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Cody J. Briggs Empty Cody J. Briggs

This post has in-line assessment comments.Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:21 pm

Cody James Briggs

Cody J. Briggs 5818996-1792495672-b724f

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Cody
Middle Name/Initial: James
Last Name: Briggs
Epithet: The Butcher, Ghost Boy
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Sky Islander
Faction: New Revolutionary Army(Secretly Cipher Pol)
Profession: Steath Ops, Infiltration, Intelligence, Assassination

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 182 lbs

Hair Style: Slick and smooth, usually in a ponytail.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Cody typically wears black dress pants, a black dress shirt with a different tie every day, and a black vest. He also wears black gloves akin to what butlers would wear. Cody wears a monocle which rests on his nose bridge that alludes to some sort rich background that Cody might have to people that don't know him personally. The only change to his attire would be the color and pattern of the tie that he wears. He takes pride in the various amount of ties he owns.

Description: Toned and muscular from his years of Cipher Pol, Cody sports a 6 pack with a medium build of muscle. A sharp jawline followed by average-sized ears finished off small eyebrows makes up the revolutionary's face.

The Past

Main Traits: Resilient, Unrelenting, Poised, Calm, Honest
Likes: Ties, Oranges, Puppet Shows
Dislikes:Nobles, Needless loss of life, The Slave Trade
Unique laugh: Mufufufufufufu

Hometown: Birka The Sky Island
Personality: Cody is a sharp individual, often punctual and resilient as all hell. From his training to be an assassin, Cody remains calm in most situations and since he never had the chance to lie before, he remains honest to this very day. With his line of work, its best to say as poised as possible and being unrelenting is quite rewarding as well. It's a habit Cody picked up from being in the NRA and that's smoking. He does it quite often and he is almost never seen without a cigarette around him. He finds the habit troubling but he is able to keep the urge to smoke away when the time calls for serious business to be done. Cody is always looking for an opportunity to make a situation better for himself. He also tends to kill even when he's not supposed to. It's probably due to his training being something so prevalent within him so he tends to try and conform with NRA rules as to not blow his cover as a Cipher Pol agent. But if something is leaked from Cody, he won't hesitate to either lie or to kill that person so that the information doesn't reach the wrong person or people. All in all, Cody is a shady character with an unusual past that leads him to make decisions that the NRA wouldn't like to be made under their banner. But that doesn't matter to Cody, as he isn't nor ever will be under the New Revolutionary Army's banner.


Cody J. Briggs Empty Re: Cody J. Briggs

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:57 pm
Approved. Will be interested to see where Cody’s undercover operation leads to~ also, I realise we all overlooked your DF claim so I shall get to approving that for you now!

Cody wrote:

Cody James Briggs

Cody J. Briggs 5818996-1792495672-b724f

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Tough Guy | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Cody
Middle Name/Initial: James
Last Name: Briggs
Epithet: The Butcher, Ghost Boy
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Sky Islander
Faction: New Revolutionary Army(Secretly Cipher Pol)
Profession: Steath Ops, Infiltration, Intelligence, Assassination

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 182 lbs

Hair Style: Slick and smooth, usually in a ponytail.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Scars: N/A
Clothing and Accessories: Cody typically wears black dress pants, a black dress shirt with a different tie every day, and a black vest. He also wears black gloves akin to what butlers would wear. Cody wears a monocle which rests on his nose bridge that alludes to some sort rich background that Cody might have to people that don't know him personally. The only change to his attire would be the color and pattern of the tie that he wears. He takes pride in the various amount of ties he owns.

Description: Toned and muscular from his years of Cipher Pol, Cody sports a 6 pack with a medium build of muscle. A sharp jawline followed by average-sized ears finished off small eyebrows makes up the revolutionary's face.

The Past

Main Traits: Resilient, Unrelenting, Poised, Calm, Honest
Likes: Ties, Oranges, Puppet Shows
Dislikes:Nobles, Needless loss of life, The Slave Trade
Unique laugh: Mufufufufufufu

Hometown: Birka The Sky Island
Personality: Cody is a sharp individual, often punctual and resilient as all hell. From his training to be an assassin, Cody remains calm in most situations and since he never had the chance to lie before, he remains honest to this very day. With his line of work, its best to say as poised as possible and being unrelenting is quite rewarding as well. It's a habit Cody picked up from being in the NRA and that's smoking. He does it quite often and he is almost never seen without a cigarette around him. He finds the habit troubling but he is able to keep the urge to smoke away when the time calls for serious business to be done. Cody is always looking for an opportunity to make a situation better for himself. He also tends to kill even when he's not supposed to. It's probably due to his training being something so prevalent within him so he tends to try and conform with NRA rules as to not blow his cover as a Cipher Pol agent. But if something is leaked from Cody, he won't hesitate to either lie or to kill that person so that the information doesn't reach the wrong person or people. All in all, Cody is a shady character with an unusual past that leads him to make decisions that the NRA wouldn't like to be made under their banner. But that doesn't matter to Cody, as he isn't nor ever will be under the New Revolutionary Army's banner.

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