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Tusk G. Nettle Empty Tusk G. Nettle

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:16 am

Tusk G. Nettle

Tusk G. Nettle 7axSFB6

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Nettle
Middle Name/Initial: G.
Last Name: Tusk
Epithet: Brokedown
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Race: North Fennarian Bull-Hog
Faction: Marine

Shipwright: Human architecture has always possessed a special part in Nettle’s heart, particularly the construction of ships. He thoroughly enjoys learning of the various mechanics, structures and properties of sea travel, though his expertise in navigating open waters are severely limited.

Deck Swabber: Nettle isn’t particularly clean by nature (no more than the norm, in any case), but he enjoys engaging in the mediocre chore. This doesn’t necessarily mean he accomplishes his task successfully, as he finds himself getting too distracted to be mindful of every stain and blotch, but he takes the time to ensure the ship is properly cared for.

Puppeteer: Another interest Nettle adopted upon integrating with humans. Due to his exceedingly shy nature and insecurities, Nettle is unable to speak directly to others. He lacks the confidence to engage with humans, however he finds he is more capable of interacting with others through the use of ventriloquism and puppetry. Surprisingly, he performs quite an entertaining show and he thoroughly enjoys narrating his experiences through his puppets. He will take every opportunity he can to use his puppets to aid his explanations, though this can often become problematic when he is required to divulge important details pertaining to missions and instructions.

Tracker: Courtesy to his animal instincts, Nettle makes an excellent tracker and possesses strong sensory abilities. In addition to his tremendously trained instincts, Nettle’s perception through all his senses (auditory, vision, scent, touch and taste) are exceptionally well-developed and he often relies heavily on these qualities. Provided they are within range, Nettle is capable of pinpointing an individual's location upon identifying their “biological signature” with near perfect precision depending on the level of information he is provided. Furthermore, through his heightened senses, Nettle can identify any changes in the general atmosphere of his surroundings and keenly predict the weather.

Physical Appearance

Height: 150cm
Weight: 90kg

Hair Style: Nettle possesses thick straw-like fur which is pale beige in colour. Due to the lack of development of his devil fruit powers, he has yet to obtain the ability to transform his head from a boar to a human.
Hair Color: Pale Brown
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories:

Nettle has yet to become fully accustomed to the feel of human clothing and limits his attire to straw sandals, black trousers, a belt made from the hide of a brown-furred beast and a thick cape made from the same hide. His clothes are flexible, allowing for easy and unhindranced shifts between his boar, hybrid and human forms.

In spite of his finite garments, Nettle has a high tolerance for cooler temperatures, largely attributed to his abnormally high body heat and his upbringing among the high altitude northern mountains. Furthermore, should his human or hybrid form fail to endure more frigid climates, Nettle’s boar form is equipped with a thick pelt specifically designed to insulate warmth.  

Nettle additionally has a strong admiration for accessories, some designed by human hands and others he skillfully assembles from anything he stumbles over and collects amid his adventures, including stones, feathers, pelts and even bones. Even as a boar, he was renowned to hoard large amounts of treasures in his den and with his newly obtained form, he lavishes in leather armbands, feathered necklaces, beaded anklets and even silver rings hang from his pointed boar ears.


Nettle possesses a lean, yet surprisingly muscular body, and standing at a stout 150cm in height, he is rightfully considered to be a midget. His strangely tough, rugged skin is lightly tanned and with almost iron-like bones, even the portion of Nettle’s most human-like physiques has yet to achieve veritable human-ness and has certain corresponding qualities of a boar. Furthermore, despite the near hairlessness of his upper body and torso, his legs and head are covered entirely in the thick, coarse hairs of his boar form. Though he tries desperately to conceal his woolly legs with trousers, his head and tail are evidently too incongruous to camouflage.

Owing to inexperience and lack of mastery over the powers of his fruit, Nettle is unable to fully transition his head to that of a human’s, thus displaying the limits of his transformations. The weightiness of Nettle’s boar head forces him to constantly tense his muscles and he has thus conditioned his body to rigidly hold itself in a way to continually support himself.

Nettle’s gargantuan boar form possesses the bulky likeness of a mountain. He has pale beige fur and thin black stripes running across his ample body, which gradually transitions into the black fur of his legs. Furthermore, he possesses a thick black mane, which additionally runs along his spine like spikes. His furred tail is almost deer-like in it’s springy shape and it often reacts to the level of his emotions. He has strong and glistening hooves, their indomitable toughness capable of rivaling boulders and jutting from his lower jaw, two battle-tempered tusks curve upwards, their tips sharpened to a pin. In his human-hybrid form, these tusks shrink to small studs, making them unusable in combat outside of his boar form.

