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Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:56 am
Lvneel Plotter:


To Meet The Dog

Quest Details:

Memories flickered vividly of Castor’s fight with Blitz just days after the entire fiasco. Vana’s private guard began to investigate the validity of the duo’s claims but unfortunately, with the whole strip being evacuated, and previous incidents in Asgar pointing to the Three Eye Captain’s strange abilities, the knights came to the conclusion that the story was indeed too farfetched to fabricate. Lying motionless on the bed in his stationed room in the hospital, Castor was still under heavy surveillance and so was Victor.

The knights followed him everywhere, from his daily patrols to his place of residents, even guarding his stall in the loo. Embarrassing ain’t it? Castor reveled in the idea, he’d travel to the most uncomfortable places just to keep them on their tip toes. After awhile however, the task became tedious and so, the Masked Knight turned to reasoning with the lot.

“It’s been a week now since you two have been hounding me… It mustn’t be that fun?” Castor inquired.

“Our orders come directly from Head Knight Gryphon. Fun or not, disobeying an order is likened to”
the man’s words were cut short by Castor’s taunting tone.

“Yeah Yeah… To treason and you’d be executed. I get it. For such flashy attire, Vana sure does have a whole lot of cookie cutter conformist.”
Castor responded.

Drawing his blade, the other Knight who remained silent most of the time, a former understudy of Blitz, broke his vow with himself, and pointed his blade towards Castor’s throat.

“I’d hope you’d understand your position, Sir Bastion. Austin Blitz, the man who died in your care was a national treasure around these parts! He’s one of the most decorated Knights in Vana’s History aside from the Mad Dog!” the Knight barked infuriated by Bastion’s attitude.

Intrigued, “The Mad Dog? Never heard of em’.” Castor stated, tossing his hands in the air to indicate his surrender under the man’s sword. Further annoyed, the Knight withdrew his sword, sheathing it at his waist. “I forget your not from these parts, but it’s still strange… He’s one of Lvneel’s finest Knights. The man who trained all of Asgar’s Head Court… From the Fallen Maiden – Jules Montblanc to our very own Sir Gryphon…

He’s a legend. Only the truly gifted survive his training regimen and he’s never been defeated in combat.”
The Knight explained.

Castor’s entire demeanor changed once Jules name entered into the conversation. The man who trained Jules? Was such a person truly alive? Why was he not present during the court hearing, truly he’d feel the aura of someone so intimidating? Expressions hidden beneath his mask, the man began to inquire more about this mutt. “Where is this Mad Dog now?” Castor inquired, cutting straight to the chase. The two knights looked at each other nervously and then silently avoided the initial question at first.

“Well. He’s currently in jail for treason. They’ve tried to kill him several times, but the guillotine’s blade keeps breaking. No one can best him at the sword, so a death by trails is suicide for most.

Currently, he’s being drugged until he dies. Not very honorable but for a traitor like him… He deserves every second of the suffering.”
The more talkative Knight declared with disgust.

Yawning, “Eh. What in the world kind of crime did he commit?” Castor inquired. “He’s responsible for killing our former Lord, Lord Astaire Bolden The Second. He requested that Vana took Jules into their fold, shielding her under our crest.

Vana has always been independent of Lvneel in a lot of ways, so the idea wasn’t farfetched… but… The situation with Jules was too drastic. Once the Celestial Dragon became directly involved… Every court who was against her execution prior… Supported it.”
The quieter knight explained.

“Of course this angered Sir Cisc- I mean, the Mad Dog and he struck down our Lord with one blow. It was a blood bath. We lost a lot of Knights during his rampage but eventually, Gryphon detained him.”
The other knight chimed in.

“I see. Where exactly is this holding cell?” Castor inquired.

“Inside the main Castle of Vana – Vert. Well. The dungeon to be specific.”
The knight concluded.

As soon as the man’s sentence completed, a rush of Haoshoku flooded the room, causing the eyes of the two stooges to roll back in their sockets. Springing off the bed, Castor hopped over to the room’s transponder system, clearing his throat, “Calling Doctor Victor Abio to Room 99. Doctor Victor Abio to Room 99.” Castor stated in the most chipper of voices.

Word Count: 757 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: ####

Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:11 pm
What he first thought was a major blessing, being in charge of one of Lyneel's most prestigious hospitals was starting to turn into a little bit of a mixed bag. Normally, he'd be ecstatic. He had a whole building of patients and potential test subjects, all to himself! He could experiment to his heart's content. And indeed, there were times when he could. A patient that seemed terminal offered the chance for more experimental treatments. Some would survive, but most of them, the subjects of his more extreme treatments, ended up dying. Not a big loss, they were terminal after all.

The issue was the only ones he could experiment on were the terminal and the sick. Otherwise, people would notice of more of his more healthy patients turned up dead. Now, under normal circumstances, Victor was rather good at covering his tracks. The issue though was that it was much harder when you had guards following you all the time! Sure, he could have them leave the room during treatments, but with them constantly around, Victor had been forced to put his experiments on the backburner, and focus on actually treating his patients. Sure, he was a doctor, that's what he was supposed to do, but how was he supposed to advance mankind through this?

He was currently sitting in his office, chin resting in his hand as he looked over paperwork. That was another annoying aspect of all this. When he ran his own clinic, there was some paperwork, but not a lot compared to this. The guard standing in the corner, watching him, didn't help matters. It was all so tedious!

“Calling Doctor Victor Abio to Room 99. Doctor Victor Abio to Room 99.”

Victor perked up. He recognized that voice. So, Castor was here huh? He rose to his feet. Finally, something interesting. As he went to leave the room, he silently grumbled as the guard followed him out. The pair walked down the hall, turning corners until they came to the door to the room. Victor paused and looked back at the guard. "Wait here." The guard nodded, taking his position as Victor stepped in.

