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The New Guy [Completed] Empty The New Guy [Completed]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:16 am

~René A. Manchester~

The New Guy [Completed] Cutmyp48

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: René
Middle Name | Initial: Augustus
Last Name: Manchester
Epithet: The Mad Dog of Dressrosa
Age: 20 Years Old
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Mother) | Mink Tribe [Red Wolf] (Father)
Faction: Pirate

  • Backyard Brawler | Slave Fighter - René was born and raised in the battle colosseum of Dressrosa as a slave fighter. He learned how to formally fight through his Colosseum instructors, but he learned the art of fighting dirty on the streets. Fighting dirty comes naturally for the former slave fighter, René will do whatever it takes to get the upper hand in whatever combat situation arises. Since he has fight his entire life, He has developed that into a profession, like a mercenary. He would classify himself as a sellsword, but he has discovered that he just enjoys the thrills of battle over anything else.
  • Survivalist | Herbalist - After winning his freedom from his masters, René decided to grab the first ship off the island out into the vast world. On his trips and adventures, he had to learn to live on his own off the land itself. He can make shelter, place traps for food, make a fire, and even know what plant life is edible.

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'4 ft
Weight: 225 lbs.

Hair Style: Long & Unkept
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Yellowish Gold
Scars: René Manchester has several scars shattered across his torso, arms, and back. The scars on his arms are smaller in size and harder to see compared to the large scars shattered across his chest and back.
Clothing and Accessories:

  • Clothing: René A. Manchester has a rather unique way of dressing, which stems from his strict upbringing within the Battle Colosseum barracks. He likes to dress in short sleeved v-necked shorts that range from purple to white in color with jeans. Due to his unique lineage, he dislikes the feel of shoes and decides to go barefoot the majority of the time. he will choose shorts if he comes straight from seeing to do something for the crew or his Captain.

  • Accessories: The Half Mink doesn’t really wear a lot of accessories on his person aside from his normal equipment. He tries to half a staff made of wood or a metal bo staff as his weapon. But he will don a golden pendant from time to time that was given to him when he was released from Slavery. Aside from that pendant, he doesn’t like to be too flashy with jewelry or other accessories.

Description: René A. Manchester isn’t your average human being. He has the unique lineage of the Mink Tribe, which gives him a slightly larger body build than someone else of his size. The Mink Tribe gave René two red wolf ears that sit on the top of his head and sharp teeth to give some hints into his heritage. Due to him being half mink, René has a rather athletic body type that is muscular from his years as a fighter. The scars over his torso itching a past that he doesn’t intend to forget. Growing his hair everyday since he won his freedom it has grown to right above his butt.

Another unique characteristic is his eyes, René has golden colored eyes that resemble a beast rather than normal human pupils. Around his eyes it looks like René wears eye liner, but it is just some black markings that appear after his birth. On top of that, René’s nails on his hands are all sharp like claws would be. Despite his overall appearance looking more human, René does hold numerous traits that would mark him as part Mink.

The Past

Main Traits:

  • Cunning
  • Confident
  • Laziness
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Murderous | Law of The Wild | Lone Wolf


  • - Sleeping | Napping | Slacking Off
  • - Fighting | Sparring | Training
  • - Adventuring | Finding Treasure | Exploring the Unexplored


  • - Drinking | Smoking | Partying | Staying Up Late
  • - Marines | Word Government | Royals & Royal Families
  • - Slavers | Slavery | Auction Houses & The Parties that Run Them

Unique laugh: "Susu Susu"

