base and waited for his listed partner before he investigated any further.


With the sound of the door being kicked open, the sound of laughter followed as some members of the roaring fang pirates exited the building. They were making quite a bit of noise in front of the building, which caught Burton's attention.

"Trouble? I thought this job was supposed to be easy..."

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:50 am
Ghost looked on as he was making his way to the base location. He was newly promoted to a Liuetent and was spoke highly of in his last meeting. His next mission had him going to a base of old legends. His mother father was stationed here at one time. Well so the story goes. Ghost was part of a group of rookies who was put through it all just to be here. From moving large ass boulders to solving hard ass puzzles. He then did it all to say the least. So he thought as he was reading the papers. "A buddy will be tagging along. I am too team up with someone. But why is this happening? My devil fruit could simply blast evil away. Yet it ain't really useful for carrying things."

A friendly frown would come across his face. Ghost never had a partner before today. The fact was he never needed one to begin with. When they sent him in it was usually to take down large groups of thugs or what not. "I wonder what this person is like. Could he be mean or nice? Could he be seriouslyor playful or both like me?" Ghost would start to laugh as he said that. Looking on as he was nearly at the bass. The day was just now hitting noon so the sun was up high. Wearing his custom made uniform Ghost was all set to meet this new guy at the old base of operations.

Ghost would stop midway as he saw just how big the base was. It was an ok size nothing to boost home about. Yet its history was something else. He would lean on a nearby building as he notice a marine soldier in the distance. "That must be him ok fair enough.  I will make with introducing myself." Just as he said that he would look over as he too had heard the noise. Looking on he would see a few bandits maybe pirates entering the building."My oh my I see why I was brought in as back up. I guess I will introduce myself the good old fashion way." smiling as he saw his pantner looking at them as well. From his view point Ghost could see it all.


Last edited by Ghost on Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:02 pm; edited 2 times in total

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:29 am
Burton was out of options, he didn't necessarily have a choice of waiting them out or hoping that they would move along so that he could scout out the base. As soon as he made a move, he knew that the fighting would start happening. There were a few more that were coming out of the base as well, but they didn't stick around in the front. They started to move closer towards the forest as if they were going to do a bit of scouting. It was probably the best chance that he would have since he was alone for the time being. Or at least, Burton thought he was alone.


Looking from the corner of his eye, Burton realized that there was another marine that was further ahead, moving towards him. The movements of the guy spoke volumes about his personality, it was one of those super confident fellas that were a little headstrong.

"Take care of the men in the front of the abandoned base, I'm going to round up the ones nearby. No, I'm not ordering you around, it just makes sense since you aren't at an angle that they can see you yet. But that's not the same for me...."


Of course, all that noise that Burton was making by telling his plan came with a risk. They were smart, bur from How burton was standing, he could very well be talking to himself. As the four pirates approached him, Burton used his cube maker's ability to craft himself a staff made of cubes.

"I know you aren't one for talking, I'm a marine and you're a pirate, do the math!"

It sped things up, a marine scout being here meant that someone was sniffing around their business. They could even be found out if Burton was made to go back.

"Get em!"

There was a rush of melee going about the other part of the grassy plains. Moreso with Burton blocking and counterattacking. But there was actually a funny interaction that went on each time Burton struck a pirate. The energy from Burton's Cube-Cube fruit seemed to transfer from his cube made staff over to his targets, compressing them into cubes. At the end of it all, it looked like they were locked into tiny square cages, with their bodies barely fitting in the space provided.

"That should be the end of these guys, I wonder how that other guy is doing?"

Since Burton could control the cubes via levitation, he merely levitated the trap pirates besides him as he checked the front of the base he was meant to scout out with his partner.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:00 pm
Ghost looked on as the new partner of his was quick to jump into action. Yelling for him to take out the pirates coming his way. This was something out of the blue as he yelled that. The pirates would stop mid way to turn to the yelling marine. Ghost would see this as he could not help but laugh at his marine buddy. Shaking his head in a silly like manner Ghost would prepare himself. "So from the looks of it all this place could be a pirate base now. But the question remains. Just who in the world is the pirate captain here? Best I go find out before this get out of hand." Ghost would quickly make his way toward the group of pirates.