He paused when he saw the two guards laying on the floor, unconscious, and Castor standing in the middle of the room. Making sure to close the door behind him, Victor approached his new associate. "Well, this is certainly an interesting surprise. Guards get on your nerves?"
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:11 pm


To Meet The Dog

As Victor entered the room, the massive size of the man encapsulated Castor’s shadow, blocking the light from the hallway as he’d shuffle in from, ducking underneath the doorway’s peak. Taking off his mask to talk to his new potential nakama, Castor’s three eyes focused onto the colossal man’s figure.

“Very much so. I’ve been stuck in this suit of armor since my conflict with Blitz. Luckily my wounds have healed up quite a bit thanks to your treatment. From the whispers of the guards, they’ll be closing the case up very soon. With no evidence, it was pretty much a pressure play by the Crown in the first place.” Castor stated in respone to Vic's opening statement.

Sitting down at the bed’s edge, overlapping his feet, “How’s running the hospital going? I’m sure you’ve been working on your new experiments in the meantime.” Castor declared smirking. “The real reason I called you here is to further sedate these two.” Castor said, pointing towards the two lifeless knights on the floor.

“I’m going to sneak away from the hospital for a bit. I’ll leave my suit of armor to keep bedside an imposter… I’ll need you find me a body double. Just tell the other guard’s I’ve become terribly ill. No one’s seen my face so anyone will be fine.” Castor explained. Beginning to strip his armor, “It’s been awhile since we’ve talked alone. I have meant to ask you this since day one… What’s the point of your experiments? Is it pure amusement to you?” Castor inquired, as he’d continue to strip down to his regular attire beneath.

Word Count: 290 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: New Adventure


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:51 pm
Victor nodded calmly, listening to Castor talk. So, it seemed like the Super Nova was healing up nicely. And to make things even better, the investigation was starting to wind down. Victor had a feeling everything would work out for them. Hopefully this would mean he didn't have to deal with the guards anymore. But, if this was the case, why had Castor knocked out his guards, attempting to sneak away like he was. If he could simply wait a little bit longer, than things would get much easier for him. Then again, easy didn't seem to be the best word to describe Castor.

At his request to sedate the guards and leave a body double for him, Victor nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard. I can keep them both sedated, and one of them in the armour. Now, if you'll help me change this man..." That way, the 'missing guard' would be more blamed for shirking his duties. A little bit of sadistic payback. As Castor stripped out of his armour, Victor dragged the two guards to the bed, stripping off one of them and starting to replace his clothing with Castor's armour.

Then came the age old question. Why did he perform his experiments. Though in this case, it was geniune curiosity, rather than a demand, soon to be followed by some self righteous speech. It was kind of refreshing, actually. "Humanity is capable of so many interesting things, aren't they?" Victor replied, not looking up from his work, "So much we can achieve. Crossbreeding, cyberization, Devil Fruits. Despite being considered the bottom of the sentient races, we're capable of being so much more. That's why I do what I do. I want to bring humanity to a whole new level. And if some poor subjects fail to live to see the end result, well, that's science for you."

With the guard dressed, he hooked both of them up to an IV, slipping some sedatives in there to keep them in their unconscious state. Once they were set up, he turned to Castor. "So, now that all this is set up, care to inform me what all this is about?"
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:12 pm


To Meet The Dog

Helping Victor shift the knights’ bodies around the room, the Doctor revealed the method to his madness. “That’s the world we live. Sacrifice is needed for advancement. Life is indeed precious if you have the power to protect it yourself. Otherwise, most people are fodder to the elements.” Castor responnded, sliding his golden cufflinks onto the shortest guard’s arms. Then the focus changed to Castor once again, what was the reason behind these recent events?

“I might not act like it but I’m a very sentimental person. Though, most of my actions aren’t always coherent, my reason for being on Lvneel very much is.” Castor stated. Castor pondered for a minute on if he should let Victor in on his master plan, after all, the only persons who knew of it in it’s entirety were Dax and Newport. Opting to trust Victor, the man would reveal the motivation for his plot, leaving the meat and potatoes for a later date.

“My mentor was executed by this Nation’s King. To my bland world she was a shining light. Had she survived maybe we would have met as enemies Vic. The man who trained her is currently locked up in the Castle we were trailed in. Fighting Blitz made me realize… I need to get stronger. If I am to accomplish my goal in this Kingdom… Maybe freeing him could liberate my soul even more “
Castor explained.

Drawing his Nodachi and wedging it into the floor, “Now’s the time for you to think about what happens next. Associating with me will potentially make you a wanted man. I want to set Lvneel into a state of chaos for my own selfish desires. My crimes will only become more severe from here.” Castor declared. Retrieving his blade which was used for dramatic effect from the floor, “You don’t have to give me your answer now. Support me or oppose me, you’ve done more than enough so far.” Castor concluded, sheathing his blade.

Once the plot was set, Castor transformed into his lightning form, rushing through the hospital’s ceiling and dashing towards Castle Vert.

Word Count: 351 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: New Adventure


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:26 pm
Victor quietly tilted his head as he listened to Castor's reasonings. He had to admit, he had been a bit curious as to why the Supernova was on the island at all, as well as masqurading as a knight. Now it all made sense. The king of this little kingdom had killed someone dear to him. The scientist couldn't help but reckon that he wouldn't stop until all of Lyneel was burning. Still, the man hadn't appeared to be the sentimental type when they first met. The world was full of surprises.

When Castor spoke up about whether Victor would help him or not, mentioning the consequences, the tall doctor couldn't help but chuckle. "Dear Castor, there are places in the world where I'm already a wanted man. You don't think I merely started here, did you? Here was just the furthest place I could get to avoid the authorities. But, at the same time, it's liberated me a little. I had tried starting with convicted criminals. You know, people nobody would miss. But, since even that's proven to be illegal, everyone's fair game for me." A twisted smile spread across his face, "And with the protection you can provide, I certainly can be a bit in my choice of subjects. Consider me at your services."

