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[Bio] Moreau Empty [Bio] Moreau

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:11 am

Jean Beaufort Moreau

[Bio] Moreau Moreau10

Basic Character Information

First Name: Jean, rarely spoken
Middle Name: Beaufort
Last Name: Moreau
Epithet: Gentle-Weapon
Birthdate: 12/22/1805
Gender: Gentleman
Race: Human Cyborg
Faction: Navy


Moreau is a skilled attendant and is accustomed to waiting on others. He carries common creature comforts such as tea, wine, biscuits, and other amenities either on his person; or wherever he can keep them nearest. He is responsive to the preferences of his crewmates and specifically caters to them when possible. He holds hosting and serving those he can as a badge of honor.

Moreau began his time in boot camp as a choreboy, but quickly graduated to working as a Navy Cook at the request of his branch’s Commodore; the boy had been stealing off with cookbooks and making fine cuisine for himself with his table scraps. In time, Moreau grew to enjoy serving food to others, and his chef instilled in him the pride of a cook.

Weapons Officer
Moreau is very well-read, particularly within the fields of weaponry and tactics; his devil fruit compliments this skill set as it allows him to transform into weaponry he is familiar with. Outside his fruit, his practical application of these skills leaves a bit to be desired.

Physical Appearance

Height:  6'10
Weight: 222 lbs

Hair Style: Worn slicked back making use of a rose-scented Pomade, he keeps his sides shaved short for a clean appearance. If Moreau hasn’t had time to prepare for his day, or if his “product” loses its hold, his hair falls into wavy shoulder-length strands.
Hair Color: Deep and lustrous violet
Eye Color: Steely Gray

Scars: Left arm cut off in a clean chop, faint rosy burn on the back of his remaining biological hand.
- Moreau's missing arm has been replaced by a mechanical prosthesis composed of a gleaming silvery alloy.

Clothing and Accessories: The gentleman wears a white undershirt, black slacks, and argyle gray socks for his base layer. Above this, he often wears a dark heather suit vest with a corsage and tie; he appreciates elegant ties and regularly rotates his selection of classy, ostentatious, or downright bizarre accessories.

Moreau is a fashionable gent, though he tends to dress in a modest and professional fashion he has an extensive collection of stylish outfits that he keeps hidden in the depths of his dresser.

He sometimes wears a Monocle but tends to put it away when in private. It is strictly for the sake of keeping up appearances as a gentleman.

Description: Jean is a well-kept and hygienic man who takes good care of himself. He is slightly gaunt in the face with sunken stormy eyes, long lashes, and sharp features that distinguish him from most men. He wears his facial hair in the form of a well-maintained mustache and sparing beard hairs upon his chin.

Moreau stands at a svelte and lanky 6’10. His long legs, good nutrition, and excellent posture contributed to his above-average height. His skin is a pale and striking white that tans surprisingly well, he keeps it well exfoliated; his epidermis and muscles are firm, and often cold to the touch because of his devil fruit.

Moreau wears a variety of colognes, preferring those with floral scents, but his scent tends to mellow out to a mixture of gunpowder, wine, and roses.

Main Traits

Though Moreau presents himself as a kindly and dignified gentleman absolute power corrupts absolutely; for some, even a taste of authority is enough for morality to begin fraying, such is the case with Ensign Moreau. He will both follow and issue orders regardless of their weight on his conscience; the extent to which he is willing to “break the rules” is based almost entirely on personal convenience for himself and his crewmates. Whenever it suits him Moreau can be relied upon to circumvent, misconstrue, and find loopholes in regulations that would not be in the best interest of him or his crew to follow. He would have made a fine attorney.

Moreau’s upbringing and the novellas he reads have cultivated in him an urge towards chivalry, the following are the principles that he most strongly believes in:
- Protecting the innocent and defenseless
- Respecting the honor of women
- Obeisance of authority
- Perseverance in one’s endeavors
Moreau can be forced to compromise any of these principles if ordered to, but he is most reticent to violate the first two. In addition, he does not believe women to be incapable or inferior compared to men; he simply has a romanticized notion of how a man ought to treat a lady.