It was about four of them in total. Looking on he would opt not to use his devil fruit power. That would cause to much of a noise on it's own. Best he go with the old fashion hand knock outs. Soon Ghost would make it behind the group of pirates. Who was indeed staring at Burton for yelling thier way to warn Ghost. Using this opportunity Ghost would quickly lunch fast pace punches at the group. Knocking each one of them out. Each one would fall to the ground as Ghost looked up to see Burton by a few blocks or cubes. Looking a bit confused at that very scene."Where in the world did those come from? Could this guy make blocks or something of that nature? Best I go find out more about him." Walking over towards the marine solder.

Ghost would look more so happy then not. Holding out his hand for a hand shake. Rather the marine shook his hand or not Ghost would say. "I'm guessing you are the one I am to be teamed up with here. My name is Ghost AnDha Shell. But don't forget my Lt I worked hard for that." He would say with a smile on his face.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:17 pm
That went rather well, Burton was pleased with the fact that he managed to subdue the enemies instead of outright inflicting any kind of lethal damage. This was more of his style instead of the usual spill of not thinking about the wellbeing of the pirates he faced. He didn't but he wasn; some murderous guy that would always go for the kill when needed to. Sometimes it just happened, and it's more of a compliment on his enemies if Burton had to go all out and not think about the consequences afterward. But right now, these pirates were small-time, which prompted Burton to put them into a small container.

"Looks like you are finished on your end. Sorry for the awkward moment, you came a little later and they were already coming outside. I thought it would have been best to deal with them now instead of stall it out any longer. "

Burton would say this as he shook the hand of his fellow marine, he had a bit of a firm grip as the name of the person in front of him rang a few bells.

"Ghost AnDha Shell? I have heard of your accomplishments before. You made quite a name for yourself, one of the many examples that the big bosses put up for rookie marines when they are first coming up in their careers. Well, one of the examples of how far you could go and what you could accomplish in such a short amount of time. So, Lieutenant, you have earned your name for sure if you prefer the use of honorifics."

If it's what the guy wanted to be called in regards to maintaining respect, Burton had no problems with it.

"Burton's fine with me, everyone calls me by my last name anyway lieutenant. From what I can gather, it looks like our mission just change. If the supplies that we are trying to gather are inside of this building, we would basically be pirating from the pirates themselves. I hope you are ready for a fight, because it looks like there is the fact that their boss could be inside."

With burton using his levitation ability to stack the blocks of imprisoned pirates aside in a neat tower pile, he would proceed towards the door of the building.

"Since you have more experience, I could follow your lead on this one when you are ready to go. "

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:01 pm
Looking on with a smile as they released hands Ghost would be in a cheerful mood."I'm still getting use to being called a Liuetent before my name. Just stick with Ghost. I see you have a devil fruit as well. This is great. Me and like two others out of the thirty had devil fruits. As you know the marine are short handed at the moment. As in for every marine soldier there is like one hundred criminals. " Looking on as Burton stacked the blocks he would think of this as a cool show of power."If pirates are in there then I now know why I was sent here." Looking on at him as he said what the demo was. Ghost now knew why he was assigned such a task.

"I am usually signed to an assault squad. I was confused as I was put on this assignment but now I know." Looking on at him he would up look at the base."Say I saw how you took care of that. Them guys didn't stand a chance. You just might have been a super rookie as well. But on another note I take it you have learned this base layouts. If so then thier captain if he is in here. He will most likely be in the captain room. Well it is consider a Rear admiral office but you get it. Now then the real question is how many more we have to go through to get to the said captain? We best break in from the top roof. That way we don't cause an alert. Once we get inside we will have a clear view of what to do next." Ghost looks on as he started to smile yet again.

"Say could you get us up there by any chance. If only there was some way somehow we could get up there." Looking at Burton cubes in a joking like way. Ghost was ready to go inside the base. Although this was not the main one it still had alot of uses.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:57 pm
"Ghost? I thought the title was important to you, so I called you by rank. But if you don't mind...."

To burton, the Marines were just a step along the way. He didn't even know how he managed to join the marines in the first place. Besides his desire for cooking a tasty three-course meal that doesn't involve meat. However, some places were blocked off from entry due to either pirate territory claims, or the laws of the world government. To get to the items that he needed, he either needed to be a pirate and enter thereby free will, or have some kind of "orders" to be there as a marine. The latter brought less trouble, but Burton couldn't outright say that he shared the same passion that Ghost did. With all of the jargon, and mentioning that he was apart of the assault squad, it was clear that Ghost had a lot of pride in what he did.