The doctor gave a small bow, chuckling all the while. "This hospital has become a little bit...confining as of late. Besides, I doubt once you're done there'll be much of Lyneel left anyway."

As the Supernova left the room in a flash of lightening, Victor turned to leave the room. The guard outside was looking around, a little bit unsure of what was going on, but not questioning the doctor. As the pair of them headed back towards his office, Victor believed it was probably time Victor turned in his resignation. Though how he was going to do that, well, that would be the fun part.
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:09 pm


Fighting Words

Cisco's Appearance :

The final glimpses of the Nox Pirate Captain would feature him smiling broadly, in usual creepy manner. First Dax, and now this mad doctor had both blindly pledged their allegiance to him. As the numbers increased, his dreams of destroying Lvneel became closer and closer to a reality.

Leaving the hospital lap dogs to Victor, Castor dashed with urgency towards the Castle, settling above in the clouds that hovered aimlessly in the sky. Merging himself with the elements, cracks of thunder began to boom throughout the lands of Vana.

With a single lightning bolt shot, Castor traversed through the building’s stone ceiling, travelling down to the deepest parts of the Castle’s blueprint, the dungeon.

The stench of urine and feces meshed in with rotten flesh caused the Lightning Denizen to gag in his mouth momentarily, but as his nose became dead to the scent, the odor became manageable to say the least on his pallet. Inside Vana’s dungeon lied many victims who’d been tortured by the budding King’s ‘play time’ routine.

A mixture of men and women all laid motionless on the floor of their cells, nursing wounds with screams that had ran out eons ago, all that remained in their eyes were dead gazes, the likes of which were stone cold and almost zombie like.

Hope had been taken from almost all of the prisoners on this level, so much so, that Castor’s unusual presence warranted not even a scream or a plead. They’d assumed their roles flawlessly, dolls to be used and disposed of by the toddler King. Everyone except one man, the man who had been known as a Tyrant throughout Lvneel’s history.

The Mad Dog, Cisco was a wildly popular name in folklore. Some say he’d earned the name by setting wild dogs free inside a royals ball, leading to the mauling of several aristocrats. Others say, it’s the white discharge that seemingly forms around his mouth when he’s enraged. Regardless of the story, the most likely reason for his nickname is, his height. Cisco stood at around 4’5, and despite his age or size, the man was revered as a war hero and one of Lvneel’s top criminals.

Castor immediately picked up on the man’s aura, walking farther into the maze like cellar. Finally, he’d arrive upon a massive cage, at its center hung from the ceiling in a cocoon of chains, the man of the hour.

The cell was riddled of the bodies of other prisoners, mostly dead but others who’d been beaten beyond the point of modern medicine being able to save them.

Sleeping peacefully, the former knight with the machine gear symbol tattooed over his right eye snored loud enough to rattle the chains that concealed him.

Extending his index finger through the crevices of the cells bars, Castor shot a lightning bot towards the rusty chains, awakening the man from his deep slumber with a rude jolt. The force of the charge broke the chains links, causing the slumber pumpkin of a man to drop onto the floor with immense force, the only result after being hoisted at twenty-five feet off the ground.

With no effect, the old man still slept, annoyed, Castor called out to him.

“How are you able to sleep after that fall?!”
Castor shouted in very dry manner.

“Are you a new knight around these parts, boy? When you get to live as long as I have, you can sleep in almost any condition.”
Cisco responded, still maintaining a constant snore in between his speeches.

“I’m certainly not.”
Castor responded sarcastically. “I’m a pirate by the name of Castor O. Nox. I heard rumors that you trained my mentor, Jules Montblanc.” Castor declared.

“And?” Cisco inquired abruptly.

Pausing momentarily at the man's standoffish rebutal, “And nothing. I just wanted to see the man who trained my master.” Castor stated.

“Humph. That Ditsy Madonna actually got someone to call her master. I don’t know if I should be happy for her or pitying you!” Cisco shouted, the snot bubble produced from his slumbering popping in the process, now fully alert.

The heavens seemingly barked out at Castor’s anger, “Watch your tongue. Depending on your answer I was going to liberate you from your constraints but master or not… I won’t let anyone disrespect Jules’ memory.” Castor stated.

Bursting into laughter, the Mad Dog rose to his feet, seemingly shattering the chains around his body. The pressure omitted from the man broke the cages seal and caused the very ground they stood upon to shake.

“Watch my tongue?” Mad Dog inquired furiously. “You’re the idiot who dared to utter that weaklings name in my presence! She was my greatest student and my life’s biggest disappointment! A Vana Knight lives for him or her self, not for this Kingdom! It’s always been our way! To die for her shit brain of a father… At that useless pea brain of a King’s command! I spit on her grave for ever living… and giving this foolish old man hope!” Cisco shouted enraged.

Drawing Summer Rain for it’s sheath, Castor cut down what remained of the cage. The distance between the two of them was covered with the bodies of diseased prisoners, all afflicted with an unique illness that covered their bodies in a scaly greyish-white growth. Even Cisco himself, his body was covered with the growth, his breathing much more nasally than usual.

“You’ll make the second Vana Knight I’ve killed for the month.” Castor declared, in a calm controlled manner. Knowing if he’d let his emotions get the best of him, he’d make the same mistakes he’d made against Blitz. Grinning the man would walk over to a dead knights carcass and draw the rusty blade from its sheath. Covering the blade in a thick jet-black coat of Haki, the man pointed a dagger sized blade towards Castor’s direction.

“I’m waiting. I need a little exercise anyway. Don’t make an old man disappointed like your bitch master did.”
Cisco declared, taunting Castor once again to set his blood afire.  


Word Count: 1000 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: Action Packed From the Jump!


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:59 pm
Now, this would be a bit of a difficult decision. As Victor sat at his desk, his mind went over various possibilities. No doubt once Castor was done, Lyneel would no longer be a safe place for anyone. But, what if the Supernova failed? If Victor acted too quickly, he'd be ousted, and a place that can put an end to a powerful Supernova would prove far too much for the doctor. He would have to be careful with how he acted. He'd move when he just had the right time. Sure, he could try to support Castor in his endevours, but it was best to cover all your bases.