In his boar years, Nettle was formerly considered to be the grand old pack leader of a drift of North Fennarian boars, known as Bull-Hogs for their vicious tusks. This corresponds with the tired wisdom reflected in his large, joltingly wide azure eyes and the yellowed weathered-ness of his tusks. However, in spite of his veteran boar years, he is only considered to be a child by human standards. As such, his human-hybrid form appears to be that of a young adolescent.

The Past

Main Traits: shy, insecure, kind, wholesome, pacifist, devoted

  • Cloud-gazing
  • Alcohol: he has an incredibly high tolerance and his immense weight is believed to make him near or completely immune to drunkenness.
  • Gathering things in nature to make into trophies and accessories.
  • Cleaning: the motions of cleaning calms him and allows him to think freely as his body moves. This does unfortunately mean he isn’t entirely focused on his tasks, however due to his devotion, the end result is always sparkling clean, even if it does take him hours to accomplish getting there.
  • Honey: his favourite food and he loves everything that contributes to its cultivation, including bees, flowers (which he also enjoys as a snack) and birds. His species is herbivorous, so he also enjoys a wide range of fruits, mushrooms and roots.
  • Stories and story-telling: despite showing signs of dyslexia and easily confuses with the written language, Nettle loves hearing stories told orally and he equally enjoys enacting stories with the help of his puppets.


  • Organising: despite his love for cleaning, Nettle loathes moving things around to create a neater living space. In fact, he loves the feeling of clutter all around him and though everything must be clean, he often leaves his belongings strewn across the floor and often creates disastrous tripping hazards.
  • Fire: due to a traumatic event in his life when his forest was ravaged by bushfire during a particularly hot summer, annihilating his entire drift.
  • Commitment: Nettle loves freedom above anything else and though he is more than happy to follow the mission and instructions led by the Marines, he isn’t so agreeable or appreciative when the mission and instructions are delivered strictly with the threat of punishment in the case of failure.

Unique laugh: Snort-snort-snort-squeeeee-snort-snort

Hometown: Fennario Island, West Blue
For as long as he could remember, Nettle has been completely enraptured by humans and their civilisations. Having developed a far more empathetic nature than many of his bull-hog peers, Nettle found himself resonating strongly with humans and growing increasingly interested in their behaviour and attitudes. His already strong sense of empathy only heightened upon the consumption of the Hito Hito no Mi and, as a result, Nettle feels the pain of others with almost the same intensity himself.

Nettle’s vision and perception of “Justice” is dogged in his belief that any who disobey the law are criminals who are deserving of punishment. Nettle's way of cherishing and appreciating simplistic ideals such as laughter, peace and nature’s beauty is often heeded as naive and unsullied. While his mental capacity is often challenged by those around him due to his misleadingly youthful countenance, many fail to grasp the wisdom he gathered from his earlier life as a grand veteran boar.

Despite leading a wild life of constant conflict and survival in the harsh “kill-or-be-killed” snowy caps of Fennario Island’s north mountains, Nettle possesses a gentle soul tempered by wisdom and age, a quality reflecting ever so constantly in the manner he holds himself in. Yet in contrast to his pacifistic nature, Nettle’s first solution in protecting the innocent and the downtrodden is often defaulted to resorting to violence. Without the natural eloquence of many humans unlike him and equipped with only his crude and war-ridden upbringing as a boar (where conflict is often resolved through the clash of tusks), Nettle finds no qualms with bringing his fists into an argument.

In correlation to his past history as the leader of his forest’s ruling drift of bull-hogs, he possesses an unwavering belief that the strong should instruct the weak, but he further believes that the strong should protect and provide for the weak. He considers any who oppress the weak to be performing acts of injustice. In conjunction with his early realisation of the responsibilities and the meaning of the strong to the weak, Nettle was headstrong in enforcing his beliefs, which he carries further into his role as a marine.

Nettle additionally has a vast appreciation for tranquility and freedom. While he rigidly holds onto his beliefs of justice, he also finds that little else require the same level of attention. As such, he is often found to be quite mellow and docile in his behaviour, displaying a trait of easy acceptance, open friendliness and naive trust.  