Hometown: Dressora

  • ~General Personality - René Augustus Manchester would be easily classified as a Lone Wolf. He enjoys his friends and family, but he will ultimately choose to take a nap over pretty much anything. He values loyalty and the truth, but he ultimately respects the concept of strength the most. Looking to prove his strength to other, René will take any opportunity to show his strength to his friends and crew mates. He will fight without giving up until he lays facedown in the dirt defeated. He tends to be more straightforward when it comes to his overall comments, which could be taken in a bad light if spoken out of turn. He is aggressive when he fully believes in something or needs to be firm hand on anything the crews need.
  • ~Positive Traits - Charismatic, Joyful, Respective, Intelligent, and Ambitious are all some of positive traits that René embodies. He tends to lead more towards his positive attributes compared to his negative ones. He has a natural way with word that seem to put people at ease when he is talking to them. He can make friends very easily, but he only considers someone family if they put their lives on the line for him. He tends to admire and respect strength, because while he was fighting in the Colosseum the strong got all the best things in life, which included his freedom. He does have one trait that kind of clashes with his slacker negative trait. His Ambitious mentalities tend to be more goal-oriented to give him as much time as possible to procrasnate while still achieving his goals.
  • ~Negative Traits - Arrogant, Aggressive, Brute, Laziness, and Merciless are some of the negative traits that René  possesses. René  used to be a former all-time winner in the battle colosseum before he won his freedom, and this cased him to develop an arrogant attitude toward anything that deals with fighting or hurting any forces that he or the captain deem worthy. Also due to his past in the Battle Colosseum, he has developed an aggressive outlook on life. The former fighter believes that if he can’t charm an individual into doing what you want you have to end up forcing them to do it.  On a less serious note, René is considered a lazy bones or sloth-like individual.If he is missing from a meeting or feast, he can normally be found within his bedchambers in a heavy slumber that can only be stopped by the sounds of fighting or cannon fire. Once he begins or picks a fight though, he will do whatever it takes to end it. He doesn’t give mercy for the majority of individuals, but he does have a few on a list that he never gives. This list can include slave traders, royal families or nobles hat deal with Slaves, or anyone that condones the fighting of kid slaves.
  • ~Law of The Wild - The Law of The Wild is one of the main components of René’s personality, because he learned the trait when he was younger when he first started winning his matches in the Battle Colosseum. The strongest beings live the best and sometimes longest lives. This mentality grew when he entered his free years, because he saw the animals in the wild killing and controlling the weather ones. The weak only survive in the strong allow it or they have some sort of dangerous trait, like venoms, poisons, or toxins. René  wants to be lead by the strongest as well as become one of the strongest, which tends to bring him at odds with some decisions his Captain might make.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

The New Guy [Completed] Empty Re: The New Guy [Completed]

This post has in-line assessment comments.Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:32 pm

René Manchester wrote:

~René A. Manchester~

The New Guy [Completed] Cutmyp48

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Super Rookie | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: René
Middle Name | Initial: Augustus
Last Name: Manchester
Epithet: The Mad Dog of Dressrosa
Age: 20 Years Old
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Mother) | Mink Tribe [Red Wolf] (Father)
Faction: Pirate

  • Backyard Brawler | Slave Fighter - René was born and raised in the battle colosseum of Dressrosa as a slave fighter. He learned how to formally fight through his Colosseum instructors, but he learned the art of fighting dirty on the streets. Fighting dirty comes naturally for the former slave fighter, René will do whatever it takes to get the upper hand in whatever combat situation arises. Since he has fight his entire life, He has developed that into a profession, like a mercenary. He would classify himself as a sellsword, but he has discovered that he just enjoys the thrills of battle over anything else.
  • Survivalist | Herbalist - After winning his freedom from his masters, René decided to grab the first ship off the island out into the vast world. On his trips and adventures, he had to learn to live on his own off the land itself. He can make shelter, place traps for food, make a fire, and even know what plant life is edible.

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'4 ft
Weight: 225 lbs.

Hair Style: Long & Unkept
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Yellowish Gold
Scars: René Manchester has several scars shattered across his torso, arms, and back. The scars on his arms are smaller in size and harder to see compared to the large scars shattered across his chest and back.
Clothing and Accessories:

  • Clothing: René A. Manchester has a rather unique way of dressing, which stems from his strict upbringing within the Battle Colosseum barracks. He likes to dress in short sleeved v-necked shorts that range from purple to white in color with jeans. Due to his unique lineage, he dislikes the feel of shoes and decides to go barefoot the majority of the time. he will choose shorts if he comes straight from seeing to do something for the crew or his Captain.

  • Accessories: The Half Mink doesn’t really wear a lot of accessories on his person aside from his normal equipment. He tries to half a staff made of wood or a metal bo staff as his weapon. But he will don a golden pendant from time to time that was given to him when he was released from Slavery. Aside from that pendant, he doesn’t like to be too flashy with jewelry or other accessories.