And then, there was a knock at his door, catching both his attention, and the attention of the guard in the room. Who was coming to see him? "Enter," he said.

Who entered the room was someone Victor hadn't expected. A rather attractive, albeit unusual woman.

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Inga-true-form-un-go-41

The woman's eyes fell on Victor as she smiled. "Doctor Abio I presume." she spoke up in a smooth voice. Victor eyed her curiously. "Indeed. And you are, Miss?" The woman gave a small smile. "Grace Nightingale." she introduced herself. "A pleasure," Victor replied, "now, is there anything I can help you with?"

Grace moved to take a seat. "Well, I was hoping someone like you might have some work for me. I may not look it, but I do have a good degree of medical knowledge." She certainly didn't look the part. If anything her appearance made one think of something of a brothel madam.

But, as Victor looked into her eyes, there was a quality he noticed in them. One he saw in his own eyes when he looked at himself in the mirror. A ruthless quality, that knew what it had to do, and consequences be damned. So much like himself.

A small smile stretched across Victor's face. "Perhaps an arrangement can be made, yes."
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:06 pm
Castor O. Nox uses Susanoo's Archer(HT) on Cisco
Castor O. Nox uses UT on Cisco
One Stat Morph - Jupiter's Safeguard (LT)
Toggle activates Thor's Vengeance

Cisco uses Wind Blade(MT) on Castor
Cisco uses Step In Strike (LT) on Castor
Cisco uses Shuffle Strike(LT) on Castor
Cisco uses UT on Castor


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1287

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:06 pm
The member 'Castor O. Nox' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 18, 15


#2 'Reflex Check' : 20, 10, 2, 12
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:42 pm


Fighting Words

The unsurmountable weight of Castor’s anger toppled over the man’s restraint, tossing his katana towards the ceiling, with enough force for it to penetrate the roof like an arrow would. Slicing through the concrete ceiling like a hot knife through a stick of butter, the blade would travel with immense momentum toward's the outside of the castle. Generating a mass of electricity, Castor used the discharge bolts to form a gigantic humanoid figure about twice the height of the Castle’s cellar he’d stand in. Continuing to grow in size, the electrical giant broke through the basement’s ceiling, causing the floors above them collapse. [+ 20% Attack Toggle -20 Defense]

The sound of the Castle staff’s screams was muffled under the collateral damage caused by Castor’s newest aid. Entering into his electrical state, Castor would funnel the giant’s leg upwards, the intended destination being the colossus’ shoulder.

“Flashy brat.” Cisco murmured. Kicking off the ground, maneuvering along fragments of debris, Cisco climbed to the surface through the holes created by the giant mass of lightning. The moment Cisco’s body emerged from the depths, the giant newly conjured bow, styled to match his Kabuki warrior theme, fashioning Castor’s blade – Summer Rain as the arrowhead for his elongated arrow. Arching his shoulder backwards, the electrical being took aim and released a shot at Cisco. [HT - Susanoo's Archer]

Moving at the speed of a lightning bolt, the arrow stormed towards the midget prisoner. Cisco intercepted the attack with his blackened blade but contact with Summer Rain’s tip electrocuted the male, sending him flying off towards Vana’s Capital City. Dismantling the giant, Castor covered himself in an orb of lightning and blasted off towards the city, leaving fragments of the Castle Vert’s manor in ruin. [LT - Jupiter's Safeguard]

The storm clouds above the manor boomed with thunder in response to the man’s first attack, causing a lightning storm to hail down on Castle Vert. This natural disaster sent the estate into hysteria. Following the action, Castor chased Cisco into the city, the arrow discharge still electrocuting the man as he’d tried to divert its course from harming innocents.

Finally, gaining the upper hand in the power struggle, the old man used his blade to redirect the arrow’s path sky bound. Breaking away from its trajectory path, Cisco’s body crashed landed in the heart of the city’s housing settlements. [UT Attack from Castor] The man was fairly agile himself, upon impact, he’d roll along the ground, revolving until the momentum placed him back on his feet, to which he’d use his sword as a peg to cease further movement.

Hovering above the man’s position, Castor summoned his blackened blade from the heaven’s above back to his hand. It was during this process, Cisco sprung into action. The imp pirate Captain thought that hovering several feet off the ground had secured his position from a counterattack, but with a single lunge upward, Cisco was now eye level with Castor. Climbing almost fifty feet into the air, Cisco released a single wind blade from his person, the impact of which hit Castor in his gut. [Cisco MT Hit]

The air projectile sent Castor flying back in the direction of the Castle, crash landing instead in a forest several miles before Vana Royalty’s housing settlements. The Forest was known as Berry Grove, it was where a lot of the wild fruits unable to be used in wine grew and the perfect training ground for new Vana Knight recruits due to its unique climate.

Crash landing onto the ground, Castor’s body took a nasty bump, fracturing his shoulder from the impact. With several of his ribs also fractured, sliding on his back facing the sky, Castor’s body ploughed through the forest’s landscape, the momentum finally ceasing, with the final bump coming in the man’s impact against a massive tree’s bark. [UT Hit on Castor] Dancing through the sky, Cisco landed before the Nox Pirate Captain.

With urgency, Castor sprung to his feet, reaching out once again for his Nodachi. Retrieving it with his functioning right shoulder, the man extending his blade at Cisco, popping his fractured shoulder back into place. With immense speed, Cisco stepped in, slashing to open the man’s right thigh from the impact of his sword, cutting along his flesh. [LT Hit – Shuffle Strike]

“Your techniques are too flashy. Your reaction time is slow in moments were you think you have the upper hand and you use such a treasured blade as an accessory to those abilities of yours. This is what Jules ‘trained’. Such an abomination.”
Cisco declared with disgust.

