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[Bio] Mars Masato  Empty [Bio] Mars Masato

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:09 am

Mars Masato

[Bio] Mars Masato  Urahara-Kisuke-600-610605s

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Jackpot | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Mars
Middle Name/Initial:
Last Name: Masato
Epithet: Wheezing Heron
Age: Twenty-Seven (27)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Navy Commodore

Physical Appearance

Height: 6’4” (193 cm)
Weight: 189 lbs (85.72 kg)

Hair Style: Messy/Ruffled hair reaches his shoulders and over his eyes.  
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Olive
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Out of uniform, Mars enjoys wearing more high end designer clothing. Usually he is wearing dark colored button ups with a light jacket over it, a pair of grey slacks with dress boots that allow utility in case of a scuffle and some light adornment of jewelry to add flair. In uniform Mars will often wear a black t-shirt underneath his uniform and will look for any opportunity to ‘lose’ his uniform top.

Description: Mars is a tall lanky man with surprisingly well toned muscle definition that he is quite proud of. However he has a sleepy look about him due to how his eyes naturally look hooded at all times. His posture shows off his full stature and he is constantly smirking as if he is always plotting or scheming. His olive eyes are always tracking people and he isn’t afraid to greet strangers when eye contact is made. Utilizing his natural smile to disarm most people with how easily it comes to him.

The Past

Main Traits: Scheming, Focused, Charming, Kind, Calm
Likes: Cigarettes, Fine Dining/Clothing, Order, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Chaos, Dirty/Torn Clothes, Corruption, Sweets
Unique laugh: “Hhhh, hhhh, hhhh” *Wheezing noises from his years of smoking*

Hometown: Ilusia Kingdom
Personality: Mars is a natural schemer who is constantly observing those around him. However, instead of being manipulative he acts as a guardian for those in need. Being raised by a single mother, Mars respects hard work over and drive, often emulating this in his own works. He enjoys fashion and doesn’t mind wearing outlandish outfits whenever he has the chance, though his usual attire isn’t flashy. A kind person who enjoys teasing those around him, Mars isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to help others and is always willing to uphold the law. Not one to anger easily, Mars is usually easy to talk to and is always willing to listen to others, though he can’t promise any advice if it’s out of his expertise.

When Mars is made angry, his anger is often a cool slow burn that is reflected in his ever present smile disappearing and a glare to match. Not one for words when he is angry, Mars will often do what he feels is necessary to complete his job even if it’s something he doesn’t necessarily agree with. Though he refuses to commit any atrocities in the name of his job, that line is what distinguishes order from chaos.

Despite his kind nature and strict moral boundaries, Mars learned how to blend into crowds and talk his way out of a dangerous situation. A skill he learned growing up and one that has served him well in his time with the marines. It often allows him to gather intel without tipping off those he is tailing.

The Conqueror / Black Fist
Name : Gray
Epithet : "The Conqueror"; "Black Fist"
Age : 49
Height : 10'2" (310 cm)
Weight : 1043 lbs (473 kg)
Species : Cyborg Human
Faction : Pirate
World Position : Lurking Legend (Former Yonkou)
Crew : Black Fist Pirates (Destroyed)
Ship : Sangria's Vane (Destroyed)
Crew Role : Captain (Former)
Devil Fruit : Pressure-Pressure Fruit
Bounty : [ber=r] 5,000,000,000
EXP Bonus : +0.20 (to all allies)
Income Bonus : +0.20
Shop Discount : -30%
Balance : [bel] 25,000,000,000

Posts : 3928

[Bio] Mars Masato  Empty Re: [Bio] Mars Masato

This post has in-line assessment comments.Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:46 am

Mars Masato Mori wrote:

Mars Masato Mori

[Bio] Mars Masato  Urahara-Kisuke-600-610605s

Basic Character Information

Starting Bonus: Force is Strong. | [Starting Bonus Roll]

First Name: Mars
Middle Name/Initial: Masato
Last Name: Mori
Epithet: Wheezing Heron
Age: Twenty-Seven (27)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction: Marine
Profession: Navy Commodore

Physical Appearance

Height: 6’4” (193 cm)
Weight: 189 lbs (85.72 kg)

Hair Style: Messy/Ruffled hair reaches his shoulders and over his eyes.  
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Olive
Scars: None
Clothing and Accessories: Out of uniform, Mars enjoys wearing more high end designer clothing. Usually he is wearing dark colored button ups with a light jacket over it, a pair of grey slacks with dress boots that allow utility in case of a scuffle and some light adornment of jewelry to add flair. In uniform Mars will often wear a black t-shirt underneath his uniform and will look for any opportunity to ‘lose’ his uniform top.

Description: Mars is a tall lanky man with surprisingly well toned muscle definition that he is quite proud of. However he has a sleepy look about him due to how his eyes naturally look hooded at all times. His posture shows off his full stature and he is constantly smirking as if he is always plotting or scheming. His olive eyes are always tracking people and he isn’t afraid to greet strangers when eye contact is made. Utilizing his natural smile to disarm most people with how easily it comes to him.

The Past

Main Traits: Scheming, Focused, Charming, Kind, Calm
Likes: Cigarettes, Fine Dining/Clothing, Order, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Chaos, Dirty/Torn Clothes, Corruption, Sweets
Unique laugh: “Hhhh, hhhh, hhhh” *Wheezing noises from his years of smoking*

Hometown: Ilusia Kingdom
Personality: Mars is a natural schemer who is constantly observing those around him. However, instead of being manipulative he acts as a guardian for those in need. Being raised by a single mother, Mars respects hard work over and drive, often emulating this in his own works. He enjoys fashion and doesn’t mind wearing outlandish outfits whenever he has the chance, though his usual attire isn’t flashy. A kind person who enjoys teasing those around him, Mars isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to help others and is always willing to uphold the law. Not one to anger easily, Mars is usually easy to talk to and is always willing to listen to others, though he can’t promise any advice if it’s out of his expertise.

When Mars is made angry, his anger is often a cool slow burn that is reflected in his ever present smile disappearing and a glare to match. Not one for words when he is angry, Mars will often do what he feels is necessary to complete his job even if it’s something he doesn’t necessarily agree with. Though he refuses to commit any atrocities in the name of his job, that line is what distinguishes order from chaos.

Despite his kind nature and strict moral boundaries, Mars learned how to blend into crowds and talk his way out of a dangerous situation. A skill he learned growing up and one that has served him well in his time with the marines. It often allows him to gather intel without tipping off those he is tailing.

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