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

Tusk G. Nettle Empty Re: Tusk G. Nettle

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:01 am
As always, this was a most detailed and in-depth bio and a treat to read. Please continue to inspire us.


Tusk wrote:

Tusk G. Nettle

Tusk G. Nettle 7axSFB6

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Pocket Change | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Nettle
Middle Name/Initial: G.
Last Name: Tusk
Epithet: Brokedown
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Race: North Fennarian Bull-Hog
Faction: Marine

Shipwright: Human architecture has always possessed a special part in Nettle’s heart, particularly the construction of ships. He thoroughly enjoys learning of the various mechanics, structures and properties of sea travel, though his expertise in navigating open waters are severely limited.

Deck Swabber: Nettle isn’t particularly clean by nature (no more than the norm, in any case), but he enjoys engaging in the mediocre chore. This doesn’t necessarily mean he accomplishes his task successfully, as he finds himself getting too distracted to be mindful of every stain and blotch, but he takes the time to ensure the ship is properly cared for.

Puppeteer: Another interest Nettle adopted upon integrating with humans. Due to his exceedingly shy nature and insecurities, Nettle is unable to speak directly to others. He lacks the confidence to engage with humans, however he finds he is more capable of interacting with others through the use of ventriloquism and puppetry. Surprisingly, he performs quite an entertaining show and he thoroughly enjoys narrating his experiences through his puppets. He will take every opportunity he can to use his puppets to aid his explanations, though this can often become problematic when he is required to divulge important details pertaining to missions and instructions.

Tracker: Courtesy to his animal instincts, Nettle makes an excellent tracker and possesses strong sensory abilities. In addition to his tremendously trained instincts, Nettle’s perception through all his senses (auditory, vision, scent, touch and taste) are exceptionally well-developed and he often relies heavily on these qualities. Provided they are within range, Nettle is capable of pinpointing an individual's location upon identifying their “biological signature” with near perfect precision depending on the level of information he is provided. Furthermore, through his heightened senses, Nettle can identify any changes in the general atmosphere of his surroundings and keenly predict the weather.

Physical Appearance

Height: 150cm
Weight: 90kg

Hair Style: Nettle possesses thick straw-like fur which is pale beige in colour. Due to the lack of development of his devil fruit powers, he has yet to obtain the ability to transform his head from a boar to a human.
Hair Color: Pale Brown
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories:

Nettle has yet to become fully accustomed to the feel of human clothing and limits his attire to straw sandals, black trousers, a belt made from the hide of a brown-furred beast and a thick cape made from the same hide. His clothes are flexible, allowing for easy and unhindranced shifts between his boar, hybrid and human forms.

In spite of his finite garments, Nettle has a high tolerance for cooler temperatures, largely attributed to his abnormally high body heat and his upbringing among the high altitude northern mountains. Furthermore, should his human or hybrid form fail to endure more frigid climates, Nettle’s boar form is equipped with a thick pelt specifically designed to insulate warmth.  

Nettle additionally has a strong admiration for accessories, some designed by human hands and others he skillfully assembles from anything he stumbles over and collects amid his adventures, including stones, feathers, pelts and even bones. Even as a boar, he was renowned to hoard large amounts of treasures in his den and with his newly obtained form, he lavishes in leather armbands, feathered necklaces, beaded anklets and even silver rings hang from his pointed boar ears.


Nettle possesses a lean, yet surprisingly muscular body, and standing at a stout 150cm in height, he is rightfully considered to be a midget. His strangely tough, rugged skin is lightly tanned and with almost iron-like bones, even the portion of Nettle’s most human-like physiques has yet to achieve veritable human-ness and has certain corresponding qualities of a boar. Furthermore, despite the near hairlessness of his upper body and torso, his legs and head are covered entirely in the thick, coarse hairs of his boar form. Though he tries desperately to conceal his woolly legs with trousers, his head and tail are evidently too incongruous to camouflage.

Owing to inexperience and lack of mastery over the powers of his fruit, Nettle is unable to fully transition his head to that of a human’s, thus displaying the limits of his transformations. The weightiness of Nettle’s boar head forces him to constantly tense his muscles and he has thus conditioned his body to rigidly hold itself in a way to continually support himself.