He enjoys reading, the bulk of what he reads consists of technical manuals pertaining to weaponry and tactics, however he frequently thumbs through novellas (particularly mysteries and romances), when he finds spare time. Much of what Moreau knows he has learned through reading, oftentimes he finds himself “knowing” how to resolve a situation, but without the practical experience to apply his knowledge.

Moreau is an anxious person who contemplates things deeply, for a long period of time his “over-thinking” prevented him from passing his boot camp’s combat examinations. Though he can now keep his thoughts controlled enough to handle himself in a fight, his mind has not gotten any less active, the following are important facets of Moreau’s thought process:
- Consideration, he is considerate of others (primarily of his crewmates) and takes both their needs and wants into account, wherever he can he tries to make things more pleasant for those he cares for.
- Judgment, he is good at determining the most sensible course of action in a situation. He often knows exactly the words to say or actions to take to resolve a situation.
- Analysis, he is excellent at analyzing the nuances of a situation including potential boons and liabilities. He is acutely perceptive both visually and socially, easily picking up on the finer details of things.

Likes: Fashion, Weaponry, Well educated people, Good Conversation, Tea, Brandy, Wine, Ladies (surprisingly)
Dislikes: Killing, Messiness, Rudeness, Disreputable Men, Meat Cleavers (Phobia)

Unique Laughs: Yare-Yare-shi (Exasperated Laugh), Thé-hé (Chuckle), Gyo-ho-ho-hon! (Boisterous or agreeable laugh)

Personality:  Moreau is a soft-spoken man who approaches the world calmly and rationally, only seeing fit to raise his voice when speaking to multiple people, or when under severe duress. Though he is demure, he is not unwilling to exert his authority when required; in fact, he quite enjoys it when he is permitted to take charge. To Jean, structure, protection, and service are paramount.

Moreau’s true feelings are difficult to discern, though he enjoys conversation he rarely talks about himself, and though his demeanor is affable it always seems that something is brewing beneath the surface. Because of this, one is forced to wonder if his gentle demeanor aligns with his true nature.

In combat, Moreau is an analytic tactician who uses his keen perception and extensive weapons expertise to locate opponents’ weaknesses and hit them where it hurts; preferably only where it hurts, as he dislikes the sight of death. He will only intentionally kill an opponent if he is ordered to, or if he believes them to be an immediate threat to the life of a comrade.

The Past

Hometown: Citadel Beaudoin at the edge of the Amber Kingdom in Flevance.


Last edited by Dadmin on Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:58 pm; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Major Adjustments)
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

[Bio] Moreau Empty Re: [Bio] Moreau

This post has in-line assessment comments.Tue Jun 07, 2022 5:26 pm
Great bio overall. I appreciated you preserving the idealistic nature of the White Saint Pirates despite the raid. I did have a few comments that are marked in orange below though.

Moreau wrote:


Basic Character Information

First Name: ??? (Said infrequently) [ If it's said infrequently then it is still said. A marine's full name would be on their service registry anyway. So, unless Moreau lied about his first name to the Navy, you should include it here. ]
Middle Name: Beaufort
Last Name: Moreau
Epithet: Gentle-Weapon
Birthdate: 12/22/1805
Gender: Gentleman
Race: Human
Faction: Navy
Professions: Butler, Cook

Physical Appearance

Height:  6”1 [ 6" means 6 inches. I think you mean 6'. ]
Weight: 144 lbs

Hair Style: Long Coiffed
Hair Color: Royal Purple
Eye Color: Gray
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Black formalwear, accented with rouge-colored jabot, pocket-square, and undershirt. Pink Gray longcoat for rain. Lavender Linens & Wools for cold weather. Carries a silver pocket watch embossed with a castle.

Description: Svelte, slender, pencil moustache, well-exfoliated pale skin, smells like roses & gunpowder

The Past

Main Traits:  Dignified, Cunning, Thoughtful
Likes: Good Conversation, Fashion, Tea
Dislikes:  Absolutes, Messiness, Killing with ignoble weapons
Unique Laugh: Yare-yare-shi-shi

Hometown: Citadel Beaudoin at the edge of the Amber Kingdom in Flevance.