Description: René A. Manchester isn’t your average human being. He has the unique lineage of the Mink Tribe, which gives him a slightly larger body build than someone else of his size. The Mink Tribe gave René two red wolf ears that sit on the top of his head and sharp teeth to give some hints into his heritage. Due to him being half mink, René has a rather athletic body type that is muscular from his years as a fighter. The scars over his torso itching a past that he doesn’t intend to forget. Growing his hair everyday since he won his freedom it has grown to right above his butt.

Another unique characteristic is his eyes, René has golden colored eyes that resemble a beast rather than normal human pupils. Around his eyes it looks like René wears eye liner, but it is just some black markings that appear after his birth. On top of that, René’s nails on his hands are all sharp like claws would be. Despite his overall appearance looking more human, René does hold numerous traits that would mark him as part Mink.

The Past

Main Traits:

  • Cunning
  • Confident
  • Laziness
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Murderous | Law of The Wild | Lone Wolf


  • - Sleeping | Napping | Slacking Off
  • - Fighting | Sparring | Training
  • - Adventuring | Finding Treasure | Exploring the Unexplored


  • - Drinking | Smoking | Partying | Staying Up Late
  • - Marines | Word Government | Royals & Royal Families
  • - Slavers | Slavery | Auction Houses & The Parties that Run Them

Unique laugh: "Susu Susu"

Hometown: Dressora

  • ~General Personality - René Augustus Manchester would be easily classified as a Lone Wolf. He enjoys his friends and family, but he will ultimately choose to take a nap over pretty much anything. He values loyalty and the truth, but he ultimately respects the concept of strength the most. Looking to prove his strength to other, René will take any opportunity to show his strength to his friends and crew mates. He will fight without giving up until he lays facedown in the dirt defeated. He tends to be more straightforward when it comes to his overall comments, which could be taken in a bad light if spoken out of turn. He is aggressive when he fully believes in something or needs to be firm hand on anything the crews need.
  • ~Positive Traits - Charismatic, Joyful, Respective, Intelligent, and Ambitious are all some of positive traits that René embodies. He tends to lead more towards his positive attributes compared to his negative ones. He has a natural way with word that seem to put people at ease when he is talking to them. He can make friends very easily, but he only considers someone family if they put their lives on the line for him. He tends to admire and respect strength, because while he was fighting in the Colosseum the strong got all the best things in life, which included his freedom. He does have one trait that kind of clashes with his slacker negative trait. His Ambitious mentalities tend to be more goal-oriented to give him as much time as possible to procrasnate while still achieving his goals.
  • ~Negative Traits - Arrogant, Aggressive, Brute, Laziness, and Merciless are some of the negative traits that René  possesses. René  used to be a former all-time winner in the battle colosseum before he won his freedom, and this cased him to develop an arrogant attitude toward anything that deals with fighting or hurting any forces that he or the captain deem worthy. Also due to his past in the Battle Colosseum, he has developed an aggressive outlook on life. The former fighter believes that if he can’t charm an individual into doing what you want you have to end up forcing them to do it.  On a less serious note, René is considered a lazy bones or sloth-like individual.If he is missing from a meeting or feast, he can normally be found within his bedchambers in a heavy slumber that can only be stopped by the sounds of fighting or cannon fire. Once he begins or picks a fight though, he will do whatever it takes to end it. He doesn’t give mercy for the majority of individuals, but he does have a few on a list that he never gives. This list can include slave traders, royal families or nobles hat deal with Slaves, or anyone that condones the fighting of kid slaves.
  • ~Law of The Wild - The Law of The Wild is one of the main components of René’s personality, because he learned the trait when he was younger when he first started winning his matches in the Battle Colosseum. The strongest beings live the best and sometimes longest lives. This mentality grew when he entered his free years, because he saw the animals in the wild killing and controlling the weather ones. The weak only survive in the strong allow it or they have some sort of dangerous trait, like venoms, poisons, or toxins. René  wants to be lead by the strongest as well as become one of the strongest, which tends to bring him at odds with some decisions his Captain might make.

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