“I will admit. The archer was a good idea. My hands are still shaking from the impact of that arrow.” Cisco continued on grinning.“Good ideas. Decent execution. Terrible follow-up.” Cisco bantered. Coughing violently before offering a response, Sanpaku’s tattered body finally permitted him to speak. “Gashi Gashi… That arrow was supercharged with about a hundred million volts of electricity… Yet your still standing.” Castor declared after a slight chuckle.

“Hundred Million? You’re going to need a lot more than that to kill this old man. Now now… Enough chatter. I’m enjoying this little exchange of ours. Real warriors talk with their blades. Yours is burdened by anger and sorrow. You’ll never defeat me that way.” Cisco taunted.

Offering up a cough of his own, Cisco’s system revealed the severity of his condition, the blood splattered in his hand served aa a gentle reminder.


Word Count: 873 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: Action Packed From the Jump!

Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:03 pm; edited 2 times in total


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:14 pm
Victor Abio uses
Artificial Plague - AoE- at the Guard
UT at the Guard

The Guard uses
LT at Victor
LT at Victor
UT at Victor

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1287

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:14 pm
The member 'Victor Abio' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 7, 17


#2 'Reflex Check' : 3, 8, 20

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:00 pm
The guard watched the pair of them. Something about this woman bothered him. Just her appearance, the way she carried herself. He honestly saw her more of a prostitute than someone of medicine. Then again, it wasn't like he hadn't done anything with a whore himself. So if the good doctor wanted to have some fun, well, it was his wish. to be honest, the doctor was kind of creepy as well. But the king had given him the hospital, so he couldn't be that bad, right?

"Miss Nightingale, could you please lock the door?" Victor spoke up. the guard quirked an eyebrow. The woman rose to her feet, walking towards the door and locking it. Was he right, and this woman was a whore? But, if that was the case. "Erm, perhaps I should wait outside," he said, not exactly thrilled with the idea of being stuck with them in the same room if they did anything...untoward. Victor didn't even look at him, raising a hand as if to silence him. "Now then, take a deep breath. And hold it." The guard blinked, confused.

And then, seemingly out from Victor's own coat, a sickly green mist filled the room. The woman quickly brought her hands up to her mouth, covering them to stop herself from breathing it in. Unfortunately, the guard wasn't so lucky. As he breathed in the mist, pain surged through his whole body. He could feel himself growing weaker. (Artificial Plague - AoE - hit) Dammit, that doctor was gassing them! He reached for his sword, drawing it and trying to swing at the doctor. However, the blade seemed heavier than he remembered, the swing going wide and hitting the desk instead. (Guard's LT - miss). He tried again, swinging at the doctor, only for the blade to miss again, this time slipping out of his hand.(Guard's LT - miss)

Grunting in frustration, the guard decided to forgoe the sword and swung a fist, catching the doctor in the face. The doctor barely moved, a cruel grin spreading across his face (Guard's UT, hit). Victor drew a fist back, swinging and hitting him right in the face, causing him to stumbled backwards. What was in that stuff? When did the doctor get so strong. Why was he doing this? All the while, the woman watched on in amusement.


Last edited by Victor Abio on Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:15 pm
Castor O. Nox uses Zeus Gift(HT) on self
One Stat Morph - Summanus Favor (LT)
Castor O. Nox uses UT on Cisco

Cisco uses Rising Dragon Strike(MT) on Castor
Cisco uses Rising Dragon Pounce(LT) on Castor
Cisco uses Rising Dragon Slash(LT) on Castor
Cisco uses UT on Castor


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1287

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:15 pm
The member 'Castor O. Nox' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 10


#2 'Reflex Check' : 2, 11, 15, 16
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:56 pm


Fighting Words

“Too flashy? I admit that spectacle was indeed to cause chaos among Vana's Court. I have become quite the terrorist as of late around these parts.”
Castor declared, gripping onto Summer Rain intensely. Exhaling, Castor concentrated on his breathing, absorbing the lightning around him into his being.

The process transformed Castor into an ethereal state; a thin blue halo could be seen hovering over the swordsman’s dome. A thin coating of electricity pulsated at all times, as wild and volatile as the lightning storm above them. [HT & LT Stat Morph 100% ATK]

Disappearing before Cisco’s eyes, Castor flickered into his pure electrical form, closing the distance between the two in fractions of a millisecond. The war mongering imp’s movements reinforced with both principles of Haki, the once flashy attacks subsided to nothing more than an afterimage of Castor’s opening salutations.

Attempting to slice Summer Rain along the man’s chest, Cisco tanked the attack but quickly shifted to his back, altering Summer Rain’s final destination. [UT Attack Hit & Buso/Ken active]

The impact caused blood to splatter messily, leaving a deep gash and potential scar in its wake.

“A true swordsman never takes a blow to the chest. It’s a disgrace. You should know this brat.” Cisco declared snarling.

“Swordsman. Jules always told me, ‘We’re warriors at the end of the day. War being the keyword. It’s not pretty. It’s about survival.’ Castor responded.

Chuckling, “Sounds like something that pea brain of a student of mine would say. Question. What’s the point in victory if you can’t savor the win? Your movements… Sword handling… All beautiful but do you know where the style you use originates?” Cisco inquired, wincing from the fresh gash on his back.

“Jules of course, she taught me how to use a sword. She never had time to teach me it’s name. It’s a two handed sword style. That’s why I used a Nodachi. She used a gigantic sword… but I don’t have the frame for that. My style is just a cheap imitation—” Castor declared before Cisco’s step in interrupted his comment. Simply flickering to his flank, the swordsman avoided the attack but just barely.

Creating distance once more, Castor listened as the man scolded him. “Imitation?! Boy. If you’re still that delusional that woman must have been a God to you. The way you hold your blade, the attack pattern and your posture… Those are harnessed through repetition. Don’t ever down play the Sword Style that has been passed down through two centuries of Knights. It’s odd that you use a traditional eastern blade but, nonetheless… The style you use is called The Rising Dragon.” Cisco explained.