Personality: Moreau is kindly & chivalrous, though soft-spoken he is not reserved, and he generally makes an effort to be friendly, courteous & helpful to those in his company.
In combat Moreau is eerily calm, analytical, and inquisitive; often he will question and muse on the motivations of an opponent.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

[Bio] Moreau Empty Re: [Bio] Moreau

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:37 am
Moreau is approved!

Moreau wrote:


Basic Character Information

First Name: Jean (Said infrequently)
Middle Name: Beaufort
Last Name: Moreau
Epithet: Gentle-Weapon
Birthdate: 12/22/1805
Gender: Gentleman
Race: Human
Faction: Navy
Professions: Butler, Cook

Physical Appearance

Height:  6'1
Weight: 144 lbs

Hair Style: Long Coiffed
Hair Color: Royal Purple
Eye Color: Gray
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Black formalwear, accented with rouge-colored jabot, pocket-square, and undershirt. Pink Gray longcoat for rain. Lavender Linens & Wools for cold weather. Carries a silver pocket watch embossed with a castle.

Description: Svelte, slender, pencil moustache, well-exfoliated pale skin, smells like roses & gunpowder

The Past

Main Traits:  Dignified, Cunning, Thoughtful
Likes: Good Conversation, Fashion, Tea
Dislikes:  Absolutes, Messiness, Killing with ignoble weapons
Unique Laugh: Yare-yare-shi-shi

Hometown: Citadel Beaudoin at the edge of the Amber Kingdom in Flevance.

Personality: Moreau is kindly & chivalrous, though soft-spoken he is not reserved, and he generally makes an effort to be friendly, courteous & helpful to those in his company.
In combat Moreau is eerily calm, analytical, and inquisitive; often he will question and muse on the motivations of an opponent.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

[Bio] Moreau Empty Re: [Bio] Moreau

This post has in-line assessment comments.Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:10 pm
Unlocked for image updates.
The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

[Bio] Moreau Empty Re: [Bio] Moreau

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:58 pm
Love the new art and colour scheme. Approved!

Moreau wrote:

Jean Beaufort Moreau

[Bio] Moreau Moreau10

Basic Character Information

First Name: Jean, rarely spoken
Middle Name: Beaufort
Last Name: Moreau
Epithet: Gentle-Weapon
Birthdate: 12/22/1805
Gender: Gentleman
Race: Human Cyborg
Faction: Navy


Moreau is a skilled attendant and is accustomed to waiting on others. He carries common creature comforts such as tea, wine, biscuits, and other amenities either on his person; or wherever he can keep them nearest. He is responsive to the preferences of his crewmates and specifically caters to them when possible. He holds hosting and serving those he can as a badge of honor.

Moreau began his time in boot camp as a choreboy, but quickly graduated to working as a Navy Cook at the request of his branch’s Commodore; the boy had been stealing off with cookbooks and making fine cuisine for himself with his table scraps. In time, Moreau grew to enjoy serving food to others, and his chef instilled in him the pride of a cook.

Weapons Officer
Moreau is very well-read, particularly within the fields of weaponry and tactics; his devil fruit compliments this skill set as it allows him to transform into weaponry he is familiar with. Outside his fruit, his practical application of these skills leaves a bit to be desired.

Physical Appearance

Height:  6'10
Weight: 222 lbs

Hair Style: Worn slicked back making use of a rose-scented Pomade, he keeps his sides shaved short for a clean appearance. If Moreau hasn’t had time to prepare for his day, or if his “product” loses its hold, his hair falls into wavy shoulder-length strands.
Hair Color: Deep and lustrous violet
Eye Color: Steely Gray

Scars: Left arm cut off in a clean chop, faint rosy burn on the back of his remaining biological hand.
- Moreau's missing arm has been replaced by a mechanical prosthesis composed of a gleaming silvery alloy.

Clothing and Accessories: The gentleman wears a white undershirt, black slacks, and argyle gray socks for his base layer. Above this, he often wears a dark heather suit vest with a corsage and tie; he appreciates elegant ties and regularly rotates his selection of classy, ostentatious, or downright bizarre accessories.

Moreau is a fashionable gent, though he tends to dress in a modest and professional fashion he has an extensive collection of stylish outfits that he keeps hidden in the depths of his dresser.

He sometimes wears a Monocle but tends to put it away when in private. It is strictly for the sake of keeping up appearances as a gentleman.