"So you want to enter from the top? I guess that much makes sense, they won't see it coming. Or maybe they will? It's hard to tell these days with the kind of pirates that we face. But yeah, I think I can come up with something...."

With the use of his devil fruit, burton touched the floor below them and created a platform of some kind. It was entirely made of cubes, showing off the usefulness of his conversion skills. There were some limits here and there, but almost anything could be turned into cubes.

"So if you step on that, I'll raise it up like an elevator and bring you over to the top. I usually have to fend for myself, so it's better if I do it one at a time instead of raising both of us at once. So you first, once we go in, we take out the leader of this rowdy bunch and the rest of the pirates would fall in line. But I have to say, I wonder how practical it is. We are arresting them on the basis of being pirates alone when the marines abandoned their hold on this island. do you think doing all of this would make an immediate difference if the trade here is dependant on the pirates now?"

Burton posed a serious question to the more experienced marine, wondering what he had to say about that. Afterward, they both were levitated up through the use of Burton's devil fruit in order to take the alternative entrance in.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:18 pm
Ghost would step on the cube as they was taken up top. Looking on as he smiled as his comrade talked to him about what was good or bad. Ghost could not hold his smile in as he was so ready to answer Burton question."You see everyone has their reasons for joining the marine. I have my own as do you. But you see we did not abandon the base. We simply lost it underestimated the outlaws no less. But why do you think we are here. To do just that scout and gather supplies. The Roaring Fang pirates total bounty is fifthteen million their captain is thirteen of that million. King Crab is their leader. I know this because I saw one of his grunts tattoos. Which was a crab. Thier captain is wanted for murder my dear guy. Read up on the wanted list in any area you are help it will help you no doubt." Ghost would look on as they made it up top.

As he stepped off the cubes on to the rooftop he would still have his smile on his face."I dont go after small fries like pocket pickers. We need to stop people that go against the flow of justice like pirates or terrorism. So let's take care of these losers and call it a day in justice and remember if you cant trust nobody then in justice we trust." Ghost looked on at the roof window as they made it to the roof top. Ghost would look in and see the pirate captain. Looking on the man would happen to be at least ten feet tall and that giant crab arm of his.That was going to be a problem."There he is the one we need to take down. I say we try to arrest him first. If he refuse to come we beat him down then arrest him."

Meanwhile down below King Crab was Looking over his men as they was all ready to move out."Ok you shrimps let's swim out. I ain't got time to waste here any longer. This was my base for a good eight months. Now we best get out of here and now." He would roar such a thing.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:21 pm

Listing all techniques and relevant passives used here [spoiler]

mini post breakdown "I guess"

Listing all techniques and relevant passives used here

Burton uses LT ( Tetris Fist - Force Motion ) On Self
#1 Burton uses LT ( Tetris Fist - Burst Scattering ) On King Crab for 9 damage
#2 Burton Uses LT ( Tetris Fist- Falling Stars ) On King Crab for 9 damage
#3 Burton Uses UT On King Crab for 4 damage

#1 King Crab Uses LT (Shockwave Clamp) On burton for 21 damage
#2 King Crab Uss LT ( Crab Hammer) on burton for 21 damage
#3 King Crab Uses UT on Burton for 10 damage

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
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Weight : Variable
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Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1288

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:21 pm
The member 'Burton' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 1, 1, 13


#2 'Reflex Check' : 7, 16, 1

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:53 pm
He wasn't necessarily too cocky about entering this with King Crab, but maybe Burton didn't feel super prepared when facing this opponent.  Either way, this was something that he had to get on with, and there was no turning back now.

"A crab? Maybe this is my lucky day, my specialty is cooking seafood like yourself.  But I think I can settle with simply arresting you for the moment. "

King Crab fanned the rest of the pirates away.

"Business as usual boys, these marines don't seem like much. Load it up!"

For some reason, that annoyed Burton to the point of him raising his voice.

"We aren't playing around here, come quietly!"

"Or what?!!"

King Crab scoffed at Burton as the young marine started to set up a bunch of solidified air cubes around his immediate vicinity in order to kick off the cubes and increase his speed. The plan was to test his mobility and see if he could even have a leg up on his opponent in that aspect. But there was a miscalculation, the crab using Zoan was terribly was. He kept up with Burton, or better yet, he became instantly harder for Burton to keep up with.