“Rising Dragon…” Castor pondered to himself.

“I’ll bite. Tell me more old man.”
Castor stated, pretending to be uninterested.

“It’ll be best if I just show you.” Cisco responded. Stepping in towards Castor, the old man’s former demeanor became even more relaxed. The first strike was a diagonal slash along Castor ribcage which Castor avoided with a parry to the right.

In almost seconds, the second attack towards his right thigh had already been in motion, a light blue aura could have been felt along the face of his blade. [LT – Hit – Rising Dragon Step in] Cutting into Castor’s leg, astonished, the Logia user transformed into his element and shuffled several meters backwards.

Reforming into his ethereal humanoid state, the Logia’s blue iris peered at the man attentively. “Your second attack… It was faster than the first. I saw it with my Sixth Sense. You transferred the momentum from the first into the second almost effortlessly.” Castor commented.

“Correct. It’s an advance principle to this style that you’re currently missing. Rising Dragon is known for heavy and precise strikes but often times… Due to the amount force placed into our attacks… a moment of stillness takes place. It’s an ancient foot technique that allows you to instantly shift momentum from a missed strike or even one that connects into the next. Hence the idea of Rising… Consecutive relentless attacks. You only have the relentless part down.” Cisco declared.

Disappearing once again, this time, Castor tracked his movement with his Kenbunshoku, the two sword masters clashed. The intensity of Cisco’s Haki compensated for the poor makes of the blade, leveraging the power struggle between the two and his advantage. Releasing the blade, Cisco folded his fists, sinking his right hand into Castor’s midsection and followed up with a right hook to the imp’s jaw. [UT Hits] The sudden break away from the power exchange caught Castor off-guard, causing the pirate Captain to fall forward right into his punches embrace.

Falling to his knees coughing feverishly, “And the second thing… Martial arts. This style uses hand to hand strikes at the mastery level. Especially against fools like you who don’t wear much armor.” Cisco concluded.  


Word Count: 805 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: Action Packed From the Jump!

Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:37 pm
Victor Abio uses
Seering Lactic - LT on the Guard
Volatile Mix - HT on the Guard
UT on the Guard

The Guard uses
LT on Victor
LT on Victor
UT on Victor

Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1287

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:37 pm
The member 'Victor Abio' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 6, 2, 5


#2 'Reflex Check' : 18, 7, 8

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:28 pm
Through the sickly mist, Victor let out a small chuckle. The concoction was working better than he expected. As the guard struggled to stay on his feet, he glanced over at Grace, who had done the smart thing and not inhaled the gas. Well, this little experiment was a success. Now to deal with the guard.

As he strode over towards him, the guard made one last ditch effort to attack him, swinging out with a fist. Victor made no effort to avoid the punch. The blow did little to nothing to the large doctor. (Guard's LT - hit) This was perfect! Another example of how well his plague was working. The guard drew back his fist, trying again, but before he could swing, Victor lashed out, sticking a syringe into his side. The guard let out a cry as more searing pain went through his body, before Victor suddenly clasped a hand over his mouth. (Guard's LT - miss), (Searing Lactic - LT - hit)

Victor chuckled as he reached into his coat with his free hand, pulling out a vial and popping the cork. "Shhh," he taunted, before pulling his hand away and gripping the man's head, "Here, have a drink." He forced the vial to his lips, pouring the concoction down his throat. The liquid burned on the way down as the guard struggled to no avail. (Guard's UT - miss).

Quickly clasping his hand back over the guard's mouth, Victor swung a fist, punching him straight in the stomach. (Victor's UT - hit). What happened next, well, the poor guard couldn't comprehend it. The sharp blow caused the liquid that had been poured into his stomach to erupt. It was like a small bomb was going off inside of him. Victor could hear a feint 'boom', as the guard's body bulged out. His eyes rolled back into his head as smoke poured from his mouth, before his body went limp, slumping to the floor. Victor had expected him to explode, though in this case, that was fortunate. Less mess to clean up. (Volatile Mix - HT - hit)

With the guard lying dead on the floor, and the haze quickly clearing, Victor turned his attention to Grace, who was watching the whole affair with a morbid fascination. "Now then, now that we're alone, I believe we have much to discuss." A twisted smile spread across Grace's face. So efficient. So ruthless.

Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:18 pm
Castor O. Nox uses 60 Million Volt - Julungul(HT) on Cisco
Castor O. Nox uses 10 Million Volt - Raiju(LT) on Cisco
Castor O. Nox uses UT on Cisco

Cisco uses Rising Dragon Torrent(HT) on Castor
Cisco uses UT on Castor


Name : Variable
Epithet : Variable
Age : 0
Height : Variable
Weight : Variable
Species : Variable
Faction : Variable
Crew : Variable
Ship : Variable
Crew Role : Variable
Devil Fruit : Variable
Bounty : Variable
Balance : Variable
Posts : 1287

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:18 pm
The member 'Castor O. Nox' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Reflex Check' : 10, 9, 3


#2 'Reflex Check' : 15, 20
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:24 pm


Fighting Words

“Consecutive motion…” Castor pondered on the idea. Replaying the man’s last movements in his mind, the Three Eye Swordsman analyzed every step taken by Cisco.

“You think this is a lesson… I won’t give you time to reflect!” Cisco exclaimed, lunging towards his position with a powerful upward diagonal strike. Retreating as the old man’s consecutive strikes increased in pace, Castor hung on for his life in defense.

Knowing one wrong move would be the end for his existence as he knew it, as every swing of the man’s blade was filled with an intensity and bloodlust he couldn’t explain in words.

“I need time to breathe… If I keep moving at his pace. I’ll be stuck in his attack formation until my shoulder finally gives out.” Castor thought to himself as the numbness as a result of the first major injury began to take it’s toll.