Description: Jean is a well-kept and hygienic man who takes good care of himself. He is slightly gaunt in the face with sunken stormy eyes, long lashes, and sharp features that distinguish him from most men. He wears his facial hair in the form of a well-maintained mustache and sparing beard hairs upon his chin.

Moreau stands at a svelte and lanky 6’10. His long legs, good nutrition, and excellent posture contributed to his above-average height. His skin is a pale and striking white that tans surprisingly well, he keeps it well exfoliated; his epidermis and muscles are firm, and often cold to the touch because of his devil fruit.

Moreau wears a variety of colognes, preferring those with floral scents, but his scent tends to mellow out to a mixture of gunpowder, wine, and roses.

Main Traits

Though Moreau presents himself as a kindly and dignified gentleman absolute power corrupts absolutely; for some, even a taste of authority is enough for morality to begin fraying, such is the case with Ensign Moreau. He will both follow and issue orders regardless of their weight on his conscience; the extent to which he is willing to “break the rules” is based almost entirely on personal convenience for himself and his crewmates. Whenever it suits him Moreau can be relied upon to circumvent, misconstrue, and find loopholes in regulations that would not be in the best interest of him or his crew to follow. He would have made a fine attorney.

Moreau’s upbringing and the novellas he reads have cultivated in him an urge towards chivalry, the following are the principles that he most strongly believes in:
- Protecting the innocent and defenseless
- Respecting the honor of women
- Obeisance of authority
- Perseverance in one’s endeavors
Moreau can be forced to compromise any of these principles if ordered to, but he is most reticent to violate the first two. In addition, he does not believe women to be incapable or inferior compared to men; he simply has a romanticized notion of how a man ought to treat a lady.

He enjoys reading, the bulk of what he reads consists of technical manuals pertaining to weaponry and tactics, however he frequently thumbs through novellas (particularly mysteries and romances), when he finds spare time. Much of what Moreau knows he has learned through reading, oftentimes he finds himself “knowing” how to resolve a situation, but without the practical experience to apply his knowledge.

Moreau is an anxious person who contemplates things deeply, for a long period of time his “over-thinking” prevented him from passing his boot camp’s combat examinations. Though he can now keep his thoughts controlled enough to handle himself in a fight, his mind has not gotten any less active, the following are important facets of Moreau’s thought process:
- Consideration, he is considerate of others (primarily of his crewmates) and takes both their needs and wants into account, wherever he can he tries to make things more pleasant for those he cares for.
- Judgment, he is good at determining the most sensible course of action in a situation. He often knows exactly the words to say or actions to take to resolve a situation.
- Analysis, he is excellent at analyzing the nuances of a situation including potential boons and liabilities. He is acutely perceptive both visually and socially, easily picking up on the finer details of things.

Likes: Fashion, Weaponry, Well educated people, Good Conversation, Tea, Brandy, Wine, Ladies (surprisingly)
Dislikes: Killing, Messiness, Rudeness, Disreputable Men, Meat Cleavers (Phobia)

Unique Laughs: Yare-Yare-shi (Exasperated Laugh), Thé-hé (Chuckle), Gyo-ho-ho-hon! (Boisterous or agreeable laugh)

Personality:  Moreau is a soft-spoken man who approaches the world calmly and rationally, only seeing fit to raise his voice when speaking to multiple people, or when under severe duress. Though he is demure, he is not unwilling to exert his authority when required; in fact, he quite enjoys it when he is permitted to take charge. To Jean, structure, protection, and service are paramount.

Moreau’s true feelings are difficult to discern, though he enjoys conversation he rarely talks about himself, and though his demeanor is affable it always seems that something is brewing beneath the surface. Because of this, one is forced to wonder if his gentle demeanor aligns with his true nature.

In combat, Moreau is an analytic tactician who uses his keen perception and extensive weapons expertise to locate opponents’ weaknesses and hit them where it hurts; preferably only where it hurts, as he dislikes the sight of death. He will only intentionally kill an opponent if he is ordered to, or if he believes them to be an immediate threat to the life of a comrade.

The Past

Hometown: Citadel Beaudoin at the edge of the Amber Kingdom in Flevance.

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