Nettle’s gargantuan boar form possesses the bulky likeness of a mountain. He has pale beige fur and thin black stripes running across his ample body, which gradually transitions into the black fur of his legs. Furthermore, he possesses a thick black mane, which additionally runs along his spine like spikes. His furred tail is almost deer-like in it’s springy shape and it often reacts to the level of his emotions. He has strong and glistening hooves, their indomitable toughness capable of rivaling boulders and jutting from his lower jaw, two battle-tempered tusks curve upwards, their tips sharpened to a pin. In his human-hybrid form, these tusks shrink to small studs, making them unusable in combat outside of his boar form.

In his boar years, Nettle was formerly considered to be the grand old pack leader of a drift of North Fennarian boars, known as Bull-Hogs for their vicious tusks. This corresponds with the tired wisdom reflected in his large, joltingly wide azure eyes and the yellowed weathered-ness of his tusks. However, in spite of his veteran boar years, he is only considered to be a child by human standards. As such, his human-hybrid form appears to be that of a young adolescent.

The Past

Main Traits: shy, insecure, kind, wholesome, pacifist, devoted

  • Cloud-gazing
  • Alcohol: he has an incredibly high tolerance and his immense weight is believed to make him near or completely immune to drunkenness.
  • Gathering things in nature to make into trophies and accessories.
  • Cleaning: the motions of cleaning calms him and allows him to think freely as his body moves. This does unfortunately mean he isn’t entirely focused on his tasks, however due to his devotion, the end result is always sparkling clean, even if it does take him hours to accomplish getting there.
  • Honey: his favourite food and he loves everything that contributes to its cultivation, including bees, flowers (which he also enjoys as a snack) and birds. His species is herbivorous, so he also enjoys a wide range of fruits, mushrooms and roots.
  • Stories and story-telling: despite showing signs of dyslexia and easily confuses with the written language, Nettle loves hearing stories told orally and he equally enjoys enacting stories with the help of his puppets.


  • Organising: despite his love for cleaning, Nettle loathes moving things around to create a neater living space. In fact, he loves the feeling of clutter all around him and though everything must be clean, he often leaves his belongings strewn across the floor and often creates disastrous tripping hazards.
  • Fire: due to a traumatic event in his life when his forest was ravaged by bushfire during a particularly hot summer, annihilating his entire drift.
  • Commitment: Nettle loves freedom above anything else and though he is more than happy to follow the mission and instructions led by the Marines, he isn’t so agreeable or appreciative when the mission and instructions are delivered strictly with the threat of punishment in the case of failure.

Unique laugh: Snort-snort-snort-squeeeee-snort-snort

Hometown: Fennario Island, West Blue
For as long as he could remember, Nettle has been completely enraptured by humans and their civilisations. Having developed a far more empathetic nature than many of his bull-hog peers, Nettle found himself resonating strongly with humans and growing increasingly interested in their behaviour and attitudes. His already strong sense of empathy only heightened upon the consumption of the Hito Hito no Mi and, as a result, Nettle feels the pain of others with almost the same intensity himself.

Nettle’s vision and perception of “Justice” is dogged in his belief that any who disobey the law are criminals who are deserving of punishment. Nettle's way of cherishing and appreciating simplistic ideals such as laughter, peace and nature’s beauty is often heeded as naive and unsullied. While his mental capacity is often challenged by those around him due to his misleadingly youthful countenance, many fail to grasp the wisdom he gathered from his earlier life as a grand veteran boar.

Despite leading a wild life of constant conflict and survival in the harsh “kill-or-be-killed” snowy caps of Fennario Island’s north mountains, Nettle possesses a gentle soul tempered by wisdom and age, a quality reflecting ever so constantly in the manner he holds himself in. Yet in contrast to his pacifistic nature, Nettle’s first solution in protecting the innocent and the downtrodden is often defaulted to resorting to violence. Without the natural eloquence of many humans unlike him and equipped with only his crude and war-ridden upbringing as a boar (where conflict is often resolved through the clash of tusks), Nettle finds no qualms with bringing his fists into an argument.

In correlation to his past history as the leader of his forest’s ruling drift of bull-hogs, he possesses an unwavering belief that the strong should instruct the weak, but he further believes that the strong should protect and provide for the weak. He considers any who oppress the weak to be performing acts of injustice. In conjunction with his early realisation of the responsibilities and the meaning of the strong to the weak, Nettle was headstrong in enforcing his beliefs, which he carries further into his role as a marine.

Nettle additionally has a vast appreciation for tranquility and freedom. While he rigidly holds onto his beliefs of justice, he also finds that little else require the same level of attention. As such, he is often found to be quite mellow and docile in his behaviour, displaying a trait of easy acceptance, open friendliness and naive trust.  

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