Generating a massive surge of electricity, Castor formed the visage of a dragon’s head around himself using the discharge. Firing off the collected energy from within, the lightning bolt in the form of a dragon’s body sunk it’s fangs into Cisco’s body, sending him flying into the city. [HT -60 Million Volt - Julungul]

Rushing through the district, trying to escape the dragon clutches every inch of it’s stride, the electricity pulsated through Cisco’s body violently, ending it’s journey by smashing Cisco into the roof of Victor’s hospital. The impact would shake the whole foundation of the building’s infrastructure, sending the hospital into high alert, which called for Vana’s Army to be alerted.

Playing perfectly into Castor’s plan, originally only plotting to free the Mad Dog; in attempts to bolster his own camp. Instead Nox opted to use this scuffle to strike fear into Vana’s Court which was an added bonus. Since his conflicts on Lvneel, Castor had been slowly refining himself, knowing that he’d lacked the absolute power to dominate his enemies.

More specifically, his true goal in coming to Vana, weakening House Bolden’s forces. The less shields presentable for the conflict ahead, the better. As Castor O. Nox, such liberties were standard. Stuttering over the skies, Castor hovered over the gaping hole in the hospital’s roof on the East Wing, descending to Cisco’s position fried on the ground.

The moment the pirate entered the room, the Mad Dog showed the attributes that earned him his full name, foaming at the mouth in rage. With his clothes stripped apart, the truth behind Mad Dog’s condition had been revealed.

His body was covered in a white cask, similar to those afflicted with Amber Lead syndrome. Aside from the disease, several scars and unhealed gashes from being tortured in Vana’s dungeon had reopened, causing blood to pour onto the hospital wards floor.

Still, the zombie like state drove the man to pounce, ripping through Castor’s left shoulder blade with a jumping downward slash. [HT Grazing Hit – Cisco] Upon contact with Castor’s shoulder, several electrical wolves erupted from the man’s body, bolstering outward first, like protruding cysts on the damned. Once burst, the information that ooze from these chasms weren’t pus or bodily fluids but wicked lightning bolts that exploded thunderous sounds on Cisco body, burying him into the ground. [LT -10 Million Volt - Raiju ]

One after the other, fifteen wolves in total sunk into the elderly man’s core, completed by Castor grabbing onto his spear and tossing it into Cisco’s chest cage, pinning him to the ground, being careful to avoid any vital organs. As the man’s body convulsed, a whit e discharge foamed from the Mad Dog’s mouth in immense glee. [UT Hit – Castor]

“It’s been years since I’ve been injured like this. You finally got it… Never let up on your enemy… No matter what.”
Cisco stated, waiting for the moment Castor extending his spear, to throw his own dagger edged blade against the man’s jugular. [UT Hit – Cisco]

Clutching his neck quickly, Castor sealed the wound by heating up the air around him using electricity. Slapping his hand against his neck like a hot iron, Castor burned the gaping wound shut.

“Great. Another scar. You’re a petty old fart.” Castor retorted. “If you’ve managed to injure me this much… in your condition. Imagine what will happen once I cure you.” Castor stated.

“Fool. After the injuries I’ve sustained today… and this disease I’ve been afflicted with… There’s no saving me. Not a single doctor in Vana would save my life. That’s an act of treason. Saving my life is declaring Lvneel and Vana your enemies.” Cisco stated.

“Sure.” Castor responded with a blank expression.

“…” Cisco glared at Castor astonished.

“I’m already a terrorist. Letting a tough old man like you die would be a waste. I know a doctor who would operate on you as you are but no guarantees on if you’ll come out alive or the same though.” Castor declared.

“I refuse. What’s the point in wasting time on an old grump like me!” Mad Dog barked.

“I want to learn about Martial Arts and Consecutive Motion. If I can add them with my lightning abilities… I’ll be born anew. You're the only one left to teach em' to me.”
Castor stated.

Sighing, pushing Iris from out of his chest, and rejecting Castor’s suppression, Cisco genuinely asked the next question out curiosity, simply interested in Castor’s response.

“What is it about power that infatuates you so much?” Cisco asked.

“I spent fourteen years on an island training to come back and avenge Jules but the Lvneel I know now is different. The King isn’t even the same. Killing him won’t bring back Jules and ruining here won’t fill the void in me. I get that now.” Castor explained, continuing on.

“But this anger in my gut… It won’t be quelled with moving on. This world’s an ugly place filled with egotistical prima donnas who hold the Government by their balls.

By extension, the poison in this country is the same. I want power to destroy it all. No more monarchy. No more shields. Erase the system through force and violence. Teach people through fear not nurturing.

I’m not trying to save the world. I’m trying to set it on fire. Flat it all and build anew.”
Castor concluded.

“Build anew? Ramblings of youth and madness. What kind of kingdom will come from that chaos?!”
Cisco shouted.  

Gashi Gashi Gashi

“Who said anything about a Kingdom?” Castor stated grinning.


Word Count: 1025 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: Action Packed From the Jump!

Last edited by Castor O. Nox on Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Nov 08, 2019 1:50 pm
The guard's dead body was still cooling on the floor, as Victor moved to take a seat at his desk. Grace was still looking between the dead man, and the doctor. It had all happened to quickly, and he didn't even seem the least bit phased by it. A predatorial smile spread across her face as she moved to take a seat. "I can certainly see that working with you will be very, VERY interesting." Victor chuckled and nodded. "Indeed. The fact that you're not running for the hills right now, shows you're just the kind of person I think you are." He leaned in, smirking, "Ruthless, with an appreciation for true science. Now then, I must ask, what are you looking for, coming here to work for me?"

Grace gave a small chuckle. "Honestly, I was just looking for work. But now, I think with you, I can be whatever I want to be." She smirked. Victor's smile stretched further, intrigued. "And, what would you like to be, Miss Nightingale?"