"What?! You saw a Crab zoan and thought I had a soft shell to crack? Yeah! They laughed, but I made up for it with skill! You're outta your league,  I hope it was worth your life!!!"

Bringing down his crab-like hands,  King Crab swung the fist forward as if he was giving a quick basic jab to Burton. Luckily for  the marine, it was a near miss as Burton used his cube creation to  stack up a sword made of cubes and swipe at the crab. It was a direct hit, but King Crab wouldn't let up.

"How about this then?!!! Crab Hammer!!!"

It was something like a wind-up hammer fist that King Crab attempted, but he brought it down with so much force that it made an instant crack in the floor when pummeled down burton's body!


The strength of this sea creature was unbelievable, but Burton couldn't give up here, he had to rebound. He started to create space for the sake of launching long-range attacks at King Crab.

"Tetris fist, falling stars!!! Burst Scattering!!!"

The first initial instinct was to spam his attacks in order to see what could hit.  But all of those missed as King Crab clamped down his claw and created a shockwave to knock burton through the wall.

"What? Done already?! It's hardly a warmup! The marines were right to give this place up if they employed such amateurs. "


^ Just a turn recap with updated health, my part of this round is over now

Falling Stars LT missed
Burst Scattering  LT Missed
UT Hit

King Crab
LT Hit
LT Hit
UT Missed

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:57 pm
Ghost uses Lt ( Bomb wave) on King Crab for 20 Dmg
Ghost uses Lt( Big Bang Boom) on King Ceab for 20 Dmg
Ghost uses Lt (Exhake Destruction) on King Crab for 20 Dmg

King Crab Uses LT (Shockwave Clamp) On Ghost for 21 damage
King Crab Uss LT ( Crab Stomp) on Ghost for 21 damage
King Crab Uses UT( Power slam) on Ghost for 8 damage


Last edited by Ghost on Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:52 pm; edited 6 times in total

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:14 pm
Combat results of King Crab

Last edited by Ghost on Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 0
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Posts : 1288

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:14 pm
The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 14, 18, 15, 12, 3

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:26 pm
Ghost Combat results

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species/Tribe : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
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Posts : 1288

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:26 pm
The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Reflex Check' : 10, 9, 1

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 13, 2019 9:03 am
As Burton jumped down to towards the pirate crew. Ghost would watch as he engaged with them. Ghost would jump down as he watches the two fight. He would quickly start to run around the group to get a better shot at King Crab. Looking on he would quickly start to use his bombing skills. A misfire after a misfire. These attack although did not hurt him the pirate captain. His crew could not say the same. On top of that the area of the building started to take damage as well. Ghost looked on as soon as he did such a thing. King Crab would take advantage of this distraction. Hitting Ghost with a few deadly combos.

Throwing the young marine down. It was nearly deadly to him as King Crab held him by his right arm. Throwing him back by the wall. Ghost would fly clashing into it. Holding his arm in pain. A smile would come over his face as King Crab started to laugh. Ghost would look at this as he looked up to see pieces of the building falling down."If we are going to win this then we will need to work together. Only then will we live to fight another day. If he could trap him with his blocks then just maybe. We will win this thing." He would say to himself. Ghost would slowly stand up as he started to walk towards Burton."Hey listen we need to work together you see. If we could trap this guy then the roof will come crashing down on him. We could win after that." Looking on the pirate captain was the only one that still was standing. But damn who would have thought a crab shell would be this hard to crack.

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:26 pm
round 2

Burton Uses
Tetris Fist - Cubeazoid! (HT) : +40% RX to self; +35% ATK to self
Tetris Fist- Crude Medic (LT)
UT On King Crab

Hakai Lv 2 : KENBUNSHOKU (Color of Observation) +16 wp
Fruit Toggles: Double Layered Squares +20% ATK and -20% DEF

King Crab Uses

LT On Burton
LT On Burton
UT On Burton

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
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Devil Fruit : Variable
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Posts : 1288

In Justice We Trust [Episode] Empty Re: In Justice We Trust [Episode]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:26 pm
The member 'Burton' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 9


#2 'Reflex Check' : 20, 16, 9
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