Before she could answer, there was a sound outside. "Where is she?" The voice sounded angry, and seemed to be approaching. Victor let out a small sigh. Another potential interruption. As Grace rose to her feet, the door suddenly burst open, revealing a tall, broad shouldered man. A gruff man with a brown beard. His eyes fell on Grace with a snarl. "There you are you little slu-What the fuck!?" His eyes fell on the dead body laying on the floor, stumbling back.

Victor sighed. "A friend of yours?" He was more bothered by the intrusion, than someone discovering he committed murder. Grace nodded. "A very old flame," she said, in a tone showing she cared very little for him. Victor nodded and rose to his feet. "Well now, time to do some more cleaning up."

Boss: Scorned Lover:
Castor O. Nox
Castor O. Nox
[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish G7UGK6I
Name : Castor O. Nox
Epithet : Sanpaku | The Azure Pheasant | Duke Of Lvneel | Saint Nox
Age : 25
Height : 5'9"
Weight : 175lbs
Species : Three-Eye Tribesman
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Blockbuster
Alliance : -
Crew : Nox Pirates
Ship : The Wailing Calamity
Crew Role : Captain | Navigator | Book Collector | Pride Sin
Devil Fruit : Goro Goro no Mi
Bounty : [ber=r] 620,000,000
Quality Score : S
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (To all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.42 (Turf); +0.10 (Blockbuster); +0.20 (To all allies)
Shop Discount : -20%
Crew Pool : [bel=u] 96,000,000
Balance : [bel] 2,470,815,020

Turf : [turf="/t296-turf-details-lvneel#1110"]Lvneel[/turf] [turf="/t309-turf-details-st-poplar#1124"]St. Poplar[/turf]
Posts : 794

[Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish Empty Re: [Arc] The Mad Dog's Wish

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Nov 09, 2019 3:52 pm


The Surgery

Castor’s words moved the old coot. Cisco’s life was spent serving men whose only obsession was obtaining power, all for crowns and kingdoms. The idea of not wanting to be king and opting to destroy the kingdom instead of a fix. It was ludicrous, but with the corruption stemming so deep within Lvneel, the revelation presented by Nox seemed more sane.

However, before Cisco could continue the intellectual debate, his health took a turn for the worse. The Amber Lead disease intensified, causing the man to cease and cough up blood. [HT DoT – Knocked Out]

“Don’t die on me old man. I know a man who can save your life. I’ll use you to become stronger.” Castor declared.

Meanwhile, at Castle Vert, the chaos caused by Castor’s elemental abilities urged the court to call an emergency meeting. At the helm of the table was Gryphon, the lead knight of Vana’s Knighthood, and a core member in Oubourous – the secret order meant to protect the Mont Blanc Family and the Shield Lords.

“Should we inform the Marines about this? First the whore house… and now Vert. For him to attack the Capital… His target must be the young Lord. Vana is weak. Our enemies know this. Castor O. Nox is indeed our enemy.” One of the lords of the Vana Court declared.

“I think you're overestimating this pirate. He’s a rookie who is wet behind his ears. Yes. He defeated Blitz and the Masked Knight… but he’s had yet to make any public notion of his ideology. It’s just random violence at this point.”Another lord chimed in, nursing his pipe gingerly.

“I’ll lead the man hunt for the Supernova. His first mistake was underestimating our resources. Our spies around the city have informed us he’s taken the hospital hostage. The Head Doctor Victor can be our eyes and ears on the inside. He’s been blessed by our Lord with an amazing position. He should be more than willing to corroborate.” Gryphon stated.

“Agreed. I’ll assemble the army my lord. We should be able to storm the hospital by daybreak. No matter how powerful he maybe, our tactical army will be more than enough to handle him. The men await to make you proud.” Gryphon’s personal aid and head of wartime formations, a purple bob cut male by the name of Circus declared.

Circus much like his name was indeed a strange man with odd mannerisms. He’s often seen bearing an undeniably ominous smirk at all times. He’s also the Chief of Medical Staff at Castle Vert. His loyalty to Vana was questionable but absolute when it came to Gryphon’s orders.

Much like Blitz, Gryphon raised Circus to be a fine knight, saving them both from an orphanage. Unlike Blitz, charisma seemed to be Circus’s weakness, he shied away from the spotlight, opting to be a supporting role. If Blitz was Gryphon’s sun, then Circus was his moon.

The cogs began to turn towards our next chapter. The incident known as the Blue Bolt Massacre would soon spread throughout the North Blue.

Coupling the injured man in his shoulders, Castor used his Kenbunshoku and his Goro Goro to pinpoint track Victor’s location within the hospital. Unfortunately, due to his injures, too swift of a movement would worsen his condition, so his choice in route to avoid being seen and arriving to Victor would be the longer path.

In his mind, Victor appeared like a bulb of blue light on a mental map of sorts, accompanied with two unfamiliar auras. Breaking into the room, Castor joined the festivities, “Looks like you’re having fun Vic. Once you're done playing with him, I need you to save this old grumps life. It might be tricky—” Castor’s words were interrupted by a wicked bump across his head.

Pushing Castor onto the ground, a group of men dressed in finely tailored black suits stumbled across the room they were currently stood in.

“Ah. Looks like the boss found the little whore!”One of the men shouted. Going with the flow, Castor allowed the men to dominate the space, remaining motionless on the floor. Trying to assess the situation, Castor would wait for an opportune moment to slay them at his will. For now, he’d let the show take its course.

“No use fighting for that gal doctor. She’s just a showgirl who likes to play nurse every now and again. We gotta remind her who she belongs to every now and again!” one of the men barked, stomping his foot against Castor’s back.

“Who is this brat anyway?”
another man chimed in, peering at the blood stained pirate captain’s body.

“Ha. Belong to you? I was merely using you boys for a little fun. Tell the boss I said, I’ve found a new lover.” Grace chimed in, winking at the lot of men seductively.


Word Count: 808 | Tagged: @Victor Abio

Notes: Action Packed From the Jump!

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